The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

Not specifically addressing you, but you do seem extremely reluctant to admit the benefits of vaccination are substantial.
I 100% admit that. My kids are vaccinated and the are 12 and 13. My wife is too. I am. We all had COVID beforehand. My parents got vaccinated right away. Why? The doctors recommended them. I am glad I waited and got Pfizer and not Moderna though. What I do not like is the mandates. And now that I am vaccinated IDGAF if people around me are or are not. Well I had the virus so I doubled down but still. I don't judge those who don't want it.
High Blood pressure. Yep. Not good. Should have gotten the vaccine. I agree with you. His primary care sucks.
High blood pressure that was easily controlled with no end organ damage.

Over 70% of people his age have it.

He should have gotten vaccinated. I agree. Saying his PCP sucks is presumptuous. What we would benefit from is fewer right wingers talking nonsense about the vaccine. People have been lying so much about it. They’re the ones that suck.
I 100% admit that. My kids are vaccinated and the are 12 and 13. My wife is too. I am. We all had COVID beforehand. My parents got vaccinated right away. Why? The doctors recommended them. I am glad I waited and got Pfizer and not Moderna though. What I do not like is the mandates. And now that I am vaccinated IDGAF if people around me are or are not. Well I had the virus so I doubled down but still. I don't judge those who don't want it.
Great. So stop lashing out at me for encouraging people to get it.
With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?
High blood pressure that was easily controlled with no end organ damage.

Over 70% of people his age have it.

He should have gotten vaccinated. I agree. Saying his PCP sucks is presumptuous. What we would benefit from is fewer right wingers talking nonsense about the vaccine. People have been lying so much about it. They’re the ones that suck.
The CDC was all over the place as was Fauci. So many have mistrust. Including in the black community. I spoke to my MD. My parents did the same. We do live in MA so our MDs are excellent. But I am glad I didn't get Moderna. His PCP should have said life or death, get it dummy you have hypertension. The media spun it poorly too. This isn't some brand new vaccine they rushed. Almost 20 years in the making with mega research behind it.
The CDC was all over the place as was Fauci. So many have mistrust. Including in the black community. I spoke to my MD. My parents did the same. We do live in MA so our MDs are excellent. But I am glad I didn't get Moderna. His PCP should have said life or death, get it dummy you have hypertension. The media spun it poorly too. This isn't some brand new vaccine they rushed. Almost 20 years in the making with mega research behind it.
Because of the lies that permeate media (particularly right wing media), many don’t believe doctors.

If the CDC was “all over the place”, it’s because everyone has been learning more as time goes on. That’s not a reason to be skeptical. Not unless you think they’re supposed to be perfect at predicting the future. The changes in guidance have been massively blown out of proportion by media (particularly right wing media) as well.

You blame doctors for failing to get through to people who believe a media that has captured them and led them to believe lie after lie.
Because of the lies that permeate media (particularly right wing media), many don’t believe doctors.

If the CDC was “all over the place”, it’s because everyone has been learning more as time goes on. That’s not a reason to be skeptical. Not unless you think they’re supposed to be perfect at predicting the future. The changes in guidance have been massively blown out of proportion by media (particularly right wing media) as well.

You blame doctors for failing to get through to people who believe a media that has captured them and led them to believe lie after lie.
My parents are giant MAGA worshippers and they got the vaccine immediately. Don't forget Trump did warp speed. I told them to get it. My MD told me I could wait as I had the antibodies. I agree with you that people should trust their doctor and if they don't, get a new doctor. What I disagree with are mandates because to me they are a slippery slope. What I dislike is that politicians on both sides are kissing the asses of big pharma so we don't preach enough healthy eating and the NAACP calls that racist anyway. Very discouraging.
That said, the vast majority of the problem is on the right.

How this became some part of the stupid culture war, I’ll never know. Drives me crazy.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX….I did not like that they didn’t differentiate those with natural immunity. My MD did and told me to wait. Then I got my shots but much later than many. Not until Sept.
You're the one with the issue. Stay the fuck home with six masks on and all the doors and windows sealed.

We are living our lives without fear, and that enrages you, but we don't give a shit about your rage. Find a fucking therapist and leave the normal world alone.
You are incapable of answering the question. Get lost.
We notice that the vaccine link for the Omicron mutation, N969K, is not the only one of interest, because the natural compound, geraniin, attaches right next to another, Omicron N440K:

Oct 2020 Brazil-Turkey
’Geraniin interacted with residues T345, R346, S349, L441, N442, N450.’

Geraniin is from the same phytochemistry trajectory for anti-tuberculosis natural compounds.
The first pathology was for Chinese sloth and irresponsibility not to pinpoint the focus of SARS-CoV-1.
That said, the vast majority of the problem is on the right.

How this became some part of the stupid culture war, I’ll never know. Drives me crazy.
The culture war nonsense has been used as a distraction. At the end of the day, these cultists care about owning the libs at the expense of their own health and others. It's mind boggling stupidity, but stupidity just the same.
The culture war nonsense has been used as a distraction. At the end of the day, these cultists care about owning the libs at the expense of their own health and others. It's mind boggling stupidity, but stupidity just the same.
It's a cult only if you disagree with it.

Owning libs, however, is fun. It's a very easy hobby. Doesn't take too much effort to own one of you assholes.

You haven't even a clue of where I live. How can I possibly be a risk to your health? Since your well-being is the only well-being you have any right to have an opinion about, you have no right to tell me what to do with my space and my breath and my germs and my life. You do not have the right to have a thing to say about my health.

If you try to pull out your collectivist "We're all in this together" bullshit, I will eat you alive.
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Because of the lies that permeate media (particularly right wing media), many don’t believe doctors.
Nope. The state of government/media sanctioned science is in the toilet. It would be comical if it didn't affect so many lives. The things they say often seem like Onion headlines.
NYC hospitals are flooded again…geez these dems cities simply can’t keep things safe

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