The POTUS Continues To Set The Bar Higher

Then why do you pay taxes? According to you the government is stealing from you. Stand up for yourself and dont pay your taxes.

Intelligent people know taxes are part and parcel of a capitalistic society. You should become more intelligent.

Ah, you are a desperate twit with no argument.

Paying taxes does not mean acquiescing to every corrupt scheme a crooked politician cooks up to buy votes. The social contract says nothing about using the wealth of some to buy the votes of others.
You sound desperate. What social contract would that be? My contract says that i pay taxes to pay my share in bettering the country.

"an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, "
Funny I don't remember reading that in the Constitution. Maybe the members of society don't want to have their pocket picked to send the dolt down the street to college.
Me either but since uncensored brought it up, I just wanted to let him know he was mistaken. No one is picking anyones pocket. If you work its deducted from your paycheck.

The contract of which you speak is written where? I didn't sign that contract. Taking money I didn't authorize out of my paycheck is stealing. Now I do pay my taxes to pave my roads so I don't get a flat tire and provide other essential services like police and fire protection as well as the armed forces. I believe every child should have a basic education I.E. K-12. I even believe children should be fed in school because they can do nothing about the circumstances in which they live. Once you hit 18 however you're an adult and you can do for yourself. That means higher education. We should not be forced to pay for adult education. Let those who want higher learning work and pay for it themselves. I don't see why money should be taken out of my pocket to provide for an able bodied person.
:eek:GI Bill? Oh you mean the tax payers paid with that defense fund you want to put a "dent" in?

Psst guess what, you worked for it. They told you it was free, but your service paid for it. It wasn't free at all.:eek:

I didnt say I didnt work for it. I said it was free. Basketball is hard work. Didnt cost me anything at all.
:bang3: if you worked for it you paid for it. You haven't taken into account that maybe the taxpayers don't want to pay for the education of strangers kids. .
I didnt pay any money. It was free. Matter of fact I was paid to travel around the world and play basketball. For that I got the GI bill. Doesnt matter what other taxpayers dont want to do. Its not an option. Pay your taxes or go to prison.
Sooo you are admitting you're a free loading worthless POS who can't pay for his own education?

My taxes for prison pay to keep those dangerous in society away form me and my children, a service I agree with although I think it every inmate should be forced to work to pay his own way. If you want to get down to brass tacks the founding fathers would have taken 99.9% of these morons in jail and hung them promptly so they wouldn't be a burden on society.
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

I meant it a as rhetorical question with a bit of sarcasm. Apparently this was not properly conveyed. I didn't expect you to agree with it but It does prove the point. You say these are not characteristics attributed to you. If you are in fact not a free loading POS then you obviously paid for your higher education yourself I.E. by serving in the armed forces and getting the G.I. bill. There's only two answers. Now what Obama is proposing is making young adults a bunch of free loaders on the backs of the tax payers. I don't want to pay for it. Those who want higher education bad enough will work for it and the rest will be ditch diggers. The world needs ditch diggers too.
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Then why do you pay taxes? According to you the government is stealing from you. Stand up for yourself and dont pay your taxes.

Intelligent people know taxes are part and parcel of a capitalistic society. You should become more intelligent.

Ah, you are a desperate twit with no argument.

Paying taxes does not mean acquiescing to every corrupt scheme a crooked politician cooks up to buy votes. The social contract says nothing about using the wealth of some to buy the votes of others.
You sound desperate. What social contract would that be? My contract says that i pay taxes to pay my share in bettering the country.

"an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, "
Funny I don't remember reading that in the Constitution. Maybe the members of society don't want to have their pocket picked to send the dolt down the street to college.
Me either but since uncensored brought it up, I just wanted to let him know he was mistaken. No one is picking anyones pocket. If you work its deducted from your paycheck.

The contract of which you speak is written where? I didn't sign that contract. Taking money I didn't authorize out of my paycheck is stealing. Now I do pay my taxes to pave my roads so I don't get a flat tire and provide other essential services like police and fire protection as well as the armed forces. I believe every child should have a basic education I.E. K-12. I even believe children should be fed in school because they can do nothing about the circumstances in which they live. Once you hit 18 however you're an adult and you can do for yourself. That means higher education. We should not be forced to pay for adult education. Let those who want higher learning work and pay for it themselves. I don't see why money should be taken out of my pocket to provide for an able bodied person.
Thats what I asked Uncensored but he seems to have left the thread. You gave consent when you went to work.You also gave consent when you paid your taxes. Are you claiming that you dont have taxes taken out of your salary? You are forced to do many things in the name of freedom. You dont have to see why the money you pay in taxes can be better allocated for this program. There are people more intelligent than you are on the job that understand investment in education causes everyones lives to become better. Remember all ships in the harbor rise with the tide.

I didnt say I didnt work for it. I said it was free. Basketball is hard work. Didnt cost me anything at all.
:bang3: if you worked for it you paid for it. You haven't taken into account that maybe the taxpayers don't want to pay for the education of strangers kids. .
I didnt pay any money. It was free. Matter of fact I was paid to travel around the world and play basketball. For that I got the GI bill. Doesnt matter what other taxpayers dont want to do. Its not an option. Pay your taxes or go to prison.
Sooo you are admitting you're a free loading worthless POS who can't pay for his own education?

My taxes for prison pay to keep those dangerous in society away form me and my children, a service I agree with although I think it every inmate should be forced to work to pay his own way. If you want to get down to brass tacks the founding fathers would have taken 99.9% of these morons in jail and hung them promptly so they wouldn't be a burden on society.
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

I meant it a as rhetorical question with a bit of sarcasm. Apparently that was not conveyed
I thought you meant it as an insult. No, your sarcasm was not conveyed.
:bang3: if you worked for it you paid for it. You haven't taken into account that maybe the taxpayers don't want to pay for the education of strangers kids. .
I didnt pay any money. It was free. Matter of fact I was paid to travel around the world and play basketball. For that I got the GI bill. Doesnt matter what other taxpayers dont want to do. Its not an option. Pay your taxes or go to prison.
Sooo you are admitting you're a free loading worthless POS who can't pay for his own education?

My taxes for prison pay to keep those dangerous in society away form me and my children, a service I agree with although I think it every inmate should be forced to work to pay his own way. If you want to get down to brass tacks the founding fathers would have taken 99.9% of these morons in jail and hung them promptly so they wouldn't be a burden on society.
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

I meant it a as rhetorical question with a bit of sarcasm. Apparently that was not conveyed
I thought you meant it as an insult. No, your sarcasm was not conveyed.
My apologies.
I didnt pay any money. It was free. Matter of fact I was paid to travel around the world and play basketball. For that I got the GI bill. Doesnt matter what other taxpayers dont want to do. Its not an option. Pay your taxes or go to prison.
Sooo you are admitting you're a free loading worthless POS who can't pay for his own education?

My taxes for prison pay to keep those dangerous in society away form me and my children, a service I agree with although I think it every inmate should be forced to work to pay his own way. If you want to get down to brass tacks the founding fathers would have taken 99.9% of these morons in jail and hung them promptly so they wouldn't be a burden on society.
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

I meant it a as rhetorical question with a bit of sarcasm. Apparently that was not conveyed
I thought you meant it as an insult. No, your sarcasm was not conveyed.
My apologies.
No worries.
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

You're not bright enough to grasp that this is a common rhetorical device. You seem to be of the opinion that the rules of a debate forum should follow the rules of scholarly writing, while demonstrating that you lack skill in either.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
You started your sentence with the word "So". You just admitted you are reduced to attributing things to me I didnt say because you are stressed about your inability to grasp the benefit of the program.

You're not bright enough to grasp that this is a common rhetorical device. You seem to be of the opinion that the rules of a debate forum should follow the rules of scholarly writing, while demonstrating that you lack skill in either.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
That sounds suspiciously like a deflection from the OP. Its also a weak attempt to validate using a sentence to imply someone is saying something they didnt say.
That sounds suspiciously like a deflection from the OP. Its also a weak attempt to validate using a sentence to imply someone is saying something they didnt say.

The OP is well understood, you support taking from some by force to buy votes from others. You are without ethics.
Money is already taken by force from you. I am just supporting the reallocation of said money. You are without intelligence.
Money is already taken by force from you. I am just supporting the reallocation of said money. You are without intelligence.

It's remarkable that despite this nonsense failing last time, you somehow think it will prevail this time around...
I never expected your nonsense to make it to the level of credibility either time.
Before promising 2 years of free college, the money would be better spent insuring a higher graduation rate for American Public High Schools.
Thats the point of getting the free education.
I could use some free money. How about you sending me some? That's what your fucking idiot president wants me to do. You know damn well education isn't free because somebody has to pay for me.

This is just another democrat scheme to get the votes of students. Why don't you people just rob me directly at gun point?
Thats the point of getting the free education.
I could use some free money. How about you sending me some? That's what your fucking idiot president wants me to do. You know damn well education isn't free because somebody has to pay for me.

This is just another democrat scheme to get the votes of students. Why don't you people just rob me directly at gun point?
You must be an idiot. Its free for the person going to school. If you need an education go to school.
I could use some free money. How about you sending me some? That's what your fucking idiot president wants me to do. You know damn well education isn't free because somebody has to pay for me.

This is just another democrat scheme to get the votes of students. Why don't you people just rob me directly at gun point?

Analysts determined that the loss by the party in the 2014 election was due to lack of participation by the youngest voters. Obama is openly buying those votes with taxpayer funds.
Money is already taken by force from you. I am just supporting the reallocation of said money. You are without intelligence.
Reallocation? So some other government program has to take it in the shorts to pay for this "free education". Who gets fucked over? social Security? Military? welfare programs?
Money is already taken by force from you. I am just supporting the reallocation of said money. You are without intelligence.
Reallocation? So some other government program has to take it in the shorts to pay for this "free education". Who gets fucked over? social Security? Military? welfare programs?
Bingo. Military. Its going to take 60 billion to do this. Take it out of the 530 billion for wars. Anytime you spend more money on killing and mayhem instead of education, its obvious you have your priorities fucked up.
I could use some free money. How about you sending me some? That's what your fucking idiot president wants me to do. You know damn well education isn't free because somebody has to pay for me.

This is just another democrat scheme to get the votes of students. Why don't you people just rob me directly at gun point?

Analysts determined that the loss by the party in the 2014 election was due to lack of participation by the youngest voters. Obama is openly buying those votes with taxpayer funds.
Absolutely. Political commercials in 2016 will say to vote for democrats to take back Congress and put a democrat in the White House. We will give you the free education the GOP refused to do in 2015.

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