“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty"

Liberals crack me up.

The spirit of this country was based on BREAKING THE LAW??????????

We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS coming to this country.

Not flooding the borders and ignoring the law.

Liberals you can't lie your way around this.

What do you have to say about the bipartisan Senate legislation which grants amnesty to the illegals? What are you going to say when the House passes similar legislation?

Why aren't you losing your mind over the Republicans who have and who will grant amnesty?

Obama isn't the one granting amnesty. Congress is.

Excuse me but Congress isn't passing this law. Obama is doing an executive order.

You lying about it won't stop the obvious.
Obama did not grant amnesty. This is a fact.

Congress WILL grant amnesty through legislation. The Senate already made that step prior to the election, but Boehner was too chickenshit to allow it to come to a vote in the House before the election because he has allowed his party to be held hostage by a bigoted minority.

Now that the election is over, Congress will start to proceed toward finalizing amnesty. This is why Obama did what he did yesterday. He is delaying the deportation of those people who are about to receive amnesty from Congress.

That's a prediction by YOU and it is shaded by your laughable liberal bias.

it is NOT fact.

What IS FACT is Obama just stated he HAS issued an executive order.

When you have FACTS to back your nonsense up, do let us know.

Just because you liberals are willing to lie to yourselves does not require that we have to join you in that delusion.

We've done the Illegal Immigration thing for many many years. It's wrong. The People want change. They want their Border secured. So to hell with the President.
Their cheeks still flushed from Ebolysteria sickness, the rubes lined up for their weekly goblets of piss, and were grubered into believing amnesty was going to be in that thar EO. The starter of this topic was among them.

Stupid voters. Why haven't they figured out yet that mug of piss is laced with what's making them ill?

Will being lied to over and over and over and over again ever cause the rubes to stop buying into the propaganda and unclog their logic filters?

I am not optimistic. In a week or two, they will grab onto another piss vessel over some other manufactured crisis.

Just like they have been for six years going now.
you know there was no ebola in the country right? All made up for you!!!!
My point is that the rubes allowed themselves to be panicked over Ebola. I call it Ebolysteria.

And now they allowed themselves to be panicked into believing Obama was going to grant amnesty.

It's one comedy after another with these people.
Yes. But do you actually believe Boehner was going to call up for a vote anything that would allow any form of amnesty, or legal recognition of people who'd been living and working and raising kids here?
Before the election, the cowardly Boehner was too chickenshit to allow a vote on the amnesty bill which passed the Senate.

Not that the election is over, Boehner will begin to proceed toward a House version of an amnesty bill.

Here is what I said yesterday and it still holds:

Here is how it is going to play out:

1) Obama will defer deportation for some illegals. He will not provide a path to citizenship or legal status.

2) Congress will eventually enact legislation which does provide a path to citizenship or legal status. In a subsequent press conference, Boehner will toss out words like "tough" and "security" and whatever other jingoistic bullshit will satisfy the rubes, and he will throw up a lot of smoke to cover up the fact he backed down and finally granted amnesty to illegals.

3) Because Obama didn't deport them, those people will still be here and will be able to start down the path to citizenship or legal status, exactly as the American people intended.

4) Every rube will forget they were lied to about Obama granting amnesty and will line up to swallow the next lie about whatever pops up next on the radar.
Hmmm, interesting. It will work if the very right don't challenge Boehner. They will not IF Boehner can pass this without dem votes. Even if he needs some dem votes, it's possible enough of them could be convinced not to move against Boehner, because now it'd be political suicide for the gop to move against the folks Obama targeted for "amnesty." It could all be about providing cover for Boehner. Certainly 2014 was about crushing the TPM for big biz.
We've done the Illegal Immigration thing for many many years. It's wrong. The People want change. They want their Border secured. So to hell with the President.
it's amazing that you can look at a plan that calls for tighter control of the border and then say 'to hell with the President'
We've done the Illegal Immigration thing for many many years. It's wrong. The People want change. They want their Border secured. So to hell with the President.
it's amazing that you can look at a plan that calls for tighter control of the border and then say 'to hell with the President'

He's an Anti-American foreign interloper. One can only hope he receives a hefty dose of Ebola right up his arsehole. Maybe that'll end his reign of terror.
Liberals crack me up.

The spirit of this country was based on BREAKING THE LAW??????????

We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

This country was founded on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS coming to this country.

Not flooding the borders and ignoring the law.

Liberals you can't lie your way around this.

What do you have to say about the bipartisan Senate legislation which grants amnesty to the illegals? What are you going to say when the House passes similar legislation?

Why aren't you losing your mind over the Republicans who have and who will grant amnesty?

Obama isn't the one granting amnesty. Congress is.

Excuse me but Congress isn't passing this law. Obama is doing an executive order.

You lying about it won't stop the obvious.
Obama did not grant amnesty. This is a fact.

Congress WILL grant amnesty through legislation. The Senate already made that step prior to the election, but Boehner was too chickenshit to allow it to come to a vote in the House before the election because he has allowed his party to be held hostage by a bigoted minority.

Now that the election is over, Congress will start to proceed toward finalizing amnesty. This is why Obama did what he did yesterday. He is delaying the deportation of those people who are about to receive amnesty from Congress.

That's a prediction by YOU and it is shaded by your laughable liberal bias.

it is NOT fact.

What IS FACT is Obama just stated he HAS issued an executive order.

When you have FACTS to back your nonsense up, do let us know.

Just because you liberals are willing to lie to yourselves does not require that we have to join you in that delusion.

Obama doesn't have the power to grant amnesty. He can, and did, defer deportation for two years. G5000 may, or may not, be correct as to what the gop will do. It would be politically suicidal to try and force deportation of these folks now. But instead of offering some permanent amnesty, they could just shuck and jive and throw away money on better fences, more agents, more courts, and say "when the border's secure, we'll move." And kick the can down the road to 2016, when the nominee would say "well, I can consider granting legal status to workers, but not citizenship ... but only when Sheriff Joe tells me the border's secure enough" or some such bull shite. And then have Sheriff Joe give some blessing.

I think G5000 and I disagree on the notion that Obama will work hand in hand with the gop on this issue. I think he wants to rub their noses in it.
Of course, I don't know what you mean by "Close the border". 40% of illegal immigrants simply overstay their visa's. If you are suggesting that we stop issuing visas, I guess that I am against "closing the border".
Illegal immigrants don't get visas.

You're mightily confused.

Rot, you are the very first person to whom I had to explain this.

A person wants to visit this country. He applies for, and receives a visa, which will have an expiration date. If he does not leave this country prior to the expiration date, he THEN BECOMES AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, YOU DOLT!!!!!!! 40% of the illegal immigrants in this country simply overstayed their visa.

Now, Rot, surely you understand the relationship of expired visa's to illegal immigrants, now, right?

You aren't "explaining" anything to me and your condescending tone reveals a lot about you.

Read what I said.

People here illegally do not get visas.

You're purposely trying to confuse the issue with people who had legal visas (they should be deported if they "overstay" too)...

Ok, I will try one more time, then quit.

An illegal immigrant is someone in the USA illegally.
A person who stays beyond his visa limit, is in the USA illegally.
Therefore, A person who stays beyond his visa limit is an illegal immigrant.
40% of illegal immigrants are defined as such, because they stayed over their visa limit.

Now, you asked me if I wanted to "close the border". I answered that I did not want to stop issuing visas, which is the source of 40% of our illegal immigration.

Sorry, Rot, but there is simply no way to explain anything to you about illegal immigration without being condescending.
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We've done the Illegal Immigration thing for many many years. It's wrong. The People want change. They want their Border secured. So to hell with the President.
it's amazing that you can look at a plan that calls for tighter control of the border and then say 'to hell with the President'

He's an Anti-American foreign interloper. One can only hope he receives a hefty dose of Ebola right up his arsehole. Maybe that'll end his reign of terror.
when you want to drop the birther hysteria and join the adults in a conversation, you let me know.

See how the far left drones just rush in with their propaganda that never touches reality..

The Republican House tried to do this earlier in 2014, for the DACA program, passing a bill that would have prevented anyone new from signing up, and preventing current beneficiaries from renewing. Democrats controlled the Senate, so it didn't come to the floor there. Once Republicans take control of the Senate in the New Year, they could pass a similar bill — but Obama would almost certainly veto it.

Rather than a standalone bill, Congress could attach riders killing Obama's immigration programs to the annual appropriations bills. If Obama vetoed the bills (or if Senate Democrats filibustered them) then we'll have another government shutdown.
A shutdown?

OK, there has to be a downside to that but somehow it's magically transparent.
Their cheeks still flushed from Ebolysteria sickness, the rubes lined up for their weekly goblets of piss, and were grubered into believing amnesty was going to be in that thar EO. The starter of this topic was among them.

Stupid voters. Why haven't they figured out yet that mug of piss is laced with what's making them ill?

Will being lied to over and over and over and over again ever cause the rubes to stop buying into the propaganda and unclog their logic filters?

I am not optimistic. In a week or two, they will grab onto another piss vessel over some other manufactured crisis.

Just like they have been for six years going now.
you know there was no ebola in the country right? All made up for you!!!!
My point is that the rubes allowed themselves to be panicked over Ebola. I call it Ebolysteria.

And now they allowed themselves to be panicked into believing Obama was going to grant amnesty.

It's one comedy after another with these people.
Yes. But do you actually believe Boehner was going to call up for a vote anything that would allow any form of amnesty, or legal recognition of people who'd been living and working and raising kids here?
Before the election, the cowardly Boehner was too chickenshit to allow a vote on the amnesty bill which passed the Senate.

Not that the election is over, Boehner will begin to proceed toward a House version of an amnesty bill.

Here is what I said yesterday and it still holds:

Here is how it is going to play out:

1) Obama will defer deportation for some illegals. He will not provide a path to citizenship or legal status.

2) Congress will eventually enact legislation which does provide a path to citizenship or legal status. In a subsequent press conference, Boehner will toss out words like "tough" and "security" and whatever other jingoistic bullshit will satisfy the rubes, and he will throw up a lot of smoke to cover up the fact he backed down and finally granted amnesty to illegals.

3) Because Obama didn't deport them, those people will still be here and will be able to start down the path to citizenship or legal status, exactly as the American people intended.

4) Every rube will forget they were lied to about Obama granting amnesty and will line up to swallow the next lie about whatever pops up next on the radar.
I have to back up. NPR interviewed a goper congressman from Texas named Weber a short time ago. I don't know much about the guy other than googling to find out he's called Obama a "socialist dictator" in the past and sponsored anti-gay legislation. At any rate, he was typically circumspect in saying the gop HOUSE didn't want a shut down, but they may defund ... something unspecified. However, he did honestly answer "why didn't you just pass the House bill Obama would sign." He said, "We didn't like the bill." He didn't specify what they didn't like, but imo we can safely assume he didn't like the notion they weren't gonna deport all the "illegals."

So, I'm back to the same position I was in. Imo, the McConnell plan was to pass legislation doing all kinds of magical shit, but not issuing work permits and permanent legal status short of citizenship. The House would go along. Forcing Obama to sign a bill that was an obvious defeat for Latinos, or veto it. So, Obama issued the exec order, and dares the gop to pass a bill saying the US was going to deport these guys ... and thus set the stage for Jeb to self-immolate and Hillary to beat the gop like a rented mule on this issue.
yes he is. they have the black people all worked up into frenzy over a legal court judgment coming out. and now TODAY one day after his speech on immigration he's meeting with illegal immigrant activist to get them involved on things. this man needs to be REMOVED from office. they are bringing real danger upon the people in this country. People needs to get prepared this is getting out of hand. If there is blood shed it will be on Obama's, Holders, Sharptons, the black panthers and all the people who is instigating this on.
yes he is. they have the black people all worked up into frenzy over a legal court judgment coming out. and now TODAY one day after his speech on immigration he's meeting with illegal immigrant activist to get them involved on things. this man needs to be REMOVED from office. they are bringing real danger upon the people in this country. People needs to get prepared this is getting out of hand. If there is blood shed it will be on Obama's, Holders, Sharptons, the black panthers and all the people who is instigating this on.

Lions and tigers and Bears, Oh MY!!!!!!
Of course, no one is doing anything about illegal immigration. This particular case, though must have slipped through the Obama conspiracy, because the guy that was hiring the illegals got 12 months in the slammer, and another 12 months of house arrest. He also forfeited $156,000:

Ex-car wash chain owner gets 1 year in prison azfamily.com Phoenix

This was a US district judge. I guess he didn't get the memo.....
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

Obama is throwing Republicans into a crisis.

Inevitably, that means more hand-wringing and more talk of doom and gloom and nonstop caterwauling about the sky falling and other alarmist pronouncements which ultimately will be used to raise a boat load of money.

They sure do have you guys pegged. You're easy marks.
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History teaches us that when this cult leaves office, the United States is attacked by those, whose interests were promoted by the Cult.

I wish there was a law to force all contributors on Message boards to post under their real identities... THAT way, when such happens again, as it happened on 9-11-01 in the wake of the Clinton Cult, we could hold these pieces of shit accountable for their public advocacies.

Such would go a very long way toward solving THE PROBLEM.
History teaches us that when this cult leaves office, the United States is attacked by those, whose interests were promoted by the Cult.

I wish there was a law to force all contributors on Message boards to post under their real identities... THAT way, when such happens again, as it happened on 9-11-01 in the wake of the Clinton Cult, we could hold these pieces of shit accountable for their public advocacies.

Such would go a very long way toward solving THE PROBLEM.

WHAT? Are you really trying to say 9-11 was caused by Clinton followers? That's crazier than usual.

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