The other three juries…

Have seen that the world does not end if you convict a former president.

So any hesitation they may have had in that area is gone
The sentencing should be interesting. That’s the only thing that matters
Have seen that the world does not end if you convict a former president.

So any hesitation they may have had in that area is gone
I agree. This verdict has broken the ice and is suspect that will embolden the rest of the juries.

I was right about an earlier prediction though, I’m said this trial should have been televised m, rather than being given to us via the filter of media…and that was exactly right, because here we have two different takes on how this trial was conducted. Left wing media is posting that it was fair and on the up and up, right wing media is reporting that merchan was conflicted.

We have no truth. Just a split in opinion. Had they allowed cameras, we all could have see with our own eyes what happened. Methinks the dems didn’t want that..for obvious reasons.
I agree. This verdict has broken the ice and is suspect that will embolden the rest of the juries.
What is even more troubling for the Trump team (they seem to both feel that this is a great thing for them politically but at the same time are outraged and threatening vengeance... right The Duke) is that of the four jurisdictions, this was likely the least provable. I mean, he’s on tape telling the state election officials in Georgia to “find” votes for him. He’s clearly guilty of keeping top secret records when he wasn’t authorized to have them after the NA asked for them back. And it’s pretty clear he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election.
What is even more troubling for the Trump team (they seem to both feel that this is a great thing for them politically but at the same time are outraged and threatening vengeance... right The Duke) is that of the four jurisdictions, this was likely the least provable. I mean, he’s on tape telling the state election officials in Georgia to “find” votes for him. He’s clearly guilty of keeping top secret records when he wasn’t authorized to have them after the NA asked for them back. And it’s pretty clear he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election.
You're a joke, brah.
What is even more troubling for the Trump team (they seem to both feel that this is a great thing for them politically but at the same time are outraged and threatening vengeance... right The Duke) is that of the four jurisdictions, this was likely the least provable. I mean, he’s on tape telling the state election officials in Georgia to “find” votes for him. He’s clearly guilty of keeping top secret records when he wasn’t authorized to have them after the NA asked for them back. And it’s pretty clear he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I agree with you that this is going to embolden the other juries, but I also support the “what goes around comes around” philosophy. I hope this awakens the republicans to start using these very same tactics on the left.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I agree with you that this is going to embolden the other juries, but I also support the “what goes around comes around” philosophy. I hope this awakens the republicans to start using these very same tactics on the left.
Well, if a democrat ever tells state election officials to “find” votes for them, refuses to hand over classified information, or incites and insurrection, I hope they find her or him guilty of all three charges.
Well, if a democrat ever tells state election officials to “find” votes for them, refuses to hand over classified information, or incites and insurrection, I hope they find her or him guilty of all three charges.

No no, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, it’s time for some officials on the right to start playing by the same rules the left does. In other words…start poking around in people’s lives and see what pops up…launch some investigations to see if a crime can be found.

That’s what’s happening now. The right needs to get in on the game. It a little late but better late than never.
No no, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, it’s time for some officials on the right to start playing by the same rules the left does. In other words…start poking around in people’s lives and see what pops up…launch some investigations to see if a crime can be found.

That’s what’s happening now. The right needs to get in on the game. It a little late but better late than never. may not have heard of him but google Kenneth Starr and Whitewater...and see what came out of that investigation.... about short attention-span theater....
The only thing that mattered was Biden being able to campaign on "He's a convicted felon"
Well, if that is the goes to support th description of Joe Biden
being a.........well, a 'truth-teller'.


That so called judge is corrupt to the fucking bone.
OK, poster 'skye'.....riddle us this: How would you know? Do you live in Manhattan? Or even New York? Had you heard of Judge Merchan before this trial? Have you tried cases or had any business, legal, or personal interaction with the judge?

In short, how would you know whether he is corrupt or not?

Saddle up, amiga, show the forum your chops.....that you have gravitas, and are a contributor that can bring credible and responsible thinking to this venue. may not have heard of him but google Kenneth Starr and Whitewater...and see what came out of that investigation.... about short attention-span theater....

Yeah, was Starr commissioned “just because” or did they have reason to start going after the Clinton’s? I’m not familiar with whitewater, that was before I started paying attention to politics.

In any case, we’re at a whole new level now.

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