The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

There is poverty in the US as well. What's new?

4 million Moroccans live on less than $4 a day. Our welfare system is much greater than this.

In our welfare system, you get a free cell phone with 250 anytime minutes, a house in the suburb, free food and healthcare for you and your family, paid daycare if you have a job.
Is that why there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people ?

No, there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people due to drugs and mental instability. It became unconstitutional to lock people up who have committed no crime. Since that time, mentally unstable people have been free to live wherever they can. While there are homeless shelters around, many do not go to them because they would rather live outside.
Gun use rarely saves lives.

Why do you intentionally lie?

CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama
Kyle Wintersteen - August 27, 2013

Here are some key findings from the CDC report, "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence," released in June:

1. Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker:

"Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies."

2. Defensive uses of guns are common:

"Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year... in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008."

3. Mass shootings and accidental firearm deaths account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths, and both are declining:

"The number of public mass shootings of the type that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School accounted for a very small fraction of all firearm-related deaths. Since 1983 there have been 78 events in which 4 or more individuals were killed by a single perpetrator in 1 day in the United States, resulting in 547 victims and 476 injured persons." The report also notes, "Unintentional firearm-related deaths have steadily declined during the past century. The number of unintentional deaths due to firearm-related incidents accounted for less than 1 percent of all unintentional fatalities in 2010."

4. "Interventions" (i.e, gun control) such as background checks, so-called assault rifle bans and gun-free zones produce "mixed" results:

"Whether gun restrictions reduce firearm-related violence is an unresolved issue." The report could not conclude whether "passage of right-to-carry laws decrease or increase violence crime."

5. Gun buyback/turn-in programs are "ineffective" in reducing crime:

"There is empirical evidence that gun turn in programs are ineffective, as noted in the 2005 NRC study Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review. For example, in 2009, an estimated 310 million guns were available to civilians in the United States (Krouse, 2012), but gun buy-back programs typically recover less than 1,000 guns (NRC, 2005). On the local level, buy-backs may increase awareness of firearm violence. However, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for example, guns recovered in the buy-back were not the same guns as those most often used in homicides and suicides (Kuhn et al., 2002)."

6. Stolen guns and retail/gun show purchases account for very little crime:

"More recent prisoner surveys suggest that stolen guns account for only a small percentage of guns used by convicted criminals. … According to a 1997 survey of inmates, approximately 70 percent of the guns used or possess by criminals at the time of their arrest came from family or friends, drug dealers, street purchases, or the underground market."

7. The vast majority of gun-related deaths are not homicides, but suicides:

"Between the years 2000-2010 firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups, annually accounting for 61 percent of the more than 335,600 people who died from firearms related violence in the United States."

Why No One Has Heard This?


CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama - Guns and Ammo
You know , that is the 2nd time you have called me a liar, without any proof, of your claim. Would you like to see my proof?

CIA Drug Running, Reagan / Bush created the HIGHEST Crime Rate in History!!!
Bill Clinton REDUCED Crime more than any president in history!!!

Yeah. Ok. Don’t even try to compare Clinton to Reagan. Reagan was one of our best presidents. He didn’t take shit from anyone. Ask Iran about him. They gave up the hostages immediately when he won the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bullshit!!! Reagan / Bush made a deal with Iran to keep hostages until he was president to screw Carter. Reagan PAID Iran off with weapons bought with illegal CIA drug money! Reagan caused 2 JOB KILLING recessions & DOUBLED THE DEBT!!!

Bill Clinton was the GREATEST President Ever!!! He created More Jobs & Reduced Crime More than Any President Ever!!!

I see his tin foil hat fell off again...

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
I am an American, not a European or some weirdo intellectual. I see the forest from the trees. The constitution is a man made document and subject to alterations. The Second amendment needs serious reinterpretation or complete erasure either/or.

Have you been drinking? Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for Disease control....lives saved from rape, robbery and murder....and as more Americans have owned, and carried guns, our gun murder rate has gone down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%......

We don't need to reinterperate the 2nd....we need to get democrats to stop releasing violent criminals from jail....that is the issue...and they keep freaking doing it...

Democrats are the reason we need to own and carry guns. They just won't admit it.
I agree. I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment.

However, I am an even bigger supporter of facts and reality.

It's a simple fact our homicide rate would plummet to a tiny fraction of what is is now if we enacted the same strict gun control of our European and Canadian friends.

And, as I have shown you many times before, our violent crime rate would explode. That would make you happy? Why?
Wow, so we put a man on the moon. Make that great leap, we can stop gun violence by banning guns. It isn't that hard, put 2 and 2 together. No guns= no mass shootings. Of course, we might have a uptick in mass can opener woundings or pencil stabbings, but that is the risk we take.Because we live in a free society.
Minorities shooting themselves ?
Like the Vegas shooter? Parkland shooter? Sandy hook shooter? Pittsburgh shooter? Black church shooter ? Oklahoma bomber? Jfk killer? Reagan shooter? Damn foreigners and minorities.

We have here a troll from, or in, a third world country. No language, grammar, or punctuation skills. Simply trying to stir the pot.

Wow, so we put a man on the moon. Make that great leap, we can stop gun violence by banning guns. It isn't that hard, put 2 and 2 together. No guns= no mass shootings. Of course, we might have a uptick in mass can opener woundings or pencil stabbings, but that is the risk we take.Because we live in a free society.

Actually you would see a huge increase in rapes, robberies and assaults.

As I stated earlier, if you think a disarmed society is such a good thing, get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME, and put that on your front porch and see what happens. Because if they were ever to create a law that did disarm society, that's exactly what you'd be doing; informing the criminal element that you are incapable of defending yourself.
Be that as it may, the experience of other developed industrial nations has shown that licensing owners and severely reducing the number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation drastically reduces the level of gun violence.

Of course the US is too exceptional for such behaviour to apply to it. My bad.

That's not what it shows. We have a number of different factors that contribute to our murder rate in the US. Guns are not the only one.
CIA Drug Running, Reagan / Bush created the HIGHEST Crime Rate in History!!!
Bill Clinton REDUCED Crime more than any president in history!!!

Yeah. Ok. Don’t even try to compare Clinton to Reagan. Reagan was one of our best presidents. He didn’t take shit from anyone. Ask Iran about him. They gave up the hostages immediately when he won the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bullshit!!! Reagan / Bush made a deal with Iran to keep hostages until he was president to screw Carter. Reagan PAID Iran off with weapons bought with illegal CIA drug money! Reagan caused 2 JOB KILLING recessions & DOUBLED THE DEBT!!!

Bill Clinton was the GREATEST President Ever!!! He created More Jobs & Reduced Crime More than Any President Ever!!!
I see his tin foil hat fell off again...
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
I am an American, not a European or some weirdo intellectual. I see the forest from the trees. The constitution is a man made document and subject to alterations. The Second amendment needs serious reinterpretation or complete erasure either/or.

Have you been drinking? Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to the Centers for Disease control....lives saved from rape, robbery and murder....and as more Americans have owned, and carried guns, our gun murder rate has gone down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%......

We don't need to reinterperate the 2nd....we need to get democrats to stop releasing violent criminals from jail....that is the issue...and they keep freaking doing it...

Democrats are the reason we need to own and carry guns. They just won't admit it.


Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
Be that as it may, the experience of other developed industrial nations has shown that licensing owners and severely reducing the number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation drastically reduces the level of gun violence.

Of course the US is too exceptional for such behaviour to apply to it. My bad.

No, it hasn't shown any such thing. As the saying goes, correlation isn't are leaving out all of the different culturally factors, especially between American Criminals and European criminals.....the European criminals tend not to shoot to kill, they shoot to wound as a warning or as punishment...and as this thread is on Ireland, you have the paramilitaries in Northern Ireland who punish people by shooting them in the legs, and in fact, the families of the victims will give them alcohol or drugs to get them ready for the shooting...

You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to crime and guns..

How does licensing normal, law abiding people do anything about criminals with illegal guns? And as gun crime in Britain is going up after they banned guns, and going down in America as more people own and carry guns, how does that support your argument?
Wow, so we put a man on the moon. Make that great leap, we can stop gun violence by banning guns. It isn't that hard, put 2 and 2 together. No guns= no mass shootings. Of course, we might have a uptick in mass can opener woundings or pencil stabbings, but that is the risk we take.Because we live in a free society.

Then explain the Paris slaughter at the rock concert and Charlie Hebdo..... fully automatic military weapons are illegal in France and the continent....yet muslim terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, many if not all of them convicted fully automatic military weapons easily.....

Dittos the shooting in Crimea two weeks ago.....
Be that as it may, the experience of other developed industrial nations has shown that licensing owners and severely reducing the number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation drastically reduces the level of gun violence.

Of course the US is too exceptional for such behaviour to apply to it. My bad.

That's not what it shows. We have a number of different factors that contribute to our murder rate in the US. Guns are not the only one.

The biggest factors in their lower level of current murder? The destruction to their societies caused by both World Wars, and the lag time between rebuilding their countries and the social welfare state destroying their family structures......and now they are catching up.
Ever had someone point a gun at you? For whatever reason? Cops, relatives or other people? And the reasons, and the reasons...I need to act like there need be one? I have, and for no reason other than fleeting meaningless ones. Cops mistaking or relatives being drunken paranoid cancer ridden veterans. Or other situations. I will never ever own or touch a gun in my lifetime, ever. Done with them.
There is poverty in the US as well. What's new?

4 million Moroccans live on less than $4 a day. Our welfare system is much greater than this.

In our welfare system, you get a free cell phone with 250 anytime minutes, a house in the suburb, free food and healthcare for you and your family, paid daycare if you have a job.
Is that why there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people ?

Link please.
The January 2017 Point-in-Time count, the most recent national estimate of homelessness in the United States, identified 553,742 people experiencing homelessness.

State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness

Dont forget to say thank you.
They harder...Morocco is the most visited country in Africa so STFU.

No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

In Morocco you son of a bitches throw them in jail, idiot.
Very rare. You have a link?
Be that as it may, the experience of other developed industrial nations has shown that licensing owners and severely reducing the number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation drastically reduces the level of gun violence.

Of course the US is too exceptional for such behaviour to apply to it. My bad.

That's not what it shows. We have a number of different factors that contribute to our murder rate in the US. Guns are not the only one.

The biggest factors in their lower level of current murder? The destruction to their societies caused by both World Wars, and the lag time between rebuilding their countries and the social welfare state destroying their family structures......and now they are catching up.

As you pointed out, the demographic difference is a huge factor. People like to compare nearly all white countries to ours, but they don't have nearly the diversity we do. If you compare our crime by whites only to those countries, we'd probably find more similarities than differences.

It's the kind of people that are killing, not the guns.
They harder...Morocco is the most visited country in Africa so STFU.

No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

So where's the link?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017

There you go and I bet of the killers are your comrades, you guys are known foe your hate to minorities.
Namibia, Botswana, S. Africa, Tunisia have more freedom than Moroccans, there are more countries than that in Africa but it is not nearly as free as Issa claims.. The Moroccans have no freedom of the press. The Moroccans jail dissenters. The Moroccans jail you if you are gay. The Moroccans women don’t have the same freedoms as Moroccan men. People in Morocco make less than their counterparts in Tunisia. Raping of women is illegal however very difficult to prosecute. Restraining orders for violence against women’s is very difficult to get.

Freedom of speech thrives in the United States, not so in Morocco, dissent could land you in jail. There is no free press in Morocco however it thrives in the United States. There is no innocent until proven guilty in Morocco, there isin the United States. The state religion in Morocco is Islam, the United States has no state religion. Morocco you are not allowed convert Muslims to another religion. Sharia law prevails In Morocco, not in United States. Moroccan Christians are pressured by the government to renounce their faith.

The reason Issa is here is because he can make a fair living here and live like a king over there. It is a third world country, no doubt about it.
If the constitution is a living breathing document, then it isn't transfixed in the 18th century. The era of flintlocks and legalized slavery. So amendments can be changed to fit the zeitgeist. After all, our forefathers held all men to be equal also held slaves. So in the era of mass shootings by maniacs using machineguns, it's time to end the sacrosanct nature of the second amendment. Maybe perhaps?
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