The problem with republicans: too much emotion

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

You're Funny -you were trying tobe funny weren't you ? I know you can't possibly be typing that with a straight face .

Liberal Fascists and their useful idiots ridicule, insult, degrade and demean stay-at-home moms on a continual basis.
Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said,

She's correct. That is not feminism. That's the only point she's making, not that it's bad. It's not bad, but it's not feminism, it's the traditional role.

You wingnuts think everything is an affront, even word definitions. :lol:

Who is Amy Glass, and why do you think she's a Liberal?

And why should I care what she thinks?

Not what she said. She said Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, which was a mistake. She meant to say that Ann Romney has never been employed in her life. Which is true.

We react to the asinine statements that continually flow like diarrhea from their mouths. Just like we react to Todd Aiken, Alan West, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and all the other dim Republican men.

I'm noticing that none of these other examples have anything to do with stay home mom's so I guess you are grasping and flailing.

Of course, you can't point to an example. There's no such thing as the Liberal Press. It's corporate press.



Ms. Malkin had to sell her nome and change her residence because of serious threats against her and her Family -

Are you talking about Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin? Is that the same Michelle Malkin who published the address of Graeme Frost, the 12 year old S-CHIP recipient, unleashing a torrent of death threats and hate directed at his family?

Rightwing compassion:

This is America people -what the Fuck are you People you doing !!!!

Improving it despite the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers.

WOW ! I can see your claw marks on ths side of the abyss as you descend further and further into the pit of irrelevance . Sorry Pal , but your canned vitrole and reactionary diarhea are not worth my time at present - go stand in the corner till I have a moments time to smack you over the ass with the ruler - Got It !?
You may believe it -but as for myself I know it -and am willing to bet the farm on it.

Yet another example of emotion over facts. You want it to be true so therefore you believe it.

No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .

Good god dude. I really don't give a shit you hate Obama. Hate him all you want but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .
Maybe once republicans begin to realize the importance of gov services like infrastructure and Medicare/Medicaid they will understand the importance of government itself. It's only when a lack of gov effects them directly do they realize how important government and revenue really is. That is the kind of stupidity we are dealing with.

Republicans need to get out of the way. Their stupidity is what is impeding our nation's progress. Fortunately, many of the old republicans stuck in the 50s will be dead in a decade or two.
...but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

Hillary Clinton was actually the first to bring up the issue of Obama's birth, so I take it that you will not be voting for that "tard" in 2016?

After 8 years, there is still a question regarding where the man was actually born. That should tell you something. If it were unquestionable, the question would not remain. I don't KNOW where he was born, but I think the circumstances surrounding it are very suspect. To me, it's not an important issue. I am far more concerned with how he systematically destroying America. He's not only the worst president we've ever had, he's the only president who has truly hated America and what we stand for. And you liberal goobs cheer him on!
Yet another example of emotion over facts. You want it to be true so therefore you believe it.

No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .

Good god dude. I really don't give a shit you hate Obama. Hate him all you want but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

Good god dud. I really don't give a shit if you're brainless. Be brtainless all you want but the fact that you actually have no mind of your own and believe whatever the Liberal Media drums into your head makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years undeniable evidence has been presented of the greates fraud ever perpetrated on the American People , overwhelming evidence that he was born outside of the US. It's been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt -yet the really frightening part about it is- that everyone who is anyone knows the truth [Not you ass hat -you're nobody] and still nothing is done about it. WOW


April 3, 2007: BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller. shows that the Dystel website used the following biography for Obama as of April 3, 2007:
BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.

After Obama launched his presidential campaign the Obama bio was changed to state that Obama was born in Hawaii: BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Hawaii to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.


I could blow away the entire thread - but that's not the OP -
No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .

Good god dude. I really don't give a shit you hate Obama. Hate him all you want but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

Good god dud. I really don't give a shit if you're brainless. Be brtainless all you want but the fact that you actually have no mind of your own and believe whatever the Liberal Media drums into your head makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years undeniable evidence has been presented of the greates fraud ever perpetrated on the American People , overwhelming evidence that he was born outside of the US. It's been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt -yet the really frightening part about it is- that everyone who is anyone knows the truth [Not you ass hat -you're nobody] and still nothing is done about it. WOW


April 3, 2007: BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller. shows that the Dystel website used the following biography for Obama as of April 3, 2007:
BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.

After Obama launched his presidential campaign the Obama bio was changed to state that Obama was born in Hawaii: BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Hawaii to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.


I could blow away the entire thread - but that's not the OP -

Holy shit. Just because text exists that says he was born in Kenya does not mean he was actually born there you goon. Seriously, how did he become president. What in god's name allowed him to be president? How could such a massive oversight happen? Nothing about it is plausible.
Yet another example of emotion over facts. You want it to be true so therefore you believe it.

No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .

Good god dude. I really don't give a shit you hate Obama. Hate him all you want but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

billy ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, i laff at your triple NOTHING ! :lmao:

your MESSiah WAS born in Kenya, your favorite news media said so, sometimes i believe them, this one of those times. :lmao:
No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .

Good god dude. I really don't give a shit you hate Obama. Hate him all you want but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

billy ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, i laff at your triple NOTHING ! :lmao:

your MESSiah WAS born in Kenya, your favorite news media said so, sometimes i believe them, this one of those times. :lmao:

Translation: herp a derp derp derp!
Holy shit. Just because text exists that says he was born in Kenya does not mean he was actually born there you goon. Seriously, how did he become president. What in god's name allowed him to be president? How could such a massive oversight happen? Nothing about it is plausible.

LMAO... So the argument is: He shouldn't be president because he wasn't born here. You demand "proof" of that, and someone gives you "proof" of it. Then you claim the "proof" must not be legitimate because he IS president. Do you not see a problem with your logic here?

What in God's name allowed him to be president is called The Election. He became president because he had more Electoral votes than the other guy. You know how this works. What you want to know is how he managed to actually RUN for president, if he wasn't qualified. Well, that comes under the purview of the Democratic Party certification process, where Nancy Pelosi supposedly vetted Obama and certified he met the standards of eligibility. Of course, Nancy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

As I said, Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of his eligibility. There is a ton of evidence to suggest he wasn't born in Hawaii.
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Holy shit. Just because text exists that says he was born in Kenya does not mean he was actually born there you goon. Seriously, how did he become president. What in god's name allowed him to be president? How could such a massive oversight happen? Nothing about it is plausible.

LMAO... So the argument is: He shouldn't be president because he wasn't born here. You demand "proof" of that, and someone gives you "proof" of it. Then you claim the "proof" must not be legitimate because he IS president. Do you not see a problem with your logic here?

What in God's name allowed him to be president is called The Election. He became president because he had more Electoral votes than the other guy. You know how this works. What you want to know is how he managed to actually RUN for president, if he wasn't qualified. Well, that comes under the purview of the Democratic Party certification process, where Nancy Pelosi supposedly vetted Obama and certified he met the standards of eligibility. Of course, Nancy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

As I said, Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of his eligibility. There is a ton of evidence to suggest he wasn't born in Hawaii.

Dude you are so fucking stupid. A person is automatically not qualified to be president if they are not born here. It is a rule of law. If Obama wasn't born here he wouldn't even make it past the petition stage you nitwit.
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Dude you are so fucking stupid. A person is automatically not qualified to be president if they are not born here. It is a rule of law. If Obama wasn't born here he wouldn't even make it past the petition stage you nitwit.

Go educate yourself about this subject:

United States presidential eligibility legislation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing is "automatic" or "rule of law" regarding the vetting process. I don't know what you mean by the "petition stage" because the FEC doesn't require any petition. You may be talking about petitions required by individual states to qualify a candidate to be on the ballot, but this is handled by the candidate's political party and Obama wouldn't have a problem meeting such a requirement.
Funny shit you right wingers spread.

What you are really saying is that the fucking Republicans are to stupid to show beyond a shadow of a doubt, with multiple proofs, that Obama wasn't born in the USA.

IF only you Republicans could DO that, you wouldn't appear so fucking stupid.

The fact that you CAN'T do that means you all really are fucking stupid. Put up or STFU.
Most "conservatives" I know like government as long as it is confined to the areas that they think it ought to be, like warfare and the womb.
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Funny shit you right wingers spread.

What you are really saying is that the fucking Republicans are to stupid to show beyond a shadow of a doubt, with multiple proofs, that Obama wasn't born in the USA.

IF only you Republicans could DO that, you wouldn't appear so fucking stupid.

The fact that you CAN'T do that means you all really are fucking stupid. Put up or STFU.

It's hard to prove a negative. Obama (now) says he was born in Hawaii, he presented a short-form birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii, the Democrat registrar in Hawaii confirms he was born in Hawaii, Nancy Pelosi confirms he is eligible, courts have found no show cause, and now we have people arguing that he has already served 1.5 terms as president, it's academic at this point.

You say "put up or STFU" and people keep putting up.... repeatedly, over and over again... reams of evidence that seem to suggest he either 1) wasn't born in Hawaii or 2) did an awful lot of misleading and outright lying about this through the course of his life. Now I don't know which one is true, I have not stated that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. You got that, buddy? I repeat... I HAVE NOT CLAIMED he wasn't born in Hawaii. But as an objective observer, I have to ask, why hasn't this gone away? Why can't Obama release his medical records, his education records, etc.? Why can't 'We The People' see those? I can't help but think, if Obama were a Republican, you people would be going off your nut over this.
Dude you are so fucking stupid. A person is automatically not qualified to be president if they are not born here. It is a rule of law. If Obama wasn't born here he wouldn't even make it past the petition stage you nitwit.

Go educate yourself about this subject:

United States presidential eligibility legislation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing is "automatic" or "rule of law" regarding the vetting process. I don't know what you mean by the "petition stage" because the FEC doesn't require any petition. You may be talking about petitions required by individual states to qualify a candidate to be on the ballot, but this is handled by the candidate's political party and Obama wouldn't have a problem meeting such a requirement.

So the fact that he has a valid birth certificate makes no never mind to you?
So the fact that he has a valid birth certificate makes no never mind to you?

Well, I have yet to see a "valid" birth certificate. I've seen a certificate that claims he was born in Hawaii, but it's the same certificate anyone who lived in Hawaii in 1961 could have obtained by filling out a request form and submitting to the Dept. of Health. It doesn't prove he was actually born there. Hawaii was two years removed from becoming a state, and they were issuing these things like candy to the residents of the state. All you had to do was sign an affidavit stating you were telling the truth and were actually born in Hawaii on the date provided.

If Obama was actually born in Hawaii in 1961, then there would have been a mandatory long-form certification of live birth. This would include information like, what hospital he was born at, who the attending physician was, his birth measurements, information about his parents and their residency. That document has never been produced. Why not?

I would genuinely like to know who birthed the Baby Barack, and I'm sure you and yours would like to see the hospital where your Messiah was born. Why can't we be given this information? Officials in Hawaii have stated that it does exist, and I don't doubt their honesty, so let's see it... what's the big deal?

Also, what's the deal with his grandmother? She testified under oath that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya. Did she perjure herself, and if so, why? Does this have something to do with why we also can't see his education records, what scholarships he received, information he gave on his admission forms, etc.? Seems to me we got to see every little detail of Bush's transcripts, they were trotted out and paraded around for months on end, but with Obama it's taboo to even ask for them. We're made out to be nuts and kooks because we simply want to see the records. Why is that? :dunno:
So the fact that he has a valid birth certificate makes no never mind to you?

Well, I have yet to see a "valid" birth certificate. I've seen a certificate that claims he was born in Hawaii, but it's the same certificate anyone who lived in Hawaii in 1961 could have obtained by filling out a request form and submitting to the Dept. of Health. It doesn't prove he was actually born there. Hawaii was two years removed from becoming a state, and they were issuing these things like candy to the residents of the state. All you had to do was sign an affidavit stating you were telling the truth and were actually born in Hawaii on the date provided.

If Obama was actually born in Hawaii in 1961, then there would have been a mandatory long-form certification of live birth. This would include information like, what hospital he was born at, who the attending physician was, his birth measurements, information about his parents and their residency. That document has never been produced. Why not?

I would genuinely like to know who birthed the Baby Barack, and I'm sure you and yours would like to see the hospital where your Messiah was born. Why can't we be given this information? Officials in Hawaii have stated that it does exist, and I don't doubt their honesty, so let's see it... what's the big deal?

Also, what's the deal with his grandmother? She testified under oath that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya. Did she perjure herself, and if so, why? Does this have something to do with why we also can't see his education records, what scholarships he received, information he gave on his admission forms, etc.? Seems to me we got to see every little detail of Bush's transcripts, they were trotted out and paraded around for months on end, but with Obama it's taboo to even ask for them. We're made out to be nuts and kooks because we simply want to see the records. Why is that? :dunno:

What so even though he has presented the long form BC on several occassions to be authenticated it is still fake? Seriously? Who exactly is in on this massive conspiracy to cover it up? Don't you see how ridiculous it sounds? How could such a massive oversight happen? It's complete non sense.
So the fact that he has a valid birth certificate makes no never mind to you?

Well, I have yet to see a "valid" birth certificate. I've seen a certificate that claims he was born in Hawaii, but it's the same certificate anyone who lived in Hawaii in 1961 could have obtained by filling out a request form and submitting to the Dept. of Health. It doesn't prove he was actually born there. Hawaii was two years removed from becoming a state, and they were issuing these things like candy to the residents of the state. All you had to do was sign an affidavit stating you were telling the truth and were actually born in Hawaii on the date provided.

If Obama was actually born in Hawaii in 1961, then there would have been a mandatory long-form certification of live birth. This would include information like, what hospital he was born at, who the attending physician was, his birth measurements, information about his parents and their residency. That document has never been produced. Why not?

I would genuinely like to know who birthed the Baby Barack, and I'm sure you and yours would like to see the hospital where your Messiah was born. Why can't we be given this information? Officials in Hawaii have stated that it does exist, and I don't doubt their honesty, so let's see it... what's the big deal?

Also, what's the deal with his grandmother? She testified under oath that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya. Did she perjure herself, and if so, why? Does this have something to do with why we also can't see his education records, what scholarships he received, information he gave on his admission forms, etc.? Seems to me we got to see every little detail of Bush's transcripts, they were trotted out and paraded around for months on end, but with Obama it's taboo to even ask for them. We're made out to be nuts and kooks because we simply want to see the records. Why is that? :dunno:

What so even though he has presented the long form BC on several occassions to be authenticated it is still fake? Seriously? Who exactly is in on this massive conspiracy to cover it up? Don't you see how ridiculous it sounds? How could such a massive oversight happen? It's complete non sense.

But he hasn't presented the long-form birth certificate or we'd know which hospital he was born at and the attending physician. Since we do not have that information, it pretty much proves he has not presented a long-form birth certificate. An official in Hawaii said she has seen the long-form birth certificate, so it apparently does exist... why can't we see it?

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