The pound is dropping, the pound has lost 6 cents in the last few hours

Well Toro is an idiot. Needless to say we have an idiot class.

We have one who ONLY seems to care about the filthy lucre and then we have another who seems obsessed with posting pro-EU Propaganda in about something like 20 different threads, neither are European.

So no European even is going to give a crap what either think or comment, as what happens on OUR Continent is nothing to do with either of them, none of their business, some people should stop sticking their snouts into things that have nothing to do with them.

Are you referring to me?

Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.
We have one who ONLY seems to care about the filthy lucre and then we have another who seems obsessed with posting pro-EU Propaganda in about something like 20 different threads, neither are European.

So no European even is going to give a crap what either think or comment, as what happens on OUR Continent is nothing to do with either of them, none of their business, some people should stop sticking their snouts into things that have nothing to do with them.

Are you referring to me?

Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.
If you are retiring in 5 years, you should not have more than 30-40% in equities.

Retirement isn't always panned and not always a choice, 30-40% of savings is huge, something many can't recover from.

If the UK falls into a recession, that has a direct effect on the global economy, if say Northern iIreland and Scotland tell the UK to go F itself and decide to stay in the union and if France and Germany then also decide to leave, I could see the potential for a good sized global recession.A lot of uncertainty keeps money in peoples' pockets.

We'll see what happens,

30-40% is not a large allocation to equities- it is extremely conservative.

Bear markets are common and expected. A black swan event that creates a 50% drop in stock prices only draws a 35/65 portfolio down by 17.5% - if that is too "risky" then you should adjust your allocation to 20% or lower.

I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.
Are you referring to me?

Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.

Yeah, others ask, I tell them the same thing, and you ask, I tell you the same thing, and you just can't accept it.

What does this say about you? I tell you something and you just ignore me, and keep on attacking.

Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?

Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?
Retirement isn't always panned and not always a choice, 30-40% of savings is huge, something many can't recover from.

If the UK falls into a recession, that has a direct effect on the global economy, if say Northern iIreland and Scotland tell the UK to go F itself and decide to stay in the union and if France and Germany then also decide to leave, I could see the potential for a good sized global recession.A lot of uncertainty keeps money in peoples' pockets.

We'll see what happens,

30-40% is not a large allocation to equities- it is extremely conservative.

Bear markets are common and expected. A black swan event that creates a 50% drop in stock prices only draws a 35/65 portfolio down by 17.5% - if that is too "risky" then you should adjust your allocation to 20% or lower.

I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?
Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.

Yeah, others ask, I tell them the same thing, and you ask, I tell you the same thing, and you just can't accept it.

What does this say about you? I tell you something and you just ignore me, and keep on attacking.

Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?

Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?
You are afraid to state the country you post from because more than likely that countries news services disagree with you. Stating a country is far from personal and I do NOT demand it.

It does however address your cowardice in stating just a country.
No one has asked for anything more that i have seen. But feel free to keep it to yourself if you are that ashamed.
Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.

Yeah, others ask, I tell them the same thing, and you ask, I tell you the same thing, and you just can't accept it.

What does this say about you? I tell you something and you just ignore me, and keep on attacking.

Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?

Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?

"Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?"

Asking you if you're American or European isn't attacking you, stop being hysterical and stop attempting to deflect from the situation that you don't want to answer.

Why should ANYONE want to discuss the EUROPEAN ISSUES with you in the OBSESSIVE manner you post about the European issues in if you're an American?

If I posted such things about America, then I'd rightly expect Americans to ask me am I registered to vote in American elections and if not then I'd expect them to tell me to mind my own business and what does America have to do with me.

"Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?"

I and others want to only know ONE thing, not EVERYTHING, we want to know if you're American or European?

It's okay, we already know that you're NOT European.
30-40% is not a large allocation to equities- it is extremely conservative.

Bear markets are common and expected. A black swan event that creates a 50% drop in stock prices only draws a 35/65 portfolio down by 17.5% - if that is too "risky" then you should adjust your allocation to 20% or lower.

I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.
I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.
In a global economy it does affect people in the US..
I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.

You don't know where I'm from. And yet you've decided.

I can't be bothered to deal with that kind of logic. This time, bye is bye.
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.
In a global economy it does affect people in the US..

Then again she just made up that I was not European. She has no idea. Then complains that she can't attack me because I didn't give her the ammo to attack her with.
You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.

Yeah, others ask, I tell them the same thing, and you ask, I tell you the same thing, and you just can't accept it.

What does this say about you? I tell you something and you just ignore me, and keep on attacking.

Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?

Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?
You are afraid to state the country you post from because more than likely that countries news services disagree with you. Stating a country is far from personal and I do NOT demand it.

It does however address your cowardice in stating just a country.
No one has asked for anything more that i have seen. But feel free to keep it to yourself if you are that ashamed.

I know that you're an American, you know that I'm a European, neither you nor I are bothered that other people also know these things.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.
In a global economy it does affect people in the US..

Then again she just made up that I was not European. She has no idea. Then complains that she can't attack me because I didn't give her the ammo to attack her with.

I have no intention of attacking you, I'm asking you a reasonable question, as many others have asked you the same question and you've had the same ridiculous reaction to them also.

If you're a European, why are you so ashamed to say you're a European or if you're an American, why are you so ashamed to say you're an American?
The PM isn't actually stepping down till October. It will up to the new PM responsiblity to invoke article 50. At that time Britain will have 2 years to form agreements with member EU states and negotiate it's exit from the EU as well develop trade treaties to replace those lost by it's exit from the EU. That's going to be a tall order, one that many experts believe is not possible. Now with the possibility of the separation of Scotland and/or Ireland from Great Britain, the future is even more cloudy.

Here is just one of the many problems businesses face. Most of the worlds leading financial service companies have their European headquarters in London. A major advantage of London is being in one of the worlds major financial centers with a single market of over 500 million customers in the 26 country EU. Without membership in the EU, these companies will face dealing with yet undefined rules and regulations of 26 countries, which may mean an exit of a significant part of London's financial community. This would directly effect up to 250,000 workers and resulting in major financial losses for the area and this is just one of many business sectors. I believe it will be years before the business community has a clear picture of what Britain will look like after Brexit.
I wrote this as an OP but it fits as a comment as well.

There Will Be Two EU's
That is what you are going to see in the near future and there are two reasons and one possible result.

1, Economics, the current EU has some real fiscal problems. Some countries such as Norway have gone to the effort and extent to protect their economies while others like Greece have wasted their money. Thus the economics of a lone EU are being tore apart by wasteful spending liberals.

2, Religion, the importation of islamic savages is splitting the EU by faith no different then when Ireland was split by faith and just as deadly.

Possible result, civil war based on economics and religion with the British taking the NON islamic controlled path and England taking the PRO islamic path. with an islamic mayor in London leadership for both groups is in place. Just like both sides had leadership in place for our own civil war so its more than possible, it's likely the future.

And our future is their present as we have islamic leadership {Obama} trying to replace its self with an islamic operative {Clinton}. We KNOW islamic terrorists are being "pocketed" around our country and we HAVE seen islamic operatives kill in this country many times.

The globalists WANT globalized civil war and are putting the people in place for it.

What the British need is a proper Patriotic Right-Wing Government and all Leftist and Bedwetting political parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Greens need stamping out.

This might now occur, the Labour Party lead by a Trotskyite, Jeremy Corbyn is imploding, yesterday he lost pretty much his Shadow Cabinet who all resigned, also at the British General Election in 2015 they had already lost the whole of Scotland, so Labour are finished, it'll be 10-15 years before they ever get back in any sort of shape.

The Liberal Democrats have something like 8 MPs, the Greens have 1 MP.

Clean out the Cuckservatives, leaving Patriotic Conservatives plus UKIP and that's the Government.

Like Hitler? Mussolini? Franco?

What business is it of yours what ANY European Government is? Does it affect you? No.

You don't know where I'm from. And yet you've decided.

I can't be bothered to deal with that kind of logic. This time, bye is bye.

My first comments about the Brexit vote occured on Friday morning at about 2am, this was when the vote counting had started and it was already then heading the Leave campaigns way.

I never made one comment in the run-up to the Brexit vote, although I was hoping that the British people voted to leave the EU, I felt it was not appropriate that I made any comments during the campaign as I wasn't eligible to vote in their referendum.

You however had been posting comments every day for more than a month during the Brexit campaign, so were you eligible to vote in it or not?

Now post-vote, I've made comments congratulating the British for voting to leave the EU, whereas you've been posting each day pro-EU Propaganda about how awful it is that those stupid British voted the WRONG way.

It's the same with the American Election, I make a point of saying that I support Donald Trump but I can't vote for him, but I morally support him and hope he wins.

Also I don't post anti-Hillary articles every day or spend an inordinate amount of time attacking Hillary in posts.

I don't like Hillary or her politics, but as I'm not American, I feel it'd be not appropriate for me to get that involved in the American Election.

At one point I was posting more about the American Election, but then I decided that this wasn't my business to make such comments, so I've not done that now for some time.

Edited to add comment.
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What will be left of the UK (England and Wales) will return to what it was before it joined the EU.

"Prior to Britain’s joining of the EU in 1973, it was widely regarded to be the “sick man of Europe”, with its annual growth in prosperity lagging behind other major European powers, such as France, Germany, and Italy in the G7 list of leading economies. However, within 43 years, after its joining of the European Economic Community, it had risen from the bottom of the list to the top."

London May Become Independent City-State in Wake of Brexit

Well, it's changed a lot since then, however for many this just tapes over the problems, they blamed the EU for the problems, even though most were UK problems caused by bad governance in westminster or Holyrood, or Cardiff, or Stormont.

Even for your standards American Missy, you're working overtime tonight with the Propaganda in what three simultaneous how much are they paying you since Friday?

I mean you are a paid Propagandist, you're not even subtle about it, you're wasting your time darling, you're only preaching to the choir.

American missy?

Which country am I from?
What gender am I?

I don't remember telling you, or anyone else on this forum, either of those.

Propaganda? You mean you don't agree with me? You could, you know, DEBATE, instead you choose a little attack.

Why won't you say if you're American or European or whatever?

Asking the above question isn't attacking you, Drummond has repeatedly asked you the same question and you reacted in the same way.

Answer the question, American or European, if not, then why should anyone pay ANY attention to the stuff that you post about?

WE are PROUD to say we're come on, what's your problem?

You're posting pro-EU stuff nearly 10 hours a day EVERY day, so there's an Agenda there.

Why? Because there are too many people on forums like this who take any piece of personal information and then attack you with it. I don't feed them fuel for their attacks.

Why should anyone pay any attention to anything anyone says? Because they choose to. So, if you choose not to talk to me because I won't give you information you DEMAND from me, then so be it. Anyone who makes such a choice is never going to be a big loss. Those who value what someone says more than who says it, are the people I prefer to talk to.
Let's try which continent you come from, or Is that too personal too? Lol.
Stop being silly. Saying which country you live in isnt personal and the fact you refuse to say is very strange indeed. What are you so afraid of? You're too cowardly to withstand the odd poster who might rib you for being from x y z country? Man up ffs!
Well, it's changed a lot since then, however for many this just tapes over the problems, they blamed the EU for the problems, even though most were UK problems caused by bad governance in westminster or Holyrood, or Cardiff, or Stormont.

Even for your standards American Missy, you're working overtime tonight with the Propaganda in what three simultaneous how much are they paying you since Friday?

I mean you are a paid Propagandist, you're not even subtle about it, you're wasting your time darling, you're only preaching to the choir.

American missy?

Which country am I from?
What gender am I?

I don't remember telling you, or anyone else on this forum, either of those.

Propaganda? You mean you don't agree with me? You could, you know, DEBATE, instead you choose a little attack.

Why won't you say if you're American or European or whatever?

Asking the above question isn't attacking you, Drummond has repeatedly asked you the same question and you reacted in the same way.

Answer the question, American or European, if not, then why should anyone pay ANY attention to the stuff that you post about?

WE are PROUD to say we're come on, what's your problem?

You're posting pro-EU stuff nearly 10 hours a day EVERY day, so there's an Agenda there.

Why? Because there are too many people on forums like this who take any piece of personal information and then attack you with it. I don't feed them fuel for their attacks.

Why should anyone pay any attention to anything anyone says? Because they choose to. So, if you choose not to talk to me because I won't give you information you DEMAND from me, then so be it. Anyone who makes such a choice is never going to be a big loss. Those who value what someone says more than who says it, are the people I prefer to talk to.
Let's try which continent you come from, or Is that too personal too? Lol.
Stop being silly. Saying which country you live in isnt personal and the fact you refuse to say is very strange indeed. What are you so afraid of? You're too cowardly to withstand the odd poster who might rib you for being from x y z country? Man up ffs!

First I get told I'm a female, then I get told to man up.

All the while I'm subject to typical bully tactics.

I'll tell you, people who follow their own mind are a lot stronger than the weak person you want me to be.
Yes, just like my fellow Europeans here have also referred to you.

You can call it propaganda all you like, to be honest I'm getting rather tired of your nonsense.

And we're getting tired of your nonsense, are you American or European?

You seem to think I should just give in to your demands.

I'm done with you. Bye.

No it's not just me and you know that, you know others have asked you, repeatedly the same question and your reason for not answering it is completely ridiculous.

That you're so immediately again on the defensive, this tells us all we need to know, we know the answer to the question that you refuse to answer.

Yeah, others ask, I tell them the same thing, and you ask, I tell you the same thing, and you just can't accept it.

What does this say about you? I tell you something and you just ignore me, and keep on attacking.

Why do you need to attack? Why can't you just talk about the issues?

Am I that damn attractive to you that you need to know everything about me?
Asking which country you live in isnt attacking you. The fact you are so pathetically secretive and bed wetting over the possibility that someone might say something unpleasant about where you live is absurd. Clearly you are a paid propagandist shill, and not worth the money they're paying you either. Lol.
Even for your standards American Missy, you're working overtime tonight with the Propaganda in what three simultaneous how much are they paying you since Friday?

I mean you are a paid Propagandist, you're not even subtle about it, you're wasting your time darling, you're only preaching to the choir.

American missy?

Which country am I from?
What gender am I?

I don't remember telling you, or anyone else on this forum, either of those.

Propaganda? You mean you don't agree with me? You could, you know, DEBATE, instead you choose a little attack.

Why won't you say if you're American or European or whatever?

Asking the above question isn't attacking you, Drummond has repeatedly asked you the same question and you reacted in the same way.

Answer the question, American or European, if not, then why should anyone pay ANY attention to the stuff that you post about?

WE are PROUD to say we're come on, what's your problem?

You're posting pro-EU stuff nearly 10 hours a day EVERY day, so there's an Agenda there.

Why? Because there are too many people on forums like this who take any piece of personal information and then attack you with it. I don't feed them fuel for their attacks.

Why should anyone pay any attention to anything anyone says? Because they choose to. So, if you choose not to talk to me because I won't give you information you DEMAND from me, then so be it. Anyone who makes such a choice is never going to be a big loss. Those who value what someone says more than who says it, are the people I prefer to talk to.
Let's try which continent you come from, or Is that too personal too? Lol.
Stop being silly. Saying which country you live in isnt personal and the fact you refuse to say is very strange indeed. What are you so afraid of? You're too cowardly to withstand the odd poster who might rib you for being from x y z country? Man up ffs!

First I get told I'm a female, then I get told to man up.

All the while I'm subject to typical bully tactics.

I'll tell you, people who follow their own mind are a lot stronger than the weak person you want me to be.
And now you are sounding like a professional victim. 'Man up' is just a phrase one uses to wusses of either sex. Why are you so afraid of a potential ribbing about which country you live in? Why don't you feel capable of withstanding that? Why are you even posting on a message board if someone deriding your country is so threatening to you that you cower in fear over disclosing such basic info, Fragilewierdo?
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Even for your standards American Missy, you're working overtime tonight with the Propaganda in what three simultaneous how much are they paying you since Friday?

I mean you are a paid Propagandist, you're not even subtle about it, you're wasting your time darling, you're only preaching to the choir.

American missy?

Which country am I from?
What gender am I?

I don't remember telling you, or anyone else on this forum, either of those.

Propaganda? You mean you don't agree with me? You could, you know, DEBATE, instead you choose a little attack.

Why won't you say if you're American or European or whatever?

Asking the above question isn't attacking you, Drummond has repeatedly asked you the same question and you reacted in the same way.

Answer the question, American or European, if not, then why should anyone pay ANY attention to the stuff that you post about?

WE are PROUD to say we're come on, what's your problem?

You're posting pro-EU stuff nearly 10 hours a day EVERY day, so there's an Agenda there.

Why? Because there are too many people on forums like this who take any piece of personal information and then attack you with it. I don't feed them fuel for their attacks.

Why should anyone pay any attention to anything anyone says? Because they choose to. So, if you choose not to talk to me because I won't give you information you DEMAND from me, then so be it. Anyone who makes such a choice is never going to be a big loss. Those who value what someone says more than who says it, are the people I prefer to talk to.
Let's try which continent you come from, or Is that too personal too? Lol.
Stop being silly. Saying which country you live in isnt personal and the fact you refuse to say is very strange indeed. What are you so afraid of? You're too cowardly to withstand the odd poster who might rib you for being from x y z country? Man up ffs!

First I get told I'm a female, then I get told to man up.

All the while I'm subject to typical bully tactics.

I'll tell you, people who follow their own mind are a lot stronger than the weak person you want me to be.
If you call this bullying, no wonder you are so very fearful. Sad.
I suspect Fragilewierdo refuses to say which country it lives in because it would be paid less by its masters if it's propaganda on European issues, American issues etc were rendered less effective by knowing that s/he is an outsider of either. it just wants to be free to earn more money from a wider pool of issues and countries to propagandise about. It should probably be ignored until it has the decency the rest of us have to each other :eusa_think:

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