The pope opens his dumbass mouth and Donald rakes in more free publicity

I don't consider a fucking fertilized egg made up of a few cells to be a baby in any sense of the word. I'm totally fine with first trimester abortions. I question second trimester abortion. I am against third trimester abortion.
So the number of cells determines humanity? How many cells is that? Don't answer...I've heard it all before...and its bs.

It is up to the woman to decide whether she wants to carry the pregnancy to its end. There are risks involved, and it is a serious life changing event. No, an embryo is not the same thing as a baby medically or any other sense of the word "baby". Sorry but it isn't.

You realize of course you used to be an embryo?

OMG! Mind blown!

Well, you were, you were life.
She obviously skipped that step. It was irrelevant.
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus (Christianity) have been perverted from that day on.
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

Republicans seem to be the godless ones...
Except Democrats are the ones who kicked God out of their party platform....

Seems the repubs have.
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

'Cause P.F. is a world leader who can say no wrong to a large segment of the world population and he's calling out a classic example of an American conservative Christian on his rather un-Christian rhetoric.

That's entertainment!
I don't consider a fucking fertilized egg made up of a few cells to be a baby in any sense of the word. I'm totally fine with first trimester abortions. I question second trimester abortion. I am against third trimester abortion.
So the number of cells determines humanity? How many cells is that? Don't answer...I've heard it all before...and its bs.

It is up to the woman to decide whether she wants to carry the pregnancy to its end. There are risks involved, and it is a serious life changing event. No, an embryo is not the same thing as a baby medically or any other sense of the word "baby". Sorry but it isn't.

You realize of course you used to be an embryo?

OMG! Mind blown!

You're supposed to let emotions guide you silly. Like, what if I was aborted? And other questions you couldn't answer if you were.

What would your friends think if you were aborted?
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

'Cause P.F. is a world leader who can say no wrong to a large segment of the world population and he's calling out a classic example of an American conservative Christian on his rather un-Christian rhetoric.

That's entertainment!

What's "un Christian" about enforcing immigration laws? Even Jesus said to render upon to Ceaser...
First was the British prime minister, who called Donald Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong.” Then came Britain’s Parliament, which denounced him with colorful language. The French prime minister, the Turkish president and a Saudi prince also weighed in: The Republican presidential front-runner, they agreed, was a demagogue disgracing the United States.

Pope Francis joins a chorus of world leaders in condemning Donald Trump
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

Republicans seem to be the godless ones...
Except Democrats are the ones who kicked God out of their party platform....

I hope they realize God has this video

Should've known...another case of the same thing fairy. Voting no is booing god...same thing Same thing.
I don't consider a fucking fertilized egg made up of a few cells to be a baby in any sense of the word. I'm totally fine with first trimester abortions. I question second trimester abortion. I am against third trimester abortion.
So the number of cells determines humanity? How many cells is that? Don't answer...I've heard it all before...and its bs.

It is up to the woman to decide whether she wants to carry the pregnancy to its end. There are risks involved, and it is a serious life changing event. No, an embryo is not the same thing as a baby medically or any other sense of the word "baby". Sorry but it isn't.

You realize of course you used to be an embryo?

OMG! Mind blown!

You're supposed to let emotions guide you silly. Like, what if I was aborted? And other questions you couldn't answer if you were.

What would your friends think if you were aborted?

:lol: Not my friends, but I'm sure some people would be happy!
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

'Cause P.F. is a world leader who can say no wrong to a large segment of the world population and he's calling out a classic example of an American conservative Christian on his rather un-Christian rhetoric.

That's entertainment!

What's "un Christian" about enforcing immigration laws? Even Jesus said to render upon to Ceaser...
Luke 18:
Jesus Blesses the Children

15And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. 16But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."

Matthew 25:
The Sheep and the Goats
37"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? …39'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' 41"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;…
First was the British prime minister, who called Donald Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong.” Then came Britain’s Parliament, which denounced him with colorful language. The French prime minister, the Turkish president and a Saudi prince also weighed in: The Republican presidential front-runner, they agreed, was a demagogue disgracing the United States.

Pope Francis joins a chorus of world leaders in condemning Donald Trump
Wait till he's president...they'll all be kissing his ass.
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

'Cause P.F. is a world leader who can say no wrong to a large segment of the world population and he's calling out a classic example of an American conservative Christian on his rather un-Christian rhetoric.

That's entertainment!

What's "un Christian" about enforcing immigration laws? Even Jesus said to render upon to Ceaser...
Luke 18:
Jesus Blesses the Children

15And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. 16But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."

That has nothing to do with my comment. Go away
First was the British prime minister, who called Donald Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong.” Then came Britain’s Parliament, which denounced him with colorful language. The French prime minister, the Turkish president and a Saudi prince also weighed in: The Republican presidential front-runner, they agreed, was a demagogue disgracing the United States.

Pope Francis joins a chorus of world leaders in condemning Donald Trump
Wait till he's president...they'll all be kissing his ass.

And we will be an idiocracy.
This is likely a good thing for Trump. The Catholic Church is despised by millions all over the world. An evil diseased entity infested with pedophile sickos. Jesus was not a Catholic, and i'm sure he doesn't approve of the Church.

Who did Jesus tell He would build His Church upon...then see who the first Pope was

The Catholic Church has proven to be an instrument of pure evil all throughout the centuries. The evil began when Constantine adopted Christianity as Rome's state religion. There was no Catholic Church before that. The teachings of Jesus were perverted from that day on.

Blah, blah, blah, so you don't like hoo. Next

Jesus does not approve of what the Catholic Church has used his teachings for over the centuries. It's everything he wouldn't have wanted. Christianity was good & pure before the Romans hijacked and perverted it. It's never been the same since that time.

You're in no position to speak for Jesus. That and your bias against the Church disqualifies you
First was the British prime minister, who called Donald Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong.” Then came Britain’s Parliament, which denounced him with colorful language. The French prime minister, the Turkish president and a Saudi prince also weighed in: The Republican presidential front-runner, they agreed, was a demagogue disgracing the United States.

Pope Francis joins a chorus of world leaders in condemning Donald Trump
Wait till he's president...they'll all be kissing his ass.

And we will be an idiocracy.
What are we now, Ephus?
We should all read exactly what the Pope was asked,,,and exactly how he responded. As usual this is another Tower of Babel mountain of miscommunication...used by both sides to push an agenda.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden Godless liberal/progressives care what the Pope says. Oh suits the agenda

'Cause P.F. is a world leader who can say no wrong to a large segment of the world population and he's calling out a classic example of an American conservative Christian on his rather un-Christian rhetoric.

That's entertainment!

What's "un Christian" about enforcing immigration laws? Even Jesus said to render upon to Ceaser...

:dunno: I have no Idea, not really being a current practitioner of that faith...​

Probably should ask an expert, like The Pope or someone, eh? :razz:


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