The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped

It isn't a matter of should or shouldn't. Of course nobody should be above the law.

But in this case it becomes a matter of diminishing returns. If the satisfaction we would all feel if Hillary was indicted for perjury or any number of other things she could be indicted for should result in the loss of so much good will that we are unable to accomplish what will make our lives better, what have we gained? Revenge is a poor substitute for something that actually improves the condition of the American people.

How are those mutually exclusive?

And ending the cycle where the parties absolve each other for their crimes in a quid pro quo agreement would be huge in Washington. I'd love politicians to be looking over their shoulder. It's not just some trivial agreement
I, for one, am quite surprised that, after 8 years of incessant lying, Obabble had any more ass left to "lie off"
I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped

It isn't a matter of should or shouldn't. Of course nobody should be above the law.

But in this case it becomes a matter of diminishing returns. If the satisfaction we would all feel if Hillary was indicted for perjury or any number of other things she could be indicted for should result in the loss of so much good will that we are unable to accomplish what will make our lives better, what have we gained? Revenge is a poor substitute for something that actually improves the condition of the American people.

How are those mutually exclusive?

And ending the cycle where the parties absolve each other for their crimes in a quid pro quo agreement would be huge in Washington. I'd love politicians to be looking over their shoulder. It's not just some trivial agreement

We'll probably just have to agree to disagree. The country is so sharply divided and partisan now, IMO a trial of Hillary Clinton would just be grinding salt in the wounds inflicted when she lost the election. And it would pretty much eliminate any opportunity Trump and his team might have to win hearts and minds and even slight tacit cooperation from her supporters that will be necessary if we are really going to solve some of our more serious problems. I don't want us to capitulate to the left at all--we won and for the first time in a very long time we should take advantage of it. But we shouldn't make it almost impossible for people to accept and at least not interfere with the new administration and what good it can do either..
I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped

It isn't a matter of should or shouldn't. Of course nobody should be above the law.

But in this case it becomes a matter of diminishing returns. If the satisfaction we would all feel if Hillary was indicted for perjury or any number of other things she could be indicted for should result in the loss of so much good will that we are unable to accomplish what will make our lives better, what have we gained? Revenge is a poor substitute for something that actually improves the condition of the American people.

How are those mutually exclusive?

And ending the cycle where the parties absolve each other for their crimes in a quid pro quo agreement would be huge in Washington. I'd love politicians to be looking over their shoulder. It's not just some trivial agreement

We'll probably just have to agree to disagree. The country is so sharply divided and partisan now, IMO a trial of Hillary Clinton would just be grinding salt in the wounds inflicted when she lost the election. And it would pretty much eliminate any opportunity Trump and his team might have to win hearts and minds and even slight tacit cooperation from her supporters that will be necessary if we are really going to solve some of our more serious problems. I don't want us to capitulate to the left at all--we won and for the first time in a very long time we should take advantage of it. But we shouldn't make it almost impossible for people to accept and at least not interfere with the new administration and what good it can do either..

I think Trump won because he promised no more business as usual. Almost no one who would be offended at Hillary being subjected to due process of law is in play anyway. Her criminal behavior was specifically cited in exit polls as a primary reason she lost.

I don't know how you can think continuing to accept politicians ignoring the law as acceptable to continue, but yes, we are going to have to agree to disagree on that
Actually Fast and Furious - the operation - was developed under the Bush administration....but BUSH, unlike Barry, understood that once the weapons were across the border they were GONE - no way to keep tabs on / control them. That is why Bush REFUSED to allow Fast and Furious to be carried out. Barry LOVED the idea and was the idiot who gave the order to implement it. That's the part Liberals always leave out when they declare the program was 'begun' under Bush. Silly Liberals.
Under Bush it was called Operation Wide Receiver......and it was ended in Oct of 2007.

Under the Obama Administration it was called Fast & Furious.

The Bush program had tighter controls and arrests of low level straw purchasers were being made. Under Fast & Furious guns were allowed to walk and no arrests were being made. Obama simply put the original program that was deemed ineffective on steroids. And the problem came from the Attorney General's office:

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

".......other accounts of the operation insist that ATF agents were prevented from intervening not by ATF officials, but rather by federal prosecutors with the Attorney General's office, who were unsure of whether the agents had sufficient evidence to arrest suspected straw-buyers.[47] According to some reports, many agents insisted they were prevented from making arrests because prosecutors were unwilling to engage in what could become a potentially contentious political battle over Second Amendment rights during an election year, particularly given the difficult nature of prosecuting straw buyers, and the weak penalties associated with it, even if successful.[47] Instead, prosecutors instructed ATF agents not to make arrests, but rather continue collecting evidence in order to build a stronger case. One tactic proposed for doing so was a wiretap of suspected straw-buyers, in an attempt to link the suspects to criminal activities taking place on the Mexican side of the border.[47] Between March 20 and July 30, 2010, nine wiretaps were sought and approved by Justice Department officials, resulting in a significant delay in concluding the case.[1]:247,274"​

Fast & Furious didn't have the checks and balances that Operation Wide Receiver had in place. It turned south on the agents quickly and lost control of the program.
Did he really say he never had any scandals? That's unreal. He should be in an institution if he believes that

Yes, he said that!


1. Fast and Furious
The "Fast and Furious" operation under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began as a way to allow firearms dealers in Arizona to sell weapons to illegal buyers in Mexico in the hope they could catch top dealers in the Mexican drug cartels. It didn't work out that way, and led to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Obama resorted to the tired excuse of blaming former President George W. Bush for starting the operation, but it actually began in the fall of 2009, correspondent Jake Tapper informed White House press secretary Jay Carney, who had tried to repeat Obama's claim and couldn't respond during a press conference.

2. The ACA - 'Obamacare' Mis-information (LYING to Americans)
Obama's misinformation about the Affordable Care Act may have led to millions of Americans having no health insurance because of higher costs. After the bill that overhauled the entire medical industry was quickly passed through a super majority of Democrats in 2010, constant revisions to the plan haven't helped.

The people who were told their health insurance premiums would go down saw them skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people discovered their policies were canceled because of new regulations.

3. IRS Targeting
Lois Lerner admitted to the press her office targeted Conservatives then pleaded the 5th before Congress. IRS Leader Koskinen perjured himself before Congress, admitted the IRS targeted Conservatives, but was spared from prosecution and Obama even allowed him to keep his job.

This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
5. Illegal Spying on Americans
The Obama administration was exposed as having spied on a reporter, the media, and even Congress itself.

6. 'Rosengate'
The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

7. Protecting AG Eric Holder From Perjury #1
Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

8. Sebelius demands payment
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare. Conflict of Interest at Best, a Crime at Worst.

9. The Pigford scandal
An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild
The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. NO PROSECUTION / PUNISHMENT.

13. Solyndra
Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
- Obama used tax dollars to reimburse his big donors who lost millions in investing in Solyndra and 12 other Green Energy companies pushed by the Obama administration. Obama F*ed Americans to make sure his donors didn't lose money.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson
In an attempt to circumvent the FOIA and the Federal Records Act to keep her
Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
- Despite promising to be the most Transparent Administration Evuh, Barry's administration was the most criminally non-compliant with FOIA requests than any other administration in US history - 70% NON-Compliant.

15. Waging war all by myself
Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

16. By-Passing Congress To Forge Iran Treaty / Get it Ratified by UN
Obama violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to forge his own treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN to get it ratified before ever allowing Congress to read it.

17. Sestak, we’ll take care of you - Obama Tries To Bribe a Politician
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

18. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

19. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.

20. An American Political Prisoner
The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.

21. Get rid of inconvenient IGs
Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.

22. Influence peddling
An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham.

23. Paid A Ransom For Bo Bergdahl & Released Taliban 5 Under the lie They Were Part of the Deal
Obama could not close Gitmo with the Taliban 5 there, and the 5 were too big to just release. Bergdahl gave Obama the opportunity to release the 5 under the lie they were part of the release of Bergdahl. The terrorists holding Bergdahl got PAID for his release.

24. Paying Iran a Ransom for US Hostages
In the middle of the night, millions in foreign currency - all cash - on an unmarked plane flown to where another plane with US hostages on it was waiting for confirmation the money was paid.

25. Hillary E-Mailg-ate
Barry lied about learning about Hillary's server from the media.....he knew from the start, e-mailed her, and used an alias so he would not get caught!

....and the sad thing is THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting | White House Dossier

When you listed Benghazi, you might as well tattoo "asshat" on your forehead (if it isn't already there).

So out of all the listed scandals you think only number 4 is invalid.

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Yes, back to your greed, you only care about money, that is your only measuring stick for ideology

???? There was no financial/economic discussion in this thread....what is your malfunction???

I mean seriously, it's like witnessing your head explode and splatter whatever random flaming shit was randomly happening in it. Your comment made right about that much sense.
I'm sure it would give a great many of very good Americans great satisfaction to see Hillary Clinton get what she really deserves. Or for Barack Obama to be exposed as the divisive, racist, and lawless President that he is.
Have you seen the record low disapproval rating for congress for the last several DECADES?

IMO, those ratings are down because Americans see the entire DC areas as one big self-serving, self-protecting brotherhood of corrupt, criminal politicians who exempt themselves from everything and never hold themselves accountable.

I personally think holding them accountable, proving that there is not one among them who will be held accountable should they break the law will begin to restore a faith in our government we have not seen in decades. If a Republican stood up in Congress and called out his 'brother' in front of everyone, after the shock wore off people would respond positively. If a Democrats did the same against a Democrat INSTEAD of attacking a member of the other party, it would demonstrate a willingness of those to hold their own accountable. THAT is leadership and honesty not seen on our government, again, for DECADES!

If a DEMOCRAT step forwards and was the one to lead the charge and say Hillary needed to be indicted it would make all the difference in the world - it would go a tremendous way to eliminate the charges of 'vast right wing' conspiracy, massive partisanship, etc. If a Republican did the same to one of his own members it would do the same. It would go a tremendous way to chow there is a change, that politicians once again are ready to embrace true justice instead of partisanship.

THAT kind of leadership would get a dehydrated man to crawl into and through a desert with you!

Again, it's not about 'satisfaction', it's about doing what is RIGHT...the kind of change, leadership, and restoration this nation needs.

Having said all that, in all honesty, I have lost much of my faith and believe America is too far gone, too far divided, too far partisan to ever return to 'true justice', true honesty', an abandonment of 'Party 1st' rabid partisanship, and any hope of our leaders simply doing what is right because it is the right thing to do. Finding such men...or such a almost impossible today.

I wish you would post my complete thought that qualifies somewhat the lines you choose to address.

I too wish to do what is right, and what is right to me is not to punish or take revenge on those who disappointed or angered me. Or even those who got away with malfeasance/breaking the law. For me, what is right is to do it better include reforming the system so that it is not so easy to violate the public trust. For me what is right it to address the conditions that have caused so much grief for so many Americans and put remedies into place to correct them.

Again, nothing we can do to Hillary or Obama now would help in that regard in any way except possibly setting an example for those who want to do that themselves. But the gains I think would not outweigh the cost.
Why do you think that there would be costs associated with this?

If there really is a smoking gun that allows for a successful prosecution of Clinton for a pay to play scheme then far from costing political capital it would generate it. It would have to be done carefully with Trump taking almost no part in the process as that would be seen as going after his political enemies and the evidence would need to be clear but I think that if such were the case I don't see where there would be any political backlash from it.

In fact, I think it would do the oppisite as HRC actually won the popular vote. Because of that there is going to be a sentiment in congress that Trump represents a minority and therefore they do not have to fully work with him.
Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Speaking of lapdogs.......this idiot turned over our space program to Russia....and then promised to disarm and scrap our nukes in this :anj_stfu:

You are seriously clueless, Obama administration's led sanctions is half the reason why Russia's economy was in the shitter after they decided to go on their Ukranian adventures.

There is a reason why Putin was interfering in our election to get his lapdog Trumpet elected and it wasn't because Obama and Hillary made his thug life too comfortable.

With Trump in office Putin and his oligarchs are hoping to lift the sanctions, weaken NATO, squash the rebellion for Assad's regime. That's why they were poppping bottles on Nov9, along with you alt-right and plain-right fools.
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No scandals in Obama's term. Now that is really rich. This coming from the president that that has the worst record that I can recall with SCOTUS rulings. The same president that tried to override congress unilaterally.
I'm sure it would give a great many of very good Americans great satisfaction to see Hillary Clinton get what she really deserves. Or for Barack Obama to be exposed as the divisive, racist, and lawless President that he is.
Have you seen the record low disapproval rating for congress for the last several DECADES?

IMO, those ratings are down because Americans see the entire DC areas as one big self-serving, self-protecting brotherhood of corrupt, criminal politicians who exempt themselves from everything and never hold themselves accountable.

I personally think holding them accountable, proving that there is not one among them who will be held accountable should they break the law will begin to restore a faith in our government we have not seen in decades. If a Republican stood up in Congress and called out his 'brother' in front of everyone, after the shock wore off people would respond positively. If a Democrats did the same against a Democrat INSTEAD of attacking a member of the other party, it would demonstrate a willingness of those to hold their own accountable. THAT is leadership and honesty not seen on our government, again, for DECADES!

If a DEMOCRAT step forwards and was the one to lead the charge and say Hillary needed to be indicted it would make all the difference in the world - it would go a tremendous way to eliminate the charges of 'vast right wing' conspiracy, massive partisanship, etc. If a Republican did the same to one of his own members it would do the same. It would go a tremendous way to chow there is a change, that politicians once again are ready to embrace true justice instead of partisanship.

THAT kind of leadership would get a dehydrated man to crawl into and through a desert with you!

Again, it's not about 'satisfaction', it's about doing what is RIGHT...the kind of change, leadership, and restoration this nation needs.

Having said all that, in all honesty, I have lost much of my faith and believe America is too far gone, too far divided, too far partisan to ever return to 'true justice', true honesty', an abandonment of 'Party 1st' rabid partisanship, and any hope of our leaders simply doing what is right because it is the right thing to do. Finding such men...or such a almost impossible today.

I wish you would post my complete thought that qualifies somewhat the lines you choose to address.

I too wish to do what is right, and what is right to me is not to punish or take revenge on those who disappointed or angered me. Or even those who got away with malfeasance/breaking the law. For me, what is right is to do it better include reforming the system so that it is not so easy to violate the public trust. For me what is right it to address the conditions that have caused so much grief for so many Americans and put remedies into place to correct them.

Again, nothing we can do to Hillary or Obama now would help in that regard in any way except possibly setting an example for those who want to do that themselves. But the gains I think would not outweigh the cost.
Why do you think that there would be costs associated with this?

If there really is a smoking gun that allows for a successful prosecution of Clinton for a pay to play scheme then far from costing political capital it would generate it. It would have to be done carefully with Trump taking almost no part in the process as that would be seen as going after his political enemies and the evidence would need to be clear but I think that if such were the case I don't see where there would be any political backlash from it.

In fact, I think it would do the oppisite as HRC actually won the popular vote. Because of that there is going to be a sentiment in congress that Trump represents a minority and therefore they do not have to fully work with him.

It wouldn't matter if it was the United Nations or NATO or any entity that prosecuted Hillary, Trump will be blamed for it no matter how little he had to do with it. Again I just see it as diverting all media attention away from what the Administration should be focused on and thereby make it far more difficult to accomplish anything positive.
No scandals in Obama's term. Now that is really rich. This coming from the president that that has the worst record that I can recall with SCOTUS rulings. The same president that tried to override congress unilaterally.
Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped

It isn't a matter of should or shouldn't. Of course nobody should be above the law.

But in this case it becomes a matter of diminishing returns. If the satisfaction we would all feel if Hillary was indicted for perjury or any number of other things she could be indicted for should result in the loss of so much good will that we are unable to accomplish what will make our lives better, what have we gained? Revenge is a poor substitute for something that actually improves the condition of the American people.

How are those mutually exclusive?

And ending the cycle where the parties absolve each other for their crimes in a quid pro quo agreement would be huge in Washington. I'd love politicians to be looking over their shoulder. It's not just some trivial agreement

We'll probably just have to agree to disagree. The country is so sharply divided and partisan now, IMO a trial of Hillary Clinton would just be grinding salt in the wounds inflicted when she lost the election. And it would pretty much eliminate any opportunity Trump and his team might have to win hearts and minds and even slight tacit cooperation from her supporters that will be necessary if we are really going to solve some of our more serious problems. I don't want us to capitulate to the left at all--we won and for the first time in a very long time we should take advantage of it. But we shouldn't make it almost impossible for people to accept and at least not interfere with the new administration and what good it can do either..

I think Trump won because he promised no more business as usual. Almost no one who would be offended at Hillary being subjected to due process of law is in play anyway. Her criminal behavior was specifically cited in exit polls as a primary reason she lost.

I don't know how you can think continuing to accept politicians ignoring the law as acceptable to continue, but yes, we are going to have to agree to disagree on that

More than 60 million people voted for Hillary. We need to convince at least some of those people that what the Administration and Congress are doing is a good thing. If we attack their champion we have no chance at all to win any hearts and minds.

I am about as strong a person for the Constitution and the law as anybody is. But in this case I think we have a whole bunch more to lose by prosecuting Hillary than anything that would possibly be gained.
More than 60 million people voted for Hillary. ......... If we attack their champion we have no chance at all to win any hearts and minds.
WRONG. If you do not prosecute Hillary, those 60 million will say, "You see! We told you what she did was right and good!" Is that the word of mouth you want to carry forward to the next vote ...... and to the next generation?
More than 60 million people voted for Hillary. ......... If we attack their champion we have no chance at all to win any hearts and minds.
WRONG. If you do not prosecute Hillary, those 60 million will say, "You see! We told you what she did was right and good!" Is that the word of mouth you want to carry forward to the next vote ...... and to the next generation?

My instincts tell me to just walk away from it and tend to the most pressing need of the nation. But obviously there are plenty of differences of opinion on that.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

Oh, wow. After just electing a liar to be President, all of a sudden the right have a thing against lying.....
This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Yes, back to your greed, you only care about money, that is your only measuring stick for ideology

???? There was no financial/economic discussion in this thread....what is your malfunction???

I mean seriously, it's like witnessing your head explode and splatter whatever random flaming shit was randomly happening in it. Your comment made right about that much sense.

Asked and answered. I'm socially extremely liberal, I'm for getting our military out of all the shit holes we're in and slashing it's size, but still you keep going back to that I'm a Republican/conservative.

The only way I'm that is fiscal conservative. You don't care about the ways we agree. Though we aren't the same in those because I mean it and you don't, but theoretically we agree. The only issue you care about is I want to stop you from using guns to shake people down for money they earned and you didn't.

The only way I'm to the right of you is you're greedy and want other people's money and I'm not.

What is wrong with you? I explained this already. Learning disability?
Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Yes, back to your greed, you only care about money, that is your only measuring stick for ideology

???? There was no financial/economic discussion in this thread....what is your malfunction???

I mean seriously, it's like witnessing your head explode and splatter whatever random flaming shit was randomly happening in it. Your comment made right about that much sense.

Asked and answered. I'm socially extremely liberal, I'm for getting our military out of all the shit holes we're in and slashing it's size, but still you keep going back to that I'm a Republican/conservative.

The only way I'm that is fiscal conservative. You don't care about the ways we agree. Though we aren't the same in those because I mean it and you don't, but theoretically we agree. The only issue you care about is I want to stop you from using guns to shake people down for money they earned and you didn't.

The only way I'm to the right of you is you're greedy and want other people's money and I'm not.

What is wrong with you? I explained this already. Learning disability?


I didn't talk about YOU
I didn't talk about money
I talked about Trump being Putin's bitch, which you never actually disagreed with.

so wtf are you talking about?????? I could probably write AI application that will post more coherently and convincingly then the lunatic nonsense you do.

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