The Pain of Your Enemies Should Be Your Joy

A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
That's funny. I'm holding both parties responsible for this mess. I see the ugliness in both parties.

You can’t name any, you just lie, lie, lie like a good leftist.
Are you going to show me where I said "the right is just as violent", or not?
A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
But I can understand you being pissed off having conservatives laugh at you leftists attacking and slandering each other.
A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
But I can understand you being pissed off having conservatives laugh at you leftists attacking and slandering each other.
Well, that was easy.

You're a liar and a coward, and your words are right there on the screen.
A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
That's funny. I'm holding both parties responsible for this mess. I see the ugliness in both parties.

You can’t name any, you just lie, lie, lie like a good leftist.
Are you going to show me where I said "the right is just as violent", or not?
In this thread you insinuating violence by the right. In other threads you’ve said it.

It’s a thread about sitting back and watching the Left slander each other and you start ranting about conservatives like a deranged cat lady.
I asked for evidence of conservatives acting like you leftists, and yet again you dodge and spin. Color me shocked.
I could show you plenty of the evidence you want. And that's all you'll see, because that's all you know.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Keep trying to "defeat" the "enemy". Good luck with that.

Show him..not isolated events but on the scale the left is.

You won't because you cant. Fact
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
But I can understand you being pissed off having conservatives laugh at you leftists attacking and slandering each other.
Well, that was easy.

You're a liar and a coward, and your words are right there on the screen.
You’re pissed as hell your party has destroyed itself.
I could show you plenty of the evidence you want. And that's all you'll see, because that's all you know.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Keep trying to "defeat" the "enemy". Good luck with that.

Show him..not isolated events but on the scale the left is.

You won't because you cant. Fact
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
He just spins because he knows he’s a liar.
A post about watching the violent Left attack each other and you start spewing lies about how the right is just as violent.
Thanks for putting your stupidity on display for all to read.
Perhaps you can show me where I said "the right is just as violent".

Do you have the balls to back up your words?
But I can understand you being pissed off having conservatives laugh at you leftists attacking and slandering each other.
Well, that was easy.

You're a liar and a coward, and your words are right there on the screen.
Your pissed as hell your party has destroyed itself.

Fool doesn't think we follow what is going on
Show him..not isolated events but on the scale the left is.

You won't because you cant. Fact
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
He just spins because he knows he’s a liar.

His crap is old. Waaaaay old
Sounds like the beating of tribal drums. It’s a race to the bottom...
I could show you plenty of the evidence you want. And that's all you'll see, because that's all you know.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Keep trying to "defeat" the "enemy". Good luck with that.

Show him..not isolated events but on the scale the left is.

You won't because you cant. Fact
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
You folks are right. Your tribe is pristine and has all the answers. You have nothing to fix or improve.

I am everything you say I am. I am a horrible person and a Hitler commie.

I can't do this any more. This stuff is disturbing, and it makes me worry about the future of this country.
Show him..not isolated events but on the scale the left is.

You won't because you cant. Fact
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
You folks are right. Your tribe is pristine and has all the answers. You have nothing to fix or improve.

I am everything you say I am. I am a horrible person and a Hitler commie.

I can't do this any more. This stuff is disturbing, and it makes me worry about the future of this country.

Just fcking admit you can't do it and shut up. You're fooling nobody
Great. Good luck in "defeating" the "enemy".

I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
He just spins because he knows he’s a liar.

His crap is old. Waaaaay old
Trying to drag everyone down to his level is his Hail Mary as his last synapse snaps.
I knew you wouldn't...or couldn't.

You're a farce
I've already said I could. There's plenty of evidence of leftist violence. Oodles.

You're just lost. You're so deep in your ideological world that nothing sinks in.

I used to think that even people like you could open their eyes. I no longer believe that.

Then do it. Show a systematic effort of the right doing what the left is doing, If not sit down and shut up. I don't care about your other garbage
He just spins because he knows he’s a liar.

His crap is old. Waaaaay old
Trying to drag everyone down to his level is his Hail Mary as his last synapse snaps.

He's like the right is just as bad and I can prove it....then blabbers on endlessly. Fcking dope
Sounds like the beating of tribal drums. It’s a race to the bottom...
Look at the posts on this thread.

If we can't find a way to marginalize the crazies, we're in trouble, literally.
How violent of conservatives to ask for evidence to back up your wild accusations!

Slander is all you leftists have.
So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”
If you really think that other Americans are your "enemy", you've been led down the wrong road.

If you genuinely think the ideologues who want to force genital mutilation and hormone therapy on American Children can be negotiated with, for example, you have buried your head completely in the sand.
Okay. Well, I wasn't holding my breath.
You Leftists always try to drag everyone else down to your level.

Is every Republican calling Democrats foul names and slandering them?

Which Democrats are victims of attempted assassinations?
That's funny. I'm holding both parties responsible for this mess. I see the ugliness in both parties.

You only see the wrongs of the "other tribe". You're going through life with one (1) eye open.

You may want to try that stuff on someone else. Asymmetrical slap fighting bores me.
I asked for evidence of conservatives acting like you leftists, and yet again you dodge and spin. Color me shocked.

"I asked for evidence of conservatives acting like you leftists, and yet again you dodge and spin. Color me shocked."


Can we compare leftists and rightists?

can we compare liberals v conservatives?

do you always equate ALL liberals with "LEFTISTS"?

are all conservatives rightwing?
The OP is about Leftists attacking each other.

I figure anyone who, on a daily basis, claims to be my definitely my enemy.
If you really think that other Americans are your "enemy", you've been led down the wrong road.

If you genuinely think the ideologues who want to force genital mutilation and hormone therapy on American Children can be negotiated with, for example, you have buried your head completely in the sand.
Okay, the other guys are evil and your enemy and must be destroyed. I get it.

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