The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

Whatch the whole thing and read the subtitles.
While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you celebrate the list of American enemies who celebrated Obama's Presidency. You're a hypocrite. You may now proceed to misquote me and respond to something I didn't say because someone who makes $200K (so you say) can't read
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.

Tens of thousands of people in Mexico have been killed due to the failed war on Drugs. I'll bet the congressional investigation never came up with any evidence that linked the WH to the Az. ATF agents and their plan. Hence the phony scandal. Like all your accusations.

I totally agree on the war on drugs, but you're saying Obama lied when he used Executive Privilege? His personal involvement was required for him to do that

No it wasn't. The documents he claimed Executive privilege over were communications between Holder and the WH after the fact, during the investigation. And Obama released all the ones the Judge ordered released back in April. I'm sure if there was any indication that the WH was involved in a cover up or in the planning or execution of the operation the committee would have announced it.
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.

Tens of thousands of people in Mexico have been killed due to the failed war on Drugs. I'll bet the congressional investigation never came up with any evidence that linked the WH to the Az. ATF agents and their plan. Hence the phony scandal. Like all your accusations.

I totally agree on the war on drugs, but you're saying Obama lied when he used Executive Privilege? His personal involvement was required for him to do that

No it wasn't. The documents he claimed Executive privilege over were communications between Holder and the WH after the fact, during the investigation. And Obama released all the ones the Judge ordered released back in April. I'm sure if there was any indication that the WH was involved in a cover up or in the planning or execution of the operation the committee would have announced it.

Why would the white house need executive privilege over communications over an event they weren't involved in? That makes no sense
While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Yes, back to your greed, you only care about money, that is your only measuring stick for ideology
While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped
it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency.
I could not disagree with you more on this. The system of Justice in this nation has been perverted, warped, and broken for far too long. The average American, who has been forced to live under laws imposed upon them while watching these elitist criminals who have lorded over them like despots exempt themselves from both laws and punishment for breaking them see 2 Nations...and they have had enough.

They DEMAND Justice. They demand a return of accountability and equal justice at EVERY level in this nation. Trump ran on the promise to bring that back. it is a promise that garnered the majority of his support - if he fails / refuses to keep THAT promise I think those who voted for him will feel abandoned and lied to.

Hillary has been punished enough? REALLY?
David Patraeus was convicted for far less than Hillary did.
There is a retired Submarine engine room member who illegally took a photo of the engine room he worked in so he could show his kids later where he worked who was prosecuted for having that 1 photo.

I personally know a GOOD man - a man who served his country honorably - who got careless one day, carried classified he was working on in his briefcase, left the base he was working at, traveled to another classified location with that info in his briefcase, took it out when he got to his destination, was approached by someone who noticed and who asked where his official courier pouch was, the cover letters, the necessary documentation, etc - none of which he had. This man was a colleague who had been in service 20 years and worked as a civilian for another 15, got careless, and in less that 2 hours he had his security clearance revoked, was debriefed, was fired, and was escorted out of the building. 'All' he did' was improperly transfer classified - did not obey the rules/regs - despite making sure it remained secure the whole time. What he did, like Hillary, was BREAK THE LAW. What he did was FAR LESS than what Hillary did, and it ended his career in approx. 2 hours...sadly as it should have. Hillary faced / faces absolutely no accountability for the MANY violations of rules, regs, and laws we who work with classified all the time knows exist and know she broke.

THIS is what I am talking about. MILLIONS of Americans are tired of the double standard BULLSHIT! Laws exist for a reason, They either matter ...for EVERYONE....or they shouldn't. Hillary broke the law, and you say she should be allowed to skate when so many have NOT been allowed to in the past, Again, Bullshit.

TRUE, un-perverted, un-corrupted JUSTICE and accountability needs to be re-instated in this country. The special treatment, the double-standards, the Un-Constitutional exemptions, etc NEED to END!

Again, Trump vowed to do just that. One of the biggest things for me and many people I know for supporting Trump was accomplishing that. I don't care what Party you are from - I don't care if you are a Freshman Congressman, the US AG, the Secretary of State or the President - the Constitution and Rule of Law must be apply to EVERYONE equally, and consequences / accountability for EVERYONE needs to be re-instated!

I don't hate Hillary Clinton - never have. I don't hate Barak Obama - never have. What I hate, however, is how the likes of them - and they are far from being alone - have trampled the Constitution and law, have protected their friends/party members from prosecution - like NO ONE does for the Average American people. I will scream just as loudly for Republicans, Green Party, whoever - everyone - to be held equally accountable to the law....and that includes Trump.

The Honest-to-God-Truth, and liberals know it's true - is that Hillary and Barry have done things for which they deserved to be indicted and / or Impeached. The Honest-to-God's truth is that I have no doubt Donald Trump has done the same.

The FBI is continuing to investigate Hillary / the Clintons for a massive amount of fraud, corruption, influence peddling, bribery, etc in regards to their Foundation. Just turn that off because the corrupt millionaire elitist lost an election? HELL NO! Sorry, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! The law either applies to everyone or should apply to no one!

I was glad to see Bill Clinton become the 1st sitting President to have to testify for a trail in his defense in a court case. For me it actually had very little to do with Clinton - it could have been anyone - even Bush. It had everything to do with the courts declaring to someone of such high political stature, 'YOU ARE NOT TOO BIG TO BE TAKEN TO COURT, TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!'


People need to wake the F* Up and just STOP defending their criminal politicians who don't give a damn about them, who would never do the same for you. They F* you over every chance they get if it benefits them.

This is not about PARTISANSHIP - It has everything (for ME) to do with restoring the truly honest, trustworthy system of JUSTICE in this nation and accountability for EVERYONE....EQUALLY!

F*CK POLITICAL CAPITAL (sorry, no offense to you meant) - I am talking about doing what's RIGHT again!
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it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency.
I could not disagree with you more on this. The system of Justice in this nation has been perverted, warped, and broken for far too long. The average American, who has been forced to live under laws imposed upon them while watching these elitist criminals who have lorded over them like despots exempt themselves from both laws and punishment for breaking them see 2 Nations...and they have had enough.

They DEMAND Justice. They demand a return of accountability and equal justice at EVERY level in this nation. Trump ran on the promise to bring that back. it is a promise that garnered the majority of his support - if he fails / refuses to keep THAT promise I think those who voted for him will feel abandoned and lied to.

Hillary has been punished enough? REALLY?
David Patraeus was convicted for far less than Hillary did.
There is a retired Submarine engine room member who illegally took a photo of the engine room he worked in so he could show his kids later where he worked who was prosecuted for having that 1 photo.

I personally know a man who got careless one day, stuffed classified he was working on, left the base he was working at, traveled to another classified location with that info in his briefcase, took it out then he got to his destination, was approached by someone who noticed and who asked where his official courier pouch was, the cover letters, the necessary documentation, etc - none of which he had. This man was a colleague who had been in service 20 years and worked as a civilian for another 15, got careless, and in less that 2 hours he had his security clearance revoked, was debriefed, was fired, and was escorted out of the building. 'All' he did was improperly transfer classified - did not obey the rules/regs - despite making sure it remained secure the whole time. That was FAR LESS than what Hillary did, and it ended his career in approx. 2 hours!

THIS is what I am talking about. MILLIONS of Americans are tired of the double standard BULLSHIT! Laws exist for a reason, They either matter ...for EVERYONE....or they shouldn't. Hillary broke the law, and you say she should be allowed to skate when so many have NOT been allowed to in the past, Again, Bullshit.

TRUE, un-perverted, un-corrupted JUSTICE and accountability needs to be re-instated in this country. The special treatment, the double-standards, the Un-Constitutional exemptions, etc NEED to END!

Again, Trump vowed to do just that. One of the biggest things for me and many people I know for supporting Trump was accomplishing that. I don't care what Party you are from - I don't care if you are a Freshman Congressman, the US AG, the Secretary of State or the President - the Constitution and Rule of Law must be apply to EVERYONE equally, and consequences / accountability for EVERYONE needs to be re-instated!

I don't hate Hillary Clinton - never have. I don't hate Barak Obama - never have. What I hate, however, is how the likes of them - and they are far from being alone - have trampled the Constitution and law, have protected their friends/party members from prosecution - like NO ONE does for the Average American people. I will scream just as loudly for Republicans, Green Party, whoever - everyone - to be held equally accountable to the law....and that includes Trump.

The Honest-to-God-Truth, and liberals know it's true - is that Hillary and Barry have done things for which they deserved to be indicted and / or Impeached. The Honest-to-God's truth is that I have no doubt Donald Trump has not done the same.

The FBI is continuing to investigate Hillary / the Clintons for a massive amount of fraud, corruption, influence peddling, bribery, etc in regards to their Foundation. Just turn that off because the corrupt millionaire elitist lost an election? HELL NO! Sorry, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! The law either applies to everyone or should apply to no one!

I was glad to see Bill Clinton become the 1st sitting President to have to testify for a trail in his defense in a court case. It actually had nothing to do with Clinton - it could have been anyone - even Bush. It had everything to do with the courts declaring to someone of such high political stature, 'YOU ARE NOT TO BIG TO BE TAKEN TO COURT, TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!'


People need to wake the F* Up and just STOP defending their criminal politicians who don't give a damn about you, who would never do the same for you.

This is not about PARTISANSHIP - It has everything to do with restoring the truly honest, trustworthy system of JUSTICE in this nation and accountability for EVERYONE....EQUALLY!

F*CK POLITICAL CAPITAL (sorry, no offense to you meant) - I am talking about doing what's RIGHT again!

I'm sure it would give a great many of very good Americans great satisfaction to see Hillary Clinton get what she really deserves. Or for Barack Obama to be exposed as the divisive, racist, and lawless President that he is.

But is that satisfaction worth derailing what good the present Congress and Executive are able to accomplish? How would that make anything better?

I would rather that all be left to history and be used to inform us of what needs to be cleaned up and corrected in government so that kind of thing can never happen without consequence again.
Maybe the media should have done their job and VETTED Hillary PRIOR to getting the nomination.

Surely the DEMS have SOMEONE that could have beaten Trump....alas....we will never know, because they ran HILLARY.


I'm sure it would give a great many of very good Americans great satisfaction to see Hillary Clinton get what she really deserves. Or for Barack Obama to be exposed as the divisive, racist, and lawless President that he is.
Have you seen the record low disapproval rating for congress for the last several DECADES?

IMO, those ratings are down because Americans see the entire DC areas as one big self-serving, self-protecting brotherhood of corrupt, criminal politicians who exempt themselves from everything and never hold themselves accountable.

I personally think holding them accountable, proving that there is not one among them who will be held accountable should they break the law will begin to restore a faith in our government we have not seen in decades. If a Republican stood up in Congress and called out his 'brother' in front of everyone, after the shock wore off people would respond positively. If a Democrats did the same against a Democrat INSTEAD of attacking a member of the other party, it would demonstrate a willingness of those to hold their own accountable. THAT is leadership and honesty not seen on our government, again, for DECADES!

If a DEMOCRAT step forwards and was the one to lead the charge and say Hillary needed to be indicted it would make all the difference in the world - it would go a tremendous way to eliminate the charges of 'vast right wing' conspiracy, massive partisanship, etc. If a Republican did the same to one of his own members it would do the same. It would go a tremendous way to chow there is a change, that politicians once again are ready to embrace true justice instead of partisanship.

THAT kind of leadership would get a dehydrated man to crawl into and through a desert with you!

Again, it's not about 'satisfaction', it's about doing what is RIGHT...the kind of change, leadership, and restoration this nation needs.

Having said all that, in all honesty, I have lost much of my faith and believe America is too far gone, too far divided, too far partisan to ever return to 'true justice', true honesty', an abandonment of 'Party 1st' rabid partisanship, and any hope of our leaders simply doing what is right because it is the right thing to do. Finding such men...or such a almost impossible today.
I'm sure it would give a great many of very good Americans great satisfaction to see Hillary Clinton get what she really deserves. Or for Barack Obama to be exposed as the divisive, racist, and lawless President that he is.
Have you seen the record low disapproval rating for congress for the last several DECADES?

IMO, those ratings are down because Americans see the entire DC areas as one big self-serving, self-protecting brotherhood of corrupt, criminal politicians who exempt themselves from everything and never hold themselves accountable.

I personally think holding them accountable, proving that there is not one among them who will be held accountable should they break the law will begin to restore a faith in our government we have not seen in decades. If a Republican stood up in Congress and called out his 'brother' in front of everyone, after the shock wore off people would respond positively. If a Democrats did the same against a Democrat INSTEAD of attacking a member of the other party, it would demonstrate a willingness of those to hold their own accountable. THAT is leadership and honesty not seen on our government, again, for DECADES!

If a DEMOCRAT step forwards and was the one to lead the charge and say Hillary needed to be indicted it would make all the difference in the world - it would go a tremendous way to eliminate the charges of 'vast right wing' conspiracy, massive partisanship, etc. If a Republican did the same to one of his own members it would do the same. It would go a tremendous way to chow there is a change, that politicians once again are ready to embrace true justice instead of partisanship.

THAT kind of leadership would get a dehydrated man to crawl into and through a desert with you!

Again, it's not about 'satisfaction', it's about doing what is RIGHT...the kind of change, leadership, and restoration this nation needs.

Having said all that, in all honesty, I have lost much of my faith and believe America is too far gone, too far divided, too far partisan to ever return to 'true justice', true honesty', an abandonment of 'Party 1st' rabid partisanship, and any hope of our leaders simply doing what is right because it is the right thing to do. Finding such men...or such a almost impossible today.

I wish you would post my complete thought that qualifies somewhat the lines you choose to address.

I too wish to do what is right, and what is right to me is not to punish or take revenge on those who disappointed or angered me. Or even those who got away with malfeasance/breaking the law. For me, what is right is to do it better include reforming the system so that it is not so easy to violate the public trust. For me what is right it to address the conditions that have caused so much grief for so many Americans and put remedies into place to correct them.

Again, nothing we can do to Hillary or Obama now would help in that regard in any way except possibly setting an example for those who want to do that themselves. But the gains I think would not outweigh the cost.
Obama was an utter POS ideologue who did incredible damage to this country in countless ways.

Remember HIS hot mike moment when he told the RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT that he would have more wiggle room after the election? Funny how the media glossed over that..

Are you fuking kidding? Ruskies are popping champagne bottles in celebration - finally a Russian-lapdog president in America.

This while you

Deflect deflect deflect, you got nothing.

Russians clearly see Trump as their chump, that's just a fact.

Exactly like the list of Obama supporting terrorist countries he shields. And most of our allies who like Obama specifically because he is weak

More deflection, more bullshit.

Why don't you grow a pair and just admit that which is obvious: Complaining about Obama being too soft on Russia while your party elects a lapdog for Putin makes no fucking sense.

Speaking of lapdogs.......this idiot turned over our space program to Russia....and then promised to disarm and scrap our nukes in this :anj_stfu:

Maybe the media should have done their job and VETTED Hillary PRIOR to getting the nomination.
Obama's 1st attempt to fill his 1st Cabinet resulted in nearly every one of them being tax evaders / tax frauds / tax cheats.

If you haven't noticed, 'Vetting' really isn't the DNC's / Obama's strong suit. :p
While it is true that the Obama administration has never allowed a special prosecutor to investigate ANYTHING in his administration but has declared himself and everybody else innocent of any manner of wrong doing--how much do you think the left will tolerate that in a Trump presidency?

The butthurt libtard Snowflakes on this board have already begun to accuse him of things that have not happened and are calling for Congress already to Impeach him, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Their massive, hate-generated double-standard is like a flaming 'L' tattooed on their forehead,

I understand how you feel about it, but it is not useful to call our left wing friends--and I do have left wing friends--uncomplimentary names or characterize them in incendiary terms. That only gives them more justification for their accusations of all of us being the 'rabid right.' Let's try to take the high road and be reasonable while not compromising what we believe to be right. Yes, many are giving the new President no chance at all which makes a huge hypocrite of each and every one, but we don't have to behave like they do.

The rest of my post that you didn't quote was that it serves no purpose to go back and expend what little political capital we have in a prosecution of Hillary or Obama. They were punished sufficiently and repudiated with a Trump presidency. Let's just move forward and try to clean up the system so that no administration will ever be allowed that degree of lawlessness and malfeasance without consequence again.

I disagree on prosecuting Hillary. We have a system now where each administration absolves the prior one so they are in turn absolved by the next. How does that ongoing system of corruption benefit the American people? It seems it harms us as it's institutionalizing corruption.

Only someone like Trump coming in from the outside is going to upset the apple cart, and I say tip away. I want administration officials caring about what the next administration is going to find out they did

Well the special prosecutor certainly continued his investigation into Reagan's involvement with Iran Contra well into the Bush 41's administration. And though some did go to jail or suffered other penalties, Bush 41 pardoned six Reagan officials to prevent further prosecution and possible jail.

And the effort to continue impeachment proceedings against Nixon would certainly have continued into the Ford administration had Ford not pardoned Nixon. That is why they were so furious at Ford for doing that.

Presidential pardons issued as they are leaving office are almost always intended to prevent prosecution extending into the next administration so there is no real understanding that the sins of the previous administration are automatically absolved when the new President takes over.

I agree with what you said, but I'm not sure how it means if Obama doesn't pardon Hillary her crimes should just be dropped

It isn't a matter of should or shouldn't. Of course nobody should be above the law.

But in this case it becomes a matter of diminishing returns. If the satisfaction we would all feel if Hillary was indicted for perjury or any number of other things she could be indicted for should result in the loss of so much good will that we are unable to accomplish what will make our lives better, what have we gained? Revenge is a poor substitute for something that actually improves the condition of the American people.

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