The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

-------------------------- [chuckle] , not MANY get murdered eh 'birber' ??
Nope the US is much worse for gays.

That is why they throw them in jail? I read the stories, one guy got three years. Three years and that isn’t worse? Lol!

We all know you need to tow the Moroccan line or they will throw your ass in jail because you have no free speech. Sad third world country.

They try to get Christians to renounce their faith, their is no free press. Sad third world no freedom country.
They have a long way to go I admit does the US.
The poor cant pay their way out in the justice system.
African Americans get shot and killed
Kids get separated from their families and held in cages.
Assassinations of political figures.
The media is the enemy of the people according to the president of the country.
Election fraud according to the leader of the country.
Bailouts for the rich like trump and they call them bankruptcies.
Invading other countries , killing innocent people and stealing their wealth.
I love both countries but both have negatives as you can see.

Human rights are deteriorating,
Human rights in Morocco deteriorate in 2017-18: rights group | Reuters

No free press in Morocco.

Morocco is a third world country and has no freedom of the press.
Same for the US lot of injustice, the rich get away with robbing and the poor gets jailed..

Sorry but, Morocco is deplorable on human rights, the United States is not.

Moroccans hate gays, treat their women as second class citizens, have no free press, try to get Christians to renounce their faith, punish protester, are not allowed to speak against the government. I can see why you would lie about the country, you may face punishment by your own government. It’s all good we know what you really mean. I hope you get freedom one day.
-------------------------- [chuckle] , not MANY get murdered eh 'birber' ??
Nope the US is much worse for gays.

Try reading the links instead of your Moroccan state run press.
Again I've lived there I need no links.

Yep, you live in a third world country. You believe what your government tells you and are blind to their atrocities. I also realize if you sad bad things about your country, the Moroccan government could throw you in jail if you say anything.
Awfully wrong trying so hard...too bad you cant read Arabic or french...all the day everyday is the newspapers criticize the government....your supreme leader called the media the enemy of the people....he gives interviews only to those that kiss his ass....pretty much like dictators do. :)

We know you can’t speak against the Moroccan government, it’s all good, we don’t want to see you jailed, keep pretending.
Nope the US is much worse for gays.

That is why they throw them in jail? I read the stories, one guy got three years. Three years and that isn’t worse? Lol!

We all know you need to tow the Moroccan line or they will throw your ass in jail because you have no free speech. Sad third world country.

They try to get Christians to renounce their faith, their is no free press. Sad third world no freedom country.
They have a long way to go I admit does the US.
The poor cant pay their way out in the justice system.
African Americans get shot and killed
Kids get separated from their families and held in cages.
Assassinations of political figures.
The media is the enemy of the people according to the president of the country.
Election fraud according to the leader of the country.
Bailouts for the rich like trump and they call them bankruptcies.
Invading other countries , killing innocent people and stealing their wealth.
I love both countries but both have negatives as you can see.

Human rights are deteriorating,
Human rights in Morocco deteriorate in 2017-18: rights group | Reuters

No free press in Morocco.

Morocco is a third world country and has no freedom of the press.
Same for the US lot of injustice, the rich get away with robbing and the poor gets jailed..

Sorry but, Morocco is deplorable on human rights, the United States is not.

Moroccans hate gays, treat their women as second class citizens, have no free press, try to get Christians to renounce their faith, punish protester, are not allowed to speak against the government. I can see why you would lie about the country, you may face punishment by your own government. It’s all good we know what you really mean. I hope you get freedom one day.
I'm very critical of the is most of the news and the people...they have a long way to go not denying it....but you have to stop your lies.
Women are well respected unlike here where they are grabbed by the pussy...the parliament has more representation of women than its US counterpart (especially Republican congressmen).
When a Moroccan woman built the 1st university in the world the US didnt even exist.
We have women in every position possible...even an all women pilot crew for the dreamliner (not even the us has that)
We have more girls in schools than boys.
Protesters are always permitted I dont know where you get your info from.
Here people get punches and roughed at the presidents rallies while he cheers.

Our boys and girls play freely in their neighborhoods, while here they have to be guarded from predators.
We welcome the poor to our houses
We feed strangers and distances famiy members.
We take care of our sick and elderly.
Dude you wish you had more humanity like is all me me me and fuck the rest.
Bitch even mar a lago is Moroccan themed if you sidnt know.
Even your asshole president praised Morocco.
how much money do WE USA taxpayers give you 'birbers' in foreign aid 'birber' ??
That is why they throw them in jail? I read the stories, one guy got three years. Three years and that isn’t worse? Lol!

We all know you need to tow the Moroccan line or they will throw your ass in jail because you have no free speech. Sad third world country.

They try to get Christians to renounce their faith, their is no free press. Sad third world no freedom country.
They have a long way to go I admit does the US.
The poor cant pay their way out in the justice system.
African Americans get shot and killed
Kids get separated from their families and held in cages.
Assassinations of political figures.
The media is the enemy of the people according to the president of the country.
Election fraud according to the leader of the country.
Bailouts for the rich like trump and they call them bankruptcies.
Invading other countries , killing innocent people and stealing their wealth.
I love both countries but both have negatives as you can see.

Human rights are deteriorating,
Human rights in Morocco deteriorate in 2017-18: rights group | Reuters

No free press in Morocco.

Morocco is a third world country and has no freedom of the press.
Same for the US lot of injustice, the rich get away with robbing and the poor gets jailed..

Sorry but, Morocco is deplorable on human rights, the United States is not.

Moroccans hate gays, treat their women as second class citizens, have no free press, try to get Christians to renounce their faith, punish protester, are not allowed to speak against the government. I can see why you would lie about the country, you may face punishment by your own government. It’s all good we know what you really mean. I hope you get freedom one day.
I'm very critical of the is most of the news and the people...they have a long way to go not denying it....but you have to stop your lies.
Women are well respected unlike here where they are grabbed by the pussy...the parliament has more representation of women than its US counterpart (especially Republican congressmen).
When a Moroccan woman built the 1st university in the world the US didnt even exist.
We have women in every position possible...even an all women pilot crew for the dreamliner (not even the us has that)
We have more girls in schools than boys.
Protesters are always permitted I dont know where you get your info from.
Here people get punches and roughed at the presidents rallies while he cheers.

Our boys and girls play freely in their neighborhoods, while here they have to be guarded from predators.
We welcome the poor to our houses
We feed strangers and distances famiy members.
We take care of our sick and elderly.
Dude you wish you had more humanity like is all me me me and fuck the rest.
Bitch even mar a lago is Moroccan themed if you sidnt know.
Even your asshole president praised Morocco.

Your human rights record is already shown you to lie. You have yet to be critical of your government, your press isn’t free. I have supplied link after verifiable link to what I have stated, you post just your opinion. I would take you at your word however I have caught you in lie after lie and I just don’t believe you. Morocco hates women, other religions, gays and free press. If you have an issue with the facts go to the links I posted and let them know.
They have a long way to go I admit does the US.
The poor cant pay their way out in the justice system.
African Americans get shot and killed
Kids get separated from their families and held in cages.
Assassinations of political figures.
The media is the enemy of the people according to the president of the country.
Election fraud according to the leader of the country.
Bailouts for the rich like trump and they call them bankruptcies.
Invading other countries , killing innocent people and stealing their wealth.
I love both countries but both have negatives as you can see.

Human rights are deteriorating,
Human rights in Morocco deteriorate in 2017-18: rights group | Reuters

No free press in Morocco.

Morocco is a third world country and has no freedom of the press.
Same for the US lot of injustice, the rich get away with robbing and the poor gets jailed..

Sorry but, Morocco is deplorable on human rights, the United States is not.

Moroccans hate gays, treat their women as second class citizens, have no free press, try to get Christians to renounce their faith, punish protester, are not allowed to speak against the government. I can see why you would lie about the country, you may face punishment by your own government. It’s all good we know what you really mean. I hope you get freedom one day.
I'm very critical of the is most of the news and the people...they have a long way to go not denying it....but you have to stop your lies.
Women are well respected unlike here where they are grabbed by the pussy...the parliament has more representation of women than its US counterpart (especially Republican congressmen).
When a Moroccan woman built the 1st university in the world the US didnt even exist.
We have women in every position possible...even an all women pilot crew for the dreamliner (not even the us has that)
We have more girls in schools than boys.
Protesters are always permitted I dont know where you get your info from.
Here people get punches and roughed at the presidents rallies while he cheers.

Our boys and girls play freely in their neighborhoods, while here they have to be guarded from predators.
We welcome the poor to our houses
We feed strangers and distances famiy members.
We take care of our sick and elderly.
Dude you wish you had more humanity like is all me me me and fuck the rest.
Bitch even mar a lago is Moroccan themed if you sidnt know.
Even your asshole president praised Morocco.

Your human rights record is already shown you to lie. You have yet to be critical of your government, your press isn’t free. I have supplied link after verifiable link to what I have stated, you post just your opinion. I would take you at your word however I have caught you in lie after lie and I just don’t believe you. Morocco hates women, other religions, gays and free press. If you have an issue with the facts go to the links I posted and let them know.
Ok...if it makes you happy :)
Human rights are deteriorating,
Human rights in Morocco deteriorate in 2017-18: rights group | Reuters

No free press in Morocco.

Morocco is a third world country and has no freedom of the press.
Same for the US lot of injustice, the rich get away with robbing and the poor gets jailed..

Sorry but, Morocco is deplorable on human rights, the United States is not.

Moroccans hate gays, treat their women as second class citizens, have no free press, try to get Christians to renounce their faith, punish protester, are not allowed to speak against the government. I can see why you would lie about the country, you may face punishment by your own government. It’s all good we know what you really mean. I hope you get freedom one day.
I'm very critical of the is most of the news and the people...they have a long way to go not denying it....but you have to stop your lies.
Women are well respected unlike here where they are grabbed by the pussy...the parliament has more representation of women than its US counterpart (especially Republican congressmen).
When a Moroccan woman built the 1st university in the world the US didnt even exist.
We have women in every position possible...even an all women pilot crew for the dreamliner (not even the us has that)
We have more girls in schools than boys.
Protesters are always permitted I dont know where you get your info from.
Here people get punches and roughed at the presidents rallies while he cheers.

Our boys and girls play freely in their neighborhoods, while here they have to be guarded from predators.
We welcome the poor to our houses
We feed strangers and distances famiy members.
We take care of our sick and elderly.
Dude you wish you had more humanity like is all me me me and fuck the rest.
Bitch even mar a lago is Moroccan themed if you sidnt know.
Even your asshole president praised Morocco.

Your human rights record is already shown you to lie. You have yet to be critical of your government, your press isn’t free. I have supplied link after verifiable link to what I have stated, you post just your opinion. I would take you at your word however I have caught you in lie after lie and I just don’t believe you. Morocco hates women, other religions, gays and free press. If you have an issue with the facts go to the links I posted and let them know.
Ok...if it makes you happy :)

The truth makes me happy, your lies are amusing, how you can’t man up to what your country really is. If you have reliable links to back your story, then do it, if not, we all know why not. It’s all good.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

Not even the law abiding gun owners will give up their guns.
Banning guns completely will result in the underground, just like alcohol did in the 20's.
The criminals would love it.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

Not even the law abiding gun owners will give up their guns.
Banning guns completely will result in the underground, just like alcohol did in the 20's.
The criminals would love it.

Not only that, but if you ban guns, the illegal guns would become more valuable; more reason to kill somebody to get them; more reason to rob homes; more of a reason to kill a police officer.
Chickenshit Trump to afraid to Ever visit Any US troops in war zone, yet he crowed about police afraid to confront shooter with AR15!!! Lying Loser Chickenshit Trump Refusing Muller Interview!!!!

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