The Pelosi attack was an assassination attempt, we need to treat this seriously.

What third person?

Have you read the police report?

It doesn't say anything about a third person.

That's someone else's assumption and conclusion
The Police Chief - ON CAMERA - said "someone opened opened the door and police observed Mr. Pelosi and Mr. Depapi struggling".
The fact you don't know this... shows how well the left media is keeping that quiet.

At the 2:09 mark...

The fact you say that just goes to show how delusional you are. That is the problem with those like yourself that populate a right-wing site like this. You come across so many people that think like you, you think you are the norm/mainstream. Most posters on this board are extreme right wingers.
Your post shows us very clearly that you've never seen an extreme rightie in your whole entire life.

Dude, I was in Guatemala in the 80's, I know what the far right looks like. It ain't pretty. It's NOTHING like anything we have here.

If we had a far right in this country there would be lefties hanging from trees RIGHT NOW
I just want to find out who was in the gimp suit. The very essence of "mah democracy" is at stake. :laughing0301:
Your post shows us very clearly that you've never seen an extreme rightie in your whole entire life.

Dude, I was in Guatemala in the 80's, I know what the far right looks like. It ain't pretty. It's NOTHING like anything we have here.

If we had a far right in this country there would be lefties hanging from trees RIGHT NOW

Ummmm, that was far left too. Max government is ALWAYS far left.

Far right is NO GOVERNMENT.
So let's review what happened with Rapey Brett.
You fucking retarded asshole!
You perpetuate a completely FALSE narrative that was a completely made up LIE about something that supposedly happened 30 fucking years ago.

That right there puts YOU among the "mentality ill" you speak of!

Just like the rest of the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that are claiming that the underwear faggot is somehow a MAGA proponent, you are beyond gullible; you are full of shit!!!
The Police Chief - ON CAMERA - said "someone opened opened the door and police observed Mr. Pelosi and Mr. Depapi struggling".
The fact you don't know this... shows how well the left media is keeping that quiet.

At the 2:09 mark...

Possibly including Mr Pelosi himself?

Who was the one who called the cops in the first place? And whose house it was, so it makes sense he would open the door?

All that tells me is the cops didn't see who opened it. How could they, when they were on the other side of it?

Cops are trained to report things in a certain way, because of the subsequent prosecution. If they say "someone" it means they couldn't determine who, otherwise they'd tell us
I don't see Biden bloviating via Twitter every day spouting conspiracy theory nonsense. If he did, you might have a point.

The Orange Buffoon on the other hand....
When the totalitarian elite deny access to talk to the people without bias by the media is pushed with it, then you have to go the Radio Free Europe route.

Possibly including Mr Pelosi himself?

Who was the one who called the cops in the first place? And whose house it was, so it makes sense he would open the door?

All that tells me is the cops didn't see who opened it. How could they, when they were on the other side of it?

Cops are trained to report things in a certain way, because of the subsequent prosecution. If they say "someone" it means they couldn't determine who, otherwise they'd tell us
STFU... "when police arrived - someone opened the door - and the police then observed Pelosi and DePapi struggling with a hammer.
If you think Paul Pelosi opened the door, then ran back to DePape to struggle with the hammer - then you are either a complete idiot or just absurdly trying to bury your head in the sand.
Neither was Paul Pelosi you lying piece of shit. Spreading lies like this is all the bottom feeding creeps are doing. Spewing hatred.

There really is no limit to the depths you will sink to. This is where the shit hits the fan for right wing lies and hate.

Wow! I'm impressed by how intelligent you thought you sounded saying that.

"News footage shows the property has numerous hi resolution cameras from multiple angles in and around the property, the police officers on the scene would absolutely had their body cams on, this entire event is recorded on video. If we never get to see that video, or what we see is heavily edited and redacted, then someone is hiding something"
STFU... "when police arrived - someone opened the door - and the police then observed Pelosi and DePapi struggling with a hammer.
If you think Paul Pelosi opened the door, then ran back to DePape to struggle with the hammer - then you are either a complete idiot or just absurdly trying to bury your head in the sand.
Oh come on. Two people are struggling, the doorbell rings, the caller says "thank God the cops are finally here" and extricates himself just long enough to turn the doorknob, whereupon he immediately gets pulled back in and whacked on the head with the hammer. Scenario fits every word of the press conference
Nobody in leftist society or in MSM Democrat world seemed to give much of a F_ck when Kavanaugh was nearly assassinated.

Suddenly... major politicians being attacked and nearly killed is a story.

I wonder why it wasn't so pushed and lectured when it happened to Kavanaugh... Hmmmm, I wonder why? Well, actually.. Not to wonder, I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg, along with her angry, Joyless cohorts on "The View" will be on cue to present this horrid event to the nation and world as some sort of coordinated attack by Donald Trump and the Republicans. At the same time, she will claim, or shockingly be, oblivious to the fact that a rabid leftist nearly assassinated a SCOTUS judge because of horrid rhetoric that many, including her, perpetuated. She will pretend such violence is unprecidented, and those who are underinformed will believe it.

When was Kavanaugh nearly assassinated?

"News footage shows the property has numerous hi resolution cameras from multiple angles in and around the property, the police officers on the scene would absolutely had their body cams on, this entire event is recorded on video. If we never get to see that video, or what we see is heavily edited and redacted, then someone is hiding something"
You're so easily duped! The police did not say the door was opened by another person......

He said the front door was unlocked, it was open....the police entered the house through an unlocked front door, an open door not one that needed breaking to get in.

Not a single mention of another person or third person?
Neither was Paul Pelosi you lying piece of shit. Spreading lies like this is all the bottom feeding creeps are doing. Spewing hatred.

There really is no limit to the depths you will sink to. This is where the shit hits the fan for right wing lies and hate.
bottom? not sure if paul was the bottom or not

why was the “attacker” in his underwear??

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