The Patriotic left


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I don't remember seeing anything in here about the College douchebags in Vermont who uprooted the American Flags meant to be a Memorial of the Americans who died during the 9/11 attacks.

But here is a follow up and a condensed version of what scum the left is

Leftist Salon Contributor Who Destroyed 9/11 Memorial On Vermont Campus Lied About It Being Native American Burial Ground


Update to this story. Big surprise, she lied just to have an excuse to rip up the memorial. The Native American tribe calls the people involved in this “disgusting”.

Via Daily Caller:

The protesters who uprooted a 9/11 memorial display at a liberal arts college in Vermont claimed they were defending Abenaki tribal lands and taking a stand against U.S. imperialism.

The Abenaki tribe’s response? “Disgusting.”

Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe, said his tribe did not approve of the actions taken by five people–including one student–at Middlebury College last week.

“We didn’t know anything about this and if we had we certainly wouldn’t have sanctioned it,” he said in a statement to The Addison Independent.

The 9/11 memorial display consisted of 2,977 flags placed in a field on Middlebury’s campus. The flags represent the nearly 3,000 people who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The College Republicans and Democrats have cooperated to erect the display annually for years.

But this year, liberal activists uprooted all the flags on the pretext of defending the Abenaki tribe’s rights. The field is tribal land, they claimed, and Native American beliefs prohibit disturbing the earth on hallowed ground.

But Steven said there’s no evidence that the field is an Abenaki burial site. And even if it was, the flags would be a welcome presence.

“Our burial sites honor our warriors and their bravery,” said Stevens. “Putting flags in the earth to honor bravery would not be disrespectful.”

Two people admitted to participating in the destruction of the memorial. One is a student, Anna Shireman-Grabowski. She is also a contributor to Salon.

The college condemned the incident as vandalism, and is investigating.

“There is always something to learn from differences of opinion,” wrote Middlebury President Ron Liebowitz in an email to The Daily Caller. “In this case, the disrespectful methods of the protesters overshadowed anything that might have been learned from the convictions they claimed to promote. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior

leftists, and therefore the dimocrap party as it is currently constructed, are the scum of the Earth
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Leftist "patriots" are often just as odious as those from the right.
They simply have a slightly different odor about them.

Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel.
I find it ironically amusing that the display of FLAGS is somehow disrespectful.

It seems that some people need to have their logic circuits checked.
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I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.
I don't remember seeing anything in here about the College douchebags in Vermont who uprooted the American Flags meant to be a Memorial of the Americans who died during the 9/11 attacks.

But here is a follow up and a condensed version of what scum the left is

Leftist Salon Contributor Who Destroyed 9/11 Memorial On Vermont Campus Lied About It Being Native American Burial Ground


Update to this story. Big surprise, she lied just to have an excuse to rip up the memorial. The Native American tribe calls the people involved in this “disgusting”.

Via Daily Caller:

The protesters who uprooted a 9/11 memorial display at a liberal arts college in Vermont claimed they were defending Abenaki tribal lands and taking a stand against U.S. imperialism.

The Abenaki tribe’s response? “Disgusting.”

Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe, said his tribe did not approve of the actions taken by five people–including one student–at Middlebury College last week.

“We didn’t know anything about this and if we had we certainly wouldn’t have sanctioned it,” he said in a statement to The Addison Independent.

The 9/11 memorial display consisted of 2,977 flags placed in a field on Middlebury’s campus. The flags represent the nearly 3,000 people who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The College Republicans and Democrats have cooperated to erect the display annually for years.

But this year, liberal activists uprooted all the flags on the pretext of defending the Abenaki tribe’s rights. The field is tribal land, they claimed, and Native American beliefs prohibit disturbing the earth on hallowed ground.

But Steven said there’s no evidence that the field is an Abenaki burial site. And even if it was, the flags would be a welcome presence.

“Our burial sites honor our warriors and their bravery,” said Stevens. “Putting flags in the earth to honor bravery would not be disrespectful.”

Two people admitted to participating in the destruction of the memorial. One is a student, Anna Shireman-Grabowski. She is also a contributor to Salon.

The college condemned the incident as vandalism, and is investigating.

“There is always something to learn from differences of opinion,” wrote Middlebury President Ron Liebowitz in an email to The Daily Caller. “In this case, the disrespectful methods of the protesters overshadowed anything that might have been learned from the convictions they claimed to promote. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior

leftists, and therefore the dimocrap party as it is currently constructed, are the scum of the Earth

since the story says..... The College Republicans and Democrats have cooperated to erect the display annually for can you blame this on Democrats for the actions of a few Far Left idiots?....
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

No one is cheering for Putin, you fucking liar.

Show me the post where conservatives have been cheering Putin.

Just because he is a better leader than Obama and is right about Obama's attitude toward military action on Syria does not equate to 'cheering Putin', you stupid ass.
I find it ironically amusing that the display of FLAGS is somehow disrespectful.

It seems that some people need to have their logic circuits checked.

Some people need to be checked into a mental hispital.
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

No one is cheering for Putin, you fucking liar.

Show me the post where conservatives have been cheering Putin.

Just because he is a better leader than Obama and is right about Obama's attitude toward military action on Syria does not equate to 'cheering Putin', you stupid ass.

Ok. There's one right here ^^

Thanks for making my work easy :lol:
Considering that every square inch of 'America' was originally Native land, and that the homes of the parents of these little wankers are on such land, perhaps it would be appropriate for them and their parents to lead-by-example, and sign-over their property-deeds to the appropriate Native tribal representatives, gratis, so that they could continue to protest against 'American Imperialism' in a truly meaningful and substantive fashion. Dumbass little pissants.
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Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Yet here you are, enjoying the security that is provided and preserved for you by patriots so you can shoot your mouth off like the ungrateful, fucking little scumbag asshole that you are. You don't deserve what your betters grant you despite yourself.
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

and how is Syria our PATRIOTIC responsibility?

or the POTUS for that matter.

if you leftards are bend in bowing at the feet of your idol it does not mean other should.
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

No one is cheering for Putin, you fucking liar.

Show me the post where conservatives have been cheering Putin.

Just because he is a better leader than Obama[/SIZE][/B] and is right about Obama's attitude toward military action on Syria does not equate to 'cheering Putin', you stupid ass.

Ok. There's one right here ^^

Thanks for making my work easy :lol:

did you pray at the obama's statue tonight? not yet? go hurry :lol:
I find it ironically amusing that the display of FLAGS is somehow disrespectful.

It seems that some people need to have their logic circuits checked.

Some people need to be checked into a mental hispital.

it is just a perfect example of the vile hate the left has against this country and it's symbols.
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

No one is cheering for Putin, you fucking liar.

Show me the post where conservatives have been cheering Putin.

Just because he is a better leader than Obama and is right about Obama's attitude toward military action on Syria does not equate to 'cheering Putin', you stupid ass.

Demanding that Obama give Putin his Nobel prize looks a lot like "cheering" to me...
These wingnuts run their mouths, forget all that they said, and deny what they said a day later. Fortunetly, on the net, that is not possible. The post remains. Much to the chagrin of the wingnuts, right or left.
Leftist "patriots" are often just as odious as those from the right.
They simply have a slightly different odor about them.

Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel.

I am so truly sorry you feel that way. If I am a scoundrel, then so be it. But I will be a patriotic scoundrel to my very last breath. I hope someday you will find what you are looking for.
I find it ironically amusing to have a rightie pounding his chest about patriotism when it is the righties - on this very board - who are cheering for Putin over their own President. Get back to me when your side stops sucking commie cock.

No one is cheering for Putin. And you'd sound a lot more intelligent if you took Obama's tiny little schlong out of your mouth. Your hopey changey empty suit has been shown to be an idiot on the world stage by Putin. We're not cheering for Putin. We're just not cheering for your idiot, America-hating, faculty lounge Marxist. At least with Putin, you know you're dealing with a real Marxist based in reality and not unicorn ranch utopian pixie dust.

Sorry, went too far there. My bad. Let's keep making threats we haven't thought out in disputes we don't' have a side in. Let's keep spending more than we take in. Let's keep printing money. Let's keep borrowing more than we'll ever be able to pay back. Interest rates are cheap now! Now is the time to borrow! Interest rates will never go up so it doesn't matter how much we borrow! Let's keep promising health care to people we have no way of delivering it to. Let's keep importing and legalizing uneducated, non-English speaking people to drive our wages down. Let's keep stonewalling Benghazi, IRS, AP wire tapping and Department of Justice scandals. Let's keep floating 85 billion a month in Federal Reserve bonds. Let's keep arming Al-Qaeda the way Obama armed the Mexican drug cartels. That went well. How could arming Al-Qaeda be worse?

Yeah. Let's keep doing all that. And all you got is Americans are cheering for Putin.

Who's side are you on? Not Americans. You would make Lenin proud as a useful idiot. The perfect Obama voter.

We're about to hit the wall. Your Messiah's destructive policies are suicidal. I understand you can't see it and you're too invested in your hopey changey. Soon, you'll look not too far back and wonder how you could have been so blind.

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