The origin of homosexuality

With animals, and humans as well, it is mostly likely a defective sense of smell in the case of exclusively homosexual activity; less than 10% of those claiming to be faggots are exclusively homosexual in their attractions. It's a choice for the vast majority of the deviants, a fetish and mental illness.

You're wrong.

The APA is not a professional organization, it's a propaganda org that deliberately censors anything the PC Nazis don't like. Hooker's 'study' was crap methodology, for one, and of course she herself was heavily biased. The APA simply ignores any research and data that doesn't fit their political agenda. Most of it's 'approved research' is just faggots 'peer reviewing' each other's fake 'science'.
lol no, it isn't. No such evidence has ever been found, despite the fake science 'peer reviewed' by faggots themselves.

I heard the word "Faggot" is like calling a Black person the N word.

Why you use it?

The term is bigoted.
I heard the word "Faggot" is like calling a Black person the N word.

Why you use it?

The term is bigoted.

As I've said many times, when homosexuals and deviants quit hiding behind euphemisms in their propaganda campaigns I'll quit using faggot. Otherwise kiss my ass, you bigoted faggot.
Ok, incel
Go ahead and post one of these 'studies', so we can laugh at the methodologies and look up these 'peers' who reviewed them, then.

I have the 'Finger Studies' one that was all the rage at one time in the Big lie faggotry was 'genetic' hoax from 'scientists'. lol that one was certainly entertaining.
Looks like the Norsemen accepted LGBTI people.

And i know that the Spartans were actually Greek, but the Spartans accepted LGBTI people.

But like all those cultures, once the missionaries came with their Christian God, all of a sudden being LGBT was frowned upon.
Looks like the Norsemen accepted LGBTI people.

And i know that the Spartans were actually Greek, but the Spartans accepted LGBTI people.

But like all those cultures, once the missionaries came with their Christian God, all of a sudden being LGBT was frowned upon.
The fact that the Vikings could be fagots is just not surprising.


As for Sparta, I have not seen reliable information, it looks like it's just left-wing slander.

And the Spartans were not "Greeks" but Dorians

The origin of homosexuality​

Anthropological evidence confirms that human homosexuality dates as far back as caveman times.

Even the Flintstones had a “gay old time.”
The APA is not a professional organization, it's a propaganda org that deliberately censors anything the PC Nazis don't like. Hooker's 'study' was crap methodology, for one, and of course she herself was heavily biased. The APA simply ignores any research and data that doesn't fit their political agenda. Most of it's 'approved research' is just faggots 'peer reviewing' each other's fake 'science'.

I think those who are German or of German ancestry might take offense to something being compared to Hitler or the Nazis.
Looks like the Norsemen accepted LGBTI people.

And i know that the Spartans were actually Greek, but the Spartans accepted LGBTI people.

But like all those cultures, once the missionaries came with their Christian God, all of a sudden being LGBT was frowned upon.

A lot of made up rubbish, from the usual mentally ill sources.
And caring for their sick and injured.

lol faggots don't care about 'sick and injured'; we know this from the way they treat each other and spread epidemics among themselves, then blame 'Evul Xians' for their self-inflicted mentally ill compulsions. Other morons and deviants of one kind or another then jump in to try and bullshit everybody else into claiming they're 'normal'. They aren't and never will be.

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