“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty"

Of course, I don't know what you mean by "Close the border". 40% of illegal immigrants simply overstay their visa's. If you are suggesting that we stop issuing visas, I guess that I am against "closing the border".
Illegal immigrants don't get visas.

You're mightily confused.

Rot, you are the very first person to whom I had to explain this.

A person wants to visit this country. He applies for, and receives a visa, which will have an expiration date. If he does not leave this country prior to the expiration date, he THEN BECOMES AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, YOU DOLT!!!!!!! 40% of the illegal immigrants in this country simply overstayed their visa.

Now, Rot, surely you understand the relationship of expired visa's to illegal immigrants, now, right?

You aren't "explaining" anything to me and your condescending tone reveals a lot about you.

Read what I said.

People here illegally do not get visas.

You're purposely trying to confuse the issue with people who had legal visas (they should be deported if they "overstay" too)...
Obama is doing nothing but dividing this country even further. Dimocrats just don't give a fuck.
Republicans are not voting on things they used to like simply because the president might actually sign it. They are purposely not going to send him anything he would sign, that's the perversion here, not the president. They have turned our congress into nothing but a political weapon, the government shutdown proves they do not give a fuck.

Why send a bill that Obama doesn't have the time, or intelligence to sign?

Actually, the idiot right wing are amusing.
The lot are families of immigrants, but they don't want immigrants.
Silly fuckers.
Actually, the idiot right wing are amusing.
The lot are families of immigrants, but they don't want immigrants.
Silly fuckers.

No, we don't want law breakers. We need more Wilson, Zimmerman types to rid us of the democratic enabled cancers in our country, Add the beaners to the list

Actually, the idiot right wing are amusing.
The lot are families of immigrants, but they don't want immigrants.
Silly fuckers.

No, we don't want law breakers. We need more Wilson, Zimmerman types to rid us of the democratic enabled cancers in our country, Add the beaners to the list


The white immigrant families engaged in massacres of the native population, as late as last century.
Do you really want families like that in the country?
Actually, the idiot right wing are amusing.
The lot are families of immigrants, but they don't want immigrants.
Silly fuckers.

No, we don't want law breakers. We need more Wilson, Zimmerman types to rid us of the democratic enabled cancers in our country, Add the beaners to the list


The white immigrant families engaged in massacres of the native population, as late as last century.
Do you really want families like that in the country?

Yes, war is a bitch. We soon will see how much so again I believe.

Well now this is pretty fucking funny:

White House hits TV networks for skipping immigration address

The White House is exasperated with the major broadcast networks – ABC, CBS and NBC -- for skipping out on President Barack Obama’s Thursday primetime address on his executive actions on immigration.
“In 2006, Bush gave a 17 minute speech that was televised by all three networks that was about deploying 6000 national guard troops to the border. Obama is making a 10 minute speech that will have a vastly greater impact on the issue. And none of the networks are doing it. We can’t believe they were aggrieved that we announced this on Facebook,” a senior administration official told POLITICO.
When the president wants to make a primetime address, White House officials will reach out to the big networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS, to gauge whether they would consider running the speech live before putting in a formal request for airtime.
But on Wednesday morning, with plans underway for a Thursday night address on Obama’s plans to issue executive actions on some of the most sweeping immigration reform in decades, those feelers came back with a negative report. None of the major networks wanted to take time away from their primetime programming for Obama’s 8p.m. speech. So the administration did not send out a formal request to the networks and took to Facebook to publicize the speech with a special video message from Obama along with a link to the livestream.

White House hits TV networks for skipping immigration address - POLITICO.com

Must be more of that "liberal media" that we keep hearing about.
'Reagan and Bush Acted Unilaterally on Immigration, Too—for the Same Reason That Obama [did]'

Obama Immigration Order Is as Legal as Bush and Reagan s Were New Republic

"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." Noam Chomsky


Under RR, Congress passed the immigration bill and RR signed it. The following year, he increased, on his own, the scope by 100K criminals. Wrong then, wrong now.

'Reagan and Bush Acted Unilaterally on Immigration, Too—for the Same Reason That Obama [did]'

Obama Immigration Order Is as Legal as Bush and Reagan s Were New Republic

"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." Noam Chomsky


Under RR, Congress passed the immigration bill and RR signed it. The following year, he increased, on his own, the scope by 100K criminals. Wrong then, wrong now.


It's the most absurd excuse I've ever heard.

Using misconduct from the past as an excuse for their misconduct today....
These hyperpartisans put party before country.
Why send a bill that Obama doesn't have the time, or intelligence to sign?

Is that the new Republican excuse for not doing their jobs? Why don't your beloved Repubs do what they are supposed to do, then when Obama refuses to sign this wonderful well thought out Repub legislation, then you will have a great time pounding on him.

But if you rethugs continue to refuse to do your jobs; fuck off.
You guys aren't going to do anything. The "best" you can hope for is another faux march on Washington in the Spring.

Meanwhile 2016 looms.

Hold on there deary, the 2014 results don't even get started until January. You've got to deal with two years of that first.
Liberals crack me up.

The spirit of this country was based on BREAKING THE LAW??????????

We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS coming to this country.

Not flooding the borders and ignoring the law.

Liberals you can't lie your way around this.

Obama is flooding the borders because the Democrats have lost the AMERICAN people and so their only hope is to flood the country with like minded people who don't love this country and don't obey our laws.
Really? Where did the pilgrims get their visas?
The only crisis is the Republican refusal to govern in the spirit that this country's government was founded on.

So you're saying compromise?

As in the stubborn people in the Senate that just shot down that pipeline knowing full well it will eventually pass, wasting everyone's time and money, did it again for the umpteenth time instead of sending it through, couldn't compromise when the writing was on the wall won't govern in the spirit that this country was founded on?

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