The ONLY word for this is tragic


Okay, a whole lot of conditions there you can't prove.

Did his wife even work? If she didn't, she made the CHOICE not to
Did his wife's company even offer insurance? If not, she made the CHOICE to work for a company that didn't offer insurance.
Did his wife's company have an insurance company that was just as Evil as Cigna? Again, she made the CHOICE to work there
Could he really have afforded a $350,000 treatment out of pocket? It doesn't cost $350K to make the CHOICE to carry your own insurance
Would a bank have fronted him that kind of money? No bank required for out of pocket insurance

Point was, he took a job and paid a co-pay and worked for a company with the promise of insurance to cover his family, and Lexus and Cigna didn't come through for him. about "conditions you CAN'T prove". When did Lexus and Cigna promise to "cover" his family?!? They offered health insurance with limitations. His failure to read the policy contract (and your ignorance to refuse to accept the fact that this girl was simply dying) does not justify communism for the U.S.

Incidentally, I noticed that you didn't step up and offer to pay for this poor girl in her desperate time of need. I guess your computer and internet subscription so that you could go on USMB and bitch like a teenage girl 24x7 was more important to you, uh? Typical...

Guy, I was paying or working for about $6000 bucks a year that went directly to Cigna, so I kind of was paying into it. So was Mr. Sarkisyan, who paid a co-pay and was working for insurance.

So the argument here is, "He should have known that Cigna would cheat him at the first oppurtunity, and have chosen better".

really? And this is the system you support, one that is based on promising a service and then not providing it?
Poodle, pointing out a fact isn't an insult. Deal with it. Come on, out with it, how old are you and how long have you actually been in the workforce.

I take it you are schizophrenic? The other night you practically crying like a little girl about insults. Today you are "big tough guy" with your "deal with it" rhetoric. And since all I did was point out the fact that you are indeed stupid (and even you know that much), then we both agree that I was not insulting you.

Not that I thought you were going to answer the question, but how was asking a simple question- not screaming that someone is a communist or stupid- but a simple question of how old are you and how much have you paid in taxes over a lifetime- insulting you, exactly.

The fact you are unwilling to give a straight up answer speaks volumes.

The fact that you are so concerned about my age speaks volume. The reality is, even when we post indisputable facts - quacks like you, RDean, and RW cry "right-wing propaganda". So what good will posting my age do when you'll just claim it's not true anyway? :cuckoo:

(Hint: I'm much older than you think I am)

Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)
2) Saddam was working with Bin Laden (he wasn't.)

As such, going to war with him was NOT defense as you've defined it.

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax Archives



We set up a puppet government and the big oil companies were doing business in Iraq again. Um, yeah, they benefitted. So did the Zionists, who wanted Saddam gone and he was gone.

Tin foil hat boy strikes again! Did our "shadow government" set up their "puppet government"? :lol:

By the way - what is this "we" shit? You're a coward who sits at home bitching about the U.S. and crying about defense. Like everything else in life, you're not willing to stand up and put your ass on the line.

What we didn't get was the WMD's Bush insisted were there.

See above! Can you imagine if just once you were educated on a particular topic before opening your mouth about it?


Again, the constitution doesn't prohibit a universal health care.

You're the state level. Unfortunately for you, Obamacare was implemented at the federal level. And the Constitution explicitly "prohibits" (your word) any action by the federal government outside of the 18 enumerated powers. Oops!

Please explain how the "General" are losing health insurance because of ObamaCare. Because, guy, it ain't happening. Oh, a few companies are dropping health care, but they were doing that before Obamacare came along.

You just answered your own question (surprised you were 50% honest there, even though you lied about the "few" part).

Well, good thing for that old bag Ayn she did, because at the end of her miserable, selfish life, after her husband dumped her and most of her fans forgot her, she had to rely on Medicare and Social Security to live.

And just when I thought you couldn't possibly expose your ignorance any further, you go and embarrass yourself by swallowing a load of one of the most egregious liberal lies ever. You really are the good slave of your liberal masters, aren't you?

  • First of all, Ayn was collecting royalties on her books (having made hundreds of thousands of dollars) right to the very end. She was quite comfortable.

  • Second, Ayn was on the record as stating that people should draw from any government program from which they were forced to pay into as a way of recovering what was wrongfully taken from them.

  • Third and finally, Ayn Rand actually fought against her own attorney to stop from receiving any form of Social Security or Medicare (even though collecting would have been very much in line with her beliefs).

Classically Liberal: Lying about Ayn Rand and Social Security



Guy, you need to get over your Constitutional Fetishism.

Yeah - we need to get over that pesky little highest law in the land which is preventing your dream to an unimpeded march to communism.

The constitution means what people think it ought to mean.

Well by that logic, we can imprison you for life and torture you, because I most definitely believe that doing just that to communists is what the Constitution "ought to mean". :cuckoo:

Of all of your absurd statements, this is by far the most asinine. Since everyone would have their own opinion on what it "ought to mean", who gets to decide? Let me guess, you? And before you say "the Supreme Court" - remember that you just declared "what people think it ought to mean", which means we would get to decide that the Supreme Court has no authority to rule on it :cuckoo:

If it were intended to be whatever each person thought it "ought" to be then it wouldn't have been written down and signed into law dumb ass. It would have simply been shared verbally and left to each person from there :cuckoo:

This really does get to the heart of the argument. Is health care a consumer good or a public service. Most sensible, sane people think it should be a public service.

First, no they don't. Most sensible, sane people understand that the Constitution is the highest law in the land and not "what people think it ought to mean" :lmao:

Second, it doesn't matter what people think. It matters what the law says. For instance, assholes like RDean thought that George Zimmerman should go to prison. But the law said he was justified to use lethal force in self-defense.

And then there are people who think that selfishness is a virtue. Like you and Ayn.

No, we think personal responsibility and abiding by the highest law in the land is a virtue. Meanwhile, people like you think being a parasite on society is something you are entitled too.

Why would I want to do that, when we can fix this county and expunge you hateful little selfish fucks and make you pay for our healthcare? Frankly, you make my argument for higher taxes for me.

Why would you do that? Because you're so enthralled with other nations and you hate this one. Or maybe you just realize that without hard working conservatives, liberal parasites like you have no one to mooch off of...

Guy, as I've said, I've probably paid more taxes lifetime than you ever will.

What does paying taxes have to do with your refusal to stand up and pay for children who are dying because they don't have healthcare coverage? You're a greedy, selfish ass-wipe who lets children die and then tries to convince himself that he "cares" because you are forced to pay taxes. Your tax dollars are not voluntary - so you've committed no great benevolent act. :cuckoo:

I do enjoy exposing your bullshit and then watching you desperately try to change the subject and/or spin reality (ie "I am forced to pay taxes so I care").

But to the point, I would bet that if you let people pick where their tax money goes, paying for medical treatment for the poor would get funded long before Wars for Oil and Welfare for Zionists, your favorite programs.

So then why don't you simply solve that pesky little Constitutional problem by amending the Constitution to make healthcare the responsibility of the federal government (you know, since sooo many people support your socialism over defense)? Oh wait, that's right, because you can't get the votes for it :lmao:

Which just proves that you are full of shit and lying through your teeth as usual

Okay, a whole lot of conditions there you can't prove.

Did his wife even work? If she didn't, she made the CHOICE not to
Did his wife's company even offer insurance? If not, she made the CHOICE to work for a company that didn't offer insurance.
Did his wife's company have an insurance company that was just as Evil as Cigna? Again, she made the CHOICE to work there
Could he really have afforded a $350,000 treatment out of pocket? It doesn't cost $350K to make the CHOICE to carry your own insurance
Would a bank have fronted him that kind of money? No bank required for out of pocket insurance

Point was, he took a job and paid a co-pay and worked for a company with the promise of insurance to cover his family, and Lexus and Cigna didn't come through for him. about "conditions you CAN'T prove". When did Lexus and Cigna promise to "cover" his family?!? They offered health insurance with limitations. His failure to read the policy contract (and your ignorance to refuse to accept the fact that this girl was simply dying) does not justify communism for the U.S.

Incidentally, I noticed that you didn't step up and offer to pay for this poor girl in her desperate time of need. I guess your computer and internet subscription so that you could go on USMB and bitch like a teenage girl 24x7 was more important to you, uh? Typical...

Guy, I was paying or working for about $6000 bucks a year that went directly to Cigna, so I kind of was paying into it. So was Mr. Sarkisyan, who paid a co-pay and was working for insurance.

So the argument here is, "He should have known that Cigna would cheat him at the first oppurtunity, and have chosen better".

really? And this is the system you support, one that is based on promising a service and then not providing it?

Who cares that you paid into Cigna?!? When this girl was denied further treatment by Cigna, why didn't YOU stand up and pay for her healthcare needs?

Because JoeB. only cares about JoeB.
If what you say is true, then the people of Cigna should be prosecuted both criminally (for breach of contract) and civilly (for pain & suffering). But that doesn't justify unconstitutionally altering our healthcare system. I was 100% happy with our current system - who are you to force me out of it?

It's not true.
Death of Nataline Sarkisyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh, yeah, it is true.

And, no, Cigna can't be prosecuted. The court found that because Nataline's Dad's employer had paid for the insurance, he had no standing to sue them.

Uh, no, it's not true.

This was your original quote:

...a Nataline Sarkisyan. She was the girl who needed a liver transplant, but Cigna denied her coverage and fought her dad in court AFTER the man had worked for and paid for insurance.

Can't have it both ways, dude.

Try to spin it as much as you want but your own words tell a different story, period!
You are either the most ignorant poster on USMB or you are the biggest liar on USMB (I suspect it's a lot of both).

It does not matter what company his employer chose for their health insurance plan. He always had a CHOICE. He could have turned down their plan and gone on his wife's. Or he could have turned down their plan and paid out of his own pocket (god forbid, right commie?) for the plan of his choosing. Or he could have actually read Cigna's plan and accepted it. He had OPTIONS. He had CHOICE.

Okay, a whole lot of conditions there you can't prove.

Did his wife even work?
Did his wife's company even offer insurance?
Did his wife's company have an insurance company that was just as Evil as Cigna?

Point was, he took a job and paid a co-pay and worked for a company with the promise of insurance to cover his family, and Lexus and Cigna didn't come through for him.

Death of Nataline Sarkisyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sarkisyan had health insurance coverage under the employer coverage of her parents
Parents = both. It doesn't say Father's insurance.

Know what I find odd, I can't find any reference to the Father anymore.

Hilda Sarkisyan, Northridge Real Estate Expert - Top Real Estate Agent

Perhaps you should look into the facts of the whole story before you throw out a name.

This tragedy was about much more than a mere liver transplant.

The fact that you are so concerned about my age speaks volume. The reality is, even when we post indisputable facts - quacks like you, RDean, and RW cry "right-wing propaganda". So what good will posting my age do when you'll just claim it's not true anyway? :cuckoo:

(Hint: I'm much older than you think I am)

Guy, it kind of has everything to do with it, and the fact you too ashamed to give a number says it all. You are a kid who reads Ayn Rand and listens to Limbaugh and Hannity and mistakes that for wisdom.

Get back to me when you've lived a bit and done something.

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq.
So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

Yeah, Santorum tried to claim this before the folks of PA threw him out on his ass.

Here's the thing, as I explained to you the last time you tried to pass this shit off. Nobody was going to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914. Bush claimed there were nuclear and biological weapons. There weren't. A weapon that can only spread damage over an acre and is easily foiled with a gas mask just isn't that scary. And most of what was found was expired, outdated or impotent.

By the way - what is this "we" shit? You're a coward who sits at home bitching about the U.S. and crying about defense. Like everything else in life, you're not willing to stand up and put your ass on the line.

Uh, served for 11 years. Five as a reservist, six active duty. Got out at the rank of E-6, MOS 76y30. But I did get out after the first Gulf War because I was disgusted by the whole thing.

You're the state level. Unfortunately for you, Obamacare was implemented at the federal level. And the Constitution explicitly "prohibits" (your word) any action by the federal government outside of the 18 enumerated powers. Oops!

Guy, we've been over this. This horse left the barn 80 years go when FDR implemented the New Deal or 40 years ago when LBJ implemented the Great Society. Fuck your enumerated powers. I'm done being cheated by the insurance companies and so is everyone else.

And sorry, Fat Ass Ayn spent her dying years relying on government handouts.

Well by that logic, we can imprison you for life and torture you, because I most definitely believe that doing just that to communists is what the Constitution "ought to mean". :cuckoo:

Of all of your absurd statements, this is by far the most asinine. Since everyone would have their own opinion on what it "ought to mean", who gets to decide? Let me guess, you? And before you say "the Supreme Court" - remember that you just declared "what people think it ought to mean", which means we would get to decide that the Supreme Court has no authority to rule on it :cuckoo:

If it were intended to be whatever each person thought it "ought" to be then it wouldn't have been written down and signed into law dumb ass. It would have simply been shared verbally and left to each person from there :cuckoo:

Guy, there's a communist hiding under your bed, right now. Plottin to make you pay your fair share on whatever McDonalds pays you for being head fry cook.

The Supreme Court ALREADY ruled ObamaCare constitutional. This is a done issue, guy.

Second, it doesn't matter what people think. It matters what the law says. For instance, assholes like RDean thought that George Zimmerman should go to prison. But the law said he was justified to use lethal force in self-defense.

yeah, when you get a racist jury tryng a white man for murdering a black child, that's the result you get. Just ask Emmett Till.

What does paying taxes have to do with your refusal to stand up and pay for children who are dying because they don't have healthcare coverage? You're a greedy, selfish ass-wipe who lets children die and then tries to convince himself that he "cares" because you are forced to pay taxes. Your tax dollars are not voluntary - so you've committed no great benevolent act.

Why should I pay money when the money is already out there.

Once more time. We spend more than ANY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET. But that money is going to pay assholes like Ed Hanaway 9 figure retirement packages and investors on wall street playing casino when it SHOULD be going to pay medical bills. I paid my taxes, I pay my co-pay to Cigna. And now I'm insisted the money be used for the purpose it was meant for. What a fucking concept.

But to the point, I would bet that if you let people pick where their tax money goes, paying for medical treatment for the poor would get funded long before Wars for Oil and Welfare for Zionists, your favorite programs.

So then why don't you simply solve that pesky little Constitutional problem by amending the Constitution to make healthcare the responsibility of the federal government (you know, since sooo many people support your socialism over defense)? Oh wait, that's right, because you can't get the votes for it :lmao:

Which just proves that you are full of shit and lying through your teeth as usual

Uh, no, we just vote in people to do that. We've ALREADY established government should provide healthcare.... Geez, why are you fighting issues that were resolved before you were born, dude?

Death of Nataline Sarkisyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sarkisyan had health insurance coverage under the employer coverage of her parents
Parents = both. It doesn't say Father's insurance.

Know what I find odd, I can't find any reference to the Father anymore.

Hilda Sarkisyan, Northridge Real Estate Expert - Top Real Estate Agent

Perhaps you should look into the facts of the whole story before you throw out a name.

This tragedy was about much more than a mere liver transplant.

Yes, it was. It was about the greed of the insurance companies. The whole affair sicked one Cigna Vice President named Wendell Potter that he quit and became an advocate for heath care reform.

Apparently he missed the day of Executive Orietnation where they suck out your soul.

Uh, yeah, it is true.

And, no, Cigna can't be prosecuted. The court found that because Nataline's Dad's employer had paid for the insurance, he had no standing to sue them.

Uh, no, it's not true.

This was your original quote:

...a Nataline Sarkisyan. She was the girl who needed a liver transplant, but Cigna denied her coverage and fought her dad in court AFTER the man had worked for and paid for insurance.

Can't have it both ways, dude.

Try to spin it as much as you want but your own words tell a different story, period!

Okay, one more time.

When you get insurance through your employer, you are WORKING FOR IT.

That's the whole purpose. The Employer is not giving you insurance out of the goodness of his heart, it's part of the compensation package you receive.

And usually, there's a co-pay you have to pay into it.

So Nataline's Dad WORKED FOR and PAID FOR insurance, and had a reasonably expectation that when his CHILD got sick, that insurance would be there.

That's a REASONABLE expectation.

And Cigna did it's very best to cheat them.

It couldn't find money to pay for her liver transplant,but it could find 83 MILLION dollars to pay Ed Scumwad Hanaway to retire..

Now, here's the thing. If we all had to negotiate individually for our insurance, the insurance companies would be out of business pretty quickly. the Young wouldn't buy, the Old would be charged too much and be damned angry about it.

Who cares that you paid into Cigna?!? When this girl was denied further treatment by Cigna, why didn't YOU stand up and pay for her healthcare needs?

Because JoeB. only cares about JoeB.

Or, and get this... paying more money into a broken system doesn't fix the system, dipshit.

Here's how it goes. The insurance companies NOW have to do what they promised.

No more lying, no more cheating, we'll let them have a few more years before we put everyone on medicare, which is what we should have done to start with.
Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them | Alternet

Ayn Rand was not only a schlock novelist, she was also the progenitor of a sweeping “moral philosophy” that justifies the privilege of the wealthy and demonizes not only the slothful, undeserving poor but the lackluster middle-classes as well.

Her books provided wide-ranging parables of "parasites," "looters" and "moochers" using the levers of government to steal the fruits of her heroes' labor. In the real world, however, Rand herself received Social Security payments and Medicare benefits under the name of Ann O'Connor (her husband was Frank O'Connor).

As Michael Ford of Xavier University's Center for the Study of the American Dream wrote, “In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.”

Rand also believed that the scientific consensus on the dangers of tobacco was a hoax. By 1974, the two-pack-a-day smoker, then 69, required surgery for lung cancer. And it was at that moment of vulnerability that she succumbed to the lure of collectivism.


The initial argument was on greed,” Pryor continued. “She had to see that there was such a thing as greed in this world. Doctors could cost an awful lot more money than books earn, and she could be totally wiped out by medical bills if she didn’t watch it. Since she had worked her entire life, and had paid into Social Security, she had a right to it. She didn’t feel that an individual should take help.”

Sorry, Poodle, your "Hero" went hat in hand to the "Communists" and asked for help.
Here's the thing, as I explained to you the last time you tried to pass this shit off. Nobody was going to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914. Bush claimed there were nuclear and biological weapons. There weren't. A weapon that can only spread damage over an acre and is easily foiled with a gas mask just isn't that scary. And most of what was found was expired, outdated or impotent.


Watching you get your ass handed to you with facts is comical. You're getting owned worse than I have ever seen on USMB (and that is saying a lot). You're direct quote from post #347:

"Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)"

Chemical weapons are WMD's ass-hat. And you've very own radical left-wing MSNBC reported on them! :lmao:



"Guy" all you do is spit the same angry rhetoric over and over. And when I own you with facts, you move the goal posts. You're a crying, whining bitch. There's a reason you've spent your life as a loser. Because that's what you are. You've been fired over and over because your useless and lazy. Which is why you cry about insurance companies but won't start your own to show the people how one "should" be run... :eusa_whistle:
Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them | Alternet

Ayn Rand was not only a schlock novelist, she was also the progenitor of a sweeping “moral philosophy” that justifies the privilege of the wealthy and demonizes not only the slothful, undeserving poor but the lackluster middle-classes as well.

Her books provided wide-ranging parables of "parasites," "looters" and "moochers" using the levers of government to steal the fruits of her heroes' labor. In the real world, however, Rand herself received Social Security payments and Medicare benefits under the name of Ann O'Connor (her husband was Frank O'Connor).

As Michael Ford of Xavier University's Center for the Study of the American Dream wrote, “In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.”

Rand also believed that the scientific consensus on the dangers of tobacco was a hoax. By 1974, the two-pack-a-day smoker, then 69, required surgery for lung cancer. And it was at that moment of vulnerability that she succumbed to the lure of collectivism.


The initial argument was on greed,” Pryor continued. “She had to see that there was such a thing as greed in this world. Doctors could cost an awful lot more money than books earn, and she could be totally wiped out by medical bills if she didn’t watch it. Since she had worked her entire life, and had paid into Social Security, she had a right to it. She didn’t feel that an individual should take help.”

Sorry, Poodle, your "Hero" went hat in hand to the "Communists" and asked for help.

Sorry ass-hat, already debunked this libtard LIE above... :)

Furthermore, she was on record stating that everyone who was forced into those programs have every right to draw from them to recover what was wrongfully taken form them by force.

You know what they say, don't you Joe?


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Or, and get this... paying more money into a broken system doesn't fix the system, dipshit.

Wait, wait, wait...did you seriously just say that?!?! :lmao:

Mmm...lets see...Medicare - broke system. Medicaid - broke system. And you're answer is to expand them via Obamacare?!? Bwahahahahahahahha! :lmao:

Yes Joe, for once you are right, paying more money into a broken system doesn't fix the system... :eusa_whistle:
Here's how it goes. The insurance companies NOW have to do what they promised.

No more lying, no more cheating, we'll let them have a few more years before we put everyone on medicare, which is what we should have done to start with.

The real question is, how old are you Joe? Listening to this guys communist rhetoric that the state is the most pure, honest, benevolent, loving entity known to man is just creepy.

It's also hilarious considering he has cried, pissed, and moaned about George Bush and the Republicans being "evil" and "liars" :lmao:

Under the free market, insurance companies are forced do what they promised. That's why there is a contract, stupid. And if you have a problem with how they handled something, you have the CHOICE to go somewhere else. When the "evil" Republicans are running things, where are you going to go Joe? :eusa_whistle:
Uh, served for 11 years. Five as a reservist, six active duty. Got out at the rank of E-6, MOS 76y30. But I did get out after the first Gulf War because I was disgusted by the whole thing.

"Guy", what aren't you "disgusted" by? There is nothing about the U.S. you don't bitch about. The military? Disgusted. Capitalism? Disgusted. The U.S. Constitution? Disgusted. Politicians? Disgusted. Your job? Disgusted. Your health insurance plan? Disgusted.

You're just a hateful little loser who won't get off his fat, lazy ass and improve his life. Frankly, everybody on USMB is tired of listening to your incessant bitching.
yeah, when you get a racist jury tryng a white man for murdering a black child, that's the result you get. Just ask Emmett Till.

Except that George Zimmerman wasn't white you lying jack-ass. He was 100% hispanic. Any more lies you want to embarrass yourself with?
Why should I pay money when the money is already out there.

Once more time. We spend more than ANY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET. But that money is going to pay assholes like Ed Hanaway 9 figure retirement packages and investors on wall street playing casino when it SHOULD be going to pay medical bills. I paid my taxes, I pay my co-pay to Cigna. And now I'm insisted the money be used for the purpose it was meant for. What a fucking concept.

So first you claim that the "evil" insurance company hung this poor girl out to dry. When I asked why you didn't step up to the plate for this poor young girl if you cared so much, you danced around the question with the nonsensical "I pay taxes" (as if you have a choice). When I point out that has nothing to do with the issue, you claim "why should I pay more when the money is already out there". However, in the next breath you claim that money is not going to the people with healthcare needs but the CEO's :cuckoo:

Watching you dance because you know I've now pinned your stupid ass into a corner with your own words is hilarious. So, I'm going to ask again (because I love to laugh):

Why didn't you step up and help this girl in her time of need? You literally left her to die (and she did) and the best answer you can give for why you fucked her over is that you're forced to pay taxes (which you claim go to the CEO's anyway)... :cuckoo:
Yeah JoeB., the government you worship at the feet of like they are God sure is doing a bang up job of bringing down healthcare costs with Obamacare... :eusa_whistle:

For example, Ohio announced that premiums in their exchange will increase on average by 41% compared to the premiums that Ohio companies reported at the end of 2012. In addition to premium projections, the Ohio Department of Insurance also provided a projection for the increase in the total cost of coverage, called the average index rate, which is projected to be a dramatic 83% increase.

Countdown to Obamacare Exchanges
Here's the thing, as I explained to you the last time you tried to pass this shit off. Nobody was going to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914. Bush claimed there were nuclear and biological weapons. There weren't. A weapon that can only spread damage over an acre and is easily foiled with a gas mask just isn't that scary. And most of what was found was expired, outdated or impotent.

JoeB. "logic" at its finest here folks. First of all, chemical weapons of today are "cutting edge". Claiming they are "not scary" weapons from 1914 is as retarded as claiming that nuclear bombs of 1940 are "not scary". Both have been drastically upgraded.

Furthermore, claiming that chemical weapons are "easily foiled with a gas mask" is hilarious considering you specifically cite biological weapons as "scary WMD's" and those are more "easily foiled with a gas mask". :lmao:

(Hell, chemical weapons can burn the skin - biological weapons must make their way internally in some capacity before they can cause any harm).

Watching you stumble, mumble, and bumble your way over facts in your quest to support you uneducated, misinformed position is worth the price of admission alone!
Most of the world, doctors are not compensated as well as they are in the US. They are actually in it because they want to heal the sick.

So one more time, are you willing to let a poor child die because her parents can't pay for treatment?

Again I have to ask - how old are you? Because you are as naive as a wide-eyed philosophical freshman with acne... :lol:

First of all, how is this immature utopian philosophy working out in Cuba? How is the healthcare down there? Do they have world-class facilities with the finest physicians and state-of-the-art technology? No? Really? Mmmm...gee...I wonder why that is? This is just so puzzling...

(Hint: when you remove motivation, you remove results - something everyone except an immature naive communist knows)

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