The Pope takes back his Church

Ethics and logic are not mutually exclusive, please read a book. In the Pope's economic vision, governments shouldn't be rigged to create a permanent underclass that serve their whole lives as serfs to prop up the profits of a few privileged slackers at the top.

So maybe we should have term limits so that the Democrats can not prop up the profits of the slackers in Green Energy and everything else while they kill jobs for everyone else.

I have a better idea - lets get rid of the house republicans who killed every jobs bill that ever came to their desks to die. :eusa_hand:

1) Republicans passed many bills that would create jobs. They are sitting on Harry Reid's desk to this day.

2) If you are worried about jobs, why are you supporting a man who is opposing the jobs that would be created with the Keystone XL Pipline so that his campaign contributor, Warren Buffet, can profit off there not being a pipeline?

3) You don't need the government to create jobs. You just come up with an idea and go out and do it.
Only those who know how to engage in "civil discourse" deserve a response.

If we all held your standard, no one would be talking to you.

She's a waste of time, all she knows is insults, she wouldn't know what 'civil discourse' was if it slapped her upside the head.

I didn't even realize she was a she. I guess i learn something new everyday. One of the benefits of realizing you don't know everything there is yet.
I don't want to fight government - I want to make it work properly. To me, one way to achieve that is to stop electing people to the job who want it NOT to.

Work properly according to whom?

It is not government's job to steal from the rich to give to the poor. Even Robin Hood understood that wouldn't work, which is why he stole from the government.

Taxing those who (and what) profit most from the very systems that foster their success is not "theft," it is the dues they should pay for services rendered.

Yeah, because rich people owe poor people a living.
I don't want to fight government - I want to make it work properly. To me, one way to achieve that is to stop electing people to the job who want it NOT to.

Work properly according to whom?

It is not government's job to steal from the rich to give to the poor. Even Robin Hood understood that wouldn't work, which is why he stole from the government.

Taxing those who (and what) profit most from the very systems that foster their success is not "theft," it is the dues they should pay for services rendered.

The taxes that pay for "services rendered" are those that go toward military protection, police protection, road building and maintenance. . . you know, the things that actually benefit those business owners. Hate to break it to you, but most forms of wealth redistribution aren't a service -at all- to those business owners.

If you give 50 bucks to my next door neighbor, I don't owe you shit for services rendered. Your morals might say I owe you a percentage of that 50 bucks because that neighbor needed the money and I had to do my part, but my morals say that if you want to help that guy, help him. Leave me the fuck out of it. I'll help who I wanna help with my money, thanks.
Pope Francis to form commission on sex abuse by priests -

Not a figurehead, not at all. This one has a serious agenda to turn things around.

Wonder if they would have put him up there if they knew what he had planned.

One Vatican expert, Father Thomas Reese, defined a pastoral response as "figuring out how to help and heal."

"Until now it has been a police action to get rid of bad priests," said Reese, a senior analyst at the National Catholic Reporter. "The next step is to figure out how to respond to victims, to bring in people who have worked with victims and have them share experiences. The best response then is to let victims tell their story to someone in authority in the church, who can weep with them. That helps the victim overcome the powerlessness and the helplessness they feel."

Reese defended Francis from criticism of doing little thus far against abuse. "The guy has a huge agenda, and the fact he has set up a commission is because O'Malley is telling him it needs his attention and he doing it."

The Council of Cardinals was meeting at the Vatican for three days this week after gathering for the first time in October. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said Thursday that the group was studying the work of the Vatican's departments "one by one" and would meet again in February.
@barb - did you see this?

[ame=]Jon Stewart Hammers Fox's Stuart Varney: You Want to Lecture the Pope on Helping the Poor?! - YouTube[/ame]
What a shame.

The nations that are the most Socialist and practice government enforced redistribution are the world poorest.

The USA became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we tried something new and different and totally aligned with the teaching of Christ

Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone making a profit off of a sick child that bankrupts a family?

and the lord said- read the fine print......

the 1:00 minute mark

[ame=]Ride On - YouTube[/ame]

So hardworking Americans deserve to be bankrupted because their child is sick?
Ethics and logic are not mutually exclusive, please read a book. In the Pope's economic vision, governments shouldn't be rigged to create a permanent underclass that serve their whole lives as serfs to prop up the profits of a few privileged slackers at the top.

If you believed in that you would join me in fighting against government.

I don't want to fight government - I want to make it work properly. To me, one way to achieve that is to stop electing people to the job who want it NOT to.

Why would anyone want to "fight" We the People? Isn't it easier for us to just work out a compromise instead? The utter stupidity of those who perceive We the People to be the "enemy" that needs to be "fought" never ceases to amaze me.
If you believed in that you would join me in fighting against government.

I don't want to fight government - I want to make it work properly. To me, one way to achieve that is to stop electing people to the job who want it NOT to.

Why would anyone want to "fight" We the People? Isn't it easier for us to just work out a compromise instead? The utter stupidity of those who perceive We the People to be the "enemy" that needs to be "fought" never ceases to amaze me.

Was the government 'we the people' to you when George Bush was in office and republicans had the majority? Your president is the one who established the alternate political view in this country as the 'enemy', right out of his own damn mouth. First president to ever do so, so take it up with him.
If we all held your standard, no one would be talking to you.

She's a waste of time, all she knows is insults, she wouldn't know what 'civil discourse' was if it slapped her upside the head.

I didn't even realize she was a she. I guess i learn something new everyday. One of the benefits of realizing you don't know everything there is yet.

It's an assumption on my part, it harps in and relies on the other two harpies in their stupid little tag team operation (cause they can't stand on their own), who are women, so I assumed birds of a feather and all that. My intuition says 'she', regardless of what it might say. If it's male, then I would find that quite amusing. ;)
Work properly according to whom?

It is not government's job to steal from the rich to give to the poor. Even Robin Hood understood that wouldn't work, which is why he stole from the government.

Taxing those who (and what) profit most from the very systems that foster their success is not "theft," it is the dues they should pay for services rendered.

The taxes that pay for "services rendered" are those that go toward military protection, police protection, road building and maintenance. . . you know, the things that actually benefit those business owners. Hate to break it to you, but most forms of wealth redistribution aren't a service -at all- to those business owners.

If you give 50 bucks to my next door neighbor, I don't owe you shit for services rendered. Your morals might say I owe you a percentage of that 50 bucks because that neighbor needed the money and I had to do my part, but my morals say that if you want to help that guy, help him. Leave me the fuck out of it. I'll help who I wanna help with my money, thanks.

Are you that ignorant of where the biggest part of the budget is allocated, or are you lying? You choose.
Meanwhile, you left off the courts that prosecute the people the cops arrest at businesses behest, that also spend a great deal of time upholding (usually pretty lopsided) corporate contract law. Lets not forget the congress people who let the big boys write lopsided legislation and tax code in their favor. Granted, they've usually been paid off already, but that's that under the table system corporations and the financial sector sought and got in 1886! when they got some little railroader to punk the supremes @Santa Clara County vs. Pacific Railroad.

I won't even bother about WHY it is in your rational best interests for your neighbors not to starve, sicken, and die - you'll simply pretend not to understand it.
I think the Pope realized that their strict dogmatism & trying to act as if they were infallible, given their SERIOUS TRANSGRESSIONS under previous Popes, contributed to their empty pews so he decided to address their glaring shortcomings that any schoolchild could spot.
Why do the moderators permit the same ignorant schmucks jumping in to spout their political junk diatribes on every thread? We were talking about a man leading millions of believers and his efforts to improve their lot and give them a reason to have faith.

Unlike the vast majority of his predecessors, he shuns the trappings on his office and is trying to set an example to his fellow priests on their responsibilities to their congregations and those who might seek succor from the church.

What is so wrong in that? And, why do the same posters turn it into a political discussion?
Why do the moderators permit the same ignorant schmucks jumping in to spout their political junk diatribes on every thread? We were talking about a man leading millions of believers and his efforts to improve their lot and give them a reason to have faith.

Unlike the vast majority of his predecessors, he shuns the trappings on his office and is trying to set an example to his fellow priests on their responsibilities to their congregations and those who might seek succor from the church.

What is so wrong in that? And, why do the same posters turn it into a political discussion?

I believe that you want to take that up with CrusaderFrank since he was the originator of deflecting this thread into politics.
If you believed in that you would join me in fighting against government.

I don't want to fight government - I want to make it work properly. To me, one way to achieve that is to stop electing people to the job who want it NOT to.

Why would anyone want to "fight" We the People? Isn't it easier for us to just work out a compromise instead? The utter stupidity of those who perceive We the People to be the "enemy" that needs to be "fought" never ceases to amaze me.

What is truly amazing is you think the government = the people and that you somehow represent the people by supporting the government.

The government is a derivative of the people. And the people have, not only a right, but an obligation to reign in control over it.

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