The President Just LIED HIS ASS OFF

^^^^ Look at what Mud just wrote.

Actually Fast and Furious - the operation - was developed under the Bush administration....but BUSH, unlike Barry, understood that once the weapons were across the border they were GONE - no way to keep tabs on / control them. That is why Bush REFUSED to allow Fast and Furious to be carried out. Barry LOVED the idea and was the idiot who gave the order to implement it. That's the part Liberals always leave out when they declare the program was 'begun' under Bush. Silly Liberals.
Under Bush it was called Operation Wide Receiver......and it was ended in Oct of 2007.

Under the Obama Administration it was called Fast & Furious.

The Bush program had tighter controls and arrests of low level straw purchasers were being made. Under Fast & Furious guns were allowed to walk and no arrests were being made. Obama simply put the original program that was deemed ineffective on steroids. And the problem came from the Attorney General's office:

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

".......other accounts of the operation insist that ATF agents were prevented from intervening not by ATF officials, but rather by federal prosecutors with the Attorney General's office, who were unsure of whether the agents had sufficient evidence to arrest suspected straw-buyers.[47] According to some reports, many agents insisted they were prevented from making arrests because prosecutors were unwilling to engage in what could become a potentially contentious political battle over Second Amendment rights during an election year, particularly given the difficult nature of prosecuting straw buyers, and the weak penalties associated with it, even if successful.[47] Instead, prosecutors instructed ATF agents not to make arrests, but rather continue collecting evidence in order to build a stronger case. One tactic proposed for doing so was a wiretap of suspected straw-buyers, in an attempt to link the suspects to criminal activities taking place on the Mexican side of the border.[47] Between March 20 and July 30, 2010, nine wiretaps were sought and approved by Justice Department officials, resulting in a significant delay in concluding the case.[1]:247,274"​
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The Bush program had tighter controls and arrests of low level straw purchasers were being made.
Under Fast & Furious guns were allowed to walk and no arrests were being made.

The Obama administration, unlike Bush, FAILED MISERABLY, allowing thousands of guns and grenades to disappear after placing them in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murders of over 500 people, to include 4 Americans.

To this day Barry reportedly STILL refuses to release court-ordered documents, keeps dragging this out, keeps trying to run out the clock.

Barry, however, never held anyone accountable because he sought, understandably, to keep his massive criminal F* UP quiet. Not one arrest. Not one person Fired. Not one person held accountable...for the facilitating the murder of over 500 people.
Nobody was charged, nobody was forced to resign.........hardly a scandal

500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.

War is hell

Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?
On one hand, you blame Obama for the terrorist attack on the US Embassy
On the other hand, you condemn him for attacking terrorists with drones
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

Dang! The President lied his ass off? His ass is gone?

Maybe you could loan him your ass, if you don't mind going bareheaded for awhile.
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.
yes, those 504 people did die in the war, and anyone who says they did not hates America and everything it stands for.

easyt can lie all the alt right lies he wants, but those alt right bugs are out in the open now and under the spotlight of American Justice.
Actually Fast and Furious - the operation - was developed under the Bush administration....but BUSH, unlike Barry, understood that once the weapons were across the border they were GONE - no way to keep tabs on / control them. That is why Bush REFUSED to allow Fast and Furious to be carried out. Barry LOVED the idea and was the idiot who gave the order to implement it. That's the part Liberals always leave out when they declare the program was 'begun' under Bush. Silly Liberals.

Liar. Under Bush, they ran Operation Wide Receiver when they knew some of the guns would make it across the border.

Fast & Furious was not approved by Obama.
500+ People died - including 4 Americans - as a result of Obama's illegal actions; yet Liberals consider it a 'Win' for Obama because he refused to hold himself or anyone else involved accountable - that sums up today's Liberals and the Obama administration.
War is hell Fighting terrorists is not easy is it?

WTF are you talking about? Those 500 people - including 4 Americans - did not die in any 'WAR' and did not all die at the hands of terrorists. They were murdered by Mexican Drug Cartels because Barak Obama illegally handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to them, all part of his failed, F*ed Up 'sting operation'. Those people died because Barry was a criminal F* Up, not as casualties in any war.
Wow. I guess if there were not an Fast &Furious, the cartels would not have owned no guns. Any example of the absolutely stupid reasoning of those who reside in Whiner World.
None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.
None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.
I just watched President Obama's News conference, one in which he attempted to re-write history and write bis ownlegacy by lying his ass off.

Obama declared his administration han NEVER had any scandals...declared he had ALWAYS obeyed the rules and laws...IT WAS THE BIGGEST PILE OF SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD COME OUT OF A PRESIDENT'S MOUTH

- Fast and Furious, still on-going
- Spied on Congress, reporters, Americans
- Targeted Americans he called his enemies with the IRS
' 70% FOIA criminally non-compliant
- Worked with Intl Arms dealer to arm Al Qaeida & ISIS
- By-passed Congress repeatedly, violating Constitution and law, dragged tje US into 2 Unauthorized wars to help terrorists...
- was found in Contempt of Court twice, still has not complued with court orders
- protected his AG, Sect of State, Julian Castro, & Harry Reid from prosecution

And this barely scratched the surface...

Then he said he lectured the other guy (could not / would not say Trump's name) on how to obey the Constitution, the law, and all the rules AS HE HAD DONE.

He said people would never know he was such an awesome President if they listened to anyone except the all-in media and anyone outside his own administration (basically saying anyone who disagrred with his faireytale version of his Presidency was a liar).

Obama is te most lawless President in US history, & all this press conference was, as shown, was an attempt to re-write history / write his own history/legacy!

It was all I could do not to throw up. After this press conference I so can't wait until this SOB to leave office!

Did he really say he never had any scandals? That's unreal. He should be in an institution if he believes that
Liar. Under Bush, they ran Operation Wide Receiver when they knew some of the guns would make it across the border. Fast & Furious was not approved by Obama.
You DO realize, don't you, that YOU just admitted that Bush authorized Operation Wide Receiver, NOT Fast and Furious, that Fast and Furious was approved / run under Obama?!

Obama not being responsible for Fast and Furious makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:

It was to protect BUSH that Obama refused to allow HIS AG Eric holder be Indicted / charged with Perjury in helping cover the scandal up.

It was to protect Bush that Obama refused to comply with court orders to release HIS e-mails regarding Fast and Furious, resulting in his being held in Contempt of court....documents he still refuses to release and a court order he reportedly still refuses to obey.

Oh yeah, all that makes PERFECT a delusional Liberal.
Did anyone every get charged in any of those phony scandal you mentioned, much less convicted of a crime.

For winners you guys sure whine a lot.

No because we have as corrupt a justice department as we had a corrupt Presidency in Obama and instead of choosing justice it has religiously protected its own. I don't blame Obama for doing deliberate harm--I believe he feels that he was on the high road and was completely morally justified when he used executive orders to change or ignore laws lawfully passed by Congress and when he absolved illegal and/or incompetent acts in the IRS, State Department, et al. from any wrong doing. But I have never seen such blatant disregard for the Constitution and/or Congress and/or the law as I have seen in this President.

Trump may or may not be different. I hope and pray that he is.
None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Foxfyre, you guys just whine.

You know it.

I know it.

The whole board knows it.

You are right: you have not seen any blatant disregard for the Constitution even though you allege you do.

I think that Trump is going to make you cry a zillion more tears than did ever Obama.
None issue. Let's move on.

Why restart the program and then refuse to charge criminals that are caught?

Answer: Obama is nothing but a cluster waiting to happen. Either he's a spineless, grabastic fuckup, or he was helping his drug-running associates in Mexico flood the US with drugs.

Fast & Furious was a local operation. The real spine gasbag fuckup was just elected as President.

The ATF is local? I thought it was federal. And Obama used Executive Privilege. That means he was personally involved in it by definition, he has to be to use executive privilege. He can't even use it for his administration.

Want to try again, liar?
Only by your definition, which is meaningless.

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