The pound is dropping, the pound has lost 6 cents in the last few hours

It just an economic threat that has little to no long term effect. When Austria leaves they will do it again. Each time someone leaves the effect will get smaller.

We were waiting to see how our British friends voted, now we must demand a vote, also France, Holland, Italy and Denmark we hear all want a vote in their nations.

Let's get the Domino Effect ball on the road.

Fuck The EU! Long Live Europa!

The EU was a problem. However it was also stability and moving forwards. With Russia and China playing their games, there's going to come a point where European Countries are going to want to come together again.

France won't leave, they have too much power, the Dutch, won't, the Italians can't, the Danes are the most likely to leave, but also doubtful.

France are nothing, they were once a GREAT nation, now reduced to a shell, to regain their greatness, they must leave the EU.

Also you're saying all these nations can't leave or won't leave, remember you were saying that Britain would vote to Remain, you were saying that each day for months, now look what's happened, the opposite.

France get their greatness from being in the EU, without the EU they're nothing, in the EU they're a major player, they know this.

No, I didn't say Britain would stay. I made arguments for why Britain shouldn't leave, that's completely different. But Britain is different to France, there's a reason why Britain is having a vote first and not France or other countries.

How are France a major player because of the EU?

The EU is designed to make nations impotent, so that we have an EU Superstate run by at least 100,000 unelected bureaucrats, who write tons of new rules and regulations each day that we're supposed to obey.

France and Germany are the two biggest forces behind the EU.

France has the second largest number of seats in the EU parliament, behind Germany. They're a force who have worked with the Germans for a long time to push the EU towards a more federalist line.

France fears waning EU influence - BBC News

France fears waning EU influence"

"The French secured only a handful of the coveted jobs in the European Parliament after the May elections and many believe they only have themselves to blame."

The French have had a lot of power in the EU, and they still believe it's their place to have power. Strasbourg having the EU parliament at times is the perfect example of how they exerted their power. And the French haven't had their language was the world number one language for a long time, yet they're still clinging to the hope, and they'll cling to the hope about the EU.
Farage can't promise EU money will go to NHS Video

Farage backtracking on one of his promise.

"Nigel Farage has said he can't promise that the money the UK currently spends on the EU will go to the NHS."

Isn't this typical. Now the vote has been won, start renegading on promises.

Well, he couldn't have promised it anyway, his party has no need any more, he'll rejoin the Tories, I guess if Boris gets in as PM Farage can be official bed warmer for the PM or something, but still.....

Boris Johnson is 5/6 with the bookmakers.

He's been angling for it the whole election. Signing that thing for Cameron to stay was clearly aimed at making him look good knowing Cameron would leave if it went this way.

So UKIP disappear and go back to being Tories, destroying the country from within.

"So UKIP disappear and go back to being Tories, destroying the country from within."

What a silly comment.

Why is it silly?
Please tell me.
Well, the exchange rate sites are really slow today, but the pound hasn't recovered, it's moved up from the bottom, it's 1.23 from 1.32 when it suddenly dropped. That's still 9 cents lost to a pound. The low was 1.20 to the pound. So it's gained 3 cents from losing 12.
The economics in play here are rather simple. Watch German stocks the next week. ANY economic loss the British have will be tied the German stocks. Germany is going to have to reform its accounting subtracting what WAS British economics holding them up.

Germany's social debt just took a HUGE hit with the loss of Brits tax dollars.
We were waiting to see how our British friends voted, now we must demand a vote, also France, Holland, Italy and Denmark we hear all want a vote in their nations.

Let's get the Domino Effect ball on the road.

Fuck The EU! Long Live Europa!

The EU was a problem. However it was also stability and moving forwards. With Russia and China playing their games, there's going to come a point where European Countries are going to want to come together again.

France won't leave, they have too much power, the Dutch, won't, the Italians can't, the Danes are the most likely to leave, but also doubtful.

France are nothing, they were once a GREAT nation, now reduced to a shell, to regain their greatness, they must leave the EU.

Also you're saying all these nations can't leave or won't leave, remember you were saying that Britain would vote to Remain, you were saying that each day for months, now look what's happened, the opposite.

France get their greatness from being in the EU, without the EU they're nothing, in the EU they're a major player, they know this.

No, I didn't say Britain would stay. I made arguments for why Britain shouldn't leave, that's completely different. But Britain is different to France, there's a reason why Britain is having a vote first and not France or other countries.

How are France a major player because of the EU?

The EU is designed to make nations impotent, so that we have an EU Superstate run by at least 100,000 unelected bureaucrats, who write tons of new rules and regulations each day that we're supposed to obey.

France and Germany are the two biggest forces behind the EU.

France has the second largest number of seats in the EU parliament, behind Germany. They're a force who have worked with the Germans for a long time to push the EU towards a more federalist line.

France fears waning EU influence - BBC News

France fears waning EU influence"

"The French secured only a handful of the coveted jobs in the European Parliament after the May elections and many believe they only have themselves to blame."

The French have had a lot of power in the EU, and they still believe it's their place to have power. Strasbourg having the EU parliament at times is the perfect example of how they exerted their power. And the French haven't had their language was the world number one language for a long time, yet they're still clinging to the hope, and they'll cling to the hope about the EU.

Nobody is listening to this sort of Propaganda anymore, they never were to begin with.

The Remain side ran a campaign based on Project Fear, it was 100% negative, they even stooped so low as to use the death of Jo Cox MP to attempt to gain some votes, I wonder how many people who were still undecided then chose to vote to Leave because of that.

Also the Remain side were telling people that the Leave campaign were just a group of "racist bigots" and "Right-Wing Extremists", that failed completely, considering the biggest votes to Leave all came from predominantly LABOUR constituencies all North of the Watford Gap, with the exception of Manchester and Newcastle.

That Birmingham of ALL cities voted to Leave says everything people need to understand.

The Project Fear and the EU Propaganda failed 100% and it's astonishing that you're now reposting EU Propaganda.
Some exit results are coming in from England, (which is the most anti-EU) and it's causing the pound to drop massively. Buy now and hope remain wins then you could make some serious money. If Leave wins you'll lose even more.

The Brits are going to have to have very cheap holidays this year.

Sterling's 'Most Volatile Day' In Modern History Video

Who cares, the pound has been way too high for so long. The Euro too, they both need to be corrected.

Who cares?

Well, the British people and anyone who works in Britain and anyone going on holiday with Britain and anyone who trades with Britain or anyone who buys stuff made in Britain.... that's a lot of people, by the way.

Yea, people might actually be inclined to visit there now if prices become more reasonable.

Yeah, they might be.

However businesses are less likely to go there as the UK won't be part of the EU market, so it'd be better to go find someone in the EU.

If the pound does rise up again, then Britain will be less competitive, if it doesn't rise up again then the British people will be poorer.

The used as an excuse for leaving was the extra regulation EU imposes on Business... But Business (SME and Corps) were overwhelming wanted to stay...
The people who voted out were generally old and working class...
Farage can't promise EU money will go to NHS Video

Farage backtracking on one of his promise.

"Nigel Farage has said he can't promise that the money the UK currently spends on the EU will go to the NHS."

Isn't this typical. Now the vote has been won, start renegading on promises.

Well, he couldn't have promised it anyway, his party has no need any more, he'll rejoin the Tories, I guess if Boris gets in as PM Farage can be official bed warmer for the PM or something, but still.....

Boris Johnson is 5/6 with the bookmakers.

He's been angling for it the whole election. Signing that thing for Cameron to stay was clearly aimed at making him look good knowing Cameron would leave if it went this way.

So UKIP disappear and go back to being Tories, destroying the country from within.

"So UKIP disappear and go back to being Tories, destroying the country from within."

What a silly comment.

Why is it silly?
Please tell me.

UKIP destroying Britain from within, is a very silly and absolutely bizarre comment.
Some exit results are coming in from England, (which is the most anti-EU) and it's causing the pound to drop massively. Buy now and hope remain wins then you could make some serious money. If Leave wins you'll lose even more.

The Brits are going to have to have very cheap holidays this year.

Sterling's 'Most Volatile Day' In Modern History Video

Who cares, the pound has been way too high for so long. The Euro too, they both need to be corrected.

Who cares?

Well, the British people and anyone who works in Britain and anyone going on holiday with Britain and anyone who trades with Britain or anyone who buys stuff made in Britain.... that's a lot of people, by the way.

Yea, people might actually be inclined to visit there now if prices become more reasonable.

Yeah, they might be.

However businesses are less likely to go there as the UK won't be part of the EU market, so it'd be better to go find someone in the EU.

If the pound does rise up again, then Britain will be less competitive, if it doesn't rise up again then the British people will be poorer.

The used as an excuse for leaving was the extra regulation EU imposes on Business... But Business (SME and Corps) were overwhelming wanted to stay...
The people who voted out were generally old and working class...

So you're saying that nearly 17 and a half MILLION people are what? Old and stupid?

I don't think the Brexit crowd know what they did!!

They just wanted the hope. Now they've got the hope. Give them five years, and then they'll realize.

The markets and the Pound are already recovering.
It just an economic threat that has little to no long term effect. When Austria leaves they will do it again. Each time someone leaves the effect will get smaller.

We were waiting to see how our British friends voted, now we must demand a vote, also France, Holland, Italy and Denmark we hear all want a vote in their nations.

Let's get the Domino Effect ball on the road.

Fuck The EU! Long Live Europa!

The EU was a problem. However it was also stability and moving forwards. With Russia and China playing their games, there's going to come a point where European Countries are going to want to come together again.

France won't leave, they have too much power, the Dutch, won't, the Italians can't, the Danes are the most likely to leave, but also doubtful.

Oh, for God's sake. Did the EU look 'stable' to you, during the last financial Greek crisis (.. which hasn't totally gone away) ??

I've explained before ... the EU is a house of cards. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Greece is one such link. Also weak ... Portugal, Spain. It's only a matter of time before the house collapses.

Besides, the Brexit issue, having now succeeded, is bound to create a political domino effect. Who'll think of leaving next ?
Some exit results are coming in from England, (which is the most anti-EU) and it's causing the pound to drop massively. Buy now and hope remain wins then you could make some serious money. If Leave wins you'll lose even more.

The Brits are going to have to have very cheap holidays this year.

Sterling's 'Most Volatile Day' In Modern History Video

Who cares, the pound has been way too high for so long. The Euro too, they both need to be corrected.

Who cares?

Well, the British people and anyone who works in Britain and anyone going on holiday with Britain and anyone who trades with Britain or anyone who buys stuff made in Britain.... that's a lot of people, by the way.

Yea, people might actually be inclined to visit there now if prices become more reasonable.

Yeah, they might be.

However businesses are less likely to go there as the UK won't be part of the EU market, so it'd be better to go find someone in the EU.

If the pound does rise up again, then Britain will be less competitive, if it doesn't rise up again then the British people will be poorer.

The used as an excuse for leaving was the extra regulation EU imposes on Business... But Business (SME and Corps) were overwhelming wanted to stay...
The people who voted out were generally old and working class...
Who better to run a working country than the working class?
Hopefully the republican elites will learn a lesson here and Ryan will get on the side of blue collar voters instead of a few billionaires.
Working class voted to be great again.

The workers have been ignored and shafted, they've been told to STFU and take Austerity, imposed on them from the EU Commission, now they've said that they don't want to take the crap anymore.
This is amazing, I truly didn't think the Brits had it in them.
It's good to see that there are at least some westerners in the world that still believe in their nations sovereignty and control of their own borders.
This is amazing, I truly didn't think the Brits had it in them.
It's good to see that there are at least some westerners in the world that still believe in their nations sovereignty and control of their own borders.

They got tired of being pushed around and told what they could and couldn't do in their own nation.

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