The Power of the Hispanic Vote


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
I come in good faith to ask how the Hispanic vote can control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election?

I ask with humility because I know there are aplenty of folks who know more about it than me.

Here's is the little I know:

2010 Census had about 50,000,000 Hispanics...about 17 per cent.

About 60% of Hispanics live in Texas, California, Illinois, New York & New Jersey. The first is going to vote for the Republican and the others for the matter what the Hispanics do.

Another 10% live in Florida. They are quite critical there....but if Bush or Rubio is on the ticket, that should go Republican too.

The only other state with a significant amount of Hispanics is Colorado.

Rubio by the Bill Clinton's bogus wife in the most recent polls in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. What's she going to do about that? Go snag Mississippi?

At any rate, why is the Hispanic vote thought to be so determinative?

Even if the ballot were printed only in Spanish most would be unable to make an informed decision. Haven't met many/any Hispanics that gave a shit about politics. The only reason they know the name Obummer, is because it represents free stuff they get to mooch from tax paying US citizens.
I come in good faith to ask how the Hispanic vote can control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election?

I ask with humility because I know there are aplenty of folks who know more about it than me.

Here's is the little I know:

2010 Census had about 50,000,000 Hispanics...about 17 per cent.

About 60% of Hispanics live in Texas, California, Illinois, New York & New Jersey. The first is going to vote for the Republican and the others for the matter what the Hispanics do.

Another 10% live in Florida. They are quite critical there....but if Bush or Rubio is on the ticket, that should go Republican too.

The only other state with a significant amount of Hispanics is Colorado.

Rubio by the Bill Clinton's bogus wife in the most recent polls in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. What's she going to do about that? Go snag Mississippi?

At any rate, why is the Hispanic vote thought to be so determinative?


I live in Colorado & I can tell you how critical they are here. In 2014 our new Republican Senator Cory Gardner defeated Democrat Senator Mark Udall--because of the Hispanic vote. Republican contender (Bob Beauprez) lost the governor's race because he did not appeal to Hispanics in this state. Pueblo county our most populated Hispanic/Democrat county went in numbers unheard of to vote for Cory Gardner. Proving that the Latino vote is not owned by Democrats.
2014 And The Latino Vote

Even if it's not a homogeneous group, the U.S. Hispanic population does overwhelmingly support Democrats. Fully 71 percent of Hispanics voted for President Obama in 2012. Hispanics did help push Republicans to victory in a few 2014 races, as when Cory Gardner ousted Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, as the New York Times reported. With its early outreach efforts like those in Nevada, Republicans are hoping to improve upon those gains.
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts

Realistically to win a national election Republicans need to capture a large portion of the Latino vote. The below list is what President's have done in the past and how much of the Latino vote they took.


-1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44

The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012

Taking the above Republican Presidential WINNERS--and averaging that out says that a Republican nominee must capture at least 35.4% of the Latino vote to win the Presidency.
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Conservatives will form a coalition with blacks and that will be the end of your Hispanic advantage and the Democratic party. Black are waking up to just how much the Democratic party has screwed them.
Conservatives will form a coalition with blacks and that will be the end of your Hispanic advantage and the Democratic party. Black are waking up to just how much the Democratic party has screwed them.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blacks have no love for Hispanics and are already pissed about being paid no attention to while the Democratic party runs around kissing Hispanic ass. You are living in a bubble like much of the establishment and MSM. The establishment was firm in its beliefs until Trump turned their entire world view on its head. Blacks have a LOT more in common with conservatives than the do with prissy little gay progressives, if you think a shake up is not possible friend its already begun.
I come in good faith to ask how the Hispanic vote can control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election?

I ask with humility because I know there are aplenty of folks who know more about it than me.

Here's is the little I know:

2010 Census had about 50,000,000 Hispanics...about 17 per cent.

About 60% of Hispanics live in Texas, California, Illinois, New York & New Jersey. The first is going to vote for the Republican and the others for the matter what the Hispanics do.

Another 10% live in Florida. They are quite critical there....but if Bush or Rubio is on the ticket, that should go Republican too.

The only other state with a significant amount of Hispanics is Colorado.

Rubio by the Bill Clinton's bogus wife in the most recent polls in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. What's she going to do about that? Go snag Mississippi?

At any rate, why is the Hispanic vote thought to be so determinative?


I live in Colorado & I can tell you how critical they are here. In 2014 our new Republican Senator Cory Gardner defeated Democrat Senator Mark Udall--because of the Hispanic vote. Republican contender (Bob Beauprez) lost the governor's race because he did not appeal to Hispanics in this state. Pueblo county our most populated Hispanic/Democrat county went in numbers unheard of to vote for Cory Gardner. Proving that the Latino vote is not owned by Democrats.
2014 And The Latino Vote

Even if it's not a homogeneous group, the U.S. Hispanic population does overwhelmingly support Democrats. Fully 71 percent of Hispanics voted for President Obama in 2012. Hispanics did help push Republicans to victory in a few 2014 races, as when Cory Gardner ousted Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, as the New York Times reported. With its early outreach efforts like those in Nevada, Republicans are hoping to improve upon those gains.
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts

Realistically to win a national election Republicans need to capture a large portion of the Latino vote. The below list is what President's have done in the past and how much of the Latino vote they took.


-1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44

The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012

Taking the above Republican Presidential WINNERS--and averaging that out says that a Republican nominee must capture at least 35.4% of the Latino vote to win the Presidency.

Holy toledo! By that last list "the Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections"
they keep voting for big time losers most of the time.

Only Clinton/Obama won. Five other Presidential candidates lost.

So going by those odds, hell's bells lets get the Hispanic vote out for Hillary!


Republicans will clean up!
Conservatives will form a coalition with blacks and that will be the end of your Hispanic advantage and the Democratic party. Black are waking up to just how much the Democratic party has screwed them.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blacks have no love for Hispanics and are already pissed about being paid no attention to while the Democratic party runs around kissing Hispanic ass. You are living in a bubble like much of the establishment and MSM. The establishment was firm in its beliefs until Trump turned their entire world view on its head. Blacks have a LOT more in common with conservatives than the do with prissy little gay progressives, if you think a shake up is not possible friend its already begun.

And yet you can't get more than 5% of them to vote for you
Conservatives will form a coalition with blacks and that will be the end of your Hispanic advantage and the Democratic party. Black are waking up to just how much the Democratic party has screwed them.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blacks have no love for Hispanics and are already pissed about being paid no attention to while the Democratic party runs around kissing Hispanic ass. You are living in a bubble like much of the establishment and MSM. The establishment was firm in its beliefs until Trump turned their entire world view on its head. Blacks have a LOT more in common with conservatives than the do with prissy little gay progressives, if you think a shake up is not possible friend its already begun.

And yet you can't get more than 5% of them to vote for you

We have a multi-decade strategy to rid the country of libtard influence, you keep playing the short game. A LOT of Hispanics also have a lot more in common with conservatives than they do with prissy little progressives. Trust me its going to be hilarious when blacks and Hispanics form a coalition with conservatives and we destroy both the Dem and Rep establishment.
There vote is over rated by the media, as only between 8-11% of the total voters are Hispanic.... Independents, and women, overwhelm them!

In 1980 their vote was 2%,,,2012 it was 10%. They're going to be 17.5% of the population but they vote far below blacks and whites. By running trump could finally bring them out and up to around 14%....

Blacks vote 13% which is also their population.

Also in 1980 whites controlled 88% of the electoral. What is it today??? As of 2012 it was 72%...This could easily be down in the upper 60's if hispanics get pissed.

Loserterianism will never win over woman! Even more so with Hillary! So your high water mark is maybe 1% higher then Romney or around 60% of the white vote..

There vote is over rated by the media, as only between 8-11% of the total voters are Hispanic.... Independents, and women, overwhelm them!

In 1980 their vote was 2%,,,2012 it was 10%. They're going to be 17.5% of the population but they vote far below blacks and whites. By running trump could finally bring them out and up to around 14%....

Blacks vote 13% which is also their population.

Also in 1980 whites controlled 88% of the electoral. What is it today??? As of 2012 it was 72%...This could easily be down in the upper 60's if hispanics get pissed.

Loserterianism will never win over woman! Even more so with Hillary! So your high water mark is maybe 1% higher then Romney or around 60% of the white vote..


How can the Black vote be the same 13% as the population when there children makes up at least 5% of the black population and can't vote????? If your calculations are this fucked up, why in hell would we believe anything you post?
There vote is over rated by the media, as only between 8-11% of the total voters are Hispanic.... Independents, and women, overwhelm them!

In 1980 their vote was 2%,,,2012 it was 10%. They're going to be 17.5% of the population but they vote far below blacks and whites. By running trump could finally bring them out and up to around 14%....

Blacks vote 13% which is also their population.

Also in 1980 whites controlled 88% of the electoral. What is it today??? As of 2012 it was 72%...This could easily be down in the upper 60's if hispanics get pissed.

Loserterianism will never win over woman! Even more so with Hillary! So your high water mark is maybe 1% higher then Romney or around 60% of the white vote..


How can the Black vote be the same 13% as the population when there children makes up at least 5% of the black population and can't vote????? If your calculations are this fucked up, why in hell would we believe anything you post?

I guess they're fucked up ---> How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
There vote is over rated by the media, as only between 8-11% of the total voters are Hispanic.... Independents, and women, overwhelm them!

In 1980 their vote was 2%,,,2012 it was 10%. They're going to be 17.5% of the population but they vote far below blacks and whites. By running trump could finally bring them out and up to around 14%....

Blacks vote 13% which is also their population.

Also in 1980 whites controlled 88% of the electoral. What is it today??? As of 2012 it was 72%...This could easily be down in the upper 60's if hispanics get pissed.

Loserterianism will never win over woman! Even more so with Hillary! So your high water mark is maybe 1% higher then Romney or around 60% of the white vote..


How can the Black vote be the same 13% as the population when there children makes up at least 5% of the black population and can't vote????? If your calculations are this fucked up, why in hell would we believe anything you post?

I guess they're fucked up ---> How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

Easier if you just said it was Bush's fault!
-1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

-2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

So, it IS a lie that you need the Hispanic vote to win elections. As you can see in these examples, that isn't always true. The margin between winner an loser is drastically skewed towards the loser.

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