The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

How does licensing normal, law abiding people do anything about criminals with illegal guns?
I love how you ignore that the mass shooters weren't criminals. Until they were, of course. But you are a raving loony, so fair enough.
How does licensing normal, law abiding people do anything about criminals with illegal guns?
I love how you ignore that the mass shooters weren't criminals. Until they were, of course. But you are a raving loony, so fair enough.

No, moron, they are extremely rare exceptions..... 90% of murderers have long histories of crime and violence before they commit murder, you dumb ass...considering in 2016 there were 6 and in 2017 there were 11...out of 320 million people, they are the rarest of the rare, you moron.......
I feel more threatened by guns than bolstered by them. I used to love guns. I love technology and the history behind them. No so much anymore. In retrospect, I would feel far better if firearms were taken out of American society . No more kindergarten shootings. Sandyhook wasn't what our forefathers envisioned with the Second amendment. Fighting British oppression. Not killing American babies.

So you would prefer the mass killer use a bomb like in OKC instead of a gun. The problem is a social one and will not be solved by any law there is only one way to stop it and that is to completely change the way the social class system has been introduced by the sociocommunist into our country’s culture. The hyphenation of Americans has not just divided the lines on an application for employment it has caused untold damage to personal interaction in this country. The dimshits could care less about immigrants, each immigrant that comes here just for prosperity and NOT to become an assimilated American tears another piece off of our flag. When you see illegal immigrants burning an American flag you see what has caused every mass shooting in this country. The feeling that a person has been marginalized unfairly and has no way to repair their life causes the mental state that results in the horrors that we see acted out daily. Guns are only tools, and not at all close to being a serious one for real mass murder. Our last president gave the most dangerous people on earth the money to acquire the means to destroy more lives in a second than all of the mass shootings ever committed, plus the 9-11 and OKC bombing. What did we hear from the left and the MSM.
Nobody will ever end the American gun cult. I understand that. There is a sort of self feeding vicious cycle here like the reverend Jim Jones, that is in itself scary. I will never ever touch a gun again, ever, because I have that freedom too. I shouldn't be afraid of those that do. Well, it doesn't work that way.

No....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder.....that is why Americans want and need guns....

Jim Jones was a communist.....and like communists he eventually ended up killing a lot of people...
Guns don't stop anything. Rape or murder or robbery. Delusions. You know what does? Having a conscience to begin with. A firearm wont make a idiot smarter. I am an American. Why do people NOW equate avoiding the law, or money or firearms the same as being right? Integrity and honor, well that's not part of the equation.
How does licensing normal, law abiding people do anything about criminals with illegal guns?
I love how you ignore that the mass shooters weren't criminals. Until they were, of course. But you are a raving loony, so fair enough.

So your suggestion is that we disarm the entire country in case a person with no record decides to become a mass murderer? Why don't we have people paying speeding tickets since it's assumed they will be speeding at one time or another during the next week?
How does licensing normal, law abiding people do anything about criminals with illegal guns?
I love how you ignore that the mass shooters weren't criminals. Until they were, of course. But you are a raving loony, so fair enough.

And how would the license have changed that except to be found in the shooters pocket? Some rational train of thought, the license is going to jump out of his pocket and wrest the gun from his hand saving everyone. That is the same as any gun grabbing BS that has been presented here or is puked out every day. There is only ONE reason to register guns, TO
CONFISCATE them and allow the government to control the people instead of We The People controlling it. Plain simple truth. If you want a country without private ownership of guns it is easy to move to one, just don’t expect the freedoms you have here for long or expect to run your mouth when the government shits on you.
Nobody will ever end the American gun cult. I understand that. There is a sort of self feeding vicious cycle here like the reverend Jim Jones, that is in itself scary. I will never ever touch a gun again, ever, because I have that freedom too. I shouldn't be afraid of those that do. Well, it doesn't work that way.

No....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder.....that is why Americans want and need guns....

Jim Jones was a communist.....and like communists he eventually ended up killing a lot of people...
Guns don't stop anything. Rape or murder or robbery. Delusions. You know what does? Having a conscience to begin with. A firearm wont make a idiot smarter. I am an American. Why do people NOW equate avoiding the law, or money or firearms the same as being right? Integrity and honor, well that's not part of the equation.

Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder

Pizza delivery driver shoots, kills armed robber with violent history (VIDEO)

Florida man uses AK-47 to defend himself against three armed assailants (VIDEO)

Customer shoots, kills gunman at Orrville Dollar General - The Selma Times‑Journal

Woman Uses Her Gun To Ward Off Abduction

Armed Thug Shot by Customer During Robbery – His Family’s Response...

THANKS, SON: Widow Dispatches Ohio Home Invader With Gifted Gun - Bearing Arms - Guns Saving Lives, Ohio

Concealed Permit Holder Stops Attempted Mass Shooting in Chicago

Chicago man pulls gun to rob store; customer pulls licensed gun and kills him, police say

I have many more stories if you need them, just ask. But I saved the best for last:

Trooper shot in ‘ambush’ on Arizona highway; passerby fatally shoots suspect
A. Are you seriously comparing mass murders in the US to those in France?

We have them virtually every week. They have them what...yearly?


B. The incident in Crimea took place across the street from a police station and there was no response for a very long time.

Response time here is minutes

Shotguns are simply not as lethal in terms of mass shootings as assault weapons.

So once again you PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know absolutely nothing about guns or shootings. You are definitely out of your league. Is first grade out? Hey it is a waste of time guys this is just a roundy round with a google dimshit worshiper.
People like to compare nearly all white countries to ours, but they don't have nearly the diversity we do.
More ignorant bloviating exceptionalism from rightard dumb fuck gun nuts. NZ has a smaller percentage of 'whites' than the US and a firearms homicide rate one twentieth of that of the US despite having a firearms ownership rate roughly one quarter of that of the US. It also has severe regulation of handguns and assault style rifles.

Now that's been pointed out you'll shift the goal posts again rather than face facts.
So your suggestion is that we disarm the entire country in case a person with no record decides to become a mass murderer?
Where have I suggested that? My suggestions have always been that; firearms owners are licensed with comprehensive background checks including interviews of spouses, family and friends; that handguns and assault style rifles are severely regulated; that weapons in the home are separately secured from ammunition and actions.

Effectively that means 'long guns' is what you have.
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So promoting guns ends up killing kids in preschools, (Humor us here) banning guns might stop gun violence? ya think? I doubt Thomas Jefferson promoted mentally ill people shooting up schools under the second amendment . If he had lived to be 300, I think Jefferson would have had many regrets.
No, it hasn't shown any such thing.
With nothing but the evidence of reduced/no mass shootings since restrictive measures on assault style rifles were enacted. Except for that it hasn't shown a thing, fer shure.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

In Morocco you son of a bitches throw them in jail, idiot.
Very rare. You have a link?
UK may deport man facing persecution in Morocco for being gay
Morocco's Civil Rights Minister: "Gay People Are Trash" | Il Grande Colibrì
I’m Gay and Moroccan — Here’s Why Those Two Things Don’t Mix
If You Care About LGBT Rights, Don't Travel to These 7 Countries

In Morocco being gay is illegal and you can be prosecuted. Three months to three years in prison. Sad third world country.
Hardly the US they get shot, harasses and called names....even this very forum...some are just cruel.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

So where's the link?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017

There you go and I bet of the killers are your comrades, you guys are known foe your hate to minorities.

Probably intolerant Muslims, they hate gays.
Certainly evangelicals hate gays also.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

So where's the link?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017

There you go and I bet of the killers are your comrades, you guys are known foe your hate to minorities.

Some key points in your article. First off, it's a totally anti-trump hit piece. Secondly:

Transgender and lesbian victims were likely also undercounted due to the way law enforcement authorities often report them, LGBTQ advocates say.

The former made up 40% of all 52 victims last year, with transgender people of color especially liable to becoming homicide victims.

According to the report, most of the gay males were killed during or after hookups, many of them initiated online or via personal ads.

adding that some homicides stemmed from robberies. Additionally, remnants of the stigma against homosexual sex and hookups could have also led to violence motivated out of shame.

She was attacked by four assailants, one of whom is suspected to be a former boyfriend, and killed.

So what your piece describes here are murders based on gays killing gays, domestic violence, hearsay and robberies vie online dating. Next is the fact you aren't going to survive long being a black guy in the ghetto and wearing dresses no more than a black guy wearing suits and driving fancy cars.

There are also no links to any specific cases where a person was murdered for being gay only and nothing else.
Alternative facts, anti trump piece...excuses as always. You ask and I shall provide.

Man charged with killing boy, 10, who reportedly came out as gay

Las Vegas dad accused of killing son for being gay

Too many to copy...go ahead start spinning.

I can open a thread about gays in this forum, and you will see the hate coming from your camp.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
I am an American, not a European or some weirdo intellectual. I see the forest from the trees. The constitution is a man made document and subject to alterations. The Second amendment needs serious reinterpretation or complete erasure either/or.
The Second amendment needs serious reinterpretation or complete erasure either/or.
Straight from the mouths of babes...Here once again is the truth coming out about banning all weapons, thus turning US into the Nazi's of Germany where the Jews will be killed, then the Christians, and all will be left is the burned out cities, because just like Germany in the end, those Democrat Socialist Worker Party members were killed for their brutality, which at the time the United States with "GUNS" came in a stop them...

To an extent, yes. But this notion tends to overlook the law abiding, refusing to bend knee to a “law” that goes too far.
For me personally..? I’ll decide who is a criminal, and miscreant. I do not desire, or require the government to discern this for me...
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more than any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!
You know , that is the 2nd time you have called me a liar, without any proof, of your claim. Would you like to see my proof?

CIA Drug Running, Reagan / Bush created the HIGHEST Crime Rate in History!!!
Bill Clinton REDUCED Crime more than any president in history!!!

So just how did Bill Clinton single handedly reduce crime to such levels in your estimation?
To an extent, yes. But this notion tends to overlook the law abiding, refusing to bend knee to a “law” that goes too far.
For me personally..? I’ll decide who is a criminal, and miscreant. I do not desire, or require the government to discern this for me...
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more than any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!
You know , that is the 2nd time you have called me a liar, without any proof, of your claim. Would you like to see my proof?

CIA Drug Running, Reagan / Bush created the HIGHEST Crime Rate in History!!!
Bill Clinton REDUCED Crime more than any president in history!!!

So just how did Bill Clinton single handedly reduce crime to such levels in your estimation?

Clinton regrets 1996 remark on ‘super-predators’ after encounter with activist
lack voters are the linchpin of Hillary Clinton's strategy for winning the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary, and as a result, her campaign has put racial justice issues at the forefront of her agenda. But at an event on Wednesday night, Clinton was vocally confronted by an activist questioning her past support for policies that had a disproportionately negative effect on African Americans.
They like the typical white southern Democrats, targeted all the young black "folks" as super predators, hauled their asses off to jail, thus taking them off welfare, and making it look like they did a great job on the economy....And the liberals today, say we are the racists...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaa


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