The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Were all those who lost their jobs back to work at their previous level ?


No he didn’t. He didn’t add it dufus. The debt includes compound interest on the inherited deficits, which came from all precise presidents and Bushes tax cuts idiot.

You're such a moron.
He added $10 trillion to the debt, but, with interest rates at record low levels, the
$10 trillion he added to the debt was all due to interest?

Show your math. How much was interest on the debt for every year that stuttering fuck was president. Show me that it adds up to $10 trillion.
You just showed your stupidity. What the Fk do you think debt is vs deficit. It’s total dufus, the accumulated deficits and the compound interest on that accumulated deficits. Seriously, do you know what compound interest is ?
Why don’t you take your finger out of your ears and look up the difference between deficit and debt.

He added $10 trillion to the debt, not $10 trillion to the deficit.
Your free to start your own thread about Presidents that ignores entire years of data where economic hardship happened.
Don be ridiculous. Inflation is NOW down near zero, the unemployment rates remain very low and the economy is growing. . So, you’ll just have to keep making up shit to whine about.
Your free to start your own thread about Presidents that ignores entire years of data where economic hardship happened.
I see you supply no data….just your word and made up shit., I supplied a study from Cato a conservative think tank which bolsters my comments.
Seriously, add up the interest on the debt during the stuttering fucks 8 years
and show me it adds up to the $10 trillion he added to the debt.
Geesus, it’s the trillion dollar DEFICITS as well. that repugs ran up with their tax cuts. Bubba, Bush‘s tax cuts were permanent and couldn’t be changed until a democrat had both houses

You really don’t have a clue what debtnus do you ?
If you buy a house ten years ago the that is still part of your debt along with the accumulated interest bubba. Go study a little math.
Seriously, add up the interest on the debt during the stuttering fucks 8 years
and show me it adds up to the $10 trillion he added to the debt.
You’re such a math illiterate. In one year alone nearly half a trillion had to be allocated for interest on the debt in Obama’s first budget. The tax cuts could not be touch till they expired two years later, so Obama's budgets reflected increased interest and bush tax cuts till they expired. That’s why the debt went up ! Dumbass. Trump inherited a reduced deficit, Passed another tax cut for the rich and raised the debt by 7 plus trillion in JYST 4 years.
Gop ass holes have done nothing but increase deficits and debts for every one and CAUSE RECESSIONS.
Geesus, it’s the trillion dollar DEFICITS as well. that repugs ran up with their tax cuts. Bubba, Bush‘s tax cuts were permanent and couldn’t be changed until a democrat had both houses

You really don’t have a clue what debtnus do you ?
If you buy a house ten years ago the that is still part of your debt along with the accumulated interest bubba. Go study a little math.

Geesus, it’s the trillion dollar DEFICITS as well. that repugs ran up with their tax cuts.

Sounds awful!

Bush‘s tax cuts were permanent

The Bush tax cuts weren't permanent you stupid twat.

and couldn’t be changed until a democrat had both houses

In 2009, when Obama had huge majorities in both the House and the Senate, he reversed the Bush and Reagan tax cuts, right?

Tell me again how Obama didn't add to the debt. DURR

If you buy a house ten years ago the that is still part of your debt

Obama didn't add the debt from the house ten years earlier, he added $10 trillion while he was president.
You’re such a math illiterate. In one year alone nearly half a trillion had to be allocated for interest on the debt in Obama’s first budget. The tax cuts could not be touch till they expired two years later, so Obama's budgets reflected increased interest and bush tax cuts till they expired. That’s why the debt went up ! Dumbass. Trump inherited a reduced deficit, Passed another tax cut for the rich and raised the debt by 7 plus trillion in JYST 4 years.
Gop ass holes have done nothing but increase deficits and debts for every one and CAUSE RECESSIONS.

You’re such a math illiterate. In one year alone nearly half a trillion had to be allocated for interest on the debt in Obama’s first budget.

Cool story, but you're lying (or just a moron).
Now show the interest on the debt for each of Obama's 8 years.

The tax cuts could not be touch till they expired two years later

You're lying. Obama could have reversed them the day he took office.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%
Obama's unemployment rate was created by Bush43.
You’re such a math illiterate. In one year alone nearly half a trillion had to be allocated for interest on the debt in Obama’s first budget.

Cool story, but you're lying (or just a moron).
Now show the interest on the debt for each of Obama's 8 years.

The tax cuts could not be touch till they expired two years later

You're lying. Obama could have reversed them the day he took office.
Tell me the last time any budget was passed without congressional approval dufus.
Tell us when the fiscal year ends illiterate.
You really don’t know shit like all MAGA morons. ,
Tell me the last time any budget was passed without congressional approval dufus.
Tell us when the fiscal year ends illiterate.
You really don’t know shit like all MAGA morons. ,

The Dems in charge of the House and Senate didn't pass Obama's 2009
reversal of the Bush and Reagan tax cuts? That's so sad.
I see you supply no data….just your word and made up shit., I supplied a study from Cato a conservative think tank which bolsters my comments.
This is a thread specifically about data and all of my data comes from the United States Bureau Of Labor Statistics.

It can be found here U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. All monthly unemployment rates from January 1948 through December 2023 are provided. Its not a poltical site, think tank, pushing a particular point of view. Its raw, objective, unbiased data. FACTS!

Provided one understands math, one can add up the monthly unemployment rates and get the average monthly unemployment rate for the time period each U.S. President was in office. That is what I've done. There is NOTHING made up about it at all.
U2Edge is mumbling. That means he cut Bush's recession unemployment by 4%. How about that?

Obama replaced all the jobs Bush caused to be lost and added even more. How about that?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8%
This is a thread about the AVERAGE MONTHLY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE for each President since just after World War II. To find that, you have to add each monthly figure of unemployment during a Presidents time in office and then divide it by the total number of months in office. The highs and lows of the unemployment rate during a Presidents time in office won't be shown, just the average. But it includes ALL THE Unemployment Data during a Presidents time in office, instead of looking at one particular time in office when a Presidents unemployment figures looked GOOD or BAD. So it makes for a comprehensive, and factual look at the entire time a President was in office!
This is a thread about the AVERAGE MONTHLY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE for each President since just after World War II. To find that, you have to add each monthly figure of unemployment during a Presidents time in office and then divide it by the total number of months in office. The highs and lows of the unemployment rate during a Presidents time in office won't be shown, just the average. But it includes ALL THE Unemployment Data during a Presidents time in office, instead of looking at one particular time in office when a Presidents unemployment figures looked GOOD or BAD. So it makes for a comprehensive, and factual look at the entire time a President was in office!

averages are rarely helpful as they fall easy prey to outliers.

Think about this, if Bill Gates shows up at a LA Rams football game, the average net worth of the people in the stadium would go up by millions.
The monthly unemployment rate for December 2023 was 3.7%. This is the 36th unemployment report with Biden in office, his 36th month recorded for this list. This brings Biden's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.23% in November 2023 to 4.20% in December 2023.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Joe Biden: 4.20%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Donald Trump: 5.01%
07. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
08. George W. Bush: 5.27%
09. John Kennedy: 5.98%
10. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
11. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
12. Barack Obama: 7.45%
13. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
14. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

The labor force Participation rate was 62.5% for December 2023, a decrease from the 62.8% in November 2023.
averages are rarely helpful as they fall easy prey to outliers.

Think about this, if Bill Gates shows up at a LA Rams football game, the average net worth of the people in the stadium would go up by millions.
The only way to accurately weigh a 96 month period is to use each month and take the average. Its how students and workers are measured, students with their grades, and workers with their productivity rate per day. To accurately look at a student or worker, you want to look at all the data, not just the best or the worst grades or productivity highs and lows. You want to look at all the data and get an average because that best reflects what happened over a period of time.
The only way to accurately weigh a 96 month period is to use each month and take the average. Its how students and workers are measured, students with their grades, and workers with their productivity rate per day. To accurately look at a student or worker, you want to look at all the data, not just the best or the worst grades or productivity highs and lows. You want to look at all the data and get an average because that best reflects what happened over a period of time.

Two students take 4 test...

Student A gets:


His average is 67.5

Student B gets:


His average is 67.5

Both have the exact same average, which would you say has a better understanding of the information in the class? Or would you assume they are equal?

If you were instead to look at the median and not the average, Student A has a 60 while Student B has 75. This gives a far more accurate picture of both students.
As said before, my data comes from here U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
It’s a fallacy. The average is deceptive. It’s all about the TRENDS. You can have an average speed of 55 mph on a trip, but it only matters when the cop picks you up doing 85 mph through town. Same with temperature. Same with everything including the economy. It’s the TREND not the average. You could have a recession with 10% unemployment for the passed three months and claim everything is fine, because it was 5% average for the whole year before then.
Two students take 4 test...

Student A gets:


His average is 67.5

Student B gets:


His average is 67.5

Both have the exact same average, which would you say has a better understanding of the information in the class? Or would you assume they are equal?

If you were instead to look at the median and not the average, Student A has a 60 while Student B has 75. This gives a far more accurate picture of both students.
Yup, it’s about the trend like everything else is adjudged.
It matters that Trump had a recession with higher unemployment numbers not that the previous months had a better average.It’s ridiculous..

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