The Political Fracture in America


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Things have been as bad in this Country as they are today, only twice: Once when the New York/New Jersey/New Englanders got control of the Government under John Adams after Washington retired. These people were the descendants of the Puritans who declared themselves "The Elect of God" when they got here, and that imbued them with a sense of moral and intellectual superiority....which gave rise to a notion of an obligation to lead the Unwashed (today's Deplorables) tell them how to conduct their lives, in short---a love of Control.

They no longer know the Lord, but they still love Control up to the present day.

Adams and his crowd of Northeastern Control Freaks passed the Sedition Laws and started putting people in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put Ben Franklin's Grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for posting a placard on a post in his yard that said simply: "Down with Tyrants".

Thomas Jefferson was disgusted by all was one of the reasons he ran against Adams and beat his Ass. His first act was to pardon all those jailed for exercising their right of Freedom of Speech. After that, he ruled with such wisdom and mildness, as did his Virginia successors---Madison and Monroe---that the period became known in our History as "the Era of Good Feelings". (People educated by corrupt Teacher's Unions in Democratic-Run rotting cities of the North would know nothing of these things.)

The Second serious fracture came in the late 1850's. There were no Jefferson's available to right the ship, and 600,000 Americans died.

We now face the Third.

Being a Committed Deplorable, I believe it is because Barack Obama corrupted the Justice Department---which truly puts you a step away from true Tyranny...and I also believe that we narrowly avoided that Tryanny when Don Trump upset Satan's Slave in the November 2016 Election, but that Obama had done so much damage that we are far from being out of the woods. So, I submit the below article for consideration. I quote, as I believe I am required by the rules, from the article, actually a comment after the article----which seems to me to be a well considered analysis of this our Third Grave Political Fracture---I wish I had wrote it. Anyone concerned about their Country first, and not their Politcal Party first---ought to read the main article and the quote from a Comment included below.

America is in a lot of Trouble.

Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe All Named In FISA Memo, First Leak Reveals

"The fascinating thing about this is that we are clearly at the point of political fracture. The two opposing narratives have each captured roughly a third of the population. The Progressives believe that the White House has been captured by semiliterate racists. The Progressives are true believers of the notion that they are the enlightened ones and that the social utopia they strive for justifies all manner of malfeasance. They are more than ready to take the Deplorables out back and shoot them in the head. Once cleansed, they are certain that humanity can be perfected according to their ideas of perfection. Therefore, they have no problem with witch hunts designed to purge the body politic of the undesirables.

The Deplorables believe the pay for play narrative. They are convinced of high treason in the in the alphabet agencies. They full well expect an assassination attempt against their President. Whether Trump is killed or impeached is irrelevant. The Deplorables no longer see the government as their own. To them, Washington has been captured by enemies foreign and domestic. The alphabet agencies are seen as modern itinerations of Stalin’s NKVD. They full well expect that once the coup is achieved that the round ups will begin and they will be either purged or forced into slave labor camps.

This political instability is simply the froth on a pot that is about to boil over. Waves of migrants are fleeing the political and economic chaos unfolding around the world. They are flooding into the United States bringing with them counter cultures that threaten the stability of the communities in which they reside. Their numbers are swamping an already overburdened entitlement industry. Our tax base cannot in any way support the government that now rules over us. The only option is exponential expansion of government debt, a debt that will never be repaid. Conjured money is now paying the interest on the interest. Default on the national debt and a default on claims made on entitlement programs is inevitable.

The declines in production in legacy oil fields are taking down governments in Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The shale oil revolution is not profitable and its rapid decline will take down what is left of the of the U.S. economy. The resulting economic collapse will take down the government. The resulting social unrest will cause a diaspora from the city centers."
Things have been as bad in this Country as they are today, only twice: Once when the New York/New Jersey/New Englanders got control of the Government under John Adams after Washington retired. These people were the descendants of the Puritans who declared themselves "The Elect of God" when they got here, and that imbued them with a sense of moral and intellectual superiority....which gave rise to a notion of an obligation to lead the Unwashed (today's Deplorables) tell them how to conduct their lives, in short---a love of Control.

They no longer know the Lord, but they still love Control up to the present day.

Adams and his crowd of Northeastern Control Freaks passed the Sedition Laws and started putting people in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put Ben Franklin's Grandson in jail. They put a man in jail for posting a placard on a post in his yard that said simply: "Down with Tyrants".

Thomas Jefferson was disgusted by all was one of the reasons he ran against Adams and beat his Ass. His first act was to pardon all those jailed for exercising their right of Freedom of Speech. After that, he ruled with such wisdom and mildness, as did his Virginia successors---Madison and Monroe---that the period became known in our History as "the Era of Good Feelings". (People educated by corrupt Teacher's Unions in Democratic-Run rotting cities of the North would know nothing of these things.)

The Second serious fracture came in the late 1850's. There were no Jefferson's available to right the ship, and 600,000 Americans died.

We now face the Third.

Being a Committed Deplorable, I believe it is because Barack Obama corrupted the Justice Department---which truly puts you a step away from true Tyranny...and I also believe that we narrowly avoided that Tryanny when Don Trump upset Satan's Slave in the November 2016 Election, but that Obama had done so much damage that we are far from being out of the woods. So, I submit the below article for consideration. I quote, as I believe I am required by the rules, from the article, actually a comment after the article----which seems to me to be a well considered analysis of this our Third Grave Political Fracture---I wish I had wrote it. Anyone concerned about their Country first, and not their Politcal Party first---ought to read the main article and the quote from a Comment included below.

America is in a lot of Trouble.

Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe All Named In FISA Memo, First Leak Reveals

"The fascinating thing about this is that we are clearly at the point of political fracture. The two opposing narratives have each captured roughly a third of the population. The Progressives believe that the White House has been captured by semiliterate racists. The Progressives are true believers of the notion that they are the enlightened ones and that the social utopia they strive for justifies all manner of malfeasance. They are more than ready to take the Deplorables out back and shoot them in the head. Once cleansed, they are certain that humanity can be perfected according to their ideas of perfection. Therefore, they have no problem with witch hunts designed to purge the body politic of the undesirables.

The Deplorables believe the pay for play narrative. They are convinced of high treason in the in the alphabet agencies. They full well expect an assassination attempt against their President. Whether Trump is killed or impeached is irrelevant. The Deplorables no longer see the government as their own. To them, Washington has been captured by enemies foreign and domestic. The alphabet agencies are seen as modern itinerations of Stalin’s NKVD. They full well expect that once the coup is achieved that the round ups will begin and they will be either purged or forced into slave labor camps.

This political instability is simply the froth on a pot that is about to boil over. Waves of migrants are fleeing the political and economic chaos unfolding around the world. They are flooding into the United States bringing with them counter cultures that threaten the stability of the communities in which they reside. Their numbers are swamping an already overburdened entitlement industry. Our tax base cannot in any way support the government that now rules over us. The only option is exponential expansion of government debt, a debt that will never be repaid. Conjured money is now paying the interest on the interest. Default on the national debt and a default on claims made on entitlement programs is inevitable.

The declines in production in legacy oil fields are taking down governments in Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The shale oil revolution is not profitable and its rapid decline will take down what is left of the of the U.S. economy. The resulting economic collapse will take down the government. The resulting social unrest will cause a diaspora from the city centers."
what are you trying to tell US, is something going to happen?


Thanks for your response, but I can only give you the material to read. I cannot comprehend it for you.
The hyperventilated hyperbole aside, this article seems woefully incomplete. Perhaps a return to classical argumentive essay writing can help?

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