“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty"

Liberals crack me up.

The spirit of this country was based on BREAKING THE LAW??????????

We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS coming to this country.

Not flooding the borders and ignoring the law.

Liberals you can't lie your way around this.

Obama is flooding the borders because the Democrats have lost the AMERICAN people and so their only hope is to flood the country with like minded people who don't love this country and don't obey our laws.
Really? Where did the pilgrims get their visas?
Liberals crack me up.

The spirit of this country was based on BREAKING THE LAW??????????

We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS coming to this country.

Not flooding the borders and ignoring the law.

Liberals you can't lie your way around this.

Obama is flooding the borders because the Democrats have lost the AMERICAN people and so their only hope is to flood the country with like minded people who don't love this country and don't obey our laws.
Really? Where did the pilgrims get their visas?

Newsflash ! Some immigration laws have been added over the last few centuries.
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

What crisis?
yep. that's my stance.
i also think that deporting stable illegal immigrants with family ties to the country and no serious criminal records is stupid so long as we have much more dangerous illegal aliens to worry about, and that our enforcement efforts should basically ignore them until we have a complete grip on the dangerous criminal element. wouldn't you agree?

Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
no. we don't treat muderers and jaywalkers the same, do we?
incidentally, i'm pretty sure illegal immigration is a misdemeanor offense.

More excuses.

Close and enforce the border and our laws.
No amnesty of any kind.
Deport all illegals.

Good to see that you agree with the president.
Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
no. we don't treat muderers and jaywalkers the same, do we?
incidentally, i'm pretty sure illegal immigration is a misdemeanor offense.

More excuses.

Close and enforce the border and our laws.
No amnesty of any kind.
Deport all illegals.

Good to see that you agree with the president.
When did he say he was going to close and enforce the border? I didn't hear that.

When did he say he was going to begin deporting all illegals?
I didn't hear that.
Of course, I don't know what you mean by "Close the border". 40% of illegal immigrants simply overstay their visa's. If you are suggesting that we stop issuing visas, I guess that I am against "closing the border".
Illegal immigrants don't get visas.

You're mightily confused.

Rot, you are the very first person to whom I had to explain this.

A person wants to visit this country. He applies for, and receives a visa, which will have an expiration date. If he does not leave this country prior to the expiration date, he THEN BECOMES AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, YOU DOLT!!!!!!! 40% of the illegal immigrants in this country simply overstayed their visa.

Now, Rot, surely you understand the relationship of expired visa's to illegal immigrants, now, right?

I agree with this post. I have been following this conversation off and on for several pages, and I frankly don't think it is going anywhere. You can't keep them out, nor will a border security perimeter do any good. The US is too large of a nation and too free for that to work. Who would want to make the nation an armed camp?

The problem is in WHY they are coming in the first place. They are coming for opportunity. Cut off that opportunity unless you have a ticket to ride. Is it really that hard? Teenagers can't purchase crap on the internet, I'm sure we could find a way to keep illegals from procuring jobs if we REALLY wanted to. I am thinking the corporate/government fascist State just doesn't WANT to keep them from procuring employment. They are REAL good at keeping YOUR identity safe on the internet so you can shop, but they can't keep José from making up an identity to get a job? Seriously? I call bullshit.

If the various administrations had actually enforced CURRENT LAWS already on the books, that penalized businesses for hiring illegals, we would never have been in this mess. Alternatively, if we made those laws SO DRACONIAN, as to cripple or do irreparable harm to businesses for even hiring illegal, then no one would ever hire an illegal again.

Then the question would becomes, why would they ever come to the US in the first place other then to visit? And once their visit was over, or once they ran out of money, why wouldn't they go home of their own volition? We would no longer have any need to deport any but the criminal element, because the law abiding element would have no jobs. This is known as self-deportation.

As it currently stands, the business community is enabling the illegal population. You don't get tens of millions of illegals in the country without them having some sort of way of making a go of it. Either through social services or by illegally having jobs. Cut off those services and jobs, and they go home. Again, self-deportation.

Currently they are parasites, and the host is the bloated government and the US economy. It's time to get serious about trimming the fat.

If the corporate/US government approves this process of assimilating these millions of current illegals, the problem will still be there, and more will still be crossing the boarder to bottom out labor costs further. The problems will NOT end, just like it didn't end with the previous two amnesties. If we don't get serious about cracking down on businesses that hire illegals, we will be having this discussion in another twenty years. Wall or no wall.
"it's too hard" is not a valid reason for not closing and enforcing our borders.
Nations larger (and smaller) than ours have been doing it successfully since the beginning of civilization...and continue to do it now.
Try sneaking into mexico...see what happens if you get caught..you won't be getting welfare and a drivers license and free education and healthcare and a lawyer to represent you in deportation hearings...

There are reasons nations have borders and enforce them.
Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
no. we don't treat muderers and jaywalkers the same, do we?
incidentally, i'm pretty sure illegal immigration is a misdemeanor offense.
I didn't say that, you like putting words into others posts, don't you. I asked you are they both not criminal. It's a really simple question. Are you afraid to answer it?
'aren't they the same? criminals?'
they are the same in that they've committed one common crime. they are not the same in far more ways. jaywalkers and murderers are both criminals. should we put the same resources into catching jaywalkers that we do murderers?
And for the purposes of controlling who comes in to our country illegally, they are the same and therefore should be treated the same. Who the authorities call to come get them may be different for the crime of invasion they are equal. Thank you.
Of course, I don't know what you mean by "Close the border". 40% of illegal immigrants simply overstay their visa's. If you are suggesting that we stop issuing visas, I guess that I am against "closing the border".
Illegal immigrants don't get visas.

You're mightily confused.

Rot, you are the very first person to whom I had to explain this.

A person wants to visit this country. He applies for, and receives a visa, which will have an expiration date. If he does not leave this country prior to the expiration date, he THEN BECOMES AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, YOU DOLT!!!!!!! 40% of the illegal immigrants in this country simply overstayed their visa.

Now, Rot, surely you understand the relationship of expired visa's to illegal immigrants, now, right?

I agree with this post. I have been following this conversation off and on for several pages, and I frankly don't think it is going anywhere. You can't keep them out, nor will a border security perimeter do any good. The US is too large of a nation and too free for that to work. Who would want to make the nation an armed camp?

The problem is in WHY they are coming in the first place. They are coming for opportunity. Cut off that opportunity unless you have a ticket to ride. Is it really that hard? Teenagers can't purchase crap on the internet, I'm sure we could find a way to keep illegals from procuring jobs if we REALLY wanted to. I am thinking the corporate/government fascist State just doesn't WANT to keep them from procuring employment. They are REAL good at keeping YOUR identity safe on the internet so you can shop, but they can't keep José from making up an identity to get a job? Seriously? I call bullshit.

If the various administrations had actually enforced CURRENT LAWS already on the books, that penalized businesses for hiring illegals, we would never have been in this mess. Alternatively, if we made those laws SO DRACONIAN, as to cripple or do irreparable harm to businesses for even hiring illegal, then no one would ever hire an illegal again.

Then the question would becomes, why would they ever come to the US in the first place other then to visit? And once their visit was over, or once they ran out of money, why wouldn't they go home of their own volition? We would no longer have any need to deport any but the criminal element, because the law abiding element would have no jobs. This is known as self-deportation.

As it currently stands, the business community is enabling the illegal population. You don't get tens of millions of illegals in the country without them having some sort of way of making a go of it. Either through social services or by illegally having jobs. Cut off those services and jobs, and they go home. Again, self-deportation.

Currently they are parasites, and the host is the bloated government and the US economy. It's time to get serious about trimming the fat.

If the corporate/US government approves this process of assimilating these millions of current illegals, the problem will still be there, and more will still be crossing the boarder to bottom out labor costs further. The problems will NOT end, just like it didn't end with the previous two amnesties. If we don't get serious about cracking down on businesses that hire illegals, we will be having this discussion in another twenty years. Wall or no wall.
They come here because they know we don't enforce the laws. Period!!!!
Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?

Why do you keep circling back to that?
Why doesn't obama close it?
i'm still just trying to make you understand that the president alone does not have the ability to commit the resources that would be necessary. if he did, it would have been done by one of his predecessors.
I see you are a true liberal, you can't ever answer a simple question. Hah........So basically rota and I were dead nuts on it!!!!!!
i've answered a million fucking times.
it. is. not. within. the. president's. authority. to. commit. the. resources. needed. to. secure. the. border.

holy shit you guys are dense.
sure he does and again, an excuse. Sorry Charlie
well, of course he isn't..Don't be absurd....
What he IS doing is bypassing immigration law to legitimize them and therefore allowing them to soon BECOME citizens ....as a reward for breaking our immigration laws.

I wonder which party these new "citizens" will be voting for.

C'mon, man...no one is fooled by any of this.

Keep making excuses.

oh i see. so it isn't what's happening, it's what you believe will happen somewhere down the road that is the issue.

Watch me type it again;

close and enforce the border
no amnesty of any kind
deport all illegals
i understand that's what you want to happen.
are you lobbying your congressmen for the resources?

You better believe it. I called today and I think/hope my wife did too. We talked about it this morning. Thanks for asking.
So..as long as you're back to trying to change the subject let me ask you;
Are you really old enough to vote? Seriously.
i'm not changing the subject. if that's what you think should happen, it's going to take more resources, no matter what you claim. those resources have to come from congress - so until congress sends them his way, it's ignorant to pretend the president can magically close the border himself.
do you understand that?
So, what are the resources you think are needed?
Of course, I don't know what you mean by "Close the border". 40% of illegal immigrants simply overstay their visa's. If you are suggesting that we stop issuing visas, I guess that I am against "closing the border".
just curious do you work?

That would be a fair question...if I had started a thread about me, that is.....
it goes to the impact on your wallet. So do you work? Do you work and do you pay an income tax?
well, of course he isn't..Don't be absurd....
What he IS doing is bypassing immigration law to legitimize them and therefore allowing them to soon BECOME citizens ....as a reward for breaking our immigration laws.

I wonder which party these new "citizens" will be voting for.

C'mon, man...no one is fooled by any of this.

Keep making excuses.

oh i see. so it isn't what's happening, it's what you believe will happen somewhere down the road that is the issue.

Watch me type it again;

close and enforce the border
no amnesty of any kind
deport all illegals
i understand that's what you want to happen.
are you lobbying your congressmen for the resources?

You better believe it. I called today and I think/hope my wife did too. We talked about it this morning. Thanks for asking.
So..as long as you're back to trying to change the subject let me ask you;
Are you really old enough to vote? Seriously.
i'm not changing the subject. if that's what you think should happen, it's going to take more resources, no matter what you claim. those resources have to come from congress - so until congress sends them his way, it's ignorant to pretend the president can magically close the border himself.
do you understand that?
again, what resources are you referring to?

Isn't the president the commander and chief fot the military? I'm just curious what else he needs.
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

What crisis?
are you that naive?

Oops, I'm sorry, of course you are!!!!
Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
no. we don't treat muderers and jaywalkers the same, do we?
incidentally, i'm pretty sure illegal immigration is a misdemeanor offense.

More excuses.

Close and enforce the border and our laws.
No amnesty of any kind.
Deport all illegals.

Good to see that you agree with the president.
and then....................you woke up!!
oh i see. so it isn't what's happening, it's what you believe will happen somewhere down the road that is the issue.

Watch me type it again;

close and enforce the border
no amnesty of any kind
deport all illegals
i understand that's what you want to happen.
are you lobbying your congressmen for the resources?

You better believe it. I called today and I think/hope my wife did too. We talked about it this morning. Thanks for asking.
So..as long as you're back to trying to change the subject let me ask you;
Are you really old enough to vote? Seriously.
i'm not changing the subject. if that's what you think should happen, it's going to take more resources, no matter what you claim. those resources have to come from congress - so until congress sends them his way, it's ignorant to pretend the president can magically close the border himself.
do you understand that?
again, what resources are you referring to?

Isn't the president the commander and chief fot the military? I'm just curious what else he needs.
The president absolutely cant use the military to enforce immigration laws.
Their cheeks still flushed from Ebolysteria sickness, the rubes lined up for their weekly goblets of piss, and were grubered into believing amnesty was going to be in that thar EO. The starter of this topic was among them.

Stupid voters. Why haven't they figured out yet that mug of piss is laced with what's making them ill?

Will being lied to over and over and over and over again ever cause the rubes to stop buying into the propaganda and unclog their logic filters?

I am not optimistic. In a week or two, they will grab onto another piss vessel over some other manufactured crisis.

Just like they have been for six years going now.
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

What crisis?
are you that naive?

Oops, I'm sorry, of course you are!!!!

I notice you didn't identify the crisis.

1. Identify the crisis

2. Prove that it qualifies as a crisis, by reasonable measure.

3. Prove the President caused it.

...is that so hard?


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