The people of blue population centers have no sense.

I meant 14 days. 10 days paid. Zero sick days used.
I just asked the wife....My mistake, she had to use her sick days but since it was over the holidays she just ended-up using a few days. She had a shit-ton of days anyway.
I was watching the local news at lunch time (comes out of DC) trying to catch the weather and they had a segment on the lines at NOtVA hospitals/clinics/urgent cares/etc.

It was crazy, in one place near Leesburg, Virginia (a now built-up blue-burb in Loudoun Co., Virginia) the line of cars was a couple miles long. Huge lines elsewhere and from what I understand it's been like that for a good week.

Contrast that to my local hospital that is within sight of my house and where they have a drive-up testing tent and there was nobody there that I could see, certainly no line. As the crow flies that's around 50 miles from Leesburg.

It just reflects the difference in the sensibilities of Hinterland vs the tards of the blue population centers.

Cool story, bro.
Not in this case. Who are mostly anti-vaxxers? This isn't about herds not thinking. On the contrary. Omicron is blowing up, and lines are long. Let the red/rednecks joke about it. Apparently they have no instincts.
Unfortunately, modern medical science has prevented Darwinism from making our species more intelligent.
What the media is not telling people often enough, is the flu season has made a comeback in the U.S. this winter!
The CDC report on the flu yesterday said that Washington D.C. has the most intense flu activity, followed by New Mexico, Kansas, Indiana, New Jersey, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Dakota.
Not in this case. Who are mostly anti-vaxxers? This isn't about herds not thinking. On the contrary. Omicron is blowing up, and lines are long. Let the red/rednecks joke about it. Apparently they have no instincts.

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in this country are blacks and hispanics who live in blue cities.
Cool story, bro.
Wrong. Trump supporters are most likely to be unvaccinated.
Do tell.....Odd that, I voted for Trump three times and I'm vaccinated.

Paint with a broad brush much there Sport?

LOL.....Next you will be going on that it was because Trump told me to get vaccinated......And that ladies and gentlemen is why you don't argue with the feeble-minded suffering from the TDS.

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