The Pope takes back his Church

So your answer is that Jesus practices moral equivocation?

Why is it that when it comes to feeding the poor, or healing sick children, we're all in this together as a society and everyone must have your morals forced on them under government fiat, but when it comes to societal morals as a whole and killing unborn children, then it's the individual's choice to practice what's morally right or not? Or do you think it's moral to kill your unborn child? Why are your morals forcible by government, but others are left up to the individual to practice or not?

You missed the point, he always wants his morals imposed on others, which is why he always whinges about other people imposing their morals whenever the discussion turns to moral issues, it saves hi from trying to justify his position.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked for some logical explanation. Of course, I didn't get one. ;)
Why is it that when it comes to feeding the poor, or healing sick children, we're all in this together as a society and everyone must have your morals forced on them under government fiat, but when it comes to societal morals as a whole and killing unborn children, then it's the individual's choice to practice what's morally right or not? Or do you think it's moral to kill your unborn child? Why are your morals forcible by government, but others are left up to the individual to practice or not?

You missed the point, he always wants his morals imposed on others, which is why he always whinges about other people imposing their morals whenever the discussion turns to moral issues, it saves hi from trying to justify his position.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked for some logical explanation. Of course, I didn't get one. ;)

Only those who know how to engage in "civil discourse" deserve a response.
You missed the point, he always wants his morals imposed on others, which is why he always whinges about other people imposing their morals whenever the discussion turns to moral issues, it saves hi from trying to justify his position.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked for some logical explanation. Of course, I didn't get one. ;)

Only those who know how to engage in "civil discourse" deserve a response.

If you were worthy of civil discourse you wouldn't bitch and moan about people who are rude, you would leave that position for the assholes and treat everyone with the respect you claim you want.
The rest of the world is not like America. Perhaps if you knew a little bit about how healthcare works in the rest of the civilized nations you would understand that quality of life is preferable to amassing the most wealth and/or possessions.

Preferable? Define preferable. Last I checked this was an objective value, just like the morals that drive you kids to say shit like insurance people are evil because they profit off of the death of children.

I know enough about other nations with socialized health care to know that putting a government in charge doesn't guarantee treatment any more than the private sector does, and I know enough about history to know that putting the government in charge of wealth distribution doesn't guarantee that there won't be portions of the population suffering from poverty.

No matter how comprehensively you legislate and no matter how noble your stated purpose is, shit will continue to happen. Count on it.

Your lack of faith in We the People to govern ourselves is duly noted. Then again you support a gouging private sector and a corporate owned legislature.

You're confusing terms, here. I lack faith in everything, first off, but my problem isn't with we the people governing ourselves. I love the concept of the people governing -themselves-. That's why it says callous individualist next to my handle. My problem is more when we the people decide to govern by subjugated each other. More specifically, it's with you the people telling me how to spend my money.

You've also made some sweeping assumptions into what it is I support, but given the presumptuous nature of your response, I'm willing to bet that an intelligent conversation with you isn't possible. So. . . carry on with your assumptions. ;)
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If you are a "little" person then get off your ass and out of here and go find a second job.

Typical republican blaming the "little" people for not working enough because greed obsessed corporations refuse to pay living wages and benefits.

Then quit applying for jobs that have shit compensation.

I started in the work force at 18 with no diploma and no job history. I'm talking Labor Ready, report at 5 AM and hope you get work by noon. If you're lucky, you get a full day @ min wage and go home with about forty bucks take-home. By 22 I was bringing down nearly 40k a year.

It's called climbing the ladder. Got no qualifications? Go get some. How, you ask? Apply to a bullshit McJob and get a little experience under your belt. Hell, even having a job while you're going in for an interview at another place does wonders for getting you hired. When you're already working and still trying to improve your situation, potential employers notice that because the ones with a half a brain want to hire people who are pro-active about their jobs and careers. Then, when you got those qualifications, use them to get a better job that will -ah ha!- add to those qualifications as well as pay you better! What a concept! So on and so forth.

This also wasn't a long time ago, for those of you chambering counterpoints that involve that time being dead and gone. I'm only 31, homie ;)

So yeah, I'm sorry to say so, but I do blame most people for their own situations. I could've stagnated at Labor Ready or Subway or whatever the name of the bullshit company that was paying me 8 an hour to cut steel bars to hang curtains, and then I could be out there with the Walmart kids and the fast food workers who seem to think that every job should pay enough to support a family of four, even when that job doesn't contribute that sort of economic value to the employer. I could be bitching about how I can't make ends meet because I've decided to live well beyond the means of someone whose worked little enough in his life to have developed no skills or credentials that could land something better than an entry level bullshit position.

Or I could go my route and say, "Well fuck! Suddenly I've got varied experience in all sorts of blue collar fields from my year at Labor Ready. I bet there's jobs out there that'd value said experience." Or, "Holy shit, you work at a place for awhile and do a good job and they make you an assistant manager. Suddenly I have "manager" on my resume. I'll bet I could turn that into money."

Sorry, but I've climbed the ladder from nothing to comfortable and I intend to climb a good deal further. If you ain't similarly climbing, maybe you should put down your picket sign and grab a job ap. STFU and grab the next rung in the ladder, it ain't that hard.

If you're still feeling raw because people above you aren't offering you enough to work for them to satisfy you, why not go into business for yourself? There's plenty of low overhead methods of making your own money these days, especially with the internet bumpin as hard as it is. People whine too much and take too little action in general. I'm not saying this is everybody, but come the fuck on. . . if someone like me who is stupid enough to buy into libertarianism can work it out all by his lonesome, surely the enlightened D voters upon which Walmart relies (for instance) can expect even -better- results from taking similar action?
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Pope Francis revealed that he once worked as a bouncer at a nightclub in Buenos Aires — and it's starting a big conversation on social media, calling Francis the coolest pope ever.

Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) tweeted a suggestion for an off-beat dramedy about the pope as a bouncer: "Heaven can wait, and So Can You."

Charles Blow (@CharlesMBlow) tweeted "The Pope comes out with something cooler every week… If he releases a mix tape it will be all over."

So just how cool is Pope Francis? A quick scan of headlines shows a lot about how he relates to the faithful: He drives himself in a used car instead of riding with a chauffeur in the papal limousine. Rumors are swirling that he sneaks out of the Vatican at night dressed as a priest to give alms to the homeless.

Back to the subject at hand, lol! He is reinvigorating the RCC.

Pope Francis' latest cool confession: He was a bouncer
You missed the point, he always wants his morals imposed on others, which is why he always whinges about other people imposing their morals whenever the discussion turns to moral issues, it saves hi from trying to justify his position.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked for some logical explanation. Of course, I didn't get one. ;)

Only those who know how to engage in "civil discourse" deserve a response.

Or I could be a broken record like you and just replay 'duly noted' after putting words in the poster's mouth that I just quoted. And your observation also sounds like a complete cop out as to why you couldn't respond to any of my posts, which I would have to guess most would find completely 'civil'. I guess 'duly noted' didn't work as an answer, so you just couldn't respond. :cool:
Do not make enough money at your job?
Get a second job.
Or a third.
Or steal your Granny's social security check.
I am tired of hearing you cry like a baby about it.
You missed the point, he always wants his morals imposed on others, which is why he always whinges about other people imposing their morals whenever the discussion turns to moral issues, it saves hi from trying to justify his position.

Oh, I know, that's why I asked for some logical explanation. Of course, I didn't get one. ;)

Only those who know how to engage in "civil discourse" deserve a response.

Damn straight.
Nasty bitch... :cool:

Doesn't take much for the true colors to come out, does it?

True colors come out? WTF is that even supposed to mean, corporal non-sequitur?

That's true, you show how much of a bitch you are in most of your posts, so it's not like you try to hide it. My bad! :cool:

I see you're still trying to pass.

Your words though. From the heart, the mouth speaks.

You're no Christian. Quite the opposite.
True colors come out? WTF is that even supposed to mean, corporal non-sequitur?

That's true, you show how much of a bitch you are in most of your posts, so it's not like you try to hide it. My bad! :cool:

I see you're still trying to pass.

Your words though. From the heart, the mouth speaks.

You're no Christian. Quite the opposite.

I know, right?
Do not make enough money at your job?
Get a second job.
Or a third.
Or steal your Granny's social security check.
I am tired of hearing you cry like a baby about it.

Who's crying? This is a time to rejoice!

[...]People are happy that a MAN with a following that adds up to several millions in our country alone, and for the first time in our lifetimes, DIRECTLY identified, challenged, and found wanting the hand basket makers that led SO many to be living a hell on this earth. Moreover, he advocates and LIVES a better way of doing things. Even those of us who live secular lives and /or prefer secular governments (which appeals to a crossover demographic, as even much of the religious amongst us prefer that our own, or heaven forbid some other brand, doesn't dictate our lives via the state) appreciate the idea that a personage with such a platform and voice landed solidly and publicly on the side of sweet reason.
True colors come out? WTF is that even supposed to mean, corporal non-sequitur?

That's true, you show how much of a bitch you are in most of your posts, so it's not like you try to hide it. My bad! :cool:

I see you're still trying to pass.

Your words though. From the heart, the mouth speaks.

You're no Christian. Quite the opposite.

I just call it like I see it, has nothing to do with my religious beliefs.
That's true, you show how much of a bitch you are in most of your posts, so it's not like you try to hide it. My bad! :cool:

I see you're still trying to pass.

Your words though. From the heart, the mouth speaks.

You're no Christian. Quite the opposite.

I know, right?

You get what you give sweetie. If you have to belittle and humiliate a poster on here that has never said a bad word to anyone, who has truly shown his Christian beliefs thru his posts, who is only trying to convey what his thoughts and beliefs are without malice, then you're a pathetic bitch, just as I called it. If you don't like it, quit acting like one. :cool:
I see you're still trying to pass.

Your words though. From the heart, the mouth speaks.

You're no Christian. Quite the opposite.

I know, right?

You get what you give sweetie. If you have to belittle and humiliate a poster on here that has never said a bad word to anyone, who has truly shown his Christian beliefs thru his posts, who is only trying to convey what his thoughts and beliefs are without malice, then you're a pathetic bitch, just as I called it. If you don't like it, quit acting like one. :cool:

Oh the IRONY!

Anyone who claims to be a Christian but believes that "civil discourse" encompasses calling someone a "pathetic bitch" deserves to be shunned!
Yup, well here's the thing short stack.

That was a different time.

Yeah, it was a different time. It was like, -right- before the economic collapse. Thankfully, with dear leader and his cabinet's economic policies, this recovery's been pretty awesome for everybody, right?

All joking aside, I've continued to push my income upward through and beyond the crash in '08. The American dream hasn't died yet, homegirl, but if people'd rather have something to be depressed about, you're all free to go on stagnating and making excuses. Just, for the love of fuck, quit pretending that I owe you money.
Do not make enough money at your job?
Get a second job.
Or a third.
Or steal your Granny's social security check.
I am tired of hearing you cry like a baby about it.

Who's crying? This is a time to rejoice!

[...]People are happy that a MAN with a following that adds up to several millions in our country alone, and for the first time in our lifetimes, DIRECTLY identified, challenged, and found wanting the hand basket makers that led SO many to be living a hell on this earth. Moreover, he advocates and LIVES a better way of doing things. Even those of us who live secular lives and /or prefer secular governments (which appeals to a crossover demographic, as even much of the religious amongst us prefer that our own, or heaven forbid some other brand, doesn't dictate our lives via the state) appreciate the idea that a personage with such a platform and voice landed solidly and publicly on the side of sweet reason.

LMFAO. The side of sweet reason? "In your economic vision, people don't help each other enough" is not a statement of logic. It's one of morality. Please learn the difference.

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