The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry


How about 15 FT on the centerline from the shadow of the of the front bumper to the point between TM!s feet.

reply to 26296804
Neither of his feet are on the centerline.

So, how far do you approximate AA’s heel is from the bumper of the truck as measured on the centerline?


I’m saying around 18 feet.

what about you?


That’s Pretty close to a Truck Length - and I see you are reduced to an emogee So you must agree with my rough calculation.
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View attachment 439986

How about 15 FT on the centerline from the shadow of the of the front bumper to the point between TM!s feet.

reply to 26296804
Neither of his feet are on the centerline.

So, how far do you approximate AA’s heel is from the bumper of the truck as measured on the centerline?

View attachment 439981

I’m saying around 18 feet.

what about you?

View attachment 439982

That’s Pretty close to a Truck Length - and I see you are reduced to an emogee So you must agree with my tough calculation.
travis was standing by the drivers seat when he shoulderd his shotgun to warn arberry that he was armed since it was clear that Arberry was now closing on his position

travis then walked around the drivers side open door and toward the front of the veichle as arberry was now approaching the rear of his truck

arberry then ran around the passanger side in a sneak attack ambush maneuver and cut a hard 90degree turn attacking travis in a suicidal attempt to escape police custody

travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck to protect himself from a criminal who may open fire as the engine block is the only tactically acceptable cover area but was shocked when Maud pulled his al-Qaida suicide attack instead of surrendering

travis walked about 3 feet from his 1st position while Arberry snuck up around his truck and tried to beat a shotgun out of Travis's hands after running DIRECTLY AT men with guns for well over 30 meters
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AA was shot and bleeding from the chest . right here;

View attachment 439934

AA was unarmed, not a threat until he was shot. And TM has admitted to firing the first shot.

and the Grand Jurors, aforesaid, in the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia, further charge and accuse TRAVIS MCMICHAEL, GREG MCMICHAEL and WILLIAM R BRYAN, individually and as parties concerned in the commission of a crime, with the offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, O.C.G.A. 16-5-21, for that the said accused person, in the County of Glynn and State of Georgia, on or about the 23rd day of February, 2020, did make an assault upon the person of Ahmaud Arbery with a frrearm, deadly weapon, to wit: a 12 gauge shotgun, contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, peace and dignity thereof.

if Travis McMichael shot him while he was innocently jogging by he would be shot in his side not in his chest

Maude rushed Travis trying to dislodge his shotgun and then was shot in response to his provocation by attacking a man who was standing his ground

you're not allowed to attack somebody because you're scared of their gun

Perhaps if Travis McMichael was actually pointing a shotgun at Arberry you may have a case but I think your best option is to argue that mauds mental retardation and exposure to BLM propaganda caused him to panic at the sight of a white man holding a firearm who was chasing him after he got caught casing out a house

I know it's difficult to protect a mentally retarded Street criminal with a history of aggressive confrontational Behavior and thefts that caused him to be a felon and on probation well before the day he attacked to professional lawmen who were standing their ground and paid for it with his short felonious life
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reply to post: 26297241

You are being cross examined so be clear as to the precise location of each shooting position that was established by TM.

The truck is facing east for clarification.

TM - Shooter POSITION #1
travis was standing by the drivers seat when he shoulderd his shotgun to warn arberry that he was armed

Is it correct that TM was facing west? Was the shotgun pointed in AA’s direction.

Did TM have time in this position to get back into his truck and give up his attempt to detain AA and then resume the chase instead from behind inside the safety of the truck he was driving. Yes or no?

TM - Shooter POSITION #2
travis then walked around the drivers side open door and toward the front of the veichle as arberry was now approaching the rear of his truck
This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this moment?

TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.
This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this

TM - Shooter POSITION #4 When first shot is fired?

This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this

Please be precise moment.
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Christ. You people have given this Guerilla fool 64 pages of attention he didn't deserve. Is ignorance should have been ignored starting at Post# 1.
THE 45 degree path in front of the truck reply to 26297414
if Travis McMichael shot him while he was innocently jogging by he would be shot in his side not in his chest

You are a liar because you can only see AA’s 45 degree turn:


And you do not have TM’s location on camera nor can you deny that TM is in AA’s path if that path continued for about half a second after AA disappears from sight.

An abrupt 90 degree turn is not consistent with the video evidence after the first shot was fired. That is because it is most consistent with the fact that TMs retreating foot was on the centerline about 15 feet beyond the front bumper of the truck. That is only possible if both men were on a 45 degree path. Moving Southeast while out of sight the camera.(assuming the truck is facing due east)

These images establish that distance the men were when coming back into view.
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Christ. You people have given this Guerilla fool 64 pages of attention he didn't deserve. Is ignorance should have been ignored starting at Post# 1.

I’m doing this for AHMAD. It is sickening to see these racist moronic gun enthusiasts spew lie after lie to denigrate the victim and hero worship the morons with guns who killed him.
And it keeps them busy so there’s less chance they go out and hurt somebody with their guns.
reply to post: 26297241

You are being cross examined so be clear as to the precise location of each shooting position that was established by TM.

The truck is facing east for clarification.

TM - Shooter POSITION #1
travis was standing by the drivers seat when he shoulderd his shotgun to warn arberry that he was armed

Is it correct that TM was facing west? Was the shotgun pointed in AA’s direction.

Did TM have time in this position to get back into his truck and give up his attempt to detain AA and then resume the chase instead from behind inside the safety of the truck he was driving. Yes or no?

TM - Shooter POSITION #2
travis then walked around the drivers side open door and toward the front of the veichle as arberry was now approaching the rear of his truck
This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this moment?

TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.
This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this

TM - Shooter POSITION #4 When first shot is fired?

This is not seen on the video so exactly where is this position relative to the double yellow line, the drivers side front tire, headlight or the grille on the front of the truck. Which direction is TM facing and what is the position of the shotgun at this

Please be precise moment.
bro, you can literally see the muzzle blast in the video I posted making it painfully clear what happened

lol @ shadow puppets
Christ. You people have given this Guerilla fool 64 pages of attention he didn't deserve. Is ignorance should have been ignored starting at Post# 1.

I’m doing this for AHMAD. It is sickening to see these racist moronic gun enthusiasts spew lie after lie to denigrate the victim and hero worship the morons with guns who killed him.
And it keeps them busy so there’s less chance they go out and hurt somebody with their guns.
his name was Ahmaud BTW

*so funny

what would the police have done if THEY were the ones who caught him sprinting out of Larry's front door?

download (89).jpeg
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Christ. You people have given this Guerilla fool 64 pages of attention he didn't deserve. Is ignorance should have been ignored starting at Post# 1.

I’m doing this for AHMAD. It is sickening to see these racist moronic gun enthusiasts spew lie after lie to denigrate the victim and hero worship the morons with guns who killed him.
And it keeps them busy so there’s less chance they go out and hurt somebody with their guns.
his name was Ahmaud BTW

*so funny

what would the police have done if THEY were the ones who caught him sprinting out of Larry's front door?

Told him to go home and stay away.
All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence
That's complete bullshit.

According to multiple eye witnesses and the video evidence, Arbery was NOT jogging.

But apparently, due to your low IQ, the fake news media has easily convinced your feeble mind that he was jogging.
The same eyewitnesses who murdered him? He's seen on video jogging away from the house under construction.
And of course you are simply lying again.
Nope, there is surveillance video from the house across the street.
Bullshit. I posted that video earlier in the thread. That video does not show Arbery jogging.

It shows Arbery walking down the street. Then stop in front of 220 Satilla. Then walk into the garage, then come out of the garage and walk around the house towards the back. Then it shows him come sprinting out the front door and head south on Satilla, towards the McMichael residence.

It does not show him jogging.
No, you're the liar. That video is sped up as evidenced by the clock in the top left corner where seconds can be seen ticking away much faster than real time. He was jogging just like he's seen jogging in the video recorded by Bryan.
bro, you can literally see the muzzle blast in the video I posted making it painfully clear what happened

You are a liar. This is from the video you posted with your reply.


We see TM’s hat in continuous motion moving from right to left after the first shot.

Where do you see AA punching TM above the shoulder before the shot?
Where do you see TM in shooting position 2 and 3 prior to the shot.

TM - Shooter POSITION #2
travis then walked around the drivers side open door and toward the front of the veichle as arberry was now approaching the rear of his truck

TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.

The prosecutor attorney is asking you what you see beyond a shadow of a doubt, And you say fuckoff - watch the video that doesn’t show it.

That won’t go well.

The first shot a little before this:

After the first shot TM’s foot backs across the centerline about 15 ft ahead of the front bumper. But the question for you is where was TM about half a second before the first shot? He must be well across the centerline in your
TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.

What’s your problem? Where is that? Is he over by the passenger side headlamp right up against the front grill cutting off AA’s intended path? Where is the shotgun aimed in Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.

If you don’t know you can admit it.


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most men are cowards that's why the average person who views these types of situations is perfectly comfortable with the notion that a citizen should never interfere with a Criminal under any circumstances but American law makes exceptions for citizens to take criminals under arrest who they have Reasonable Suspicion have committed a felony... this has been a tenet of English common law from time immemorial

* noticed none of the people defending Maude can answer the simple scenario questions

If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?

if you were walking around the corner and you noticed a man running from a woman's unconscious body while holding a purse are you allowed to detain him?

If you notice a disheveled man rummaging through your daughter's underwear drawer while she's fast asleep in her bed are you allowed to detain him?

In all three of these cases it's perfectly reasonable for you to detain these individuals because you have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a serious crime

A coward's interpretation of the law is that you must witness someone commits a felony in order for you to be allowed to detain them and probable cause is insufficient

When viewing one particular example it's understandable how people could get their wires crossed about the law so you have to bounce your interpretation up against a few other real-world scenarios in order to understand its validity

If I see a creepy disheveled individual staring through my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 in the morning who notices me and then panics running and jumping over The Back Fence it should be perfectly legal for me to arm myself pursue him and detain him for law enforcement because Americans have the right to defend their life liberty and property and this right certainly extends to their neighborhood as it is part of their "village" and everybody knows if you allow crime to flourish across the street it will eventually invade your home also
I got as far as this ...

* noticed none of the people defending Maude can answer the simple scenario questions
If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?

Seeing what you describe is nothing at all like the McMichaels' witnessed. They didn't see anyone exit a residence. They didn't see anyone with any evidence of a crime having been committed. They didn't see anyone suspiciously "lock eyes" then flee. And based on the events which actually occurred, according to Georgia law, they had no right to detail Aubrey.

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?
According to that law, no. You'd have to have seen, or have immediate knowledge, that a felony was committed. I see nothing in that statute that allows for suspicion of a felony to detain someone.

That aside, again, your hypothetical still bears absolutely no resemblance to what actually occurred. The McMichaels didn't even see anything to make them suspicious that a felony had been committed. Travis McMichael saw nothing at all -- he was inside his residence. All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence who he says he recognized being inside the house under construction in the past. Even that event they witnessed in the past doesn't satisfy § 17-4-60 because trespassing isn't a felony.

They had absolutely no legal recourse to detain Aubrey. And Aubrey had absolutely no obligation to stop for them. Once Travis exited his vehicle and pointed a shotgun at Aubrey, he already committed aggravated assault. At that point, if anything, Aubrey had the right to defend himself from an imminent threat to his life. The McMichaels' are fucked. And not in a good way.
So you think it's illegal to detain someone who a former professional law enforcement agent knows (has immediate knowledge) is suspected in a felony crime?

At what point in the video do you believe you see Travis McMichael pointing a shotgun at maud?

So if I see a disheveled individual climbing out of my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 a.m. covered in blood who locks eyes with me and then flees in a panic I'm not allowed to pursue or detain him because I did not witness him commit a felony?
"So you think it's illegal to detain someone who a former professional law enforcement agent knows (has immediate knowledge) is suspected in a felony crime?"

Fail. Arbery did not commit a felony by entering that property.

"At what point in the video do you believe you see Travis McMichael pointing a shotgun at maud?"

It's why they were charged with aggravated assault.

"So if I see a disheveled individual climbing out of my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 a.m. covered in blood who locks eyes with me and then flees in a panic I'm not allowed to pursue or detain him because I did not witness him commit a felony?"

I don't know why you persist with that hypothetical scenario? Not only were you shown the law does not allow to detain someone because you think they may have committed a felony; but even worse, it bears zero resemblance to anything which occurred in this case.

In fact, that you keep referring to your hypothetical scenario instead of referring to the known facts of this case, you unwittingly confess you can't show any legal reason for the McMichaels to detain Arbery.
All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence
That's complete bullshit.

According to multiple eye witnesses and the video evidence, Arbery was NOT jogging.

But apparently, due to your low IQ, the fake news media has easily convinced your feeble mind that he was jogging.
The same eyewitnesses who murdered him? He's seen on video jogging away from the house under construction.
And of course you are simply lying again.
Nope, there is surveillance video from the house across the street.
Bullshit. I posted that video earlier in the thread. That video does not show Arbery jogging.

It shows Arbery walking down the street. Then stop in front of 220 Satilla. Then walk into the garage, then come out of the garage and walk around the house towards the back. Then it shows him come sprinting out the front door and head south on Satilla, towards the McMichael residence.

It does not show him jogging.
As soon as Maude sees the neighbor across the street on the phone staring dead at him he Sprints out of the front door like Usain Bolt with the cheetah on his ass because he knows damn good and well a neighbor is reporting a burglary to 911

he wants to get the hell out of there before the cops show up

Why else would he attack two men with guns?

As an experienced criminal from a criminal family with several felonies and currently on parole he knew he was about to be done for intent to commit felony burglary and would be doing a bid in jail

He was very nervous because he had hit the same place several times in the last few weeks

Larry English didn't even know what the hell was in there because he likely had illegal labor using pawn shop tools

news flash for the rest of you privileged white people that don't know dick about crime or the criminal world illegal labor largely uses Black Market tools that they don't report when stolen from a job site
"He was very nervous because he had hit the same place several times in the last few weeks"

By, "hit," you mean trespassed on that property. Remember, the home owner had a surveillance camera in there and said he never saw Arbery take anything. And trespassing without stealing or intending to steal is just a misdemeanor.
bro, you can literally see the muzzle blast in the video I posted making it painfully clear what happened

I know when the first shot was fired. it’s right about here. When TM’s white cap is seen through the windshield between the frame and the headrest. Yellow Arrow:


What I cannot see is where TM was when you claim to see him in

TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.

that’s where you claim tin see AA punch and grab the gun before being shot.

I try to see that but can’t find it. Will you please show us the image where you see it. Capture it and post it f


We can’t see the gun. Can’t see AA Grabbing it?
All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence
That's complete bullshit.

According to multiple eye witnesses and the video evidence, Arbery was NOT jogging.

But apparently, due to your low IQ, the fake news media has easily convinced your feeble mind that he was jogging.
The same eyewitnesses who murdered him? He's seen on video jogging away from the house under construction.
And of course you are simply lying again.
Nope, there is surveillance video from the house across the street.
Bullshit. I posted that video earlier in the thread. That video does not show Arbery jogging.

It shows Arbery walking down the street. Then stop in front of 220 Satilla. Then walk into the garage, then come out of the garage and walk around the house towards the back. Then it shows him come sprinting out the front door and head south on Satilla, towards the McMichael residence.

It does not show him jogging.
No, you're the liar. That video is sped up as evidenced by the clock in the top left corner where seconds can be seen ticking away much faster than real time. He was jogging just like he's seen jogging in the video recorded by Bryan.
Do you start your jogs by sprinting out your front door through your yard and into the street without looking for traffic?
All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence
That's complete bullshit.

According to multiple eye witnesses and the video evidence, Arbery was NOT jogging.

But apparently, due to your low IQ, the fake news media has easily convinced your feeble mind that he was jogging.
The same eyewitnesses who murdered him? He's seen on video jogging away from the house under construction.
And of course you are simply lying again.
Nope, there is surveillance video from the house across the street.
Bullshit. I posted that video earlier in the thread. That video does not show Arbery jogging.

It shows Arbery walking down the street. Then stop in front of 220 Satilla. Then walk into the garage, then come out of the garage and walk around the house towards the back. Then it shows him come sprinting out the front door and head south on Satilla, towards the McMichael residence.

It does not show him jogging.
As soon as Maude sees the neighbor across the street on the phone staring dead at him he Sprints out of the front door like Usain Bolt with the cheetah on his ass because he knows damn good and well a neighbor is reporting a burglary to 911

he wants to get the hell out of there before the cops show up

Why else would he attack two men with guns?

As an experienced criminal from a criminal family with several felonies and currently on parole he knew he was about to be done for intent to commit felony burglary and would be doing a bid in jail

He was very nervous because he had hit the same place several times in the last few weeks

Larry English didn't even know what the hell was in there because he likely had illegal labor using pawn shop tools

news flash for the rest of you privileged white people that don't know dick about crime or the criminal world illegal labor largely uses Black Market tools that they don't report when stolen from a job site
"He was very nervous because he had hit the same place several times in the last few weeks"

By, "hit," you mean trespassed on that property. Remember, the home owner had a surveillance camera in there and said he never saw Arbery take anything. And trespassing without stealing or intending to steal is just a misdemeanor.
Illegal labor oftentimes uses stolen pawn shop tools and they don't call the police and report it missing because they don't have receipts for that crap

That's why illegal Mexican labor is so often targeted for theft and robbery

The privileged white homeowner that lived on the other side of town has no idea what's in that place at any given day therefore has no idea what was stolen

A bucket full of high-quality fixtures can fetch well over $100 on the black market and the homeowner would have no way of knowing if it was stolen since he isn't the one using the tools in that property

Larry English was so concerned about the thefts at his property that he installed thousands of dollars worth of security measures in an effort to catch the thief

Just because he recanted his reports under the threat of death coming from the BLM antifa freaks doesn't mean he didn't issue all those reports and asked the neighborhood to help him catch the thief whose picture he likely shared on the Satilla Shores Facebook page
most men are cowards that's why the average person who views these types of situations is perfectly comfortable with the notion that a citizen should never interfere with a Criminal under any circumstances but American law makes exceptions for citizens to take criminals under arrest who they have Reasonable Suspicion have committed a felony... this has been a tenet of English common law from time immemorial

* noticed none of the people defending Maude can answer the simple scenario questions

If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?

if you were walking around the corner and you noticed a man running from a woman's unconscious body while holding a purse are you allowed to detain him?

If you notice a disheveled man rummaging through your daughter's underwear drawer while she's fast asleep in her bed are you allowed to detain him?

In all three of these cases it's perfectly reasonable for you to detain these individuals because you have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a serious crime

A coward's interpretation of the law is that you must witness someone commits a felony in order for you to be allowed to detain them and probable cause is insufficient

When viewing one particular example it's understandable how people could get their wires crossed about the law so you have to bounce your interpretation up against a few other real-world scenarios in order to understand its validity

If I see a creepy disheveled individual staring through my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 in the morning who notices me and then panics running and jumping over The Back Fence it should be perfectly legal for me to arm myself pursue him and detain him for law enforcement because Americans have the right to defend their life liberty and property and this right certainly extends to their neighborhood as it is part of their "village" and everybody knows if you allow crime to flourish across the street it will eventually invade your home also
I got as far as this ...

* noticed none of the people defending Maude can answer the simple scenario questions
If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?

Seeing what you describe is nothing at all like the McMichaels' witnessed. They didn't see anyone exit a residence. They didn't see anyone with any evidence of a crime having been committed. They didn't see anyone suspiciously "lock eyes" then flee. And based on the events which actually occurred, according to Georgia law, they had no right to detail Aubrey.

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
If you see a man covered in blood jumping out of your neighbor's window at 4 in the morning who Locks eyes with you and then flees in a panic are you allowed to detain him?
According to that law, no. You'd have to have seen, or have immediate knowledge, that a felony was committed. I see nothing in that statute that allows for suspicion of a felony to detain someone.

That aside, again, your hypothetical still bears absolutely no resemblance to what actually occurred. The McMichaels didn't even see anything to make them suspicious that a felony had been committed. Travis McMichael saw nothing at all -- he was inside his residence. All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence who he says he recognized being inside the house under construction in the past. Even that event they witnessed in the past doesn't satisfy § 17-4-60 because trespassing isn't a felony.

They had absolutely no legal recourse to detain Aubrey. And Aubrey had absolutely no obligation to stop for them. Once Travis exited his vehicle and pointed a shotgun at Aubrey, he already committed aggravated assault. At that point, if anything, Aubrey had the right to defend himself from an imminent threat to his life. The McMichaels' are fucked. And not in a good way.
So you think it's illegal to detain someone who a former professional law enforcement agent knows (has immediate knowledge) is suspected in a felony crime?

At what point in the video do you believe you see Travis McMichael pointing a shotgun at maud?

So if I see a disheveled individual climbing out of my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 a.m. covered in blood who locks eyes with me and then flees in a panic I'm not allowed to pursue or detain him because I did not witness him commit a felony?
"So you think it's illegal to detain someone who a former professional law enforcement agent knows (has immediate knowledge) is suspected in a felony crime?"

Fail. Arbery did not commit a felony by entering that property.

"At what point in the video do you believe you see Travis McMichael pointing a shotgun at maud?"

It's why they were charged with aggravated assault.

"So if I see a disheveled individual climbing out of my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 a.m. covered in blood who locks eyes with me and then flees in a panic I'm not allowed to pursue or detain him because I did not witness him commit a felony?"

I don't know why you persist with that hypothetical scenario? Not only were you shown the law does not allow to detain someone because you think they may have committed a felony; but even worse, it bears zero resemblance to anything which occurred in this case.

In fact, that you keep referring to your hypothetical scenario instead of referring to the known facts of this case, you unwittingly confess you can't show any legal reason for the McMichaels to detain Arbery.
The reason you don't want to address my hypothetical scenario is because when you apply your cowardly interpretation of Georgia law to it your cowardly interpretation becomes clearly ridiculous

Law has to be applied across all similar cases it can't just be applied to your favorites in ways you deem favorable

You're suggesting that it was illegal for the McMichaels to pursue Maude because they did not witness him commit a felony in the state of Georgia

apply that ridiculous logic to this scenario and see how it shakes out

if I see a disheveled individual climbing out of my neighbors daughter's bedroom window at 4 a.m. covered in blood who locks eyes with me and then flees in a panic I'm not allowed to pursue or detain him because I did not witness him commit a felony in the state of GA

while you're at it review these cases and tell me how many years you think these Good Samaritans should spend in prison for illegally detaining the crooks

SF Man Catches Prowler In The Act, Hangs Onto Him Until Police Arrive: SFist/

A Vermont grocery store worker was fired after stopping a purse snatcher who stole from an elderly woman

'Messed with the wrong family:' North Carolina dad fights back against secret peeper he found in child's bedroom
bro, you can literally see the muzzle blast in the video I posted making it painfully clear what happened

I know when the first shot was fired. it’s right about here. When TM’s white cap is seen through the windshield between the frame and the headrest. Yellow Arrow:

View attachment 440116

What I cannot see is where TM was when you claim to see him in

TM - Shooter POSITION #3
travis walked from the drivers side to the front of a truck.

that’s where you claim tin see AA punch and grab the gun before being shot.

I try to see that but can’t find it. Will you please show us the image where you see it. Capture it and post it f

View attachment 440121
We can’t see the gun. Can’t see AA Grabbing it?
Your shadow puppets are ridiculous

anybody can simply watch this video and literally see the shotgun blast go off as it exits the upper right-hand portion of the vehicle that is blocking the action

It's abundantly clear that the shot was fired after maud initiated violent contact with Travis McMichael and the shot emanated from a low position and went high at around or 45° angle meaning it was fired from a hip position not an aimed position...

You can literally see maud skip right before contact is made and thats highly indicative of a punch set up but its possible he was just off balance from the hard 90° attack and was simply grabbing at the muzzle of the gun... it's abundantly clear that he was grabbing at the gun because as soon as they become visible again he's got hold of it with two hands

You don't know this stuff because you work at Starbucks and don't have any criminal experience or any real world fight experience

All Gregory McMichael saw was a guy jogging past his residence
That's complete bullshit.

According to multiple eye witnesses and the video evidence, Arbery was NOT jogging.

But apparently, due to your low IQ, the fake news media has easily convinced your feeble mind that he was jogging.
The same eyewitnesses who murdered him? He's seen on video jogging away from the house under construction.
And of course you are simply lying again.
Nope, there is surveillance video from the house across the street.
Bullshit. I posted that video earlier in the thread. That video does not show Arbery jogging.

It shows Arbery walking down the street. Then stop in front of 220 Satilla. Then walk into the garage, then come out of the garage and walk around the house towards the back. Then it shows him come sprinting out the front door and head south on Satilla, towards the McMichael residence.

It does not show him jogging.
No, you're the liar. That video is sped up as evidenced by the clock in the top left corner where seconds can be seen ticking away much faster than real time. He was jogging just like he's seen jogging in the video recorded by Bryan.
You can tell by his posture that he's sprinting out of the front door and the fact that the camera's frame rate clearly depicts him at a much faster Pace than jogging as he covered so much distance between seconds

The McMichaels also reported him at a full Sprint when he went past their house

It's a ridiculous notion to suggest this kid was jogging for Fitness when he was wearing long cotton cargo shorts and had shoes laced so LOOSE that his heels were literally a few inches from the back of his sneaker

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