The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

And yet with drugs being illegal you have criminals breaking the law daily, so what is the damn point of banning something when you know the majority of the society will disobey?
morocco has their own 'islamic state' terrorists and terrorism is LIKELY according to 'u.k. Government' , --- Terrorism - Morocco travel advice ---
They harder...Morocco is the most visited country in Africa so STFU.

No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
There is poverty in the US as well. What's new?

4 million Moroccans live on less than $4 a day. Our welfare system is much greater than this.

In our welfare system, you get a free cell phone with 250 anytime minutes, a house in the suburb, free food and healthcare for you and your family, paid daycare if you have a job.
------------------------------------------- while in 'morocco' you get trampled to death as you try to pick up a free loaf of bread . And 'morocco' was founded in '622 AD ' and they still can't feed the Populace except for the 'king' , his family and the 'kings' tribe .
To an extent, yes. But this notion tends to overlook the law abiding, refusing to bend knee to a “law” that goes too far.
For me personally..? I’ll decide who is a criminal, and miscreant. I do not desire, or require the government to discern this for me...
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more thany any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!
To an extent, yes. But this notion tends to overlook the law abiding, refusing to bend knee to a “law” that goes too far.
For me personally..? I’ll decide who is a criminal, and miscreant. I do not desire, or require the government to discern this for me...
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more thany any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!

Obama grants clemency to 231 inmates in one-day record
To an extent, yes. But this notion tends to overlook the law abiding, refusing to bend knee to a “law” that goes too far.
For me personally..? I’ll decide who is a criminal, and miscreant. I do not desire, or require the government to discern this for me...
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more thany any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!
You know , that is the 2nd time you have called me a liar, without any proof, of your claim. Would you like to see my proof?

Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.
----------------------- ITS not a necessity , its both a choice and a RIGHT G5000 .
I agree. I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment.

However, I am an even bigger supporter of facts and reality.

It's a simple fact our homicide rate would plummet to a tiny fraction of what is is now if we enacted the same strict gun control of our European and Canadian friends.

Correct. Look how well that worked out with recreational narcotics in this country.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.

If firearms are no longer a "necessity" as in your little imaginary scenario, they would still be a luxury item, as most of mine are. So would you also ban such luxury items as wide-screen televisions, sports cars, private airplanes, motorcycles, swimming pools, off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, etc?

You know damned well that more people are killed by those than are firearms, zipperhead. You can take your fear and hatred of firearms and stick them up your ass, because nobody is giving them up.
So why are drugs illegal then?

Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.

If firearms are no longer a "necessity" as in your little imaginary scenario, they would still be a luxury item, as most of mine are. So would you also ban such luxury items as wide-screen televisions, sports cars, private airplanes, motorcycles, swimming pools, off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, etc?

You know damned well that more people are killed by those, than are firearms.
You really should have read post 167.

There's that TardLogic™ I have mocked so many times.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

And yet with drugs being illegal you have criminals breaking the law daily, so what is the damn point of banning something when you know the majority of the society will disobey?

People say that the war on drugs is a failure, the implication being that a war on drugs cannot succeed. But what they don't tell you are the success stories on the war on drugs, in places like Singapore where they is next to no drug use now.

The issue is not that a war on drugs cannot work, the issue is that countries like the US don't have to stomach to fight the war on drugs so it will succeed.

In the US, we find capital punishment to be barbaric.

However, murdering the unborn and watching people overdose at the rate of 200/day seems to be the civilized approach.

I would love to see a fleet of drones sent over to knock of the drug lords abroad but Progressives would have a cow. Progs like Obama would rather give them guns instead and keep the border wide open for them to come across
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

And yet with drugs being illegal you have criminals breaking the law daily, so what is the damn point of banning something when you know the majority of the society will disobey?

People say that the war on drugs is a failure, the implication being that a war on drugs cannot succeed. But what they don't tell you are the success stories on the war on drugs, in places like Singapore where they is next to no drug use now.

The issue is not that a war on drugs cannot work, the issue is that countries like the US don't have to stomach to fight the war on drugs so it will succeed.

In the US, we find capital punishment to be barbaric.

However, murdering the unborn and watching people overdose at the rate of 200/day seems to be the civilized approach.

I would love to see a fleet of drones sent over to knock of the drug lords abroad.
My war on drugs is easy...
If they try to bring them in the country by air, we shoot them down, no survivors.
If they try to bring them in on the ground or sea, we blow them up, no survivors.
If they make it in the US of A, then the fields are burnt to the ground and the makers are shot.
Pretty soon drugs become so expensive that no one can afford them except people like, liberal Jeff Bezos.
That is how a war is won..

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

And yet with drugs being illegal you have criminals breaking the law daily, so what is the damn point of banning something when you know the majority of the society will disobey?

People say that the war on drugs is a failure, the implication being that a war on drugs cannot succeed. But what they don't tell you are the success stories on the war on drugs, in places like Singapore where they is next to no drug use now.

The issue is not that a war on drugs cannot work, the issue is that countries like the US don't have to stomach to fight the war on drugs so it will succeed.

In the US, we find capital punishment to be barbaric.

However, murdering the unborn and watching people overdose at the rate of 200/day seems to be the civilized approach.

I would love to see a fleet of drones sent over to knock of the drug lords abroad.
My war on drugs is easy...
If they try to bring them in the country by air, we shoot them down, no survivors.
If they try to bring them in on the ground or sea, we blow them up, no survivors.
If they make it in the US of A, then the fields are burnt to the ground and the makers are shot.
Pretty soon drugs become so expensive that no one can afford them except people like, liberal Jeff Bezos.
That is how a war is won..


The drug industry is big money. As a result, I have two questions.

1. How much, of any, of the drug money lines the pockets of US politicians?
2. Do US politician fear assassination as much as politicians in places like Mexico?

I think it a fair theory that one of the major reasons neither party wants to secure the border is because of one or both of the possibilities above.

Remember, the GOP did NOTHING for 2 years they were in power to secure the border.
Animals looking for a reason to steal, set fires and riot. Animals showing there true colors.

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Honestly, if Dims are going to say those that want a wall are racists, those that want a wall should call the other side bought and paid for by the drug lords down south.
Honestly, if Dims are going to say those that want a wall are racists, those that want a wall should call the other side bought and paid for by the drug lords down south.

That's true. By not supporting the wall, the Democrats are aiding and abetting drug and weapon smugglers, coyotes who take advantage of women and children, murderers, rapists, sexual offenders, and terrorists who sneak across the border.

Good job, Dems. You should be really, really proud of yourselves.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

How did that work for prohibition in the 1920's? Not very well.

Do you know what drug kills the most Americans? It is alcohol.

Want to legalize everything else?
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

How did that work for prohibition in the 1920's? Not very well.

Do you know what drug kills the most Americans? It is alcohol.

Want to legalize everything else?
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

How did that work for prohibition in the 1920's? Not very well.

Do you know what drug kills the most Americans? It is alcohol.

Want to legalize everything else?

What I find interesting some who want to ban guns want drugs legalized and I don't mean just Maryjane. But to directly answer your question no.

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