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The Post-Trump GOP

I've read a couple of times in the past weeks, "Trump is gone, but Trumpism isn't". Though I hope very much this isn't true.

My concerns are less about most of Trump's policies, but his style: That he was running the country on a maximum of division, and that he constantly denied facts and truth, but rather made fuss about fake news stories from the weirdest sources. He constantly fueled distrust and suspicion of the institutions of a constitutional republic, not least by pissing on the Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and attempting to steal the election after he lost.

Trump is a prime example for "party above country", or rather "my own power above country" and for "winning over being right".

A President who uses lying and disinformation as his main tactic for governing is dangerous for any free, constitutional republic. Because constant lying, fake news and disinformation erodes the very basis the republic is founded on.

It's sad to see what the once "Grand Old Party" has become. They used to have decent people like Reagan, Bush sr., John McCain ... people you didn't need to agree with, but whom you could respect as decent people who have the best of the country at their hearts.

I really hope this party comes back to its senses.


I agreed with about 80% of Orange Jesus's policies

But the guy has no business being near the WH. He's a lying narcissistic whiner who puts himself above the country and would sell his worshippers down the river in a heartbeat. How he has behaved after the election will mean he will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history as he has tried to overturn an election, attacked our institutions, and tried to deny the sovereign will of the people. He's a tin-pot dictator wannabe from one of these shithole countries he denigrates.

Yes, I'm very cautious about Trump giving up international cooperation and "the West", but I do agree with the general idea of some things he did. For example, I think globalized unlimited free trade must be scaled back. Or that allowing massive illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany (my country) must pay more for NATO.

That said? Such a divisive person who constantly fueled hate and mistrust, by calling even peaceful protestors against police violence "terrorists", who smears and insults veterans, who mocks and makes fun of handicapped people, who calls for violence in his name on national tv should he lose the election (his remark towards the "Proud Boys" during the debate), who even fails to distance from white suprematists or conspiracy lunatics when directly asked about them ... really, such a person just is not fit for office when it comes to his basic character.
You touched on Germany paying more. Obama had already been working on that but little was known. That is one of the huge grievances heard from the average worker for 40 years. The Marshall plan should have been abandoned long ago. Workers watched tax breaks being given by a Lobbyist owned Congress to send plants over seas, Workers turned their anger on the wrong people.NAFTA, a Bush program but foolishly signed by Clinton cemented the anger.

I'm all in favor of the EU developing stronger defense capabilities. Ideally, that should happen in alliance with the US, not against it ... but the experience European leaders made in the past four years, that they had to realize America no longer is a reliable partner, might have been just the wake up-call they needed. Or so I hope.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.

They'll pretend like the last 4 years never happened. Unlike Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, HRC, Biden...candidates and presidents who essentially represent the same ideals, the GOP has very flexible morals and characteristics...

The GOP will have no problem trotting out the Anti-Trump in 2024 if they think he can win the Presidency. Consistency is a foreign concept to them.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

From the standpoint of the Lincoln Project, their key has to be to fight against any investigation of the 2020 election- giving the Trump Base the idea that they lost, tough shit and no one care about the election integrity is a key to getting them to withdraw from politics.

The 2nd point that the LP folks should do is to put a lot of money and influence into the Georgia Senate races. If the D's capture the Senate, they will be able to admit new liberal states, make illegal aliens into voting citizens, give the vote to 16 year olds and felons, etc. Whatever needs to be done to make pursuing political power pointless for any future Trump wannabes.

Running separate candidates is sort of stupid, I can't see that as much of a strategy.

But the Republican Party can be recaptured by the Romney/Kasich wing of the party as they adapt to the position of 2nd place finishers in their ivory towers and think tanks.
The anti-Trumpsters are proceeding under the knowledge that Trump actually did lose, fair and square.

So I suspect they're not going to concentrate on anyone who can't even come to terms with that. At least, not at first.

The question will be how many others exist, and whether there is enough leverage there to bring the party back to sanity.

Getting the Trump Base disinterested in electoral politics and elections is the LP's key. If they get the Hoi Polloi to stay on their bar stools or in their church pews, they'll be able to reassert their control over the party and be able to nominate the Romneys, McCains and Alf Landons out there right into the indefinite future.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.
The GOP will have no problem trotting out the Anti-Trump in 2024 if they think he can win the Presidency. Consistency is a foreign concept to them.

You mean we actually aren’t so duped that we can change our views? You mean we don’t worship the Party and bow dow to whatever they say? Yeah, that is true. This is was Democrats do. They would vote for the devil himself if he had a D beside his name. Heck, they essentially voted for Kamala Harris. That is just how duped and partisan the left is. Even Democratic Supreme Court justices aren’t immune to the mind-meld of the Party. They vote lock-step. EVERY TIME. Sheep, all of you Democrats.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
If anyone bothered to check the young voted this year in large numbers. They know this is their future. We have a highly Educated group who know climate Change is real. They are not happy their future is not as bright as their parents. They are fixing to change that.

I have been listening closely to the difference between this generation and the last. Find it very interesting!
The real question is whether Trumpism is an aberration or a continuation of Republican “conservatism”.

If Trumpism is merely a continuation, which it may very well be, then Trumpism will not only survive Trump but thrive. The Republican Party was headed towards a more populist position regardless of Trump. With the election of Obama and the the Koch Bros bankrolling the Tea Party the dye was cast as to where the party would be heading. A party angry at the elites, angry at the changing nature of the country, angry at the globalization of the world economy, etc. Trumpism has unleashed that genie and that genie will not be easily put back into the bottle.

As such I don‘t think Trumpism is an aberration. This sense of grievance will only grow with the increase of right-wing media playing to this grievance 24/7.

Trumpism may not need Trump to survive. Trump is an incredibly flawed person, but he has hit a cord.

There is speculation that Ivanka will run for the senate in Florida against Rubio. That will be the bell weather where the GOP is heading. I would expect her to crush him in the primaries.
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The GOP will have no problem trotting out the Anti-Trump in 2024 if they think he can win the Presidency. Consistency is a foreign concept to them.

You mean we actually aren’t so duped that we can change our views? You mean we don’t worship the Party and bow dow to whatever they say? Yeah, that is true. This is was Democrats do. They would vote for the devil himself if he had a D beside his name. Heck, they essentially voted for Kamala Harris. That is just how duped and partisan the left is. Even Democratic Supreme Court justices aren’t immune to the mind-meld of the Party. They vote lock-step. EVERY TIME. Sheep, all of you Democrats.

You are dead wrong in your assumptions. As a moderate Liberal I dislike the far left as much as I do the far right. Moderation and co- operation is needed to solve problems. I think Mitch MConnell is finding that out. A group of bi partisan Senators just showed him how.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
The Lincoln project is a Dim propaganda organ. Their chances of running any candidates are slim and none. Only leftwing suckers like you were fooled.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

The GOP establishment really wants to tell the Deplorables to go to perdition so they can nominate who they please, have their think tanks and coffee klatches where they can discuss Republican theory.

But the problem is the primary system. Getting the Chumps disinterested in Republican politics is their key for returning to the status quo.
I've read a couple of times in the past weeks, "Trump is gone, but Trumpism isn't". Though I hope very much this isn't true.

My concerns are less about most of Trump's policies, but his style: That he was running the country on a maximum of division, and that he constantly denied facts and truth, but rather made fuss about fake news stories from the weirdest sources. He constantly fueled distrust and suspicion of the institutions of a constitutional republic, not least by pissing on the Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and attempting to steal the election after he lost.

Trump is a prime example for "party above country", or rather "my own power above country" and for "winning over being right".

A President who uses lying and disinformation as his main tactic for governing is dangerous for any free, constitutional republic. Because constant lying, fake news and disinformation erodes the very basis the republic is founded on.

It's sad to see what the once "Grand Old Party" has become. They used to have decent people like Reagan, Bush sr., John McCain ... people you didn't need to agree with, but whom you could respect as decent people who have the best of the country at their hearts.

I really hope this party comes back to its senses.


I agreed with about 80% of Orange Jesus's policies

But the guy has no business being near the WH. He's a lying narcissistic whiner who puts himself above the country and would sell his worshippers down the river in a heartbeat. How he has behaved after the election will mean he will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history as he has tried to overturn an election, attacked our institutions, and tried to deny the sovereign will of the people. He's a tin-pot dictator wannabe from one of these shithole countries he denigrates.

Yes, I'm very cautious about Trump giving up international cooperation and "the West", but I do agree with the general idea of some things he did. For example, I think globalized unlimited free trade must be scaled back. Or that allowing massive illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany (my country) must pay more for NATO.

That said? Such a divisive person who constantly fueled hate and mistrust, by calling even peaceful protestors against police violence "terrorists", who smears and insults veterans, who mocks and makes fun of handicapped people, who calls for violence in his name on national tv should he lose the election (his remark towards the "Proud Boys" during the debate), who even fails to distance from white suprematists or conspiracy lunatics when directly asked about them ... really, such a person just is not fit for office when it comes to his basic character.

For one example, he did not insult veterans. He insulted ONE veteran, who deserved it. The insult was poorly chosen in the heat of the moment, but it was directed at MCCAIN as a person, not vets as a group.

You have been lied to, a LOT by the look of your post.

AND it is worth noting that TRump supporters are not agreeing with your perspective on Trump. So consider that when you judge him and us.
GOP + the donkey party = RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP). More scandals on the horizon as the DC gang & their Major Managed News Media(MMNM) knows the American constituency feeds heavy on scandals. As long as the American constituency stays EQUALLY divided the RCDP/MMNM will keep the American constituency well entertained with endless so called 'inter party' scandals to keep the constituency divided.
Um, okay, so what's next for the GOP?

Your mother
The real question is whether Trumpism is an aberration or a continuation of Republican “conservatism”.

If Trumpism is merely a continuation, which it may very well be, then Trumpism will not only survive Trump but become more of a force. The Republican Party was headed towards a more populist position regardless of Trump. With the election of Obama and the the Koch Bros bankrolling the Tea Party the dye was cast as to where the party would be heading. A party angry at the elites, angry at the changing nature of the country, angry at the globalization of the world economy, etc. Trumpism has unleashed that genie and that genie will not be easily put back into the bottle.

As such I don‘t think Trumpism is an aberration. This sense of grievance will only grow with the increase of right-wing media playing to this grievance 24/7.

Trumpism may not need Trump to survive. Trump is an incredibly flawed person, but he has hit a cord.

There is speculation that Ivanka will run for the senate in Florida against Rubio. That will be the bell weather where the GOP is heading. I would expect her to crush him in the primaries.

I disagree. If Trump is destroyed, no one will come into replace him. Plenty of billionaires out there, but they aren't willing to buck the system if they realize that its quixotic to try and clean up the liberal establishment.

Trump's defeat will assure that future billionaires will toe the Democrat line or at least not try and upset the apple cart.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

From the standpoint of the Lincoln Project, their key has to be to fight against any investigation of the 2020 election- giving the Trump Base the idea that they lost, tough shit and no one care about the election integrity is a key to getting them to withdraw from politics.

The 2nd point that the LP folks should do is to put a lot of money and influence into the Georgia Senate races. If the D's capture the Senate, they will be able to admit new liberal states, make illegal aliens into voting citizens, give the vote to 16 year olds and felons, etc. Whatever needs to be done to make pursuing political power pointless for any future Trump wannabes.

Running separate candidates is sort of stupid, I can't see that as much of a strategy.

But the Republican Party can be recaptured by the Romney/Kasich wing of the party as they adapt to the position of 2nd place finishers in their ivory towers and think tanks.
I wish you guys would quit thinking John Kasich is a moderate, Religious guy. He developed this persona after leaving scandal after scandal in Charter Schpools.He decimated Education to fund them. He is worse than DeVoss.
I've read a couple of times in the past weeks, "Trump is gone, but Trumpism isn't". Though I hope very much this isn't true.

My concerns are less about most of Trump's policies, but his style: That he was running the country on a maximum of division, and that he constantly denied facts and truth, but rather made fuss about fake news stories from the weirdest sources. He constantly fueled distrust and suspicion of the institutions of a constitutional republic, not least by pissing on the Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and attempting to steal the election after he lost.

Trump is a prime example for "party above country", or rather "my own power above country" and for "winning over being right".

A President who uses lying and disinformation as his main tactic for governing is dangerous for any free, constitutional republic. Because constant lying, fake news and disinformation erodes the very basis the republic is founded on.

It's sad to see what the once "Grand Old Party" has become. They used to have decent people like Reagan, Bush sr., John McCain ... people you didn't need to agree with, but whom you could respect as decent people who have the best of the country at their hearts.

I really hope this party comes back to its senses.


I agreed with about 80% of Orange Jesus's policies

But the guy has no business being near the WH. He's a lying narcissistic whiner who puts himself above the country and would sell his worshippers down the river in a heartbeat. How he has behaved after the election will mean he will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history as he has tried to overturn an election, attacked our institutions, and tried to deny the sovereign will of the people. He's a tin-pot dictator wannabe from one of these shithole countries he denigrates.

Yes, I'm very cautious about Trump giving up international cooperation and "the West", but I do agree with the general idea of some things he did. For example, I think globalized unlimited free trade must be scaled back. Or that allowing massive illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany (my country) must pay more for NATO.

That said? Such a divisive person who constantly fueled hate and mistrust, by calling even peaceful protestors against police violence "terrorists", who smears and insults veterans, who mocks and makes fun of handicapped people, who calls for violence in his name on national tv should he lose the election (his remark towards the "Proud Boys" during the debate), who even fails to distance from white suprematists or conspiracy lunatics when directly asked about them ... really, such a person just is not fit for office when it comes to his basic character.

For one example, he did not insult veterans. He insulted ONE veteran, who deserved it. The insult was poorly chosen in the heat of the moment, but it was directed at MCCAIN as a person, not vets as a group.

You have been lied to, a LOT by the look of your post.

AND it is worth noting that TRump supporters are not agreeing with your perspective on Trump. So consider that when you judge him and us.
Trump insulted all POWs
The rest he just called suckers and losers
I've read a couple of times in the past weeks, "Trump is gone, but Trumpism isn't". Though I hope very much this isn't true.

My concerns are less about most of Trump's policies, but his style: That he was running the country on a maximum of division, and that he constantly denied facts and truth, but rather made fuss about fake news stories from the weirdest sources. He constantly fueled distrust and suspicion of the institutions of a constitutional republic, not least by pissing on the Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and attempting to steal the election after he lost.

Trump is a prime example for "party above country", or rather "my own power above country" and for "winning over being right".

A President who uses lying and disinformation as his main tactic for governing is dangerous for any free, constitutional republic. Because constant lying, fake news and disinformation erodes the very basis the republic is founded on.

It's sad to see what the once "Grand Old Party" has become. They used to have decent people like Reagan, Bush sr., John McCain ... people you didn't need to agree with, but whom you could respect as decent people who have the best of the country at their hearts.

I really hope this party comes back to its senses.


I agreed with about 80% of Orange Jesus's policies

But the guy has no business being near the WH. He's a lying narcissistic whiner who puts himself above the country and would sell his worshippers down the river in a heartbeat. How he has behaved after the election will mean he will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history as he has tried to overturn an election, attacked our institutions, and tried to deny the sovereign will of the people. He's a tin-pot dictator wannabe from one of these shithole countries he denigrates.

Yes, I'm very cautious about Trump giving up international cooperation and "the West", but I do agree with the general idea of some things he did. For example, I think globalized unlimited free trade must be scaled back. Or that allowing massive illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany (my country) must pay more for NATO.

That said? Such a divisive person who constantly fueled hate and mistrust, by calling even peaceful protestors against police violence "terrorists", who smears and insults veterans, who mocks and makes fun of handicapped people, who calls for violence in his name on national tv should he lose the election (his remark towards the "Proud Boys" during the debate), who even fails to distance from white suprematists or conspiracy lunatics when directly asked about them ... really, such a person just is not fit for office when it comes to his basic character.

For one example, he did not insult veterans. He insulted ONE veteran, who deserved it. The insult was poorly chosen in the heat of the moment, but it was directed at MCCAIN as a person, not vets as a group.

You have been lied to, a LOT by the look of your post.

AND it is worth noting that TRump supporters are not agreeing with your perspective on Trump. So consider that when you judge him and us.

I don't quite buy that it was "poorly chosen in the heat of the moment", because Trump made such poor choices in the heat of the moment all the time. In fact, it seems to me there were very few moments for him that were not heated.

As for myself being lied to, well, all you really need to do is watching Trump saying the things he says or writes on twitter ... you don't even need to read or watch commentaries on it to have a clear opinion on a person like him.

It's pretty obvious to me that a person who talks like him has a character that's not suited for office, in my opinion. He's supposed to be the **** President, his words have consequences, he's not some random troll on the internet.
I've read a couple of times in the past weeks, "Trump is gone, but Trumpism isn't". Though I hope very much this isn't true.

My concerns are less about most of Trump's policies, but his style: That he was running the country on a maximum of division, and that he constantly denied facts and truth, but rather made fuss about fake news stories from the weirdest sources. He constantly fueled distrust and suspicion of the institutions of a constitutional republic, not least by pissing on the Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and attempting to steal the election after he lost.

Trump is a prime example for "party above country", or rather "my own power above country" and for "winning over being right".

A President who uses lying and disinformation as his main tactic for governing is dangerous for any free, constitutional republic. Because constant lying, fake news and disinformation erodes the very basis the republic is founded on.

It's sad to see what the once "Grand Old Party" has become. They used to have decent people like Reagan, Bush sr., John McCain ... people you didn't need to agree with, but whom you could respect as decent people who have the best of the country at their hearts.

I really hope this party comes back to its senses.


I agreed with about 80% of Orange Jesus's policies

But the guy has no business being near the WH. He's a lying narcissistic whiner who puts himself above the country and would sell his worshippers down the river in a heartbeat. How he has behaved after the election will mean he will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history as he has tried to overturn an election, attacked our institutions, and tried to deny the sovereign will of the people. He's a tin-pot dictator wannabe from one of these shithole countries he denigrates.

Yes, I'm very cautious about Trump giving up international cooperation and "the West", but I do agree with the general idea of some things he did. For example, I think globalized unlimited free trade must be scaled back. Or that allowing massive illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany (my country) must pay more for NATO.

That said? Such a divisive person who constantly fueled hate and mistrust, by calling even peaceful protestors against police violence "terrorists", who smears and insults veterans, who mocks and makes fun of handicapped people, who calls for violence in his name on national tv should he lose the election (his remark towards the "Proud Boys" during the debate), who even fails to distance from white suprematists or conspiracy lunatics when directly asked about them ... really, such a person just is not fit for office when it comes to his basic character.

For one example, he did not insult veterans. He insulted ONE veteran, who deserved it. The insult was poorly chosen in the heat of the moment, but it was directed at MCCAIN as a person, not vets as a group.

You have been lied to, a LOT by the look of your post.

AND it is worth noting that TRump supporters are not agreeing with your perspective on Trump. So consider that when you judge him and us.
No, Trump insulted all Veterans when he failed to go to Normandy because of a little rain. His remark. Why do I want to go? They are all losers.

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