The Oscars

Did you watch the Oscars this year?

  • Absolutely, every minute.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only the commercials

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell no.

    Votes: 15 100.0%

  • Total voters
Last couple/few years the Oscars has spoken out on their political positions. Let us know if you watched this year.
If these nimwhits want to use the Oscars for a political platform then they can talk to themselves. In any event, the Oscars have always been politically rigged. Since being called out on it they have just readjusted to be politically rigged to be inclusive, giving out medals like in elementary school to make everyone feel good.
What part of America do u live within?
I'm not living these 'shitholes' you describe.

Why is it that I live in Utopia, whereas you experience 'Shitholes'.

Leftists, if they start making money under capitalism, never live in the shitholes their votes create . Especially the white ones.
Not inteneded as an attack…just sharing facts with you…ALL diverse blue cities are dangerous, taxpayer dependent dirty shitholes….all of them and there’s nothing coincidental about it.
Broken record of stupidity ^^^^^^
OK, getting back to the point.
I was watching some car show with a couple of historical documentaries thrown in with noise cancelling headphones on my laptop while reading a book on my phone, but my wife was watching in the same room. Personally, I really hate those kind of award shows.

Everything Everywhere All at Once was a great film.

The first Sci-Fi movie ever to win an Oscar, deep thought kind of stuff, things to make you laugh, things to make you say, "What did I just see?!" It was entertaining which is what movies should be.
I never really understood the Oscars or awards shows.

Singers, actors and so on make a lot of money doing what they do. Ok that's perfectly fine. But they also are paid attention to more constantly, defied, catered to, praised, millions of people listen to them when they are just normal people being paid to perform on their views and used by politicians and such when they have no special insight or knowledge of anything and so on.

Then they get big awards shows on tv just for doing their job? Why? So they really need even more praise and attention just for being a singer or an actor? Isn't the millions of dollars they earn just for doing a job enough?

Our societies obsession with celebrities just is borderline insane.
Starting with the March 2024 awards, movies will not be considered for a Best Picture nomination unless they feature a lead or significant supporting character from an “underrepresented racial or ethnic group,” have a main storyline that focuses on an underrepresented group, or at least 30% of the cast comes from two or more underrepresented groups (women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ or the disabled).

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