The POTUS Continues To Set The Bar Higher

And how does the almighty POTUS plan on paying for the building,professors,curriculum,etc.? It's not FREE. Nothing is free. Public school isn't free. We pay it with our tax dollars so that means all of us will pay and taxes will go up. Here's a thought, how about we make K-12, which we already pay for, tougher and stop dumbing down the curriculum so the kids won't have to take so many remedial classes when they enter college.
Free for the people going to school dimwit.
Again dimwit whose going to pay for it? The income at community college by students pays for the building, professors,curriculum etc. IT'S NOT FREE. Maybe for the students but your taxes are going to go up. So the POTUS is willing to give a "freebee" on the backs of the taxpayers? He makes it sound good but really it's socialist BS.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?
Again dimwit whose going to pay for it? The income at community college by students pays for the building, professors,curriculum etc. IT'S NOT FREE. Maybe for the students but your taxes are going to go up. So the POTUS is willing to give a "freebee" on the backs of the taxpayers? He makes it sound good but really it's socialist BS.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.

People that pay it's not really free then is it
Free for the people going to school dimwit.
Again dimwit whose going to pay for it? The income at community college by students pays for the building, professors,curriculum etc. IT'S NOT FREE. Maybe for the students but your taxes are going to go up. So the POTUS is willing to give a "freebee" on the backs of the taxpayers? He makes it sound good but really it's socialist BS.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Again dimwit whose going to pay for it? The income at community college by students pays for the building, professors,curriculum etc. IT'S NOT FREE. Maybe for the students but your taxes are going to go up. So the POTUS is willing to give a "freebee" on the backs of the taxpayers? He makes it sound good but really it's socialist BS.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.
So you'd rather stop paying to defend the country against ISIS so Jr. can go to community college? Then we become a Muslim country under sharia law. Our Women will be sent back to the seventh century so It will save money because they won't be allowed to have an education. Of course the curriculum will be drastically changed for the men to only things Mohammad would approve of so the men will be dragged back to the seventh century as well.

Thanks Obama!

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Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.

People that pay it's not really free then is it
For the people going to school it is.
This is a great idea. Good luck getting the cons to pass this. They would rather pay for their wars.

Obama wants community college to be free - Jan. 8 2015

Free education for those willing to work for it.

"Everyone understands that education is the key to success for our kids in the 21st century, but what we also understand is that it's not just for kids. We also have to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to constantly train themselves for better jobs, better wages and better benefits,"

So Asslips, Dear Leader has worked out a deal for professors to receive no pay? For grounds keepers and custodians to work free? For administrators to donate their times at no cost?

OR is he proposing to rob some Americans at the point of a gun to buy the votes of other Americans using the money he stole?
Again dimwit whose going to pay for it? The income at community college by students pays for the building, professors,curriculum etc. IT'S NOT FREE. Maybe for the students but your taxes are going to go up. So the POTUS is willing to give a "freebee" on the backs of the taxpayers? He makes it sound good but really it's socialist BS.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Actually I did. GI Bill. You were dumb if you actually paid for yours.
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.
So you'd rather stop paying to defend the country against ISIS so Jr. can go to community college? Then we become a Muslim country under sharia law. Our Women will be sent back to the seventh century so It will save money because they won't be allowed to have an education. Of course the curriculum will be drastically changed for the men to only things Mohammad would approve of so the men will be dragged back to the seventh century as well.
The money needed to give people free education wouldnt put much of a dent in the defense budget moron.
This is a great idea. Good luck getting the cons to pass this. They would rather pay for their wars.

Obama wants community college to be free - Jan. 8 2015

Free education for those willing to work for it.

"Everyone understands that education is the key to success for our kids in the 21st century, but what we also understand is that it's not just for kids. We also have to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to constantly train themselves for better jobs, better wages and better benefits,"

So Asslips, Dear Leader has worked out a deal for professors to receive no pay? For grounds keepers and custodians to work free? For administrators to donate their times at no cost?

OR is he proposing to rob some Americans at the point of a gun to buy the votes of other Americans using the money he stole?
You started your sentence with the word "so" like most people unable to articulate their position. What do your claims have to do with anything? Who told you the professors would not be paid?
Not the people going to school.

Who pays for all the free stuff?
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Actually I did. GI Bill. You were dumb if you actually paid for yours.
Again not free.
Who pays for all the free stuff?
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Actually I did. GI Bill. You were dumb if you actually paid for yours.
Again not free.
Yes it was. I didnt have to pay a cent of my own money. The tax payers paid for it. I spent the bulk of my time playing basketball.
I'm all for it if we can find the funding by eliminating existing failing or duplicate programs already in existence. We can't keep putting new programs on the books without eliminating programs that have been wasting money for years.
Who pays for all the free stuff?
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.
So you'd rather stop paying to defend the country against ISIS so Jr. can go to community college? Then we become a Muslim country under sharia law. Our Women will be sent back to the seventh century so It will save money because they won't be allowed to have an education. Of course the curriculum will be drastically changed for the men to only things Mohammad would approve of so the men will be dragged back to the seventh century as well.
The money needed to give people free education wouldnt put much of a dent in the defense budget moron.

Do you see France right now? Yeah lets put a "dent" in defense. Here's a thought. How about people stop being so lazy and do what my daughter and sister did, work their way through college instead of expecting a hand out. My dad used to tell me "if you want something bad enough you'll work for it". Stop expecting the government gravy train to pay for everything in life and improve the existing Community Colleges so Jr can work his way through to a masters for less money. Working all day and school all night is what you're 20's are for. Rather than waste their energy and money on keggers, how about getting a higher education. Work for it, you'll appreciate it more in the end.
All what free stuff? This is specifically about education.

The free education. Who pays for it
People that pay taxes for wars.
So you'd rather stop paying to defend the country against ISIS so Jr. can go to community college? Then we become a Muslim country under sharia law. Our Women will be sent back to the seventh century so It will save money because they won't be allowed to have an education. Of course the curriculum will be drastically changed for the men to only things Mohammad would approve of so the men will be dragged back to the seventh century as well.
The money needed to give people free education wouldnt put much of a dent in the defense budget moron.

Do you see France right now? Yeah lets put a "dent" in defense. Here's a thought. How about people stop being so lazy and do what my daughter and sister did, work their way through college instead of expecting a hand out. My dad used to tell me "if you want something bad enough you'll work for it". Stop expecting the government gravy train to pay for everything in life and improve the existing Community Colleges so Jr can work his way through to a masters for less money. Working all day and school all night is what you're 20's are for. Rather than waste their energy and money on keggers, how about getting a higher education. Work for it, you'll appreciate it more in the end.
France is not in the US. They never spent as much as we do on defense. No one is expecting a hand out. The POTUS is putting in place a system where people can get a free education. Dont care what your family did. Thats not the point.
You started your sentence with the word "so" like most people unable to articulate their position. What do your claims have to do with anything? Who told you the professors would not be paid?

Your ignorant and dishonest claim is that this would be free. I took you are your word and explored how this could be.

Thus we find that Obama and you were simply lying, that what is actually proposed is to take by force from some Americans to buy the votes of other Americans.
Typical lib, can't understand that all that free crap Obutthole passes out isn't really free. Sure the kids go free but the parents still pay with taxes. What about all those low income families that can't afford a tax increase? If he wants to improve education make K- 12 harder,and greatly improve community colleges. My daughter went to one but here it only goes as far as an associates degree. How about they make Community College go as far as a masters. That alone would have saved her a fortune.
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Actually I did. GI Bill. You were dumb if you actually paid for yours.
Again not free.
Yes it was. I didnt have to pay a cent of my own money. The tax payers paid for it. I spent the bulk of my time playing basketball.

GI Bill? Oh you mean the tax payers paid with that defense fund you want to put a "dent" in?

Psst guess what, you worked for it. They told you it was free, but your service paid for it. It wasn't free at all.:eek:
You started your sentence with the word "so" like most people unable to articulate their position. What do your claims have to do with anything? Who told you the professors would not be paid?

Your ignorant and dishonest claim is that this would be free. I took you are your word and explored how this could be.

Thus we find that Obama and you were simply lying, that what is actually proposed is to take by force from some Americans to buy the votes of other Americans.
It is free for the people attending school. How hard is this for you to comprehend?
Yes it is free for the people going to school. Did you read the OP?

Wait. Did you get one of these "Free Educations"?

It would explain a lot
Actually I did. GI Bill. You were dumb if you actually paid for yours.
Again not free.
Yes it was. I didnt have to pay a cent of my own money. The tax payers paid for it. I spent the bulk of my time playing basketball.

GI Bill? Oh you mean the tax payers paid with that defense fund you want to put a "dent" in?

Psst guess what, you worked for it. They told you it was free, but your service paid for it. It wasn't free at all.:eek:

I didnt say I didnt work for it. I said it was free. Basketball is hard work. Didnt cost me anything at all.
It is free for the people attending school. How hard is this for you to comprehend?

If you hold a knife to the throat of a passerby on the street, take his watch and wallet, then give his watch to another in exchange for a vote, YOU claim that the watch was free.

But it all begins with taking by force from one set of people, to bribe another set into voting for you.
It is free for the people attending school. How hard is this for you to comprehend?

If you hold a knife to the throat of a passerby on the street, take his watch and wallet, then give his watch to another in exchange for a vote, YOU claim that the watch was free.

But it all begins with taking by force from one set of people, to bribe another set into voting for you.
Yes that watch would be free. Whats your point and what does it have to do with the OP?

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