The Partisan Divide on American "Security"


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
We should define for the record that partisanship is the same as hypocrisy, and that's exactly what we're seeing on this board and on the larger national discussion regarding security. During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

It is clear that neither side has a problem with violating the personal liberty of Americans, but both sides are merely interested in attacking one another for political points. The left now adopts the rhetoric of the right from the Bush years regarding security, and the right is in opposition to anything the left does. No room for principle from either side.
During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I disagree. I am not seeing a partisan divide on opposition to the TSA. I'm seeing people on both the left and the right speak out against it and people on both sides defending the abuse.
During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I disagree. I am not seeing a partisan divide on opposition to the TSA. I'm seeing people on both the left and the right speak out against it and people on both sides defending the abuse.
That tells me that the OP is hyper partisan, because he doesn't or hasn't or simply refuses to see or recognize that the Left has BEEN opposing this and continues to VEHEMENTLY oppose this.

We didn't like it under Bush, and we certainly don't like it under Obama. The fact that the OP wants to pretend that the Left is now OK with this crap is quite telling.
During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I disagree. I am not seeing a partisan divide on opposition to the TSA. I'm seeing people on both the left and the right speak out against it and people on both sides defending the abuse.

Well that's not my experience in general, but I did attempt to avoid making blanket statements because I didn't want to say that everybody on the left or everybody on the right felt a certain way.
During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I disagree. I am not seeing a partisan divide on opposition to the TSA. I'm seeing people on both the left and the right speak out against it and people on both sides defending the abuse.
That tells me that the OP is hyper partisan, because he doesn't or hasn't or simply refuses to see or recognize that the Left has BEEN opposing this and continues to VEHEMENTLY oppose this.

We didn't like it under Bush, and we certainly don't like it under Obama. The fact that the OP wants to pretend that the Left is now OK with this crap is quite telling.

Hyper-partisan towards which party? However, this charge coming from one of the most partisan members of this board is rather ironic. As for the topic at hand, I haven't seen you opine on the issue one way or the other until now so apparently the OP isn't directed towards you. However, you can't deny that there are many on this board alone that oppose the Patriot Act and have openly defended these TSA measures.
Hyper-partisan towards which party? However, this charge coming from one of the most partisan members of this board is rather ironic. As for the topic at hand, I haven't seen you opine on the issue one way or the other until now so apparently the OP isn't directed towards you. However, you can't deny that there are many on this board alone that oppose the Patriot Act and have openly defended these TSA measures.

I didn't think it was directed at me. I'm simply stating that, if you somehow believe that the majority of the Left is somehow OK with all this and is not speaking're simply not honest.

That's all.
Hyper-partisan towards which party? However, this charge coming from one of the most partisan members of this board is rather ironic. As for the topic at hand, I haven't seen you opine on the issue one way or the other until now so apparently the OP isn't directed towards you. However, you can't deny that there are many on this board alone that oppose the Patriot Act and have openly defended these TSA measures.

I didn't think it was directed at me. I'm simply stating that, if you somehow believe that the majority of the Left is somehow OK with all this and is not speaking're simply not honest.

That's all.

I'm going by my own observations on this board and what I'm seeing elsewhere. Again, you can't deny that there many who oppose the Patriot Act but support the TSA's policies.
We should define for the record that partisanship is the same as hypocrisy, and that's exactly what we're seeing on this board and on the larger national discussion regarding security. During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

It is clear that neither side has a problem with violating the personal liberty of Americans, but both sides are merely interested in attacking one another for political points. The left now adopts the rhetoric of the right from the Bush years regarding security, and the right is in opposition to anything the left does. No room for principle from either side.

Outstanding post. And very timely.

Just within this last week NATO is inviting Russia into our security sphere, NK has taken the bold step of showing us their extremely highly advanced enrichment facilities and the topic of reducing military spending is front burner, including proposals to close 1/3 of our bases.

In addition to NATO basically pulling the plug on an extended Afghanistan presence.

So US defense and security is all the buzz and the TSA is just a tiny part of it.

We are going to be redefining our security/defense mission within months. This is the real meat of American politics and the conflict may result in legendary gridlock or legendary change.
Hyper-partisan towards which party? However, this charge coming from one of the most partisan members of this board is rather ironic. As for the topic at hand, I haven't seen you opine on the issue one way or the other until now so apparently the OP isn't directed towards you. However, you can't deny that there are many on this board alone that oppose the Patriot Act and have openly defended these TSA measures.

I didn't think it was directed at me. I'm simply stating that, if you somehow believe that the majority of the Left is somehow OK with all this and is not speaking're simply not honest.

That's all.

I'm going by my own observations on this board and what I'm seeing elsewhere. Again, you can't deny that there many who oppose the Patriot Act but support the TSA's policies.
That tells me that you are ONLY listening to one source or one type of source and are stuck in the same echo chamber.

Listen to Progressive Radio for a few days, watch some MSNBC...your observations do NOT represent the truth.

We should define for the record that partisanship is the same as hypocrisy, and that's exactly what we're seeing on this board and on the larger national discussion regarding security. During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

It is clear that neither side has a problem with violating the personal liberty of Americans, but both sides are merely interested in attacking one another for political points. The left now adopts the rhetoric of the right from the Bush years regarding security, and the right is in opposition to anything the left does. No room for principle from either side.

The PA might have been a bill introduced by a Republican but it got Dimocrat votes when passed and again when reauthorized.
The Dems wanted to fund the purchase of equipment that could detect explosive devices.

The Republicans voted it down.

Now we have what we have...thank a Republican.
Kevin just hates the left.

I have seen NO ONE on the left defend this stupid assed security crap.
I didn't think it was directed at me. I'm simply stating that, if you somehow believe that the majority of the Left is somehow OK with all this and is not speaking're simply not honest.

That's all.

I'm going by my own observations on this board and what I'm seeing elsewhere. Again, you can't deny that there many who oppose the Patriot Act but support the TSA's policies.
That tells me that you are ONLY listening to one source or one type of source and are stuck in the same echo chamber.

Listen to Progressive Radio for a few days, watch some MSNBC...your observations do NOT represent the truth.


This tells me that you're simply ignoring the fact that there are many on the left who support and defend these TSA policies.
We should define for the record that partisanship is the same as hypocrisy, and that's exactly what we're seeing on this board and on the larger national discussion regarding security. During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

It is clear that neither side has a problem with violating the personal liberty of Americans, but both sides are merely interested in attacking one another for political points. The left now adopts the rhetoric of the right from the Bush years regarding security, and the right is in opposition to anything the left does. No room for principle from either side.

The PA might have been a bill introduced by a Republican but it got Dimocrat votes when passed and again when reauthorized.

Further proof that the "left" and the "right" aren't as far apart as people think.
The Dems wanted to fund the purchase of equipment that could detect explosive devices.

The Republicans voted it down.

Now we have what we have...thank a Republican.

The Republicans are to blame for the TSA in the first place, and if they have a problem with these new measures they need only look at the policies under Bush that they likely supported for the groundwork. However, if you can't see the Democratic involvement in this nonsense then you might just be apart of the partisan problem.
The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I was unaware that the Patriot Act targeting children, the Patriot act required strip searching children, the Patriot act searched children with no probable cause.

Of coure the Libards see everything as partisan. Intercepting phone calls from Osama Bin Laden is the same as TSA touching, grouping, and fingering a 5 year old girls vagina, butt, and breast.

Purely partisan, not even a bit.
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The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I was unaware that the Patriot Act targeting children, the Patriot act required strip searching children, the Patriot act searched children with no probable cause.

Of coure the Libards see everything as partisan. Intercepting phone calls from Osama Bin Laden is the same as TSA touching, grouping, and fingering a 5 year old girls vagina, butt, and breast.

Purely partisan, not even a bit.

My e-mails are as private as my body, and nobody has the right to invade the sanctity of either. So the principle remains the same for both.
During the Bush administration the left largely opposed the Patriot Act, and under the Obama administration we're seeing the right largely oppose the TSA's new security policies. So on one hand the left supports taking naked x-rays of people and invasive physical assaults on people who are going to ride an airplane, but does not support reading people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls. On the other hand we have the exact oppose situation going on with the right. The problem is that both sides support using government for invasive and unconstitutional assaults on personal liberty. It's simply that one side disagrees with the other on the means to achieve this goal. Now why is this? The answer should be clear. The Patriot Act is seen as Republican legislation, and the new TSA measures are occurring under a Democratic administration.

I disagree. I am not seeing a partisan divide on opposition to the TSA. I'm seeing people on both the left and the right speak out against it and people on both sides defending the abuse.
That tells me that the OP is hyper partisan, because he doesn't or hasn't or simply refuses to see or recognize that the Left has BEEN opposing this and continues to VEHEMENTLY oppose this.

We didn't like it under Bush, and we certainly don't like it under Obama. The fact that the OP wants to pretend that the Left is now OK with this crap is quite telling.

Please provide a list of all the Democratic Senators that have spoken up against this.

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