The pound is dropping, the pound has lost 6 cents in the last few hours

Are you suggesting working people are not educated? Like doctors? Farmers? What group of working people are YOU calling stupid?

You said "working class," Komrade, not "people who work for a living."

Go back to Cuba where "the working class" rules the country.
Working classs IS working people. You are just repeating a bullsh#t sound bite.

No it's not, 21.4.

Engineers and doctors are not "working class."
If they have a job then yes they are.

What we have here is a misunderstanding of the Class System, I'm articulating from the European Class System, America doesn't have what we refer to as a Class System.

America puts the Class of a person on how much they earn, eg. if they're a Doctor.

Whereas in Europa you can't EARN your way into a Higher Class, regardless of what your profession is, you're BORN into the Class System.

Eg. If your Ancestors were Working Class, then even if you're a Doctor, you're still Working Class, though you earn more than the general Working Class professions.

Also if your Ancestors were Upper Class, but you're a brick-layer, even though you're a brick-layer, you're STILL Upper Class.
Well Toro is an idiot. Needless to say we have an idiot class.
21.4 is a Birfer, so it's no surprise he doesn't understand simple things.
Not necessarily - in a "risk off" environment US equities could see a big spike upwards.

Maybe, not if this is the first domino and your mattress compares nicely to the market. Also, most people don't know what their 401k is invested in.

401K money is generally speaking, long term money.

In 10 years will what happens over the next few days or weeks matter?

if you think so, adjust your asset mix to match your risk tolerance.

Meanwhile, keep adding more $$$$$ every month!


Not if you're retiring within 5 years, I'm not sure how much of this is absorbed or how much wealth ultimately is lost. We shall find out, I suppose the market has plenty of time to recover in the next decade, just about when the U.K. will actually be free of the E.U.

If you are retiring in 5 years, you should not have more than 30-40% in equities.

Retirement isn't always panned and not always a choice, 30-40% of savings is huge, something many can't recover from.

If the UK falls into a recession, that has a direct effect on the global economy, if say Northern iIreland and Scotland tell the UK to go F itself and decide to stay in the union and if France and Germany then also decide to leave, I could see the potential for a good sized global recession.A lot of uncertainty keeps money in peoples' pockets.

We'll see what happens,

30-40% is not a large allocation to equities- it is extremely conservative.

Bear markets are common and expected. A black swan event that creates a 50% drop in stock prices only draws a 35/65 portfolio down by 17.5% - if that is too "risky" then you should adjust your allocation to 20% or lower.
Maybe, not if this is the first domino and your mattress compares nicely to the market. Also, most people don't know what their 401k is invested in.

401K money is generally speaking, long term money.

In 10 years will what happens over the next few days or weeks matter?

if you think so, adjust your asset mix to match your risk tolerance.

Meanwhile, keep adding more $$$$$ every month!


Not if you're retiring within 5 years, I'm not sure how much of this is absorbed or how much wealth ultimately is lost. We shall find out, I suppose the market has plenty of time to recover in the next decade, just about when the U.K. will actually be free of the E.U.

If you are retiring in 5 years, you should not have more than 30-40% in equities.

Retirement isn't always panned and not always a choice, 30-40% of savings is huge, something many can't recover from.

If the UK falls into a recession, that has a direct effect on the global economy, if say Northern iIreland and Scotland tell the UK to go F itself and decide to stay in the union and if France and Germany then also decide to leave, I could see the potential for a good sized global recession.A lot of uncertainty keeps money in peoples' pockets.

We'll see what happens,

30-40% is not a large allocation to equities- it is extremely conservative.

Bear markets are common and expected. A black swan event that creates a 50% drop in stock prices only draws a 35/65 portfolio down by 17.5% - if that is too "risky" then you should adjust your allocation to 20% or lower.

I'm saying to take a large hit on 30-40% is big. We'll see what happens in the coming days, weeks and months but I wouldn't just automatically assume the markets will balance themselves out in the short term.
With Russia and China playing their games

What games?
Perhaps they're talking their armed forces into Poland and conducting military exercises on NATO's borders, or maybe they're threatening Hawaii, claiming US sovereignty over the island is in dispute, so sending their armed forces half way around the world in interfere in the dispute.
Shock, they could have directed a coup in Ukraine and put a puppet government in to do their bidding.

No, America is doing all of that, not Russia or China.
The UK would do well to align with BRICS, stopping use of the petrodollar as soon as possible.

Since BRICS is displacing the petrodollar, the UK will be choosing a winning side, and independence will allow them to do so without Euro pillocks messing about.

That'll bring the pound back up quickly enough.
With Russia and China playing their games

What games?
Perhaps they're talking their armed forces into Poland and conducting military exercises on NATO's borders, or maybe they're threatening Hawaii, claiming US sovereignty over the island is in dispute, so sending their armed forces half way around the world in interfere in the dispute.
Shock, they could have directed a coup in Ukraine and put a puppet government in to do their bidding.

No, America is doing all of that, not Russia or China.
The UK would do well to align with BRICS, stopping use of the petrodollar as soon as possible.

Since BRICS is displacing the petrodollar, the UK will be choosing a winning side, and independence will allow them to do so without Euro pillocks messing about.

That'll bring the pound back up quickly enough.

What games?

Oh, well, flying planes into and close to other countries' airspace forcing them to scramble their fighters. Converting islands into airstrips in order to claim all the sea around them. Causing instability and then taking what they want.
With Russia and China playing their games

What games?
Perhaps they're talking their armed forces into Poland and conducting military exercises on NATO's borders, or maybe they're threatening Hawaii, claiming US sovereignty over the island is in dispute, so sending their armed forces half way around the world in interfere in the dispute.
Shock, they could have directed a coup in Ukraine and put a puppet government in to do their bidding.

No, America is doing all of that, not Russia or China.
The UK would do well to align with BRICS, stopping use of the petrodollar as soon as possible.

Since BRICS is displacing the petrodollar, the UK will be choosing a winning side, and independence will allow them to do so without Euro pillocks messing about.

That'll bring the pound back up quickly enough.

What games?

Oh, well, flying planes into and close to other countries' airspace forcing them to scramble their fighters. Converting islands into airstrips in order to claim all the sea around them. Causing instability and then taking what they want.

The US uses aircraft carriers to create artificial islands so they can fly planes close to Russian and Chinese airspace, but the US does so half way around the world, not on their doorstep.
With Russia and China playing their games

What games?
Perhaps they're talking their armed forces into Poland and conducting military exercises on NATO's borders, or maybe they're threatening Hawaii, claiming US sovereignty over the island is in dispute, so sending their armed forces half way around the world in interfere in the dispute.
Shock, they could have directed a coup in Ukraine and put a puppet government in to do their bidding.

No, America is doing all of that, not Russia or China.
The UK would do well to align with BRICS, stopping use of the petrodollar as soon as possible.

Since BRICS is displacing the petrodollar, the UK will be choosing a winning side, and independence will allow them to do so without Euro pillocks messing about.

That'll bring the pound back up quickly enough.

What games?

Oh, well, flying planes into and close to other countries' airspace forcing them to scramble their fighters. Converting islands into airstrips in order to claim all the sea around them. Causing instability and then taking what they want.

The US uses aircraft carriers to create artificial islands so they can fly planes close to Russian and Chinese airspace, but the US does so half way around the world, not on their doorstep.

The US government isn't using aircraft carriers to claim parts of the sea. Also, I didn't say the US doesn't play games either.
Sterling fell from $1.50 to $1.33 in a matter of hours.

That is a massive, massive move in the FX markets.
What will be left of the UK (England and Wales) will return to what it was before it joined the EU.

"Prior to Britain’s joining of the EU in 1973, it was widely regarded to be the “sick man of Europe”, with its annual growth in prosperity lagging behind other major European powers, such as France, Germany, and Italy in the G7 list of leading economies. However, within 43 years, after its joining of the European Economic Community, it had risen from the bottom of the list to the top."

London May Become Independent City-State in Wake of Brexit
What will be left of the UK (England and Wales) will return to what it was before it joined the EU.

"Prior to Britain’s joining of the EU in 1973, it was widely regarded to be the “sick man of Europe”, with its annual growth in prosperity lagging behind other major European powers, such as France, Germany, and Italy in the G7 list of leading economies. However, within 43 years, after its joining of the European Economic Community, it had risen from the bottom of the list to the top."

London May Become Independent City-State in Wake of Brexit

Well, it's changed a lot since then, however for many this just tapes over the problems, they blamed the EU for the problems, even though most were UK problems caused by bad governance in westminster or Holyrood, or Cardiff, or Stormont.
View from Wales: town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU

What has the EU ever done for us?

Well, apart from the 350 million pound EU regeneration project in an area that lost its industry?

"“Well, I know … they built all this,” he says, and motions his head at the impressive facilities that are all around us. “But we put in more money than we get out, don’t we?”"

They were definitely harking back to this. History repeats itself over and over and we're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over.
View from Wales: town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU

What has the EU ever done for us?

Well, apart from the 350 million pound EU regeneration project in an area that lost its industry?

"“Well, I know … they built all this,” he says, and motions his head at the impressive facilities that are all around us. “But we put in more money than we get out, don’t we?”"

They were definitely harking back to this. History repeats itself over and over and we're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over.

When you refer to "we", whom are you referring to?

You mean you North American's? Or whom?
You said "working class," Komrade, not "people who work for a living."

Go back to Cuba where "the working class" rules the country.
Working classs IS working people. You are just repeating a bullsh#t sound bite.

No it's not, 21.4.

Engineers and doctors are not "working class."
If they have a job then yes they are.

What we have here is a misunderstanding of the Class System, I'm articulating from the European Class System, America doesn't have what we refer to as a Class System.

America puts the Class of a person on how much they earn, eg. if they're a Doctor.

Whereas in Europa you can't EARN your way into a Higher Class, regardless of what your profession is, you're BORN into the Class System.

Eg. If your Ancestors were Working Class, then even if you're a Doctor, you're still Working Class, though you earn more than the general Working Class professions.

Also if your Ancestors were Upper Class, but you're a brick-layer, even though you're a brick-layer, you're STILL Upper Class.
Well Toro is an idiot. Needless to say we have an idiot class.

We have one who ONLY seems to care about the filthy lucre and then we have another who seems obsessed with posting pro-EU Propaganda in about something like 20 different threads, neither are European.

So no European even is going to give a crap what either think or comment, as what happens on OUR Continent is nothing to do with either of them, none of their business, some people should stop sticking their snouts into things that have nothing to do with them.
What will be left of the UK (England and Wales) will return to what it was before it joined the EU.

"Prior to Britain’s joining of the EU in 1973, it was widely regarded to be the “sick man of Europe”, with its annual growth in prosperity lagging behind other major European powers, such as France, Germany, and Italy in the G7 list of leading economies. However, within 43 years, after its joining of the European Economic Community, it had risen from the bottom of the list to the top."

London May Become Independent City-State in Wake of Brexit

Well, it's changed a lot since then, however for many this just tapes over the problems, they blamed the EU for the problems, even though most were UK problems caused by bad governance in westminster or Holyrood, or Cardiff, or Stormont.

Even for your standards American Missy, you're working overtime tonight with the Propaganda in what three simultaneous how much are they paying you since Friday?

I mean you are a paid Propagandist, you're not even subtle about it, you're wasting your time darling, you're only preaching to the choir.

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