The Politics forum


It sure would be nice if a vast majority of threads here didn't deteriorate into personal insults, name-calling, vulgarity and any of the myriad ways of saying "you're stupid".

It's definitely nice to have the Clean Debate Zone for a respite, but unfortunately it's not very active and doesn't cover as many issues as this area. So many threads start off with interesting premises, but just end up in the mud within a few posts.

As far as I know, we're all adults here, yet there's a fairly identifiable group of people who show virtually no interest in mature, civil, honest, interesting, stimulating discourse. Maybe that's just not their thing, huh?

Meh. Not an earth-shattering problem. Just sayin'.


I agree.

They are a fairly identifiable group and I can't tell if they are just slow or if this is done to make sure that no discussion outside of their parameters occurs.

[MENTION=32913]Disir[/MENTION], They're intelligent, but at the same time they (and people like them) are existing in such a ideological vacuum that they simply can't be communicated with in a normal way. So in a way, their ideology seems to override their intelligence.

I've always found this fascinating, and I've reached the conclusion (for now, anyway) that there is something in their subconscious that essentially blocks them, prohibits them, from normal communication. Somewhere down deep they know that they're being intellectually dishonest, that they're playing games, but it just doesn't make it to the surface. So they're literally talking themselves into believing the stuff they say. They really believe it, at least at a conscious, surface level.

It may be ego (or lack thereof), self esteem (or lack thereof), or a general doubt about their stance on their positions. Or some combination therein.

In 2012 I started a thread on it: -- several posters made some interesting points.


Five pages and no mudslinging? I'd say that is an excellent thread. It gave me more insight into some of the posters as well-those that posted and those that didn't. Thanks.
Get people to stop lying and I'll stop calling them liars.


If you catch me lying, I'll leave the Board. Permanently.


Aren't you the guy who claimed yesterday that a very, very young sexy rehead was a clean, pure, sweet girl?

Who later was discovered to be a porn queen whore?



I agree.

They are a fairly identifiable group and I can't tell if they are just slow or if this is done to make sure that no discussion outside of their parameters occurs.

[MENTION=32913]Disir[/MENTION], They're intelligent, but at the same time they (and people like them) are existing in such a ideological vacuum that they simply can't be communicated with in a normal way. So in a way, their ideology seems to override their intelligence.

I've always found this fascinating, and I've reached the conclusion (for now, anyway) that there is something in their subconscious that essentially blocks them, prohibits them, from normal communication. Somewhere down deep they know that they're being intellectually dishonest, that they're playing games, but it just doesn't make it to the surface. So they're literally talking themselves into believing the stuff they say. They really believe it, at least at a conscious, surface level.

It may be ego (or lack thereof), self esteem (or lack thereof), or a general doubt about their stance on their positions. Or some combination therein.

In 2012 I started a thread on it: -- several posters made some interesting points.


Five pages and no mudslinging? I'd say that is an excellent thread. It gave me more insight into some of the posters as well-those that posted and those that didn't. Thanks.
About 3 years ago, I was able to meet several people who posted on a board such as this. Surprisingly, their online persona just didn't match with reality at all. One of the biggest jerks online was one the nicest people you would ever meet. Anonymous postings allow the poster to take on any persona they choose, political radical, intellectual, patriot, loving parent, rebellious youth, or whatever they desire.

I look at online forums as a pleasant pastime, but not to be taken too seriously.
I get the feeling that a lot of the people in this forum come here ONLY for the chance to do that.
If you're nice to people, most of them will respond in a a similar manner, even if you disagree. However, some members on this board are so filled with hatred, they just can't bring themselves to be civil to anyone that disagrees with them. The only way to control this is with a strictly moderated forum.

It sure would be nice if a vast majority of threads here didn't deteriorate into personal insults, name-calling, vulgarity and any of the myriad ways of saying "you're stupid".

It's definitely nice to have the Clean Debate Zone for a respite, but unfortunately it's not very active and doesn't cover as many issues as this area. So many threads start off with interesting premises, but just end up in the mud within a few posts.

As far as I know, we're all adults here, yet there's a fairly identifiable group of people who show virtually no interest in mature, civil, honest, interesting, stimulating discourse. Maybe that's just not their thing, huh?

Meh. Not an earth-shattering problem. Just sayin'.

God-dammit! I can't believe this! You gotta be shittin' me! WTF is your prob..................uh mmmm........................of coarse, you're right, old chap, we can definitely communicate on a more respectful level.

Now fuc................I mean, have a nice day! :eusa_silenced:
IT's politics after all and to be honest no one would agree if you say it diferently. There are many stupid people who would not appreciate it but let's face it no one wants to create something that he can't oppose against later on, There are few good people and SO Ltd and Joyce Aboussie St. Louis Women Leaders in Action are in my list for the past 6 months. So let think again next time when involving nukes no one would appreciate something ike that as a plus. People are not so stupid like the leader think. Big mistake in that department if you ask me.

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