The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

Obama didn't inherit a recession. He inherited the worst fiscal meltdown since the Great Depression...
Agreed,,,which he inherited from his fellow Democrats who had / held a near super majority Control of Congress from the last 2 years of the Bush administration through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office.

Over a 6 year period - which included 9/11/01 , the economic aftermath of 9/11, AND 2 wars - President Bush and Republicans only added 2.5 trillion in new debt. AFTER Democrats took over their near Super Majority control of Congress - the last 2 year's of Bush's administration, Liberals added $1.5 trullion in new debt - only $1trillion less in 2 years than Bush added over 6 years.

Obama, upon entry into office, ALMOST spent as much money in 1 shot, through the failed Stimulus bill, as the Democreats added over the last 2 years of the Bush Administration.

In the end, only $4 trilion was added under Bush over 8 (EIGHT) YEARS while BARRY ADDED almost $7btrillion in only 4 tears, more debt than every US President before him combined.

Libs lose their minds when you bring THAT up, though. Go figure... :p
Horse crap. The GOP had the Congress and the presidency for six years, and did absolutely nothing to stop the impending crisis, which all wise minds say coming. The GOP joined with the Dems and Bush to push the big bills.

To blame this on one party is why the mainstream GOP is already turning away from the far right and the alt right. They got to fuck you, did not have to kiss, got the presidency with a man who is pragmatic and not ideologue.

You guys are going to be so unhappy.
The scandals are phony, as are those who support them.
Yep. Every news source in the world made all of them up.

I know libs are delusional, but I'm not sure which is worse, their ignorance or arrogance.
Even the Aussies down under knew the international news was lying.
Thank you admitting you guys were lying.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Obama saved out country from the disaster of the last Repub prez .
Recessions happen every few years. Its part of the natural business cycle. Efforts to intervene usually make it worse.

Obama did inherit one of these recessions.

A COMPETENT president would have had us out of it in 6 months.

Obama gave us a terrible recession lasting YEARS.

Obama saved no one. We're lucky to finally be rid of him!
Eight years. Not a single quarter of 3% growth despite record spending and debt.
. 8 years of golf, vacations, and wealth redistribution/transferring is all we got. Thank God it's over.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
Fast and Furious is a debunked right wing conspiracy. It really is hilarious.

Obama and Holder would get some rabid right wingers to sell some guns to Mexican drug lords who would kill regular Americans with the guns they were given. The Mexican drug lords would somehow leave evidence that they guns used were American and they were the ones that did it. And then Obama could outlaw guns in America.

That's it. That's the whole conspiracy. It's like the ultimate tard conspiracy. And what's worse, most Republicans actually believe it. No kidding. It's even more believed than Obama was born in Kenya. And every time a nut job brings it up, I laugh and laugh. I wonder how someone so stupid could function in daily life. Seriously. Do they buy lemons? Lose at back of the bus shell games? Pitiful, just pitiful.
The Republicans won, the far right did not.

No wall. No mass deportation. No registration or ban of Muslims. And so forth and so on.
Yep. Every news source in the world made all of them up.

I know libs are delusional, but I'm not sure which is worse, their ignorance or arrogance.
Even the Aussies down under knew the international news was lying.
Thank you admitting you guys were lying.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Great. So what did you win?
Trump backers have the nerve to call Obama a liar !? Lol!!!

Your opinions do not a scandal make . Obama saved out country from the disaster of the last Repub prez .
Oye vay...I've had enough of this place for awhile,
I'd rather be in the fantasy world of Kingdom Hearts
Even the Aussies down under knew the international news was lying.
Thank you admitting you guys were lying.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Great. So what did you win?
We both won a president who'll work for us. :)
You want scandals, check out the Nixon, the Reagan, and the Bush Jr. Administrations.
The Obama administration far surpasses those administrations, as his has been THE most lawless in US History.

Obama OPENLY protected criminals within his administration who have been publicly exposed for their crimes from prosecution.

Can you imagine a Republican President declaring they would not allow one of his Caninet members to be prosecuted for a crime because his Cabinet member 'was sorry' for breaking the law?! That's what Obama did with Julian Castro!
Even the Aussies down under knew the international news was lying.
Thank you admitting you guys were lying.
You sound like a mental patient. Just stop already. We know you are stupid. There is no reason to reinforce it with every post.
Yup, you far righties and alt right nuts are just that: nuts.
Don't forget to mention we won. Just saying. ;)
Great. So what did you win?

The Supreme Court and getting the country back towards the middle, rather than continuing down the far left road.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
You want scandals, check out the Nixon, the Reagan, and the Bush Jr. Administrations.
. Still doesn't admonish or clear the Obama administration.
Doesn't matter. Trump is moving forward, not worrying about Obama and Clinton and the past.

He said that the Clintons are good people and he does NOT want to hurt them. Very wise.

Let's see if someone catches it.

And BEAGLE9 is the winner! ding ding ding goes the trolley
Last edited:
Doesn't matter. Trump is moving forward, not worrying about Obama and Clinton and the past.

He said that the Clintons are good people and he does want to hurt them. Very wise.
. Edit your post dummy..
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
I don't believe he has a grasp on reality.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
I don't believe he has a grasp on reality.
. Not anymore he doesn't.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!
I don't believe he has a grasp on reality.
. Not anymore he doesn't.
Edit your post, you dummy.
Obama saved out country from the disaster of the last Repub prez .
Recessions happen every few years. Its part of the natural business cycle. Efforts to intervene usually make it worse.

Obama did inherit one of these recessions.

A COMPETENT president would have had us out of it in 6 months.

Obama gave us a terrible recession lasting YEARS.

Obama saved no one. We're lucky to finally be rid of him!

Obama didn't inherit a recession. He inherited the worst fiscal meltdown since the Great Depression, which was the product of 30 years of Republican fiscal mismanagement of the economy, and redistribution of wealth to the 1%.
Another bimbo eruption. This little lady thinks congress was controlled by republicans for 30 strait years. Damn, liberals are stupid. She has no idea what Clinton did to the CRA. She is clueless to the fact that Frank and Dodd lied their asses off right up to when the shit hit the fan. Bush sounded the alarm 17 times, but they refused to act.
The Republicans won, the far right did not.

No wall. No mass deportation. No registration or ban of Muslims. And so forth and so on.
The guy who can't tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the wall is going to make predictions. Laughable. So much fail this year. Pack it in kido.

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