The Prejudice Of Obama


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I would say, White Americans are not his, and his wife's, favorite people. Muslims and the generic black is definitely above the average white, brown, or "yellow" American. He and his wife have on numerous occasions let it slip that the have some disdain for America as a country and particularly whites.

Do you not recall all of the tours to foreign countries where Obama "apologized" for America and it;s strength?


how Obama agreed with Michelle when she muttered the words, "All this for a damn flag! during a celebration of the flag for some holiday or event?


how Michelle declared right after Barry got elected, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country..."


how Barry came out and said about a local shooting that hardly warranted national attention until Barry brought it to the forefront, "He could have been my son..." without knowing the details about the case...


how, again inserting himself in a local event, Barry came flying to the defense of Professor Gates who would not cooperate with police after a neighbor called about someone breaking in his house, again, without the details of the event, Barry said The POLICE DEPT needed to learn a lesson! The police wanted to see the id of Gates to determine he was the indeed the owner of the house and was indeed breaking into his own house. But never mind details, it was the fault of the policemen after Gates reduced himself to ebonics, yelling and cursing running his mouth off about "Yo' Mamma to the police!


not to mention, the Gentle Giant, Michael Brown assaulted a clerk and stole cigars at a convenient store. This Gentle Giant, when told by police to stop when running towards the police, assaulted the police officer, went for his gun and was shot by the Police officer. Civil rights and liberties took over the day, not for all in the altercation, just for the thug who assaulted the police officer and tried to grab his gun. Representatives from the WH came to mourn the loss of the thug, brought with DOJ representatives to make a mockery of civil rights. No one checked in the well being of the officer who was not nly traumatized by the shooting and assault sat silently when the administration again, ignored the evidence and supported its own. Civil Rights were only practiced for blacks when it came to the White House.


Six Americans (that we know of) lost their lives trying to locate the military deserter and Muslim sympathizer Bowe Bergdahl for a rescue he neither expected nor deserved. To exacerbate that decision and render unimportant the lives lost in the process, Obama then exchanged five of our highest-valued terrorist detainees for the deserter and terrorist sympathizer, Bergdahl.*


Obama has ignored every single instance of black-on-white crime. Not one has he acknowledged, regardless of how savage the attacks have been. However, he stood before the world at the United Nations and bemoaned American police departments for doing their jobs.*


There are few words in my lexicon that adequately express the Erebusic malevolence that is Obama. Even as he orders bombs to be launched in the general direction of ISIS, his only real lament is that ISIS has killed those he deems as “innocent Muslims.”*


Obama refused to get involved with the release of Meriam Ibrahim who was under penalty of death for not renouncing Christianity. He has refused to acknowledge or even contact Naghmeh Abedini, wife of the Christian American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran for two years specifically because of his Christian faith. But he sent a contingent of representatives to the funeral of the black two-bit gangster wannabe Michael Brown."


He has refused to protect American sovereignty, choosing instead to permit open borders, allowing unlimited numbers of illegal aliens free access to invade our shores. He has also placed Americans at risk from disease-carrying illegal alien children and adults."


However, he didn't lifted a finger to effect the release of the United States Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who had been wrongly imprisoned in Mexico for more than six months. Obama lamented in a national speech to the American people his concern for so-called innocent Muslims being killed by ISIS, but he has not had one word of comfort for the family of Sgt. Tahmooressi."


Obama has had no words of comfort or solace for the families, friends and colleagues of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were beheaded by ISIS. But that hasn’t stopped him from sending coded words of comfort to Muslims in the Middle East. It should also be noted that there appears to be credible evidence that he and his administration are responsible for the creation and training of ISIS leaders."*


Obama has not opened his mouth once to voice condemnation of Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East by Muslims, but on two occasions before world audiences, he lamented Muslims killing so-called innocent Muslims."*

I could site dozens more examples in which Obama openly shows concern for evil terrorists, Muslims, and black ghetto trash while he glaringly ignores the welfare of Americans.

I cannot conceive of another political figure in whatever future America has left who will be as transpicuously dismissive of Americans as Obama.

It cannot be expressed often enough, nor expressed strongly enough, that Obama deserves national condemnation. True American leaders do not dismiss the sufferings and losses of we the American people as casually as he does.*

*Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.

Exclusive: Mychal Massie says prez 'glaringly ignores' welfare of most Americans

Mychal Massie is concerned about the welfare of all of America, not just part of it. That is what makes this article important.

Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
I f you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions. Of course that would have taken the time to read and digest, not just jump out with an insult and an inappropriate post. Prove there isn't white victimization, as I demonstrated there certainly is.
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.

Exclusive: Mychal Massie says prez 'glaringly ignores' welfare of most Americans

Mychal Massie is concerned about the welfare of all of America, not just part of it. That is what makes this article important.

Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash

Mychal Massie is a butthurt clown who knows his audience.

Are you capable of forming an opinion and defending it on your own, without parroting random right wing bloggers?
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
I f you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions. Of course that would have taken the time to read and digest, not just jump out with an insult and an inappropriate post. Prove there isn't white victimization, as I demonstrated there certainly is.

You didn't "denonstrate" anything of the sort.

I read the whole article - it's nothing more that a "best of" right wing talking points with a healthy dose of victimization and racial dogwhistling.
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.

Exclusive: Mychal Massie says prez 'glaringly ignores' welfare of most Americans

Mychal Massie is concerned about the welfare of all of America, not just part of it. That is what makes this article important.

Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash

Mychal Massie is a butthurt clown who knows his audience.

Are you capable of forming an opinion and defending it on your own, without parroting random right wing bloggers?
Repeating: If you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions.

For your knowledge, those facts with the "*" were Mr. Massie's. The rest were my own. You have yet to post a fact...
I wonder if people think all this complaining is somehow going to reverse the fact that the last 2 terms were held by a Black president?
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
I f you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions. Of course that would have taken the time to read and digest, not just jump out with an insult and an inappropriate post. Prove there isn't white victimization, as I demonstrated there certainly is.

You didn't "denonstrate" anything of the sort.

I read the whole article - it's nothing more that a "best of" right wing talking points with a healthy dose of victimization and racial dogwhistling.
Well, share those left wing talking points that oppose my argument!
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.

Sometimes the TRUTH seems to do that. Suck it up.


That's some irony right there.
One liners are easy to manufacture when you have no facts that back up a fleeting thought you might have had.


Did you cc this post to thehumanbeing, or are one liners ok as long as they agree with you?
I would say, White Americans are not his, and his wife's, favorite people. Muslims and the generic black is definitely above the average white, brown, or "yellow" American. He and his wife have on numerous occasions let it slip that the have some disdain for America as a country and particularly whites.

Do you not recall all of the tours to foreign countries where Obama "apologized" for America and it;s strength?


how Obama agreed with Michelle when she muttered the words, "All this for a damn flag! during a celebration of the flag for some holiday or event?


how Michelle declared right after Barry got elected, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country..."


how Barry came out and said about a local shooting that hardly warranted national attention until Barry brought it to the forefront, "He could have been my son..." without knowing the details about the case...


how, again inserting himself in a local event, Barry came flying to the defense of Professor Gates who would not cooperate with police after a neighbor called about someone breaking in his house, again, without the details of the event, Barry said The POLICE DEPT needed to learn a lesson! The police wanted to see the id of Gates to determine he was the indeed the owner of the house and was indeed breaking into his own house. But never mind details, it was the fault of the policemen after Gates reduced himself to ebonics, yelling and cursing running his mouth off about "Yo' Mamma to the police!


not to mention, the Gentle Giant, Michael Brown assaulted a clerk and stole cigars at a convenient store. This Gentle Giant, when told by police to stop when running towards the police, assaulted the police officer, went for his gun and was shot by the Police officer. Civil rights and liberties took over the day, not for all in the altercation, just for the thug who assaulted the police officer and tried to grab his gun. Representatives from the WH came to mourn the loss of the thug, brought with DOJ representatives to make a mockery of civil rights. No one checked in the well being of the officer who was not nly traumatized by the shooting and assault sat silently when the administration again, ignored the evidence and supported its own. Civil Rights were only practiced for blacks when it came to the White House.


Six Americans (that we know of) lost their lives trying to locate the military deserter and Muslim sympathizer Bowe Bergdahl for a rescue he neither expected nor deserved. To exacerbate that decision and render unimportant the lives lost in the process, Obama then exchanged five of our highest-valued terrorist detainees for the deserter and terrorist sympathizer, Bergdahl.*


Obama has ignored every single instance of black-on-white crime. Not one has he acknowledged, regardless of how savage the attacks have been. However, he stood before the world at the United Nations and bemoaned American police departments for doing their jobs.*


There are few words in my lexicon that adequately express the Erebusic malevolence that is Obama. Even as he orders bombs to be launched in the general direction of ISIS, his only real lament is that ISIS has killed those he deems as “innocent Muslims.”*


Obama refused to get involved with the release of Meriam Ibrahim who was under penalty of death for not renouncing Christianity. He has refused to acknowledge or even contact Naghmeh Abedini, wife of the Christian American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran for two years specifically because of his Christian faith. But he sent a contingent of representatives to the funeral of the black two-bit gangster wannabe Michael Brown."


He has refused to protect American sovereignty, choosing instead to permit open borders, allowing unlimited numbers of illegal aliens free access to invade our shores. He has also placed Americans at risk from disease-carrying illegal alien children and adults."


However, he didn't lifted a finger to effect the release of the United States Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who had been wrongly imprisoned in Mexico for more than six months. Obama lamented in a national speech to the American people his concern for so-called innocent Muslims being killed by ISIS, but he has not had one word of comfort for the family of Sgt. Tahmooressi."


Obama has had no words of comfort or solace for the families, friends and colleagues of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were beheaded by ISIS. But that hasn’t stopped him from sending coded words of comfort to Muslims in the Middle East. It should also be noted that there appears to be credible evidence that he and his administration are responsible for the creation and training of ISIS leaders."*


Obama has not opened his mouth once to voice condemnation of Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East by Muslims, but on two occasions before world audiences, he lamented Muslims killing so-called innocent Muslims."*

I could site dozens more examples in which Obama openly shows concern for evil terrorists, Muslims, and black ghetto trash while he glaringly ignores the welfare of Americans.

I cannot conceive of another political figure in whatever future America has left who will be as transpicuously dismissive of Americans as Obama.

It cannot be expressed often enough, nor expressed strongly enough, that Obama deserves national condemnation. True American leaders do not dismiss the sufferings and losses of we the American people as casually as he does.*

*Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash

Didn't you ask for mature discussion and cooperation a few days ago?

Why do you insist on pasting this kind of trash here almost every day?
That's a whole pile of bullshit right there. The right-wing white victimization meme is starting to get really old.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
I f you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions. Of course that would have taken the time to read and digest, not just jump out with an insult and an inappropriate post. Prove there isn't white victimization, as I demonstrated there certainly is.

You didn't "denonstrate" anything of the sort.

I read the whole article - it's nothing more that a "best of" right wing talking points with a healthy dose of victimization and racial dogwhistling.
Well, share those left wing talking points that oppose my argument!

You're welcome to read through any of the hundreds of threads in which those talking points have been posted in the last 8 years. I have no interest in doing so.
I would say, White Americans are not his, and his wife's, favorite people. Muslims and the generic black is definitely above the average white, brown, or "yellow" American. He and his wife have on numerous occasions let it slip that the have some disdain for America as a country and particularly whites.

Do you not recall all of the tours to foreign countries where Obama "apologized" for America and it;s strength?


how Obama agreed with Michelle when she muttered the words, "All this for a damn flag! during a celebration of the flag for some holiday or event?


how Michelle declared right after Barry got elected, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country..."


how Barry came out and said about a local shooting that hardly warranted national attention until Barry brought it to the forefront, "He could have been my son..." without knowing the details about the case...


how, again inserting himself in a local event, Barry came flying to the defense of Professor Gates who would not cooperate with police after a neighbor called about someone breaking in his house, again, without the details of the event, Barry said The POLICE DEPT needed to learn a lesson! The police wanted to see the id of Gates to determine he was the indeed the owner of the house and was indeed breaking into his own house. But never mind details, it was the fault of the policemen after Gates reduced himself to ebonics, yelling and cursing running his mouth off about "Yo' Mamma to the police!


not to mention, the Gentle Giant, Michael Brown assaulted a clerk and stole cigars at a convenient store. This Gentle Giant, when told by police to stop when running towards the police, assaulted the police officer, went for his gun and was shot by the Police officer. Civil rights and liberties took over the day, not for all in the altercation, just for the thug who assaulted the police officer and tried to grab his gun. Representatives from the WH came to mourn the loss of the thug, brought with DOJ representatives to make a mockery of civil rights. No one checked in the well being of the officer who was not nly traumatized by the shooting and assault sat silently when the administration again, ignored the evidence and supported its own. Civil Rights were only practiced for blacks when it came to the White House.


Six Americans (that we know of) lost their lives trying to locate the military deserter and Muslim sympathizer Bowe Bergdahl for a rescue he neither expected nor deserved. To exacerbate that decision and render unimportant the lives lost in the process, Obama then exchanged five of our highest-valued terrorist detainees for the deserter and terrorist sympathizer, Bergdahl.*


Obama has ignored every single instance of black-on-white crime. Not one has he acknowledged, regardless of how savage the attacks have been. However, he stood before the world at the United Nations and bemoaned American police departments for doing their jobs.*


There are few words in my lexicon that adequately express the Erebusic malevolence that is Obama. Even as he orders bombs to be launched in the general direction of ISIS, his only real lament is that ISIS has killed those he deems as “innocent Muslims.”*


Obama refused to get involved with the release of Meriam Ibrahim who was under penalty of death for not renouncing Christianity. He has refused to acknowledge or even contact Naghmeh Abedini, wife of the Christian American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran for two years specifically because of his Christian faith. But he sent a contingent of representatives to the funeral of the black two-bit gangster wannabe Michael Brown."


He has refused to protect American sovereignty, choosing instead to permit open borders, allowing unlimited numbers of illegal aliens free access to invade our shores. He has also placed Americans at risk from disease-carrying illegal alien children and adults."


However, he didn't lifted a finger to effect the release of the United States Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who had been wrongly imprisoned in Mexico for more than six months. Obama lamented in a national speech to the American people his concern for so-called innocent Muslims being killed by ISIS, but he has not had one word of comfort for the family of Sgt. Tahmooressi."


Obama has had no words of comfort or solace for the families, friends and colleagues of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were beheaded by ISIS. But that hasn’t stopped him from sending coded words of comfort to Muslims in the Middle East. It should also be noted that there appears to be credible evidence that he and his administration are responsible for the creation and training of ISIS leaders."*


Obama has not opened his mouth once to voice condemnation of Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East by Muslims, but on two occasions before world audiences, he lamented Muslims killing so-called innocent Muslims."*

I could site dozens more examples in which Obama openly shows concern for evil terrorists, Muslims, and black ghetto trash while he glaringly ignores the welfare of Americans.

I cannot conceive of another political figure in whatever future America has left who will be as transpicuously dismissive of Americans as Obama.

It cannot be expressed often enough, nor expressed strongly enough, that Obama deserves national condemnation. True American leaders do not dismiss the sufferings and losses of we the American people as casually as he does.*

*Read more at Obama’s faves: Muslims, black ghetto trash

Didn't you ask for mature discussion and cooperation a few days ago?

Why do you insist on pasting this kind of trash here almost every day?
I think they are trying rewrite history and really think people believe this stuff.
Mr. Massie does know his audience. He has lived it.
Thank you for your, we both know there is no black victimization, right?

You're welcome. Thank you for mindlessly parroting someone else's opinion.

If a black guy jumps off a bridge, are you gonna do the same thing?

Does someone else nonsensically whining justify your nonsensical whining? Are we striving for the lowest common denominator?
I f you took the time to read the post, and notice which parts were taken from the expert on the topic, you would have noticed that there were my own opinions. Of course that would have taken the time to read and digest, not just jump out with an insult and an inappropriate post. Prove there isn't white victimization, as I demonstrated there certainly is.

You didn't "denonstrate" anything of the sort.

I read the whole article - it's nothing more that a "best of" right wing talking points with a healthy dose of victimization and racial dogwhistling.
Well, share those left wing talking points that oppose my argument!

You're welcome to read through any of the hundreds of threads in which those talking points have been posted in the last 8 years. I have no interest in doing so.
Of course not, so continue with your petty unproven one liners...

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