The "Pay off the hooker" case

So NY may be the first to indict the former guy, and it would be because he paid off a hooker? Really?

Doesn't sound like a very good idea to me, all things considered. Smerconish nails it:

Nah. Everybody knows he paid off the whore to keep it out of the papers, before the election, so as not to be known as a guy who cheats on his wife, and have it offend the religious right, before they went to the polls. We didn't know he always had to pay off his whores, every time he cheated on his wife. The guy just isn't big on vows, or oaths or fidelity.
Don't get me wrong. He will take one in a heartbeat. He just thinks honoring one is optional.
"From the moment I first met her, I knew Stormy Daniels was different. I’ve had the good fortune to meet a lot of people along the way from different walks of life—janitors, construction workers, hard-working blue-collar workers, middle managers, executives, working moms, homemakers, and CEOs. From people who were broke and down on their luck to billionaires who will never want for anything. But I’ve never met anyone quite like Stormy Daniels.

What makes Stormy Daniels so unique—and so prepared for the important role she has undertaken—is that she always owns who she is. She is entirely confident in her own skin—every day. She doesn’t try to pretend to be something she isn’t. Not even when sometimes I wish she would (see her Twitter account). In a day and age where image is everything and everyone is vying for that perfect Instagram pic or the ideal tweet, Stormy is … herself.

That is very refreshing. And it is something to be cherished." - Michael Avenatti
Stormy has 2 dads, Keith and JD, and two bodyguards, Brandon and Travis, since she's gotten death threats when she got involved with Trump
Thunder and Lightning—Stormy's nickname for her breasts...i wonder if Trump came up with that?
"I have been dancing in clubs since I was seventeen. As my fan base grew over two decades of work in film and feature dancing, my demographic was usually middle-aged white men. Forty-five- to sixty-five-year-old white dudes—Republicans, basically. I lost a lot of them, and that’s their choice. This is, after all, America. They were replaced and outnumbered by people of color, gay men, and lots and lots of white women in their forties" - Stormy Daniels
Stormy writes in her book:

The women I see on the road have a lot of anger. Not at me, which I initially expected. I was worried I wouldn’t be safe anymore in clubs. No, they’re angry at Trump, who seems to be a standin for every man who’s ever bullied them. Nashville, Shreveport, Baltimore … “You have to get him,” they say. “Get that orange turd.”
Nah. Everybody knows he paid off the whore to keep it out of the papers, before the election, so as not to be known as a guy who cheats on his wife, and have it offend the religious right, before they went to the polls. We didn't know he always had to pay off his whores, every time he cheated on his wife. The guy just isn't big on vows, or oaths or fidelity.
Don't get me wrong. He will take one in a heartbeat. He just thinks honoring one is optional.
This can't be a consideration for prosecutors, but I do wonder if this comparatively minor case burns PR capital.
If hush money is illegal then not a single NDA is valid. If anyone committed an offense it was the slut who took his money then began trying to coerce more later. If he gets convicted of this nonsense it won't harm his electoral chances. In fact, his numbers are likely to increase. The House of Representatives has a slush fund from tax payers to settle claims like this out of court. Should we investigate and indict all of them?
Will our liberals go into lamentation mode if the case gets tossed before trial? Will they wail, cry and rend their clothing if it goes to trial and a sensible jury declines to convict?

I believe so. Our poor liberals.

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