The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

Did he really say he never had any scandals? That's unreal. He should be in an institution if he believes that

Yes, he said that!


1. Fast and Furious
The "Fast and Furious" operation under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began as a way to allow firearms dealers in Arizona to sell weapons to illegal buyers in Mexico in the hope they could catch top dealers in the Mexican drug cartels. It didn't work out that way, and led to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Obama resorted to the tired excuse of blaming former President George W. Bush for starting the operation, but it actually began in the fall of 2009, correspondent Jake Tapper informed White House press secretary Jay Carney, who had tried to repeat Obama's claim and couldn't respond during a press conference.

2. The ACA - 'Obamacare' Mis-information (LYING to Americans)
Obama's misinformation about the Affordable Care Act may have led to millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. After the bill that overhauled the entire medical industry was quickly passed through a super majority of Democrats in 2010, constant revisions to the plan haven't helped.

The people who were told their health insurance premiums would go down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were canceled because of new regulations.

3. IRS Targeting
Lois Lerner admitted to the press her office targeted Conservatives then pleaded the 5th before Congress. IRS Leader Koskinen perjured himself before Congress, admitted the IRS targeted Conservatives, but was spared from prosecution and Obama even allowed him to keep his job.

This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
5. Illegal Spying on Americans
The Obama administration was exposed as having spied on a reporter, the media, and even Congress itself.

6. 'Rosengate'
The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

7. Protecting AG Eric Holder From Perjury #1
Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

8. Sebelius demands payment
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare. Conflict of Interest at Best, a Crime at Worst.

9. The Pigford scandal
An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild
The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. NO PROSECUTION / PUNISHMENT.

13. Solyndra
Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
- Obama used tax dollars to reimburse his big donors who lost millions in investing in Solyndra and 12 other Green Energy companies pushed by the Obama administration. Obama F*ed Americans to make sure his donors didn't lose money.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson
In an attempt to circumvent the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to keep her
Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
- Despite promising to be the most Transparent Administration Evuh, Barry's administration was the most criminally non-compliant with FOIA requests than any other administration in US history - 70% NON-Compliant.

15. Waging war all by myself
Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

16. By-Passing Congress To Forge Iran Treaty / Get it Ratified by UN
Obama violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to forge his own treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN to get it ratified before ever allowing Congress to read it.

17. Sestak, we’ll take care of you - Obama Tries To Bribe a Politician
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

18. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

19. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.

20. An American Political Prisoner
The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.

21. Get rid of inconvenient IGs
Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.

22. Influence peddling
An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham.

23. Paid A Ransom For Bo Bergdahl & Released Taliban 5 Under the lie They Were Part of the Deal
Obama could not close Gitmo with the Taliban 5 there, and the 5 were too big to just release. Bergdahl gave Obama the opportunity to release the 5 under the lie they were part of the release of Bergdahl. The terrorists holding Bergdahl got PAID for his release.

24. Paying Iran a Ransom for US Hostages
In the middle of the night, millions in foreign currency - all cash - on an unmarked plane flown to where another plane with US hostages on it was waiting for confirmation the money was paid.

25. Hillary E-Mailg-ate
Barry lied about learning about Hillary's server from the media.....he knew from the start, e-mailed her, and used an alias so he would not get caught!

....and the sad thing is THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting | White House Dossier

None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
Did he really say he never had any scandals? That's unreal. He should be in an institution if he believes that

Yes, he said that!


1. Fast and Furious
The "Fast and Furious" operation under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began as a way to allow firearms dealers in Arizona to sell weapons to illegal buyers in Mexico in the hope they could catch top dealers in the Mexican drug cartels. It didn't work out that way, and led to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Obama resorted to the tired excuse of blaming former President George W. Bush for starting the operation, but it actually began in the fall of 2009, correspondent Jake Tapper informed White House press secretary Jay Carney, who had tried to repeat Obama's claim and couldn't respond during a press conference.

2. The ACA - 'Obamacare' Mis-information (LYING to Americans)
Obama's misinformation about the Affordable Care Act may have led to millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. After the bill that overhauled the entire medical industry was quickly passed through a super majority of Democrats in 2010, constant revisions to the plan haven't helped.

The people who were told their health insurance premiums would go down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were canceled because of new regulations.

3. IRS Targeting
Lois Lerner admitted to the press her office targeted Conservatives then pleaded the 5th before Congress. IRS Leader Koskinen perjured himself before Congress, admitted the IRS targeted Conservatives, but was spared from prosecution and Obama even allowed him to keep his job.

This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
5. Illegal Spying on Americans
The Obama administration was exposed as having spied on a reporter, the media, and even Congress itself.

6. 'Rosengate'
The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

7. Protecting AG Eric Holder From Perjury #1
Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

8. Sebelius demands payment
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare. Conflict of Interest at Best, a Crime at Worst.

9. The Pigford scandal
An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild
The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. NO PROSECUTION / PUNISHMENT.

13. Solyndra
Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
- Obama used tax dollars to reimburse his big donors who lost millions in investing in Solyndra and 12 other Green Energy companies pushed by the Obama administration. Obama F*ed Americans to make sure his donors didn't lose money.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson
In an attempt to circumvent the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to keep her
Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
- Despite promising to be the most Transparent Administration Evuh, Barry's administration was the most criminally non-compliant with FOIA requests than any other administration in US history - 70% NON-Compliant.

15. Waging war all by myself
Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

16. By-Passing Congress To Forge Iran Treaty / Get it Ratified by UN
Obama violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to forge his own treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN to get it ratified before ever allowing Congress to read it.

17. Sestak, we’ll take care of you - Obama Tries To Bribe a Politician
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

18. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

19. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.

20. An American Political Prisoner
The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.

21. Get rid of inconvenient IGs
Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.

22. Influence peddling
An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham.

23. Paid A Ransom For Bo Bergdahl & Released Taliban 5 Under the lie They Were Part of the Deal
Obama could not close Gitmo with the Taliban 5 there, and the 5 were too big to just release. Bergdahl gave Obama the opportunity to release the 5 under the lie they were part of the release of Bergdahl. The terrorists holding Bergdahl got PAID for his release.

24. Paying Iran a Ransom for US Hostages
In the middle of the night, millions in foreign currency - all cash - on an unmarked plane flown to where another plane with US hostages on it was waiting for confirmation the money was paid.

25. Hillary E-Mailg-ate
Barry lied about learning about Hillary's server from the media.....he knew from the start, e-mailed her, and used an alias so he would not get caught!

....and the sad thing is THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting | White House Dossier

When you listed Benghazi, you might as well tattoo "asshat" on your forehead (if it isn't already there).
Did he really say he never had any scandals? That's unreal. He should be in an institution if he believes that

Yes, he said that!


1. Fast and Furious
The "Fast and Furious" operation under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began as a way to allow firearms dealers in Arizona to sell weapons to illegal buyers in Mexico in the hope they could catch top dealers in the Mexican drug cartels. It didn't work out that way, and led to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Obama resorted to the tired excuse of blaming former President George W. Bush for starting the operation, but it actually began in the fall of 2009, correspondent Jake Tapper informed White House press secretary Jay Carney, who had tried to repeat Obama's claim and couldn't respond during a press conference.

2. The ACA - 'Obamacare' Mis-information (LYING to Americans)
Obama's misinformation about the Affordable Care Act may have led to millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. After the bill that overhauled the entire medical industry was quickly passed through a super majority of Democrats in 2010, constant revisions to the plan haven't helped.

The people who were told their health insurance premiums would go down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were canceled because of new regulations.

3. IRS Targeting
Lois Lerner admitted to the press her office targeted Conservatives then pleaded the 5th before Congress. IRS Leader Koskinen perjured himself before Congress, admitted the IRS targeted Conservatives, but was spared from prosecution and Obama even allowed him to keep his job.

This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
5. Illegal Spying on Americans
The Obama administration was exposed as having spied on a reporter, the media, and even Congress itself.

6. 'Rosengate'
The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

7. Protecting AG Eric Holder From Perjury #1
Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

8. Sebelius demands payment
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare. Conflict of Interest at Best, a Crime at Worst.

9. The Pigford scandal
An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild
The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. NO PROSECUTION / PUNISHMENT.

13. Solyndra
Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
- Obama used tax dollars to reimburse his big donors who lost millions in investing in Solyndra and 12 other Green Energy companies pushed by the Obama administration. Obama F*ed Americans to make sure his donors didn't lose money.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson
In an attempt to circumvent the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to keep her
Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
- Despite promising to be the most Transparent Administration Evuh, Barry's administration was the most criminally non-compliant with FOIA requests than any other administration in US history - 70% NON-Compliant.

15. Waging war all by myself
Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

16. By-Passing Congress To Forge Iran Treaty / Get it Ratified by UN
Obama violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to forge his own treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN to get it ratified before ever allowing Congress to read it.

17. Sestak, we’ll take care of you - Obama Tries To Bribe a Politician
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

18. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

19. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.

20. An American Political Prisoner
The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.

21. Get rid of inconvenient IGs
Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.

22. Influence peddling
An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham.

23. Paid A Ransom For Bo Bergdahl & Released Taliban 5 Under the lie They Were Part of the Deal
Obama could not close Gitmo with the Taliban 5 there, and the 5 were too big to just release. Bergdahl gave Obama the opportunity to release the 5 under the lie they were part of the release of Bergdahl. The terrorists holding Bergdahl got PAID for his release.

24. Paying Iran a Ransom for US Hostages
In the middle of the night, millions in foreign currency - all cash - on an unmarked plane flown to where another plane with US hostages on it was waiting for confirmation the money was paid.

25. Hillary E-Mailg-ate
Barry lied about learning about Hillary's server from the media.....he knew from the start, e-mailed her, and used an alias so he would not get caught!

....and the sad thing is THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting | White House Dossier

When you listed Benghazi, you might as well tattoo "asshat" on your forehead (if it isn't already there).

When you objected to Benghazi, you might as well tattoo "asshat" on your forehead (if it isn't already there)
Nobody was charged, nobody was forced to resign.........hardly a scandal

500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.

Ah it's Chatty Cathy at it again with unsubstantiated allegations (aka... phony scandals)
None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.
Did anyone every get charged in any of those phony scandal you mentioned, much less convicted of a crime.

For winners you guys sure whine a lot.
They investigated themselves and found themselves innocent. Now that there is a real leader coming on board we can find out why exactly Obama and Clinton armed narco terrorists in Mexico and ISIS throughout the ME.

While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?--my gut tells me that the Donald's instincts will be to put all that behind us and move forward to drain the swamp and clean things up.

I would hate to see him waste all of what little political capital and honeymoon period he will be allowed--at least by the honorable people on the left--by prosecuting Hillary. It might give some satisfaction to expose and reprimand her (and Obama's) malfeasance but what would that really accomplish other than just more ill will?.
Ah it's Chatty Cathy at it again with unsubstantiated allegations (aka... phony scandals)
Once again in a DESPERATE attempt to defend the indefensible, Libs - you - rush to attack ME, when I did not author any of it. This list was provided in an article by a journalist (not a confirmed 'all-in' NON-journalist from CNN. etc), a journalist who is well aware of (unlike you, it seems) the documented historical facts.

I am not offended by you libs attacking me at all because, again unlike you, because I know I did not write this.

You don't like the article. you don't like the facts. You are offended by anything that sheds negative light on Obama and it - you Snowflakes need a Safe Zone.
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.

Tens of thousands of people in Mexico have been killed due to the failed war on Drugs. I'll bet the congressional investigation never came up with any evidence that linked the WH to the Az. ATF agents and their plan. Hence the phony scandal. Like all your accusations.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.

Yeah, Johnson wasn't qualified, but I'd still rather have had him. I didn't really defend him though, I said he just sucks less than the rest of them.

You don't remember me telling you this like 100 times? The whiskey's really taking a toll Jake. Isn't anyone you know doing an intervention? Or you just love it too much and don't care?
While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.

Tens of thousands of people in Mexico have been killed due to the failed war on Drugs. I'll bet the congressional investigation never came up with any evidence that linked the WH to the Az. ATF agents and their plan. Hence the phony scandal. Like all your accusations.

I totally agree on the war on drugs, but you're saying Obama lied when he used Executive Privilege? His personal involvement was required for him to do that
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

...but.....but......but the poll numbers show Obama is still popular.

You know, the same polls that said Hillary won the election.
Tens of thousands of people in Mexico have been killed due to the failed war on Drugs.
500 people - 4 Americans - are dead because of Obama's f* up. Not one single person was arrested . charged. Not one person was FIRED. Libs are ok with that DESPITE anyone in a business making a huge mistake that cost even 1 live would at the minimum be FIRED. Not Obama. Not Liberals. gotta protect the Liberals from ANY Punishment. That's F*ing INSANE! That's also one of the reasons Obama's administration is the most lawless in US history!
While Trump was gracious during and after their meeting, he's smart enough to know he just spent ~1.5hrs with a guy who'll go down as being one the worst presidents in history.
Here is the problem with that.

Trump can be gracious all he wants...but Democrats will not forget how Mitch McConnell said he wanted Obama to be a 1 term President, and they won't forget how Rush Limbaugh wanted Obama to fail, and they won't forget that the GOP filibustered everything Obama tried to do.

So don't expect cooperation
And then don't expect to win any elections for the next two decades!
That's adorable.

I just love it when one side declares the other side "done forever"

You DO realize that Democrats outnumber Republicans...don't you?

You also realize that the party that just got done enjoying 8 years in the White House, has only been put back in the White House for another 4-8 years once since WWII...right? (GHWB)

If Trump winds up pissing off Democrats, the ones that didn't vote might put down the bong long enough to vote in record numbers, like they did for Obama.

Since 1996....the GOP only wins elections when Democrats stay home.

Republicans keep running their mouths like they've gotten some kind of mandate to rule...and that might drive Democrats out to vote
Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.

Yeah, Johnson wasn't qualified, but I'd still rather have had him. I didn't really defend him though, I said he just sucks less than the rest of them.

You don't remember me telling you this like 100 times? The whiskey's really taking a toll Jake. Isn't anyone you know doing an intervention? Or you just love it too much and don't care?
By not going with reasonable candidates, such as Kasich, yes, you creeps are responsible for Trump. And now you have helped the illegal immigrants, of which Melania, since she lied on her visa application, is one.
an immigrant is taking michelle's job.jpg
The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.

Yeah, Johnson wasn't qualified, but I'd still rather have had him. I didn't really defend him though, I said he just sucks less than the rest of them.

You don't remember me telling you this like 100 times? The whiskey's really taking a toll Jake. Isn't anyone you know doing an intervention? Or you just love it too much and don't care?
By not going with reasonable candidates, such as Kasich, yes, you creeps are responsible for Trump. And now you have helped the illegal immigrants, of which Melania, since she lied on her visa application, is one.View attachment 98737

Finally, Jake tell the truth, you voted for Hillary. Game, set and match ...
The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.

Yeah, Johnson wasn't qualified, but I'd still rather have had him. I didn't really defend him though, I said he just sucks less than the rest of them.

You don't remember me telling you this like 100 times? The whiskey's really taking a toll Jake. Isn't anyone you know doing an intervention? Or you just love it too much and don't care?
By not going with reasonable candidates, such as Kasich, yes, you creeps are responsible for Trump. And now you have helped the illegal immigrants, of which Melania, since she lied on her visa application, is one.View attachment 98737
Michelle is finally getting paroled from her about 65 days.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

Why don't you Google things before making them up, moron? And how is it as a Republican you run around looking for ways to defend Democrats without even knowing what you're talking about, just making it up? Are you still claiming that lie?
It's you, kaz, who are so very, very lost. Kasich president? Did and would still defend him. You creeps voted an unqualified man in as president.

Let's hope he fools all of us.
At least he knows where Aleppo is......

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