The President is Sending 4,000 Somalis Back Home

---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.
here is part of the reason that they don't belong in the USA or the west Coyote . -------------- --- ---

Somali immigrants are innocent Americans, therefore I can't possibly hate them.

THey are not Americans.

They just have nothing to offer America. We have all the Third World peasants we need, and then some.
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.

I know you marked this "funny' but're a person too. Don't you think some of these immigrants deserve a chance for a new life here away from the horrible civil war of their homelands? As long as they follow our laws, I'm fine with it. Long ago, I did a research paper on immigration...and it was eye opening....and, frankly appalling at some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric at the turn of the century...East European Jews (alien, dirty, ignorant, bred like rabbits)...or Chinese (yellow peril)...or..Italians (papists, bred like rabbits, mafia)....and now...Somalis and others.

My ancestors were immigrants.

I'm not going to begrudge others a chance at a better future. As long as they obey our laws. I think that is reasonable.
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.
------------------------------------------------- JEWS are civilized but i don't want any flood of imported Jews either . Let 'somalis' fight their warlord mullahs and build their own country Coyote .
here is part of the reason that they don't belong in the USA or the west Coyote . -------------- --- ---

That is one person judge them all on ONE person? Should we do that will all?
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.
------------------------------------------------- JEWS are civilized but i don't want any Jewish flood of imported Jews either . Let 'somalis' fight their warlord mullahs and build their own country Coyote .

Why did your ancestors come here Pismoe??? Why didn't they stay and fight for their rights elsewhere?

Mine didn't - they came here hoping for a better future. Kinda the same as the Somali's.
---------------------------------------------- yeah , nothing to do with HATE .Third world muslim somalis don't belong in the USA or any western land . They are enemies of the western world simply because of their religion Coyote !!

Do you realize that is exactly what they used to say about the East European Jews?

Come on Pismoe...these are human beings...they're people trying to make the best of a hard situation.

I know you marked this "funny' but're a person too. Don't you think some of these immigrants deserve a chance for a new life here away from the horrible civil war of their homelands? As long as they follow our laws, I'm fine with it. Long ago, I did a research paper on immigration...and it was eye opening....and, frankly appalling at some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric at the turn of the century...East European Jews (alien, dirty, ignorant, bred like rabbits)...or Chinese (yellow peril)...or..Italians (papists, bred like rabbits, mafia)....and now...Somalis and others.

My ancestors were immigrants.

I'm not going to begrudge others a chance at a better future. As long as they obey our laws. I think that is reasonable.

We have over 40 million foreign born citizens.

That "some deserve a chance" has been long ago exceeded.
They're going home. Nothing you can do about it. Thank GOD we have President Trump. Maybe we can have a little rest from the INVASION Obama created. I WISH they'd ALL be sent out. Probably won't happen, but a tough stance will make those remaining, mind their behaviour -- or they'll get booted too.

Somali immigrants are innocent Americans, therefore I can't possibly hate them.

THey are not Americans.

They just have nothing to offer America. We have all the Third World peasants we need, and then some.

And what the hell do you offer America? Far as I can see, you offer nothing.
you didn't watch the whole thing or AMI'S video has been cut . In general , muslims owe their alegiance to 'allah' and if they are real muslims the follow the koran Coyote .

Pismoe...about that "in general" comment. Do you realize that is exacty what they said about Catholics? Only substitute "Pope" for "Allah".
--- --- how many somali muslims does AMI interview on the streets of Minnesota .
They're going home. Nothing you can do about it. Thank GOD we have President Trump. Maybe we can have a little rest from the INVASION Obama created. I WISH they'd ALL be sent out. Probably won't happen, but a tough stance will make those remaining, mind their behaviour -- or they'll get booted too.

Where did YOUR people come from? Shall we send YOU home?
Instead of passing on a youtube of one person Pismoe....why don't you GO there...and talk to American Muslims? Seriously....

WHY DON'T you?

Is a youtube - selectively taken - more important then personally talking to people?

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