The PC Police should apologize....

Yeah, that might be another one they try, that this was just a "crazy person", and that all the PC Police race-baiting had nothing to do with it.

Just an isolated incident by a "crazy" person.

Actually, I thought that was going to be the spin from the beginning.

So have you talked to George Will about his "Race-baiting" when he said the death of Garner was wrong?

No, why?

Come on, you can divert better than that.


Why? How is Al Sharpton to blame and George Will isn't? I mean, if you are going to blame people complaining about Garner's death for this guy's rampage, why not blame everyone who complained about it, right and left?

You know, as opposed to blaming the mentally ill guy with the long criminal record who was still able to acquire a gun despite all that.

this was all about revenge joe

It will fascinating to see if Joe's attempt to divert this into a gun issue will be the approach the rest of the PC Police take.

I'll check out MSNBC today, that will be another good indicator.

Better than using the death of two cops to make a point politically.

When I point out the deaths of thousands of young American military in Bush's hideous wars, am I using those deaths?

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

You're diverting.

This is what pro gun people say on threads about school shootings. And they are aways so right.
Yeah, that might be another one they try, that this was just a "crazy person", and that all the PC Police race-baiting had nothing to do with it.

Just an isolated incident by a "crazy" person.

Actually, I thought that was going to be the spin from the beginning.

So have you talked to George Will about his "Race-baiting" when he said the death of Garner was wrong?

No, why?

Come on, you can divert better than that.


Why? How is Al Sharpton to blame and George Will isn't? I mean, if you are going to blame people complaining about Garner's death for this guy's rampage, why not blame everyone who complained about it, right and left?

You know, as opposed to blaming the mentally ill guy with the long criminal record who was still able to acquire a gun despite all that.
I don't recall George Will organizing protests and inflaming tensions in black communities. Maybe we should blame Will for the Tawana Brawley case too, while we're at it.
We'll see, maybe they'll end up going with the gun issue like you.

Anything to avoid looking in the mirror.

I'm sorry, I don't base my views on what a crazy person might do about it.

Chocking Eric Garner to death was still wrong. IT was insane that a Grand Jury cut that cop loose.

It is not any less so because a crazy person with a criminal record was able to get a gun and kill two cops after shooting his girlfriend and before shooting himself.

Yeah, that might be another one they try, that this was just a "crazy person", and that all the PC Police race-baiting had nothing to do with it.

Just an isolated incident by a "crazy" person.

Actually, I thought that was going to be the spin from the beginning.


I am not sure that will be the tact they take, they are all crazy so they would be admitting he was one of them.
All the excuses from the left. No matter what, you all have blood on your hands. To make it worse, you still will support Sharptons race baiting.
I don't recall George Will organizing protests and inflaming tensions in black communities. Maybe we should blame Will for the Tawana Brawley case too, while we're at it.

Now, i know being from an ex-communist shithole, you don't understand we have a right to protest things the government does we don't like.

sorry, the people who were upset about Garner's murder by the NYPD had every right to do so.

And it had nothing to do with a crazy person with a criminal record killing cops.

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