The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Wait a minute. Now you want to argue that the Iraq War was necessary because we needed to take out Saddam BEFORE he amassed WMD's?

lol, doesn't that make the argument that invading North Korea was/is necessary BEFORE North Korea gets nukes?

You think it was wrong to wait until, if ever, Saddam got, for example, nuclear WMD's,

but, you think it's perfectly fine to wait until North Korea gets nukes, which they probably already have.

That's funny.

Want to talk about Iran now? And their nuclear program, and why invading Iran should be considered necessary by someone like you???

Here is a little lesson for you to explain what makes Iraq different from the other cases. I've mentioned these all before, but since you don't remember, don't comprehend or didn't read it to begin with, here they are:

1. Saddam's Iraq invaded and attack four different countries while Saddam was in power!
North Korea by contrast has not invaded another country since 1950, plus it was done just after Korea was divided between North and South.

2. Saddam annexed Kuwait, the first leader to annex another country since Adolf Hitler did it in the 1940s!
North Korea has never annexed another country!

3. Saddam fired Ballistic Missiles at multiple different countries.
North Korea has never fired Ballistic Missiles at any country!

4. Saddam has used WMD more times than any leader since World War I on foreign countries and his own people.
North Korea has WMD, but has never used it!

5. Saddam's Iraq sits in close proximity to much of the worlds vital energy supply. The seizure and sabotage of such energy supply could cause a devastating economic Depression.
North Korea is hundreds if not thousands of miles from any major energy resources.

6. Saddam's Iraq was in violation of 15 UN Security Council Resolutions passed under Chapter VII rules of the United Nations which allow for the use of force to bring about compliance.
North Korea is not in violation of any UN Security Council Resolutions passed under Chapter VII rules of the United Nations.

7. Saddam's Iraq has violated multiple times and in multiple way the 1991 Ceasefire Agreement for the Gulf War. This Ceasefire agreement authorized UN members to use military force if Saddam violated the agreement. The Ceasefire agreement required Iraq to abandon its WMD programs, both weapons and the ability to produce such weapons, as well as paying reperations to Kuwait for the demage they did to the country. Saddam's Iraq failed to do either.
While North Korea has violated the Korean War ceasefire, there is no authorization for military force from UN members to bring about compliance with the ceasefire or to rectify any violations. In addition, North Korea is not required under the cease fire to not have any particular types of weapons.

8. Saddam's Iraq has had all kinds of different types of WMD and has used them multiple times killing thousands of people. North Korea, has WMD, but has never used them. France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, Israel, Syria, and many other countries around the world also have WMD. Simply having WMD is not the reason for taking military action against another country. Its the having WMD, using it, especially in ways that grossly violate human rights, which make it a serious threat to the international community requiring military action. Again, the key here is Saddam's behavior plus WMD weapons or past WMD capability as well as the means to produce it again which make military action a necessity.

9. Saddam's Iraq was under a large sanctions and weapons embargo in order to contain him. This sanctions and weapons embargo began to collapse allow Saddam to sell oil in the black market and obtain weapons and materials for WMD freely.
North Korea has never been under such a sanctions and weapons embargo and receives large scale aid from China and Russia in addition to buying weapons. They often receive food aid from the United States, South Korea and Japan.

10. Saddam's Iraq was ordered to disband all of its WMD programs in 1991 by the UN. It was also ordered to destroy all stocks of WMD, Chemical, Biological. It was under no circumstances allowed to develop Nuclear related energy or actual weapons. North Koreas was never placed under such restrictions and its possession of chemical and biological weapons is not in violation of any UN security Council resolutions passed under chapter VII rules, just as the United Kingdom and France are not violation of any UN security council resolutions passed under Chapter VII rules. of the UN.

11. It is Saddam's passed behavior plus possession of WMD or WMD related programs or the potential for build WMD which make make regime removal NECESSARY unlike with North Korea or Iran! North Korea has actually had nuclear weapons since 1994 and has had chemical and biological weapons since the 1970s. Its only in recent years that they have exploded nuclear devices for test purposes.

12. Finally war with North Korea would likely mean war with China with all the costly consequences that would entail. In addition Seoul South Korea has a population of 10 million people within artillery range of the DMZ. Millions of people would become casualties within the first few months of any conflict.

None of that makes the case that war was necessary. You can repeat bullshit as many times as you like but it's still bullshit.

It explains why Saddam's Iraq is a far different situation than North Korea. Apparently, you didn't read it.

Because of Iraq's brutal invasion, occupation and annexation of Kuwait in 1990, the United States and other countries, then UN, passed a number of resolutions against Iraq sanctioning them and ordering them to get out, and threatening military action if they failed to comply. Iraq failed to comply and the 1991 Gulf War started. Iraq's forces were defeated and pushed out. Saddam's actions and potention future actions were a grave threat to the global economy given that much of the worlds energy supplies is in Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia and the sudden loss of that supplies would cause a world collapsing Economic Depression. A ceasefire was signed in which Iraq agreed to multiple conditions. In lieu of actually removing Saddam in 1991, the coalition put a large scale sanctions and weapons embargo in place to contain him and also launched limited military strikes year after year, and place a no fly zone in the north and a no fly zone in the south of Iraq. This was the containment strategy and was done in the hopes that it could succeed as the only alternative to it was invading Iraq and removing Saddam. But after 12 years, the strategy had failed, and the key components of containment, the sanctions and the weapons embargo had fallen apart. Saddam was not able to sell billions of dollars worth of oil on the black market and could begin rebuilding the huge military force that he once had at the end of the 1980s. With containment option gone, the only option to deal with Saddam was invasion and regime removal. Waiting to do that would only allow Saddam to grow stronger and would mean a far more costly invasion. So the decision to invade and remove Saddam was made in early 2003 as it remained the only effective way to deal with Saddam, plus doing in now rather than later would save lives and cost less money. That briefly explains why removing Saddam had become a necessity. My last post explained why North Korea is a completely different situation from Iraq!
The monthly unemployment rate for June was 7.6%. This is Obama's 54 month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from 8.86% to 8.83%.

Here is the new standings for Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.83%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.83%
The monthly unemployment rate for July was 7.4%. This is Obama's 55th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from 8.83% to 8.80%.

Here is the new standings for Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.80%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.80%
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The monthly unemployment rate for July was 7.4%. This is Obama's 55th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from 8.83% to 8.80%.

Here is the new standings for Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.83%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.80%

Totally understandable. He don't want folks to work. He just wants the 1% to pay for his votes

A) Obama was the only president since WW II presented with the country in free fall DEPRESSION, and total obstruction from the opposition. Total BS, like the new BS GOP.
B) Raygun, Rummie, and Darth got in bed with Saddam in the 80's- and Osama in Afghan - how did that all work out? One big chickenhawk idiot disaster. Ronnie gave him chemicals and didn't mind him using them.
C) Anyone supporting the GOP now are greedy assholes or racists or fools or likely all the above lol...
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A) Obama was the only president since WW II presented with the country in free fall DEPRESSION, and total obstruction from the opposition. Total BS, like the new BS GOP.
B) Raygun, Rummie, and Darth got in bed with Saddam in the 80's- and Osama in Afghan - how did that all work out? One big chickenhawk idiot disaster. Ronnie gave him chemicals and didn't mind him using them.
C) Anyone supporting the GOP now are greedy assholes or racists or fools or likely all the above lol...

Sheer and utter bullshit. Just like you. Obama had a two YEAR period at the beginning of his reign where he had BOTH HOUSES of CONGRESS you asshat.
Obama doesn't give a shit; his ideology is the only thing he cares about.

I used to think that. Now I think he just wants to get paid.
A) Obama was the only president since WW II presented with the country in free fall DEPRESSION, and total obstruction from the opposition. Total BS, like the new BS GOP.
B) Raygun, Rummie, and Darth got in bed with Saddam in the 80's- and Osama in Afghan - how did that all work out? One big chickenhawk idiot disaster. Ronnie gave him chemicals and didn't mind him using them.
C) Anyone supporting the GOP now are greedy assholes or racists or fools or likely all the above lol...

Sheer and utter bullshit. Just like you. Obama had a two YEAR period at the beginning of his reign where he had BOTH HOUSES of CONGRESS you asshat.

Is that right, brainwashed functional moron/ tool of the greedy a-hole idiot rich? Well, ACTUALLY, on planet earth Obama had from 7/7/2009 till 2/4/2010, and if you subtract the days Kennedy was on his death bed and days out of session, he had 13 DAYS.

Do you enjoy having your hypocrite party making a fool/a-hole out of YOU everyday. Everything you know is wrong- change the channel, hater dupe. Hoping for your recovery.
The President with the greatest economic crash since the Great Depression is?

The amount of national debt is paramount, so the answer is "whoever is elected in 2016."

Obamacare puts the icing on the cake, so to speak.:mad:

The unemployment numbers are actually much worse when you consider underemployed, part-timers, and those no longer looking for work.
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The monthly unemployment rate for November was 7.0%. This is Obama's 59th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from the average 8.80% in July at 55 months to the average 8.70% in November at 59 months.

Here is the new standings for Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.70%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.70%
President Obama has cut his unemployment rate by 2% while Bush doubled his

Obama has had a net employment increase of 1 million jobs a month since he became president
When Obama took office the unemployment rate was 7.8. The latest number was 7.0. After five years of unprecedented quantitative easing by the Fed and massive amounts of money spent on stimulus a reduction of the unemployment number of .8% is hardly something to be proud of...especially if you factor in all of the people who have simply given up and taken themselves out of the labor figures or the ones that became so desperate that they took part time work and hence weren't counted. Then there are the people who are getting full time hours cut back to part time so their employers can keep the number of employees under the ACA cutoff. Three part timers doing the work of two full time employees doesn't REALLY equate to job growth...except in our oh so questionable unemployment formulas.
President Obama has cut his unemployment rate by 2% while Bush doubled his

Obama has had a net employment increase of 1 million jobs a month since he became president

That only takes into account the single montly high, and the single monthly low. This is about the AVERAGE PER MONTH. Essentially, on average, what were the Bush years like, what were the Obama years like. You need to look at all the months they were in office in order to see that. The momentary one month high and one month low are just two months out of the 96 months Bush was in office and the 59 months that Obama has been in office.

Also, the economy has to create 200,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. So a net increase of 1 million jobs is nothing to sing about.
The sad truth is...there is almost ALWAYS a "bounce back" from an economic recession but the policies of this Administration took the air out of that bounce. Passing the ACA might have been a great strategy for liberals to take advantage of their Super Majorities to get us headed down the path to government controlled health care but it was terrible strategy for creating jobs and helping the economy recover.
President Obama has cut his unemployment rate by 2% while Bush doubled his

Obama has had a net employment increase of 1 million jobs a month since he became president

That only takes into account the single montly high, and the single monthly low. This is about the AVERAGE PER MONTH. Essentially, on average, what were the Bush years like, what were the Obama years like. You need to look at all the months they were in office in order to see that. The momentary one month high and one month low are just two months out of the 96 months Bush was in office and the 59 months that Obama has been in office.

Also, the economy has to create 200,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. So a net increase of 1 million jobs is nothing to sing about.

And of course they never account for the numbers leaving off MANY MANY who have just been 'looking too long' etc...

The labor force participation rate tells a much better story....
When Obama took office the unemployment rate was 7.8. The latest number was 7.0. After five years of unprecedented quantitative easing by the Fed and massive amounts of money spent on stimulus a reduction of the unemployment number of .8% is hardly something to be proud of...especially if you factor in all of the people who have simply given up and taken themselves out of the labor figures or the ones that became so desperate that they took part time work and hence weren't counted. Then there are the people who are getting full time hours cut back to part time so their employers can keep the number of employees under the ACA cutoff. Three part timers doing the work of two full time employees doesn't REALLY equate to job growth...except in our oh so questionable unemployment formulas.

Just to add, when Obama took office, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%. Its now down to 62.8%.

If the labor force participation rate were still at 65.7% like it was in January 2009, the current unemployment rate would not be 7%, it would be 10.9%, worse than it was in October 2009 when it peaked at 10%.!

All of Obama's improvements in the unemployment rate have been because the labor force participation rate has shrunk several percentage points for the first time in history!

Millions of people have been forced into early retirement or have yet to even have a job if their young, 16-24.

The real story that needs to be told is how all these people are fighting to survive since Obama has been in office.
President Obama has cut his unemployment rate by 2% while Bush doubled his

Obama has had a net employment increase of 1 million jobs a month since he became president

That only takes into account the single montly high, and the single monthly low. This is about the AVERAGE PER MONTH. Essentially, on average, what were the Bush years like, what were the Obama years like. You need to look at all the months they were in office in order to see that. The momentary one month high and one month low are just two months out of the 96 months Bush was in office and the 59 months that Obama has been in office.

Also, the economy has to create 200,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. So a net increase of 1 million jobs is nothing to sing about.

What does average have to do with anything?

Bush was given a thriving economy and 4% unemployment....he left a near depression and over 8% unemployment

Losing 770000 jobs a month is not something to brag about

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