The price of not being PC

So now if a person is clearly a man, even though they try to dress differently, and they want you to address them as a woman, you will be in violation of a law if you don't go along with it. Great.

What can you say folks, this is America 2015, and looks like liberals are definitely winning in certain areas of the country.
My advice, unless you are a fucking stinking liberal, don't live in one of these cartoon cities.

You can call anyone anything you want, dickhead.

Well apparently according to this law, it's not quite so simple. If the person wants to be addressed as a woman, looks like you must go along with that dickbreath.

Only if you are the employer.....or a government New York City, douche nozzle. Since you aren't in danger of being a transgendered persons employer and you aren't a government employee in can still be a prick and refer to someone in such a way as to make yourself feel better.

Obviously we were talking about NYC, that was in the OP.

And obviously the discussion is about employers or government entities in NYC.
Yeah,it says you can't harass people based on their gender. It must be a dark day in Conservistan. mean chosen sexual orientation

Somehow you're not able to harass people and this is seen as a bad thing

Somehow you're not able to be truthful.
Just because someone WANTS to be seen as a woman or a man, does not make it necessarily biologically truthful.

harassment is harassment. This simply extends the penalties to a new group of persons.
Yeah,it says you can't harass people based on their gender. It must be a dark day in Conservistan. mean chosen sexual orientation

Somehow you're not able to harass people and this is seen as a bad thing
So, you agree with me. Someone chooses to be gay, not born that way.... Lol

When did you make the choice to be heterosexual?
When did find your "gay" gene??
Yeah,it says you can't harass people based on their gender. It must be a dark day in Conservistan. mean chosen sexual orientation

Somehow you're not able to harass people and this is seen as a bad thing
So, you agree with me. Someone chooses to be gay, not born that way.... Lol

When did you make the choice to be heterosexual?
When did find your "gay" gene??


The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions, but scientists hypothesize that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine sexual orientation.

The only "choice " is in acting upon your natural inclinations. Why shouldn't consenting adult gays act upon their natural inclinations?
Yeah,it says you can't harass people based on their gender. It must be a dark day in Conservistan. mean chosen sexual orientation

Somehow you're not able to harass people and this is seen as a bad thing
So, you agree with me. Someone chooses to be gay, not born that way.... Lol

When did you make the choice to be heterosexual?
When did find your "gay" gene??
When did you find yours Mary? mean chosen sexual orientation

Somehow you're not able to harass people and this is seen as a bad thing
So, you agree with me. Someone chooses to be gay, not born that way.... Lol

When did you make the choice to be heterosexual?
When did find your "gay" gene??
When did you find yours Mary?

As far as I can tell, they don't exist. Cookie
When I see it I believe it...
Turns out the story is correct.

NYC Commission on Human Rights Announces Strong Protections for City's Transgender

Not being PC now makes you subject to significant penalties.

I didn't fail, you attacked source and the source linked. As for fining someone for this? Complete BS and it would fail on the first challenge. You idiot leftists are constantly out doing yourselves on stupid shit.

Same thing is happening in schools. If they don't allow males (at least those with male bodies) into girls' locker rooms, bathrooms and showers, they lose funding. So, hurt all students because some young girls don't want to shower with naked men. While some college kids are whining about safe spaces, our youth in schools have to give up their comfort for the sake of political correctness. If a male student identifies as female, his/her needs overrides everyone else's.

"For the Obama administration, a student who is questioning his/her gender identity ought to take priority over the objections that other students might have to undressing (or seeing someone undress) in front of students of the opposite sex.

For instance, the Department of Education recently ordered a suburban Chicago school to allow a biologically male student (now identifying as a female) unrestricted access to the girls’ locker rooms and shower facilities.

The decision by the Department of Education shows that the Obama administration plans to make a precedent of accommodating the goals of the transgender movement regardless of the impacts in may have on local school districts or young students.

This will create many negative consequences on private educational institutions, many of which have religious affiliation and, at the present time, enjoy a non-profit tax status from the federal government. This status may soon be in jeopardy.

The non-profit tax issue was discussed in April when oral argument was heard for Obergefell v. Hodges. Anderson has laid out why this is a real concern:

In the oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Obergefell (the case redefining marriage), Justice Samuel Alito asked Solicitor General Donald Verrilli whether a university or college might lose its nonprofit tax status because of its conviction that marriage is the union of husband and wife. Verrilli’s response was chilling: ‘It’s certainly going to be an issue. I—I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is—it is going to be an issue.’

This is no longer a distant possibility, but a present reality that private institutions must prepare for. As Nathan Swanson argues at Public Discourse, "Obergefell may force private schools to decide between holding fast to their beliefs and maintaining their eligibility for school choice programs. Schools may be forced to close to avoid government scrutiny and interference in their faith."

Congress has yet to pass any bill remotely close to the "Equality Act," but it seems that schools are already being forced to comply with the will of the Department of Education. The conclusion seems clear: Comply with the new standard or lose funding.

These decisions show a clear overreach of authority by the Obama administration. The federal government is deliberately forcing a political agenda onto parents, teachers, and students. Rather than focusing on giving parents more choices with where and how to educate their children, the Department of Education is in effect punishing schools if they do not follow a liberal political agenda."

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