The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

Then explain the Paris slaughter at the rock concert and Charlie Hebdo..... fully automatic military weapons are illegal in France and the continent....yet muslim terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, many if not all of them convicted fully automatic military weapons easily.....

Dittos the shooting in Crimea two weeks ago....

A. Are you seriously comparing mass murders in the US to those in France?

We have them virtually every week. They have them what...yearly?


B. The incident in Crimea took place across the street from a police station and there was no response for a very long time.

Response time here is minutes

Shotguns are simply not as lethal in terms of mass shootings as assault weapons.
If the constitution is a living breathing document, then it isn't transfixed in the 18th century. The era of flintlocks and legalized slavery. So amendments can be changed to fit the zeitgeist. After all, our forefathers held all men to be equal also held slaves. So in the era of mass shootings by maniacs using machineguns, it's time to end the sacrosanct nature of the second amendment. Maybe perhaps?

The only ones using fully automatic military weapons were the muslims in France....where fully automatic military weapons are completely banned......

Again, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.... and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 25 years, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

So how do you arrive at your view point?
Then explain the Paris slaughter at the rock concert and Charlie Hebdo..... fully automatic military weapons are illegal in France and the continent....yet muslim terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, many if not all of them convicted fully automatic military weapons easily.....

Dittos the shooting in Crimea two weeks ago....

A. Are you seriously comparing mass murders in the US to those in France?

We have them virtually every week. They have them what...yearly?


B. The incident in Crimea took place across the street from a police station and there was no response for a very long time.

Response time here is minutes

Shotguns are simply not as lethal in terms of mass shootings as assault weapons.

Wrong...we don't have them every week.... in 2016 we had a total of 6.... in 2017, 11...... you don't know what you are talking about.......

Parkland shooter....18 murdered, AR-15

Crimea shooter....21 murdered, 5 shot, pump action shotgun.

Yes....the response time is important...that is why allowing law abiding people to carry their guns with them saves lives......
Be that as it may, the experience of other developed industrial nations has shown that licensing owners and severely reducing the number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation drastically reduces the level of gun violence.

Of course the US is too exceptional for such behaviour to apply to it. My bad.
Fuck face, so called “assault weapons” actually AR15s are just sporting rifles are used in less than 1% firearm related deaths in the US...
So shut the fuck up you moron
If the constitution is a living breathing document, then it isn't transfixed in the 18th century. The era of flintlocks and legalized slavery. So amendments can be changed to fit the zeitgeist. After all, our forefathers held all men to be equal also held slaves. So in the era of mass shootings by maniacs using machineguns, it's time to end the sacrosanct nature of the second amendment. Maybe perhaps?

Our Constitution is not a living document. A living document is one that can be changed at will. In our Republic, it's a major event to amend our Constitution. The only people that claim it's a living document are liberals because liberals hate the Constitution.
No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

In Morocco you son of a bitches throw them in jail, idiot.
Very rare. You have a link?
UK may deport man facing persecution in Morocco for being gay
Morocco's Civil Rights Minister: "Gay People Are Trash" | Il Grande Colibrì
I’m Gay and Moroccan — Here’s Why Those Two Things Don’t Mix
If You Care About LGBT Rights, Don't Travel to These 7 Countries

In Morocco being gay is illegal and you can be prosecuted. Three months to three years in prison. Sad third world country.
No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

So where's the link?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017

There you go and I bet of the killers are your comrades, you guys are known foe your hate to minorities.

Probably intolerant Muslims, they hate gays.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
It appears the terrible issue of gun violence and domestic terrorism and idiots advocating arming children and school teachers with lethal weapons, is to end the NRA, the GOP and tRump!
Okay you do that, there is this guy going around the banks of Florida, brandishing a "GUN" and robs the bank of money.. It used to be someone like this would be hung from the gallows because even horse thieves wouldn't be able to rustle any more horses then. With the liberals 50 shades, we dont execute criminals, we give them rap sheets a mile long...
You Lie!!! Democrats created the 3 Strikes & You Get Life Law! Clinton lowered crime more than any president in history. Repubtards turned criminals loose to run drugs for the CIA exploding crime rates!
You know , that is the 2nd time you have called me a liar, without any proof, of your claim. Would you like to see my proof?

CIA Drug Running, Reagan / Bush created the HIGHEST Crime Rate in History!!!
Bill Clinton REDUCED Crime more than any president in history!!!

Yeah. Ok. Don’t even try to compare Clinton to Reagan. Reagan was one of our best presidents. He didn’t take shit from anyone. Ask Iran about him. They gave up the hostages immediately when he won the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bullshit!!! Reagan / Bush made a deal with Iran to keep hostages until he was president to screw Carter. Reagan PAID Iran off with weapons bought with illegal CIA drug money! Reagan caused 2 JOB KILLING recessions & DOUBLED THE DEBT!!!

Bill Clinton was the GREATEST President Ever!!! He created More Jobs & Reduced Crime More than Any President Ever!!!

Yeah and I have a bridge to sell you. Carter was a pussy. Thanks to Obama he won’t go down as the worst president ever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nobody will ever end the American gun cult. I understand that. There is a sort of self feeding vicious cycle here like the reverend Jim Jones, that is in itself scary. I will never ever touch a gun again, ever, because I have that freedom too. I shouldn't be afraid of those that do. Well, it doesn't work that way.
Nobody will ever end the American gun cult. I understand that. There is a sort of self feeding vicious cycle here like the reverend Jim Jones, that is in itself scary. I will never ever touch a gun again, ever, because I have that freedom too. I shouldn't be afraid of those that do. Well, it doesn't work that way.

No....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robbery and murder.....that is why Americans want and need guns....

Jim Jones was a communist.....and like communists he eventually ended up killing a lot of people...
I feel more threatened by guns than bolstered by them. I used to love guns. I love technology and the history behind them. No so much anymore. In retrospect, I would feel far better if firearms were taken out of American society . No more kindergarten shootings. Sandyhook wasn't what our forefathers envisioned with the Second amendment. Fighting British oppression. Not killing American babies.
Thousands get attacked, some commit suicide or get killed in the US as well...even in this forum too many homophobes from the right , they speak what really goes in the minds of the conservatives. .

Liberals have no idea what conservatives think. Apparently you do not have any idea or any powers of clairvoyance. Conservatives believe that individuals have the right and duty to determine their own destiny without any negative effect on any other individuals right to self determination. That means there are no restrictions on a persons upward mobility, there is no protected class, there are no government mandated requirements, only the individuals rights and responsibilities. Leaving the government only the duty to protect and defend the countries sovereignty and borders from invasion. Liberals want to dictate to and control every aspect of anyone they consider inferior to themselves and use the government to assign personal rights to each group as they see fit and take everyone’s assets and redistribute them as they see fit for whatever they think is nessecary. Kinda like a republic (conservative Republican) and a dictatorship or socialist state (liberal dimshit).
I feel more threatened by guns than bolstered by them. I used to love guns. I love technology and the history behind them. No so much anymore. In retrospect, I would feel far better if firearms were taken out of American society . No more kindergarten shootings. Sandyhook wasn't what our forefathers envisioned with the Second amendment. Fighting British oppression. Not killing American babies.

The worst killings of children in schools was by dynamite....
No free speech in Morocco, posting anything negative about Morocco on the internet can land you in jail. Women have virtually no rights in Morocco and gay sex will also land you in jail. Sounds primitive to me.
There is free speech but it could be better...the government doesnt call the media the enemy of the press like the orange and his base calls it.
Women with nor rights ? Lol
Gays get killed and harassed everywhere even in the US....and it has stop in both countries.

When was the last time a gay was killed in the US just for being gay?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017
By Katerina Ang
Published: Jan 23, 2018 10:19 am ET
A new report finds that at least 52 queer people were killed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation last year; political climate blamed

So where's the link?
Anti-LGBTQ homicides almost doubled in 2017

There you go and I bet of the killers are your comrades, you guys are known foe your hate to minorities.

Some key points in your article. First off, it's a totally anti-trump hit piece. Secondly:

Transgender and lesbian victims were likely also undercounted due to the way law enforcement authorities often report them, LGBTQ advocates say.

The former made up 40% of all 52 victims last year, with transgender people of color especially liable to becoming homicide victims.

According to the report, most of the gay males were killed during or after hookups, many of them initiated online or via personal ads.

adding that some homicides stemmed from robberies. Additionally, remnants of the stigma against homosexual sex and hookups could have also led to violence motivated out of shame.

She was attacked by four assailants, one of whom is suspected to be a former boyfriend, and killed.

So what your piece describes here are murders based on gays killing gays, domestic violence, hearsay and robberies vie online dating. Next is the fact you aren't going to survive long being a black guy in the ghetto and wearing dresses no more than a black guy wearing suits and driving fancy cars.

There are also no links to any specific cases where a person was murdered for being gay only and nothing else.
I feel more threatened by guns than bolstered by them. I used to love guns. I love technology and the history behind them. No so much anymore. In retrospect, I would feel far better if firearms were taken out of American society . No more kindergarten shootings. Sandyhook wasn't what our forefathers envisioned with the Second amendment. Fighting British oppression. Not killing American babies.

If you think disarming society will disarm the criminal element, you have another thing coming.

Our drug problems today in the US are the worst it's been in history, yet recreational narcotics have been illegal all of my life.

Drug laws do work for law abiding people, they do not work for criminals because anything a criminal deems as value will be bought and sold on the black market just like guns are today.

Bottom line: if you disarm America, what you end up with is a defenseless society and empowered criminals. They will have the guns--you won't. On the street or in your home, they will know that because of law, you are incapable of using deadly force against them.
Every time I hear of a mass shooting in America, it's just one more black mark on the second amendment. Every other week. it happens. I like guns, but so it goes. You can't argue the tide of the facts.
We have a number of different factors that contribute to our murder rate in the US.
Yet this topic is gun violence and my post referenced gun violence, which you immediately deflected from to 'murder rate' because you know you have no answer. Too, nearly half of US homicides are committed with handguns, so you fail there as well.

No worries, stay exceptional, it's what you do best.
Every time I hear of a mass shooting in America, it's just one more black mark on the second amendment. Every other week. it happens. I like guns, but so it goes. You can't argue the tide of the facts.

Because you don't hear about the defensive gun use...... Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...far more than criminals take with guns.

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