The pope opens his dumbass mouth and Donald rakes in more free publicity

On the other, Rome perverted Christianity and turned it into something Jesus cannot approve of.
That wasn't just Rome. You can blame most of it on Paul, and be nothing like unfair. That is how a Jewish Messiah cult because a faith for gentiles, who Jesus cared nothing at all about.

I believe that Christianity was good and pure before Rome seized ownership of it. Once Rome adopted it as its own, things went downhill. It created a church that Jesus could not have approved of.

But like i said, it's a double-edged sword of a history. Chrisianity could not have grown into such a powerful worldwide religion without Constantine and Rome.
It's all part of a multi billion year journey...don't get impatient. None of us will be here for the long ride.
I believe that Christianity was good and pure before Rome seized ownership of it.
Then you believe wrongly, and don't know the faith.

Start here:
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.

You're in no position to speak for Jesus. That and your bias against the Church disqualifies you

I consider myself a Christian. But i'm not a Catholic. The Pope holds no special sway over me. You can be a Christian without supporting the Catholic Church.
This thread is a left loon's wet dream, they can bash the Church and Trump in one fell swoop
Both easy targets, very...

Except faith over rides you, there is your downfall. Christians don't care what you blabber about, our God is bigger than you
I don't have a God, and yours is a lie. Carry on.
we indeed really don't care what you're blabbering about
Sure you do. You keep responding to his posts.
First was the British prime minister, who called Donald Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong.” Then came Britain’s Parliament, which denounced him with colorful language. The French prime minister, the Turkish president and a Saudi prince also weighed in: The Republican presidential front-runner, they agreed, was a demagogue disgracing the United States.

Pope Francis joins a chorus of world leaders in condemning Donald Trump

They are just mad because Trump denounced them first for their disgraceful treatment of their own citizens.

White lives matter.

ALL lives matter. Don't waste Time.

And if you're counting on a life-after-death in 'heaven' to make up for the shit you've had to endure in this life, :lol:
Tell that to the Pope who cares only for the "refugees" and not for the Europeans being terrorized and raped by many of those same "refugees" as their government does nothing.

I am a Deist, I don't believe in heaven.
This thread is a left loon's wet dream, they can bash the Church and Trump in one fell swoop
Both easy targets, very...

Except faith over rides you, there is your downfall. Christians don't care what you blabber about, our God is bigger than you
I don't have a God, and yours is a lie. Carry on.

You can't prove why say it? You're on a fool's errand. That and when confronted with the fact we indeed really don't care what you're blabbering about you get huffy. Funny
You believe in what can't be proven to even exist, let alone know how to worship it. Who is the fool again?
Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.

You're in no position to speak for Jesus. That and your bias against the Church disqualifies you

I consider myself a Christian. But i'm not a Catholic. The Pope holds no special sway over me. You can be a Christian without supporting the Catholic Church.

That would be my choice, not yours
This thread is a left loon's wet dream, they can bash the Church and Trump in one fell swoop
Both easy targets, very...
Who/what isn't?
This Pope is pretty bombproof. Lincoln does okay. Liberalism walks the walk, usually.
Lincoln was a white nationalist.
Hardly, just a man of his times. They all have their faults, even Jesus.
Bottom line, the Church will continue to go on and so will Trump, he's like Teflon, nothing seems to stick. It's almost as if it's...wait for it...God's will.
Bottom line, the Church will continue to go on and so will Trump, he's like Teflon, nothing seems to stick. It's almost as if it's...wait for it...God's will.
The only God in Trump is,.......................................................................................................................................................................................Trump...
The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.

You're in no position to speak for Jesus. That and your bias against the Church disqualifies you

I consider myself a Christian. But i'm not a Catholic. The Pope holds no special sway over me. You can be a Christian without supporting the Catholic Church.

That would be my choice, not yours

The Catholic Church is just another large corporation at this point. And it's infested with pedophile sickos too. I'm a Christian, but not a Catholic.
This thread is a left loon's wet dream, they can bash the Church and Trump in one fell swoop
Both easy targets, very...
Who/what isn't?
This Pope is pretty bombproof. Lincoln does okay. Liberalism walks the walk, usually.
Lincoln was a white nationalist.
Hardly, just a man of his times. They all have their faults, even Jesus.
He was a white nationalist and he was easily ten times as intelligent and educated as you are.
This thread is a left loon's wet dream, they can bash the Church and Trump in one fell swoop
Both easy targets, very...

Except faith over rides you, there is your downfall. Christians don't care what you blabber about, our God is bigger than you
I don't have a God, and yours is a lie. Carry on.

You can't prove why say it? You're on a fool's errand. That and when confronted with the fact we indeed really don't care what you're blabbering about you get huffy. Funny
You believe in what can't be proven to even exist, let alone know how to worship it. Who is the fool again?

You don't realize you have lost, again we don't care about the blabbering. Faith prevails. I've seen first hand the works of my God, He is very real
Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.

You're in no position to speak for Jesus. That and your bias against the Church disqualifies you

I consider myself a Christian. But i'm not a Catholic. The Pope holds no special sway over me. You can be a Christian without supporting the Catholic Church.

That would be my choice, not yours

The Catholic Church is just another large corporation at this point. And it's infested with pedophile sickos too. I'm a Christian, but not a Catholic.

Blah, blah blah we get it, Catholics bad, you good.Fug off already

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