The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
Fast and Furious is a debunked right wing conspiracy. It really is hilarious.

Obama and Holder would get some rabid right wingers to sell some guns to Mexican drug lords who would kill regular Americans with the guns they were given. The Mexican drug lords would somehow leave evidence that they guns used were American and they were the ones that did it. And then Obama could outlaw guns in America.

That's it. That's the whole conspiracy. It's like the ultimate tard conspiracy. And what's worse, most Republicans actually believe it. No kidding. It's even more believed than Obama was born in Kenya. And every time a nut job brings it up, I laugh and laugh. I wonder how someone so stupid could function in daily life. Seriously. Do they buy lemons? Lose at back of the bus shell games? Pitiful, just pitiful.
Rdean continuing the liberal tradition of being a lying sack of shit. Fantastic. The lunatic left and reality do not get along well. Why bother with these morons? All they do is lie, circle jerk each other, and then lie some more. Denying Obama and Hillary shipped weapons to Mexico is beyond asinine.
The Republicans won, the far right did not.

No wall. No mass deportation. No registration or ban of Muslims. And so forth and so on.
The guy who can't tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the wall is going to make predictions. Laughable. So much fail this year. Pack it in kido.
Yup, you are wrong. I listened to Trump say he was not going to hurt the Clintons, they are nice people; he backed up on deportation; and on ACA. Preibus can work with Ryan, which means medicare, medicaid, VA, and SS are safe.
The Republicans won, the far right did not.

No wall. No mass deportation. No registration or ban of Muslims. And so forth and so on.
The guy who can't tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the wall is going to make predictions. Laughable. So much fail this year. Pack it in kido.
Yup, you are wrong. I listened to Trump say he was not going to hurt the Clintons, they are nice people; he backed up on deportation; and on ACA. Preibus can work with Ryan, which means medicare, medicaid, VA, and SS are safe.
How exactly could Trump hurt the Clintons? Also, why are you babbling about Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and SS?
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

All these "scandals" and not a shred of evidence that any of you racist mentally disturbed Repug fuckholes can produce.

Pretty fucking pathetic.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

All these "scandals" and not a shred of evidence that any of you racist mentally disturbed Repug fuckholes can produce.

Pretty fucking pathetic.
Why lie? I mean really, why do you insist on lying? Barry ran away and hid. Holder was held in contempt. The trash you elected covered up what they could. You dumbass liberals will murder children as long as it serves your end goal. Pathetic.
While Trump was gracious during and after their meeting, he's smart enough to know he just spent ~1.5hrs with a guy who'll go down as being one the worst presidents in history.
The Republicans won, the far right did not.

No wall. No mass deportation. No registration or ban of Muslims. And so forth and so on.
The guy who can't tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the wall is going to make predictions. Laughable. So much fail this year. Pack it in kido.
Yup, you are wrong. I listened to Trump say he was not going to hurt the Clintons, they are nice people; he backed up on deportation; and on ACA. Preibus can work with Ryan, which means medicare, medicaid, VA, and SS are safe.
How exactly could Trump hurt the Clintons? Also, why are you babbling about Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and SS?
I know you are dense, but you don't need to show it.

One, the President did not lie.

Two, in comparison, Trump is backing off prosecuting HRC and deportation and ACA and the wall and so on and so forth.

Three, Preibus will tell Ryan that any reform of medicare, medicaid, VA, and SS better be sensible or it will be vetoed.

There is not going to be any far right wing revolution.
why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS

Didn't the House already investigate that?

What was Nixon convicted of,

Nixon resigned in disgrace because of his crimes and was pardoned by his hand picked successor. By far the most corrupt President of our time.

You are a dipshit of the first order.

Hahahaha, can you say meltdown. GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal.

died because Obama ran weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

Phony scandal number one.
why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS

Didn't the House already investigate that?

What was Nixon convicted of,

Nixon resigned in disgrace because of his crimes and was pardoned by his hand picked successor. By far the most corrupt President of our time.

You are a dipshit of the first order.

Hahahaha, can you say meltdown. GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal.

died because Obama ran weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

Phony scandal number one.
Blind is an accurate name for you. Why did Barry run away? Why was Holder held in contempt?
Thank you admitting you guys were lying.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Great. So what did you win?

The Supreme Court and getting the country back towards the middle, rather than continuing down the far left road.

Mitch's refusal to even have one hearing on President Obama's SC nominee set a precedent that the Dems might want to follow. With the popular vote of the American people in favor of the Democrats they might want to hold up any of the Gropers picks.
The Dems need lure but two GOP senators to their side, and they have six good candidates from whom to choose.
why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS

Didn't the House already investigate that?

What was Nixon convicted of,

Nixon resigned in disgrace because of his crimes and was pardoned by his hand picked successor. By far the most corrupt President of our time.

You are a dipshit of the first order.

Hahahaha, can you say meltdown. GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal.

died because Obama ran weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

Phony scandal number one.
Blind is an accurate name for you. Why did Barry run away? Why was Holder held in contempt?

It was largely partisan politics by a Republican led House in an election year. What did the court do to AG Holder anyway? Anything?
why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS

Didn't the House already investigate that?

What was Nixon convicted of,

Nixon resigned in disgrace because of his crimes and was pardoned by his hand picked successor. By far the most corrupt President of our time.

You are a dipshit of the first order.

Hahahaha, can you say meltdown. GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal.

died because Obama ran weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

Phony scandal number one.

1. Yes Congress began investigating Fast and furious, which is technically still going on because Obama still refuses to hand over court ordered documents. 8 years later, and Obama is trying to run out the clock on the F*ed up FAILED sting operation that resulted in 500 people dead - to include 4 Americans - with no arrests.

2. The experts have explained repeatedly why Obama's / Hillary's crimes far surpass Nixon's. Nixon engaged in a cover-up. Obama illegally ran weapons to terrorists - including those who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, protected numerous Cabinet Members and liberals from prosecution for breaking the law, spied on Americans/Reporters/Congress, was one of only 2 Presidents to EVER use the IRS to target American citizens, repeatedly violated the Constitution and law, was found in Contempt of Court twice for disobeying court orders, and was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC...and that still doesn't cover it all. Then there's Hillary's quagmire....

3. "GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal"

Sometimes you can be such a disingenuous, ignorant, hypocritical 'Weiner'. You call Conservatives 'whiners' who can't 'formulate a coherent rebuttal' when the Liberal 'coherent rebuttal' to losing the 2016 election is calling for the overthrow of the govt of the US, burning the American Flag, calling for the racist murder of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President?!

Nice one, 'nutter'.

4. Thanks for the demonstration of the insane Liberal mind - calling the illegal running of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of 500 people - to include 4 Americans - a 'fake scandal'. ONLY in a 'Snowflake's mind.
It was largely partisan politics by a Republican led House in an election year. What did the court do to AG Holder anyway? Anything?
Barak Obama and his lawless administration refused to allow an indictment of AG Holder, especially since Holder was protecting Barry's ass regarding the Fast and Furious investigation in which the decision to run that Op was all Barry's!

Congress - a UNANIMOUS BI-PARTISAN Congress - however, CENSURED Holder, making him the 1st and ONLY US Attorney General in US History to be Censured.
Denying Obama and Hillary shipped weapons to Mexico

That has to be the dumbest of the dumb. Because of the lax gun laws in AZ straw buyers are allowed to purchase as many weapons as they want in cash, and then turn around and sell them. It's completely legal. That's what the ATF agents in the state were watching. The DA would never bring charges against the suspects and the guns were lost.

The failed war on drugs is much more responsible for the deaths than the ATF agents who tried and failed to stop them. All administrations who follow the interdict and incarcerate policy are to blame, including the current administration.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Great. So what did you win?

The Supreme Court and getting the country back towards the middle, rather than continuing down the far left road.

Mitch's refusal to even have one hearing on President Obama's SC nominee set a precedent that the Dems might want to follow. With the popular vote of the American people in favor of the Democrats they might want to hold up any of the Gropers picks.
Dim bulb, Democrats set the precedent.
why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS

Didn't the House already investigate that?

What was Nixon convicted of,

Nixon resigned in disgrace because of his crimes and was pardoned by his hand picked successor. By far the most corrupt President of our time.

You are a dipshit of the first order.

Hahahaha, can you say meltdown. GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal.

died because Obama ran weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

Phony scandal number one.

1. Yes Congress began investigating Fast and furious, which is technically still going on because Obama still refuses to hand over court ordered documents. 8 years later, and Obama is trying to run out the clock on the F*ed up FAILED sting operation that resulted in 500 people dead - to include 4 Americans - with no arrests.

2. The experts have explained repeatedly why Obama's / Hillary's crimes far surpass Nixon's. Nixon engaged in a cover-up. Obama illegally ran weapons to terrorists - including those who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, protected numerous Cabinet Members and liberals from prosecution for breaking the law, spied on Americans/Reporters/Congress, was one of only 2 Presidents to EVER use the IRS to target American citizens, repeatedly violated the Constitution and law, was found in Contempt of Court twice for disobeying court orders, and was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC...and that still doesn't cover it all. Then there's Hillary's quagmire....

3. "GOP winners are such whiners and resort to personal insults when they can't formulate a coherent rebuttal"

Sometimes you can be such a disingenuous, ignorant, hypocritical 'Weiner'. You call Conservatives 'whiners' who can't 'formulate a coherent rebuttal' when the Liberal 'coherent rebuttal' to losing the 2016 election is calling for the overthrow of the govt of the US, burning the American Flag, calling for the racist murder of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President?!

Nice one, 'nutter'.

4. Thanks for the demonstration of the insane Liberal mind - calling the illegal running of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of 500 people - to include 4 Americans - a 'fake scandal'. ONLY in a 'Snowflake's mind.

Experts you say?

Woodward and Bernstein: Nixon’s crimes were worse than we knew

Richard Nixon at 100: not just criminal, but treasonous too | Michael Cohen
Denying Obama and Hillary shipped weapons to Mexico

That has to be the dumbest of the dumb. Because of the lax gun laws in AZ straw buyers are allowed to purchase as many weapons as they want in cash, and then turn around and sell them. It's completely legal. That's what the ATF agents in the state were watching. The DA would never bring charges against the suspects and the guns were lost.

The failed war on drugs is much more responsible for the deaths than the ATF agents who tried and failed to stop them. All administrations who follow the interdict and incarcerate policy are to blame, including the current administration.
Gun shop owners were forced to comply with democrats idiotic plan. They didn't want to, but were forced to by the democrats.

Fast and Furious: Gun store owner opens up

Reporting from Glendale and Rio Rico, Ariz. — In the fall of 2009, ATF agents installed a secret phone line and hidden cameras in a ceiling panel and wall at Andre Howard's Lone Wolf gun store. They gave him one basic instruction: Sell guns to every illegal purchaser who walks through the door.

For 15 months, Howard did as he was told. To customers with phony IDs or wads of cash he normally would have turned away, he sold pistols, rifles and semiautomatics. He was assured by the ATF that they would follow the guns, and that the surveillance would lead the agents to the violent Mexican drug cartels on the Southwest border.

When Howard heard nothing about any arrests, he questioned the agents. Keep selling, they told him. So hundreds of thousands of dollars more in weapons, including .50-caliber sniper rifles, walked out of the front door of his store in a Glendale, Ariz., strip mall.

He was making a lot of money. But he also feared somebody was going to get hurt.

"Every passing week, I worried about something like that," he said. "I felt horrible and sick."

Late in the night on Dec. 14, in a canyon west of Rio Rico, Ariz., Border Patrol agents came across Mexican bandits preying on illegal immigrants.
Oh, the angst of the far right, oh, the emotion, oh, the idiots.

The fact is that President Obama is going off into a great retirement as is former SOS and presidential candidate Clinton.

As Trump said, he thinks Obama is a good man, and he has no desire to hurt the Clintons, who are good people.

No one is going to be "locked up."
Denying Obama and Hillary shipped weapons to Mexico

That has to be the dumbest of the dumb. Because of the lax gun laws in AZ straw buyers are allowed to purchase as many weapons as they want in cash, and then turn around and sell them. It's completely legal. That's what the ATF agents in the state were watching. The DA would never bring charges against the suspects and the guns were lost.

The failed war on drugs is much more responsible for the deaths than the ATF agents who tried and failed to stop them. All administrations who follow the interdict and incarcerate policy are to blame, including the current administration.
You're so full of shit.

Despite being warned that once the guns made it across the border there was no way to control them, Barry did what Bush was smart enough NOT to do - he approved the operation. THOUSANDS of automatic weapons and grenades were transported into Mexico by the Obama administration and placed in the hands of Mexican Drug Dealers.....and then the weapons, as warned would happen, disappeared.

They proved at least 500 murders of innocents were perpetrated by those weapons. 4 Americans died from those weapons - several during a terrorist attack on a US Military recruiting center back in the US - using the same weapons Barry handed over to the Mexican Drug Cartels.

Barry's - and liberals' - 1st reaction was to do what Barry does best - blame others...specifically Bush. Barry's administration put out the fact that the F&F operation had been introduced during Bush's time in office....inferring / lying that BUSH was the one who approved it. It was quickly proven FALSE! This F*-up was all on BARRY!

One thing Liberals refuse to bring up was that AT THE SAME TIME F&F WAS GOING ON Barry & Liberals invited Mexico's President to come to the US to LECTURE the US from the Floor of the House about how guns were flowing from CITIZENS in the US illegally into Mexico.
-- BOY WAS HE WRONG - the son of a bitch who invited him to the US to push this BS liberal Propaganda was the one who just illegally handed over thousands of guns and grenades to the Mexican Drug Cartels.

Mexico's President also had the gall to lecture the US on what we could and could not do regarding OUR Immigration policy. And ALL of this - this whole BS visit arranged by Barry / Liberals - was going on while he was handing Drug cartels guns, while they were using those guns to kill innocent women and children.

So STOP trying to blame everyone BUT who was solely responsible for this CRIME / scandal that is STILL going on because Obama won't comply with the law and is trying to run the clock out.

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