The Political Left is Evil

Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.
Yes, nothing new under the sun. The same system that in some cultures was repackaged, renamed and called the Caste System, is also for all intents and purposes the same as Feudalism. Which, is pretty much what marxism is and was all renamed to something more palatable by calling it socialism. Now, renamed again and it is being SOLD as " democratic socialism."

Yes, those that support such tyranny and are seduced by such tactics are under the same spell. Following the "ways of the world" which is the road to perdition.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.


They will mock and giggle. Only to their own damnation.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
Okay, I don't know if lightning can strike a message board, but when you pretend to be a Christian, I have to admit, I back away from the screen a bit.

Already told you. See you in hell.
This is what talk radio does to people.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
Okay, I don't know if lightning can strike a message board, but when you pretend to be a Christian, I have to admit, I back away from the screen a bit.

Already told you. See you in hell.
As a Deist I don't believe in hell.
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
He has yet to acknowledge that every last accusation of the left against Trump has been utterly wrong. In fact, they have been caught over and over again in lies. He has not acknowledged that the economy is thriving under Trump, even though the left insisted it was going to collapse within the first year as a result of him getting rid of obama regulations. He insists that even though Trump has gotten rid of obama regulations that the economy is thriving cause of obama.

This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
If you were not such an extreme hypocrite and actually honest, you would have acknowledged the economic conditions under Trump.

No, you continue to credit obama for rescuing the economy that the left caused. Instead, you claim Bush caused and downplay the rewriting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Ignore the number of warnings deliberately ignored by the democrat House and Senate in 2007 and 2008.

You still claim Trump is this disaster for the country and there is no empirical evidence that supports your beliefs.

Time for you to pretend you are morally superior and better than all of us now.

This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
If you were not such an extreme hypocrite and actually honest, you would have acknowledged the economic conditions under Trump.

No, you continue to credit obama for rescuing the economy that the left caused. Instead, you claim Bush caused and downplay the rewriting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Ignore the number of warnings deliberately ignored by the democrat House and Senate in 2007 and 2008.

You still claim Trump is this disaster for the country and there is no empirical evidence that supports your beliefs.

Time for you to pretend you are morally superior and better than all of us now.

Nice lies.

I've often said that the economy is in pretty good shape, and point out good news as it happens.

I've often said that the only thing Obama did was get out of the way and let the Fed pour trillions into markets, and that that was the right thing to do.

And you can ignore as much of what is currently going on this country as you like, since it's people like you that are causing the problems.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. You're a habitual liar, an obedient sheep and a phony Christian.

But aside from that, you're great, really.
Last edited:
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
Well then, you DO have one party you favor over another. You know I'm about as right as you can get. Declare where you are!
This is what talk radio does to people.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
Well then, you DO have one party you favor over another. You know I'm about as right as you can get. Declare where you are!
I'm a left-leaning independent. I find both major parties pretty repulsive right now. I'll put it another way:

Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

That's as clear as I can make it.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
Well then, you DO have one party you favor over another. You know I'm about as right as you can get. Declare where you are!
I'm a left-leaning independent. I find both major parties pretty repulsive right now. I'll put it another way:

Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

That's as clear as I can make it.
You'll love voting for Doomberg....your kind of politician!

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
If you were not such an extreme hypocrite and actually honest, you would have acknowledged the economic conditions under Trump.

No, you continue to credit obama for rescuing the economy that the left caused. Instead, you claim Bush caused and downplay the rewriting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Ignore the number of warnings deliberately ignored by the democrat House and Senate in 2007 and 2008.

You still claim Trump is this disaster for the country and there is no empirical evidence that supports your beliefs.

Time for you to pretend you are morally superior and better than all of us now.

Nice lies.

I've often said that the economy is in pretty good shape, and point out good news as it happens.

I've often said that the only thing Obama did was get out of the way and let the Fed pour trillions into markets, and that that was the right thing to do.

And you can ignore as much of what is currently going on this country as you like, since it's people like you that are causing the problems.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. You're a habitual liar, an obedient sheep and a phony Christian.

But aside from that, you're great, really.
Show me the vast number of posts you credited Trump for the thriving economy.

I will apologize.

Please, if you can oost the threads you made these vast number of posts crediting Trump for the thriving economy.
Last edited:
Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.

It's much simpler, and more clear than this.

Wherever issues of contemporary political controversy align with the clear distinction between good and evil, the left wrong is nearly always found on the side of evil, and the right on the side of good. It really can't be any clearer.

  • Abortion: The cold-blooded murder of innocent children. The left wrong supports it, and the right opposes it.
  • Violent, destructive criminal movements, such as “Black Lives Matter”, “Occupy Wall Street”, “Antifa”, etc. The left wrong supports them, and the right opposes them.
  • Various immoral sexual perversions, homosexuality, in particular, and now “transgenderism”, and especially, now dragging innocent children into these disgusting deviancies. The left wrong supports and embraces them, while the right does not.
  • Treason against our country, in the form of support for invading foreign criminals coming across our southern border. The left wrong supports this, and the right opposes it.
  • Attacks against basic human rights, affirmed and implied in our Constitution, such as freedoms of speech, religion, thought, conscience, association, and assembly; and the right to keep and bear arms, the right not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without proper due process, and so on. All of this comes from the left wrong.

I could go on, of course, but these few examples are ample to demonstrate the pattern.

I think the Democratic Party has completely lost its shit, and is now largely controlled by the Regressive Left, just as the GOP is controlled by the Talk Radio Trumpsters. Pelosi is trying to hold back the tide, we'll see.

It's an embarrassing race to the bottom, and the wingers on both ends are proudly leading it.

Regarding the issues, here ya go: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're welcome!
I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
If you were not such an extreme hypocrite and actually honest, you would have acknowledged the economic conditions under Trump.

No, you continue to credit obama for rescuing the economy that the left caused. Instead, you claim Bush caused and downplay the rewriting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Ignore the number of warnings deliberately ignored by the democrat House and Senate in 2007 and 2008.

You still claim Trump is this disaster for the country and there is no empirical evidence that supports your beliefs.

Time for you to pretend you are morally superior and better than all of us now.

Nice lies.

I've often said that the economy is in pretty good shape, and point out good news as it happens.

I've often said that the only thing Obama did was get out of the way and let the Fed pour trillions into markets, and that that was the right thing to do.

And you can ignore as much of what is currently going on this country as you like, since it's people like you that are causing the problems.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. You're a habitual liar, an obedient sheep and a phony Christian.

But aside from that, you're great, really.
Show me the vast number of posts you credited Trump for the thriving economy.

I will apologize.

Please, if you can the threads you made these vast number of posts crediting Trump for the thriving economy.
I haven't made a "vast number of posts" crediting Trump for a "thriving economy".

Again, you simply are not connected to reality. You exist within this weird Trumpian hyperbolic world. I have to be a little more careful in my interpretations. Here's what I have actually said:

Is the economy pretty good? Yeah. Are we in danger of slipping into a recession, like the Left wing claims and hopes? No, I don't think so, especially if we get a [good] China trade deal. But the current political rhetoric on the economy is phony and transparently partisan.
Some hopeful news: The job report this morning was very nice, and while we're still in a manufacturing recession, the numbers look a little better. We still don't have the growth-push inflation we need, but here's hoping. Right now a (good) trade deal with China may be the most important unresolved issue, and it probably needs to happen fairly soon.
Yes, overall the economy is in pretty good shape.

Believe whatever you want. Keep making it up as you go.
Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.

It's much simpler, and more clear than this.

Wherever issues of contemporary political controversy align with the clear distinction between good and evil, the left wrong is nearly always found on the side of evil, and the right on the side of good. It really can't be any clearer.

  • Abortion: The cold-blooded murder of innocent children. The left wrong supports it, and the right opposes it.
  • Violent, destructive criminal movements, such as “Black Lives Matter”, “Occupy Wall Street”, “Antifa”, etc. The left wrong supports them, and the right opposes them.
  • Various immoral sexual perversions, homosexuality, in particular, and now “transgenderism”, and especially, now dragging innocent children into these disgusting deviancies. The left wrong supports and embraces them, while the right does not.
  • Treason against our country, in the form of support for invading foreign criminals coming across our southern border. The left wrong supports this, and the right opposes it.
  • Attacks against basic human rights, affirmed and implied in our Constitution, such as freedoms of speech, religion, thought, conscience, association, and assembly; and the right to keep and bear arms, the right not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without proper due process, and so on. All of this comes from the left wrong.

I could go on, of course, but these few examples are ample to demonstrate the pattern.
Washington Post publishes al-Baghdadi headline referring to ISIS leader as ‘austere religious scholar’

Did WaPo Headline Call IS Leader al-Baghdadi an 'Austere Religious Scholar'?

You had the creepy JoeB proclaiming unapologetically that the young humanitarian white girl who was kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered deserved what she got and he had no sympathy for her cause she was white.

An NBA whose stars boycott the White House (Trump) cause he is so racist but gleefully goes to China and gladly play in front of those oppressive communists.

Not to mention this....
Being praised by the left

I certainly do enjoy the even handed way you treat both parties (sarcasm)
Why do I have to be even-handed? (no sarcasm)
If you were not such an extreme hypocrite and actually honest, you would have acknowledged the economic conditions under Trump.

No, you continue to credit obama for rescuing the economy that the left caused. Instead, you claim Bush caused and downplay the rewriting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Ignore the number of warnings deliberately ignored by the democrat House and Senate in 2007 and 2008.

You still claim Trump is this disaster for the country and there is no empirical evidence that supports your beliefs.

Time for you to pretend you are morally superior and better than all of us now.

Nice lies.

I've often said that the economy is in pretty good shape, and point out good news as it happens.

I've often said that the only thing Obama did was get out of the way and let the Fed pour trillions into markets, and that that was the right thing to do.

And you can ignore as much of what is currently going on this country as you like, since it's people like you that are causing the problems.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. You're a habitual liar, an obedient sheep and a phony Christian.

But aside from that, you're great, really.
Show me the vast number of posts you credited Trump for the thriving economy.

I will apologize.

Please, if you can the threads you made these vast number of posts crediting Trump for the thriving economy.
I haven't made a "vast number of posts" crediting Trump for a "thriving economy".

Again, you simply are not connected to reality. You exist within this weird Trumpian hyperbolic world. I have to be a little more careful in my interpretations. Here's what I have actually said:

Is the economy pretty good? Yeah. Are we in danger of slipping into a recession, like the Left wing claims and hopes? No, I don't think so, especially if we get a [good] China trade deal. But the current political rhetoric on the economy is phony and transparently partisan.
Some hopeful news: The job report this morning was very nice, and while we're still in a manufacturing recession, the numbers look a little better. We still don't have the growth-push inflation we need, but here's hoping. Right now a (good) trade deal with China may be the most important unresolved issue, and it probably needs to happen fairly soon.
Yes, overall the economy is in pretty good shape.

Believe whatever you want. Keep making it up as you go.
Holy shit
You had the creepy JoeB proclaiming unapologetically that the young humanitarian white girl who was kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered deserved what she got and he had no sympathy for her cause she was white.

If you are referring to JoeB131, then I have to say, to be fair, that it's not really honest to smear all leftists by lumping them in with him. He's a particular extreme, nasty example, someone who has knowingly and willfully embraced evil. I don't think he's evil because he's a leftist; I think in his case, the evil came first, and if anything, he embraces leftism because it better fits with the evil that he always was. I think I may even have seen a post or two from him over the years where he almost admits this.
You had the creepy JoeB proclaiming unapologetically that the young humanitarian white girl who was kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered deserved what she got and he had no sympathy for her cause she was white.

If you are referring to JoeB131, then I have to say, to be fair, that it's not really honest to smear all leftists by lumping them in with him. He's a particular extreme, nasty example, someone who has knowingly and willfully embraced evil. I don't think he's evil because he's a leftist; I think in his case, the evil came first, and if anything, he embraces leftism because it better fits with the evil that he always was. I think I may even have seen a post or two from him over the years where he almost admits this.
Yeah, tend to agree.

To me there are different types of leftists. Most of them (like most of the ones that post here) are under the spell or under the power of group think. I think their greatest fear is to ever be rejected by their peers and that would happen almost instantly if any of them ever agreed with Trump or his followers about anything. Therefore, as lost as they are, they are on fast slippery slide downward now. Look at the absurdity of what they are now. Look at their demented candidates and the platforms they are running on. Gabbard is the only rational one and they they are doing a great job of trying to take her out.

The other leftists are the committed marxists. For them they are all too aware of the lies. To them it is all about the ends and that is the destruction of the western free market. More to the point and at darker levels the eradication of Christianity and Christians all together. Therefore, any and all means are justified to meet that agenda.

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