The Pamela Geller Trainwreck


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Most of you should be familiar with Pam Geller, the lunatic anti-Muslim hatemonger who's revered in the Islamaphobe section of American conservatism,

and who apparently makes a good living selling hatred of Islam.

Well, things didn't go that well for her this weekend, as is told better than I could at

Christian Terrorism

If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?

By William Saletan

Posted Monday, July 25, 2011, at 8:53 AM ET

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims."

As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Then things went horribly wrong. It turned out that the suspected terrorist in Norway wasn't a Muslim. He hated Muslims. And he admired Geller.

Anders Breivik's Christian Terrorism in Norway: Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

I guess, occasionally, peddling bigotry and inciting hate can be a bumpy ride.


Somebody keep count of how many USMB 'wingers drop in to condemn Geller for politicizing the tragedy as it was happening. :lol:
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.

Wait....did you just excuse what this guy did?
You mean this girl?


She's a real badass.
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.

Wait....did you just excuse what this guy did?

Not at all. He's a despicable, twisted murderer that should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.

he wasnt alone. This is what you get when you push hate like Geller and others have.

Pushing hate? Try again son, real "hate" is 19 jihad crazed Muslims crashing planes into the WTC. Islam is a violent religion, sorry if the truth offends you.
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.

Wait....did you just excuse what this guy did?

Zander is just saying the obvious. He did not state he excused the guy from his actions. Not once. Multiculturalism is ruining European nations and the people are fixing to wake up and many already have. This massacre will bring enough attention to it as it already has started in the media with people talking about it. The German Chancellor has woke up and realized that multiculturalism (mainly muslim) hasn't worked in Germany as she stated it last year. The influx of muslims intruding into these nations is having a negative effect. They are disrupting the traditional European culture and customs. They have succeeded into getting Sharia law enacted in several nations over there. This could be the Reichstag Fire many Europeans are wanting to preserve their European heritage, culture and traditions and that they have been looking for as a excuse to take massive action against intruding muslims who have tainted and infiltrated what they want to preserve.
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I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.

Wait....did you just excuse what this guy did?

Zander is just saying the obvious. He did not state he excused the guy from his actions. Not once. Multiculturalism is ruining European nations and the people are fixing to wake up and many already have. This massacre will bring enough attention to it as it already has started in the media with people talking about it. The German Chancellor has woke up and realized that multiculturalism (mainly muslim) hasn't worked in Germany as she stated it last year. The influx of muslims intruding into these nations is having a negative effect. They are disrupting the traditional European culture and customs. They have succeeded into getting Sharia law enacted in several nations over there. This could be the Reichstag Fire many Europeans are wanting to preserve their European heritage, culture and traditions and that they have been looking for as a excuse to take massive action against intruding muslims who have tainted and infiltrated what they want to preserve.

The Reichstag fire was a staged event that the Nazis used to seize power and cause WWII and the Holocaust. A fine comparison you are working out there, Adolph.
Wait....did you just excuse what this guy did?

Zander is just saying the obvious. He did not state he excused the guy from his actions. Not once. Multiculturalism is ruining European nations and the people are fixing to wake up and many already have. This massacre will bring enough attention to it as it already has started in the media with people talking about it. The German Chancellor has woke up and realized that multiculturalism (mainly muslim) hasn't worked in Germany as she stated it last year. The influx of muslims intruding into these nations is having a negative effect. They are disrupting the traditional European culture and customs. They have succeeded into getting Sharia law enacted in several nations over there. This could be the Reichstag Fire many Europeans are wanting to preserve their European heritage, culture and traditions and that they have been looking for as a excuse to take massive action against intruding muslims who have tainted and infiltrated what they want to preserve.

The Reichstag fire was a staged event.
And you have to commend them for a well thought out event. On the other hand, who's to say this massacre wasn't staged and had been by higher powers to be and to be used as a excuse as a starting point to start the purging of Muslims from Europe. They chose Norway with the least punishment laws for the man to carry it out. Just think. He borrowed quotes from Ted Kaczynski maniifesto. How would a Norwegian from around the world know who the hell Ted Kaczynski was?
Zander is just saying the obvious. He did not state he excused the guy from his actions. Not once. Multiculturalism is ruining European nations and the people are fixing to wake up and many already have. This massacre will bring enough attention to it as it already has started in the media with people talking about it. The German Chancellor has woke up and realized that multiculturalism (mainly muslim) hasn't worked in Germany as she stated it last year. The influx of muslims intruding into these nations is having a negative effect. They are disrupting the traditional European culture and customs. They have succeeded into getting Sharia law enacted in several nations over there. This could be the Reichstag Fire many Europeans are wanting to preserve their European heritage, culture and traditions and that they have been looking for as a excuse to take massive action against intruding muslims who have tainted and infiltrated what they want to preserve.

The Reichstag fire was a staged event.
And you have to commend them for a well thought out event. On the other hand, who's to say this massacre wasn't staged and had been by higher powers to be and to be used as a excuse as a starting point to start the purging of Muslims from Europe. They chose Norway with the least punishment laws for the man to carry it out. Just think. He borrowed quotes from Ted Kaczynski maniifesto. How would a Norwegian from around the world know who the hell Ted Kaczynski was?

Anyone else feeling they need to wash their eyeballs out after reading any of USAR's posts lately?
I don't know who Geller is (I've never heard of her), but in spite of the spin Slate puts on the story, she still makes a valid point. If governments ignore Jihad (like the Norwegians have by allowing massive waves of Muslims to immigrate to Norway legally and otherwise), private citizens like this madman will act alone.
This guy is an ultra right winger, not Tea Party. It goes far beyond that. In addition to a hatred for Muslims, he is adamantly opposed to multiculturalism and the EU. He's an anti-Marxist, anti-liberal, with a lot of ideas for developing a culturally conservative media. In his 1,500-page “compendium” calling for a right-wing revolution to restore nationalism, he feels individual acts of terrorist are the way to accomplish his goals. This guy is an intelligent sane cold-blooded killer that values his ideology, more than human life, any human life.

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Zander is just saying the obvious. He did not state he excused the guy from his actions. Not once. Multiculturalism is ruining European nations and the people are fixing to wake up and many already have. This massacre will bring enough attention to it as it already has started in the media with people talking about it. The German Chancellor has woke up and realized that multiculturalism (mainly muslim) hasn't worked in Germany as she stated it last year. The influx of muslims intruding into these nations is having a negative effect. They are disrupting the traditional European culture and customs. They have succeeded into getting Sharia law enacted in several nations over there. This could be the Reichstag Fire many Europeans are wanting to preserve their European heritage, culture and traditions and that they have been looking for as a excuse to take massive action against intruding muslims who have tainted and infiltrated what they want to preserve.

The Reichstag fire was a staged event.
And you have to commend them for a well thought out event. On the other hand, who's to say this massacre wasn't staged and had been by higher powers to be and to be used as a excuse as a starting point to start the purging of Muslims from Europe. They chose Norway with the least punishment laws for the man to carry it out. Just think. He borrowed quotes from Ted Kaczynski maniifesto. How would a Norwegian from around the world know who the hell Ted Kaczynski was?
I don't believe acts of terror convince non-believers that the cause is just. What it does do is solidify the position of both sides. This was a cornerstone in Bin Laden's strategy to bring about all out war between Muslims and non-Muslims.
Most of you should be familiar with Pam Geller, the lunatic anti-Muslim hatemonger who's revered in the Islamaphobe section of American conservatism,

and who apparently makes a good living selling hatred of Islam.

Well, things didn't go that well for her this weekend, as is told better than I could at

Christian Terrorism

If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?

By William Saletan

Posted Monday, July 25, 2011, at 8:53 AM ET

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims."

As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Then things went horribly wrong. It turned out that the suspected terrorist in Norway wasn't a Muslim. He hated Muslims. And he admired Geller.

Anders Breivik's Christian Terrorism in Norway: Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

I guess, occasionally, peddling bigotry and inciting hate can be a bumpy ride.


Somebody keep count of how many USMB 'wingers drop in to condemn Geller for politicizing the tragedy as it was happening. :lol:

Let me lay this out for you.

I have repeatedly pointed out on this board that the problem is not Muslims, it is the political ideology known as Islam. There are many Muslims that abhor terrorism and extremism, but the governments that follow Sharia law all support it. That means that extremism is actually the voice of Islam as a religion and as a political philosophy. These are the people who kill the Muslims who speak up against violence, they are the ones we cannot pretend are merely a fringe and act like they do not matter. They are the ones that currently run the Islamic world.

Christians who commit violence are actually a fringe group. They are ostracized by other Christians, and the leaders of their churches actually stand up in public and call their actions blasphemy. Those leaders are not targeted for retaliation when they do so, nor can you find any Christian cleric, priest, or preacher that supports there actions.

I would even be willing to bet that Geller, who I never read or watch, or even know which is the actual way to know what she says, has spoken up and condemned Brievik's actions.

Don't let that stop you from trying to score political points though, even though you will condemn Geller the next time she scores political points off a Muslim who blows something up and kills a few children.
Most of you should be familiar with Pam Geller, the lunatic anti-Muslim hatemonger who's revered in the Islamaphobe section of American conservatism,

and who apparently makes a good living selling hatred of Islam.

Well, things didn't go that well for her this weekend, as is told better than I could at

Christian Terrorism

If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?

By William Saletan

Posted Monday, July 25, 2011, at 8:53 AM ET

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims."

As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Then things went horribly wrong. It turned out that the suspected terrorist in Norway wasn't a Muslim. He hated Muslims. And he admired Geller.

Anders Breivik's Christian Terrorism in Norway: Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

I guess, occasionally, peddling bigotry and inciting hate can be a bumpy ride.


Somebody keep count of how many USMB 'wingers drop in to condemn Geller for politicizing the tragedy as it was happening. :lol:

Let me lay this out for you.

I have repeatedly pointed out on this board that the problem is not Muslims, it is the political ideology known as Islam. There are many Muslims that abhor terrorism and extremism, but the governments that follow Sharia law all support it. That means that extremism is actually the voice of Islam as a religion and as a political philosophy. These are the people who kill the Muslims who speak up against violence, they are the ones we cannot pretend are merely a fringe and act like they do not matter. They are the ones that currently run the Islamic world.

Christians who commit violence are actually a fringe group. They are ostracized by other Christians, and the leaders of their churches actually stand up in public and call their actions blasphemy. Those leaders are not targeted for retaliation when they do so, nor can you find any Christian cleric, priest, or preacher that supports there actions.

I would even be willing to bet that Geller, who I never read or watch, or even know which is the actual way to know what she says, has spoken up and condemned Brievik's actions.

Don't let that stop you from trying to score political points though, even though you will condemn Geller the next time she scores political points off a Muslim who blows something up and kills a few children.
I don't know. Breivik quoted Geller in his manifesto, and he reprinted articles praising her. I haven't see any comment from her yet.
Most of you should be familiar with Pam Geller, the lunatic anti-Muslim hatemonger who's revered in the Islamaphobe section of American conservatism,

and who apparently makes a good living selling hatred of Islam.

Well, things didn't go that well for her this weekend, as is told better than I could at

Christian Terrorism

If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?

By William Saletan

Posted Monday, July 25, 2011, at 8:53 AM ET

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims."

As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Then things went horribly wrong. It turned out that the suspected terrorist in Norway wasn't a Muslim. He hated Muslims. And he admired Geller.

Anders Breivik's Christian Terrorism in Norway: Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

I guess, occasionally, peddling bigotry and inciting hate can be a bumpy ride.


Somebody keep count of how many USMB 'wingers drop in to condemn Geller for politicizing the tragedy as it was happening. :lol:

Never heard of her.
Most of you should be familiar with Pam Geller, the lunatic anti-Muslim hatemonger who's revered in the Islamaphobe section of American conservatism,

and who apparently makes a good living selling hatred of Islam.

Well, things didn't go that well for her this weekend, as is told better than I could at

Christian Terrorism

If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?

By William Saletan

Posted Monday, July 25, 2011, at 8:53 AM ET

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims."

As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Then things went horribly wrong. It turned out that the suspected terrorist in Norway wasn't a Muslim. He hated Muslims. And he admired Geller.

Anders Breivik's Christian Terrorism in Norway: Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

I guess, occasionally, peddling bigotry and inciting hate can be a bumpy ride.


Somebody keep count of how many USMB 'wingers drop in to condemn Geller for politicizing the tragedy as it was happening. :lol:

Never heard of her.
Here is Pamela Geller.

Images of Pamela Geller. Not bad for 51 years old:




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Well, I guess the Islamaphobe wing of the Right vanished into thin air.

Pam who!!??


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