The Party of the Rich: Democrats


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
Atlanta, GA
It's always struck me as interesting that even though Democrats commonly accuse Republicans of only caring about the rich and the wealthy, the rich and the wealthy don't really care about Republicans. Why are Republicans seen as the party of the rich when eight of the top ten richest districts in the country are represented by Democrats and most of the richest counties in the country are Democratic strongholds?

I have a theory.

See, for Democrats to get blacks, Latinos, single women/single mothers, "the middle class", on board with their agenda, they have to paint the allegory of the Caring Democrats doing battle with the Republicans who just want to flaunt their big bags of money. Class warfare rhetoric works even when it's bullshit.

Democrats get these voters with the promise of just giving them what they want with nothing in return but their vote. Blacks want affirmative action and expansion of the welfare state? Check. Latinos want "immigration reform" because they don't like the idea of being thought of as criminals for illegally crossing the border? Check. Single mothers want more money allocated to help them pay for their child care, housing, and WIC vouchers? Check. Working-class people want more tax credits to make them pay even less in taxes than they're already paying? Check.

Republicans oppose tax and spending hikes and want to lower tax rates for the rich because encourages more economic activity and more money to pass hands which in turn creates more money to tax. This is spun into Republicans being in the tank for the rich.

But what the truly rich know is that if you make a lot of money, you do aggressive tax planning and get an accountant and tax lawyer to make sure you pay as little as possible. People making well into six-figures don't mull over shit like "is my income going to be taxed at 34% or 35%? What if I pay the top-most percent on my capital gains last year? What if I can't gas up my new Lexus?!" Taxes are a fact of life. High tax rates might affect where someone does business and how they make money, but not so much what they do once they have made it.

Rich people vote extraneous, non-economic interests just like poor people. But it's a lie that Republicans represent the rich.

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