The President is Sending 4,000 Somalis Back Home

I find it very funny how the people that want to slash infrastructure, science and education funding here in America can criticizing these Somali's.

It is a damn irony...I've spent a life time judging people and Africa being the center point but loserterianism should not talk.

THe fact that you see a contradiction between the words of so many people, should raise the possibility in your mind that you have misunderstood the message.

If you were half as reasonable and rational as you like to pretend you are.
What did YOUR ancestors bring to the table?

They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.

You brought up past immigration, and how great it supposed was.

I responded seriously and you ran.

You still have not answered my question.

Would this country be better or worse if the Chinese Exclusion Act had not been passed and the West Coast was much more heavily populated, much poorer, and much more like China?


I didn't answer because it's a ridiculous premise - that not excluding Chinese would have led to the imagery you put forth.

Prove your claim.
What did YOUR ancestors bring to the table?

They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.

You realize that the vast majority of the population decline of the native population was from disease, right?

So the "outlook" of the settlers was mostly irrelevant.

They could have been all Gandhi clones and it would have been mostly the same.
What did YOUR ancestors bring to the table?

They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.
I didn't call them settlers. I called them what they were...conquerors. we are all related to them and only morons feel shame. That was the way the world worked for centuries. But suddenly liberals want to make everyone feel guilty for the distant past.

If you can't fight for your own homeland why should anyone trust you to make OUR LAND your new home?
What did YOUR ancestors bring to the table?

They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.

You brought up past immigration, and how great it supposed was.

I responded seriously and you ran.

You still have not answered my question.

Would this country be better or worse if the Chinese Exclusion Act had not been passed and the West Coast was much more heavily populated, much poorer, and much more like China?


I didn't answer because it's a ridiculous premise - that not excluding Chinese would have led to the imagery you put forth.

Prove your claim.

You need me to prove that importing large numbers of people over long periods of time would result in large population growth?

I did a search. All the numbers I found was on how in the near future we would have large population growth driven mostly be immigration.

Immigrants will drive U.S. population growth in next five decades: Pew

DOes that satisfy your odd request?

Will you answer my question now?
They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.
I didn't call them settlers. I called them what they were...conquerors. we are all related to them and only morons feel shame. That was the way the world worked for centuries. But suddenly liberals want to make everyone feel guilty for the distant past.

If you can't fight for your own homeland why should anyone trust you to make OUR LAND your new home?

Did YOUR ancestors fight for their homeland before they came HERE?
If they are vetted and want to come here for a better life and are not criminals....great. But if those 4K are criminals...send them back and slam the door.
They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.

You brought up past immigration, and how great it supposed was.

I responded seriously and you ran.

You still have not answered my question.

Would this country be better or worse if the Chinese Exclusion Act had not been passed and the West Coast was much more heavily populated, much poorer, and much more like China?


I didn't answer because it's a ridiculous premise - that not excluding Chinese would have led to the imagery you put forth.

Prove your claim.

You need me to prove that importing large numbers of people over long periods of time would result in large population growth?

I did a search. All the numbers I found was on how in the near future we would have large population growth driven mostly be immigration.

Immigrants will drive U.S. population growth in next five decades: Pew

DOes that satisfy your odd request?

Will you answer my question now?

Again. That does nothing to indicate that your claim about the Chinese Exclusion Act is supportable.
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.

You brought up past immigration, and how great it supposed was.

I responded seriously and you ran.

You still have not answered my question.

Would this country be better or worse if the Chinese Exclusion Act had not been passed and the West Coast was much more heavily populated, much poorer, and much more like China?


I didn't answer because it's a ridiculous premise - that not excluding Chinese would have led to the imagery you put forth.

Prove your claim.

You need me to prove that importing large numbers of people over long periods of time would result in large population growth?

I did a search. All the numbers I found was on how in the near future we would have large population growth driven mostly be immigration.

Immigrants will drive U.S. population growth in next five decades: Pew

DOes that satisfy your odd request?

Will you answer my question now?

Again. That does nothing to indicate that your claim about the Chinese Exclusion Act is supportable.

Your words are insane. If you add a large number to a number, that number will become larger. If that number set doubles every couple of decades within that larger number AND you KEEP adding more and more to that greater sum,

that sum will be larger and larger.

Your denial of this is utter madness.

lf we continue to have high immigration, our population will grow to 420 million by 2060.

Without immigration our population would be in decline already.

Taking those lessons and projection them backwards,

Answer the question.
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.

They're trying to make Minnesota into Sharia Law Somalia is more like it.

They're not assimilating.

Minnesota mall stabbings might realize worst fears of local Somalis <not great, will find better.
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My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.
I didn't call them settlers. I called them what they were...conquerors. we are all related to them and only morons feel shame. That was the way the world worked for centuries. But suddenly liberals want to make everyone feel guilty for the distant past.

If you can't fight for your own homeland why should anyone trust you to make OUR LAND your new home?

Did YOUR ancestors fight for their homeland before they came HERE?
My grandfather fought in WWII & my father in Vietnam.
I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.
I didn't call them settlers. I called them what they were...conquerors. we are all related to them and only morons feel shame. That was the way the world worked for centuries. But suddenly liberals want to make everyone feel guilty for the distant past.

If you can't fight for your own homeland why should anyone trust you to make OUR LAND your new home?

Did YOUR ancestors fight for their homeland before they came HERE?
My grandfather fought in WWII & my father in Vietnam.

You and I share something then.

How about your ancestors that fled the old country?
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.

They're trying to make Minnesota into Sharia Law Somalia is more like it.

They're not assimilating.

No they're not.

Try reading something factual...
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.

If anything - I've come to realize that nothing is as simplistic as you seem to think. And "settlers" ... well...all they are is illegal immigrants with a more murderous outlook towards the natives.
I didn't call them settlers. I called them what they were...conquerors. we are all related to them and only morons feel shame. That was the way the world worked for centuries. But suddenly liberals want to make everyone feel guilty for the distant past.

If you can't fight for your own homeland why should anyone trust you to make OUR LAND your new home?

Did YOUR ancestors fight for their homeland before they came HERE?
My grandfather fought in WWII & my father in Vietnam.

You and I share something then.

How about your ancestors that fled the old country?
I have no idea. We are from Scotland so I would assume so as everyone there either fought or was slaughtered. My parents gave me to the state at 7 years old so I know very little about my ancestors
What did YOUR ancestors bring to the table?

They were SETTLERS, not immigrants to a foreign country.

Does Somalia allow white Christian immigration? Does ANYONE want to go there?
And why do you believe they have a RIGHT to be here?

This topic seems important to you, but nothing's gonna change. They get to go home. Now be happy for them!
My ancestors conquered this land. The Somali people are homeless because they are stupid. Their lands have been ruled by everyone but them. It's not my problem they prefer to live in the 15th century and fight over straw & mud huts. All of the people's of this earth have had ample time & opportunities to create a future for their lands. If they won't fight for their homelands why the fuck would we want them here?

I've lost all respect for you with this comment.
Your respect is not a prerequisite for my membership is it?

I think I laid the post out well. If anything Africa should be the most advanced society on the globe since it is where the human race supposedly blossomed from. Yet they live in squalor.
----------------------------------------------------------- as south africa is starving because they killed or drove off the farmers that happened to be white farmers . Same in 'zimbabwe' and all of 'africa' is excellent for growing food if irrigation is developed .
These 4,000 have been on the books to be deported for years. obama never did it.

As I just heard one general say "The new administration turned on the lights and now the cockaroaches are running everywhere."

That was the best explanation of what's happening across the board.
Many of those are criminals.
Send them all back! Well done Mr President!:clap:

Total islamic scum!!!:mad-61:


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